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News from TGI Network of Rhode Island
by Ethan Huckel
We at TGI Network of Rhode Island are excited to be a part of important work being done to address the needs of the trans community. In January, the Trans Action Coalition hosted a listening session with community members and policy makers to identify existing barriers to housing, and to begin a concentrated and coordinated effort to address these barriers. The event turnout was fantastic, and a great deal of energy was generated to carry this work forward. Additionally, we’re fighting for legislation to update our local parentage laws to be inclusive of LGBTQ families, and children born through the use of reproductive technology. Rhode Islanders for Parentage Equality is continuing an effort that stalled late in Rhode Island’s 2019 legislative session. We are hopeful that this year will end more positively.
This March, we will host our third annual Empowerment Breakfast for Trans Day of Visibility, where we will gather to celebrate the work being done to benefit our community. We will present awards to a community member and an ally who have, through their advocacy, bettered the lives of transgender and gender diverse Rhode Islanders. Stay tuned for event and award announcements, coming soon.
TGI Network of Rhode Island is the only statewide organization providing support, advocacy, and education for the transgender, gender-diverse, and intersex community (aka trans community). Incorporated in 2011, our mission is to be a resource for TGI people navigating their lives and the medical and legal systems; to serve as a resource for professionals working with TGI people; and to serve as a liaison between the TGI and LGB communities and the community at large. Visit us at www.tginetwork.org.