Options Newsmagazine-May 2012

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

Community Newsmagazine


May 2012

Happy Birthday to

Options! Rhode Island’s LGBT Newsmagazine turns thirty this month


ow many of us remember the first time we saw Options? We have heard so many stories from all of you about what this publication has meant to you all these years. For 30 years, Options has chronicled, and in some cases led advances in understanding and rights for LGBT people in Rhode Island. We’ve been the go-to reference for information, provided space for people to tell their stories, and brought the community together.

magazines in the country (with a nod to our sister publication in CT, the MetroLine, which is the oldest). Makes you kind of proud to be a Rhode Islander, doesn’t it!? In celebration of this big ol’ benchmark, we have events planned throughout the year -- something for everyone! Our first event, the sold-out performance of Take Me Out at 2nd Story Theatre, was fabulous. Just as crazy fab will be our Queer Comedy Night on the 16th, and our LGBT Family Picnic in July. The last event, our official birthday party, is still super -secret. Stay tuned, Options readers! q

Thirty years is a significant milestone. Options is one of the oldest LGBT news-

In this issue: 2 Scene Around Providence 3 Calendar


News Briefs

“Born This Way” Prom Pictures


Letters, Op-Ed

10 Sports Shorts

12 May is Foster Care Month 14 Intimate Partner Violence 16 ICRI

RI Pride



19 SAGE 20 This Month in History

24 PGMC 25 AIDS Community Watch 26 MERI

q Serving the RI LGBT Community our Resources options Since q 1982 q Visit may 2012 Section onqp. 27

1q Subscriptions p. 4 q

Scene Around Providence This month’s photos taken at Easter Bonnet Gay Bingo and the Goddess Show, fundraisers for AIDS Care Ocean State and Rhode Island Pride respectively. Photos by Jack Hartwein-Sanchez, JDHS Photography.

Thanks to everyone who attends fundraisers for our LGBT community organizations!







News Briefs NOH8 Comes to Providence on May 24th

Fenway Institute Launches LGBT Health Education Website As part of the March LGBT Health Awareness Week, the National LGBT Health Education Center at The Fenway Institute launched a new website providing resources to enhance care for LGBT people. The site will support health care providers by providing up-to-date information on LGBT health news, resources, publications, and training. “We have both the responsibility and the opportunity to make sure all people receive effective and sensitive health care, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and that starts with providing health care organizations and clinicians with the tools they need to provide that care,” said Harvey Makadon, M.D., Director of the National LGBT Health Education Center. Visit lgbthealtheducation.org for more information.

On Thursday, May 24 the NOH8 Campaign will bring a mobile studio to Youth Pride Inc., and hold a NOH8 photo shoot from 5 to 8 p.m. You do not need to make reservations; it’s first come, first served. Anyone who would like to join the nationwide NOH8 Campaign is asked to wear a plain white shirt to match the look of the iconic NOH8 photos. The cost for solo portraits is $40, and couple or group portraits are $25 per person. Funds raised at the shoot will be used by the NOH8 Campaign to raise awareness for marriage equality and anti-LGBT discrimination. Youth Pride, Inc. is located at 743 Westminster Street in Providence. For more information visit NOH8Campaign.com.

Defense of Marriage Act Challenged in MA Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders is representing the plaintiffs in Gill et al. v. Office of Personnel Management, a case challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA.) The Gill case was filed in March 2009, and appellate arguments began on April 4, 2012. GLAD’s plaintiffs include seven married same-sex couples and three widowers. The Gill case is the first time an appellate court has heard arguments concerning the constitutionality

of DOMA. The Gill plaintiffs argue that they have been harmed because the federal government, under DOMA, has refused to recognize their marriages for all purposes, including Social Security protections, access to family health insurance policies, and joint income tax filings. “At the age of 82, I’m grateful to have had this day in court, although I never thought I would have to fight the federal government for the Social Security protections that other widows

National LGBT Organizations Respond to Trayvon Martin Case

Mass. Transgender Political Coalition Community Survey Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) invites members of the transgender and allied community to take their bi-annual community feedback survey. The community feedback survey asks transgender and allied people which issues MTPC should address such as improving access to health care and employment, or providing training for employers, organizations, and schools. The survey also asks what kinds of workshops and community events people would like to attend in an effort to provide resources for individuals, create spaces that are affirming, and build and strengthen the transgender community. Anyone who has taken part in the MTPC in the past or would like to in the future is to take this anonymous and confidential survey online at surveymonkey.com/s/MTPC2012.



and widowers can count on,” said plaintiff Herb Burtis. “Losing my spouse John after 60 years together – four of them as a legally married couple – was devastating, and learning that I was losing a safety net I relied on just added to the difficulty of living without John. Nobody should have to go through this during a time of grief.” The National Law Journal has called Gill the case with the greatest potential for national impact.


In response to the killing of Trayvon Martin, a young unarmed black man in a gated Florida community in February, a coalition of national LGBT organizations issued an open letter stating that the killing was a “national call to action;” and demanded justice. The letter stated, in part, “Many in our community have been targets of bigotry and bias. We have a great deal of experience grappling with the role bias plays in violent crimes against our communities…. Every person, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, must be able to walk the streets without fear for their safety.” Co-signers of the letter included the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry, The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, The Trevor Project, Lambda Legal, PFLAG National, and the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce.





From the Editor On the facing page, you will note a very thoughtfully-written editorial about the situation at the University of Rhode Island with regard to the departure of Andrew Winters, the long-time director of the LGBT Center there. This is not the first time we have heard from a member of the URI community, angry over the lack of respect afforded Winters and his supporters. Options adds its voice to the discussion, calling on President Dooley and the URI administration to shed light on the process that brought them to this place. We know that a new director has

been hired, and we would all like to know what happened. Please help the community to understand. On a brighter note, we are looking forward to seeing you all at the Comedy Connection on May 16 for Comedy with a Twist, a fundraising collaboration of some of the funniest gays around! Check it out in our calendar. And thanks for reading, y’all.


Rhode Island’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Newsmagazine Since 1982

MAY 2012 q Vol. XXX1, No. 4 Managing Director Kim Stowell editor@optionsri.org Writers Thomas Bertrand, Kalene Brennan, Jessica Cinquegrana, Dawn Euer, Bradford Greer, Sally Hay, Kerri Kanelos, Emma Garrett Nelson, Jennifer Stevens, Greg Wright Copy Editors Ronan Askrsen, Brian Gay, Steve Kagan, Joseph Morra, Emma Garrett Nelson, Maria Phillips, Andrea Ritter, Jim Seavor, Myra Shays Calendar Editor Annie Cronin Silva calendar@optionsri.org

Your Community Newsmagazine

Resources Editor Myra Shays mshays@verizon.net

Announcing a New Options Feature!

General Information info@optionsri.org Advertising Kyle Marnane advertising@optionsri.org

Lesbians on the Loose: Out of the Closet; Out on the Town!!

Billing Donny McKendall billing@optionsri.org

Our intrepid volunteers Annie and Melanie will be reporting in each month from the hottest parties, events and fundraisers. Take a good look at this photo and keep an eye OUT for them!!

Webmaster Ken Fonzi admin@optionsri.org

Yes, I Want Options... FREE!

P.O. Box 6406 Providence, RI 02940-6406

For a free subscription, mailed discreetly in a plain envelope, please send:


Your Name_________________________________________ Address:____________________________ City___________________ State _____ Zip Code __________

TO: OPTIONS I want to get involved! PO. Box 6406 Please contact me at: Providence, RI 02940 email: phone: options




(401) 724-LGBT

© OPTIONS 2012. Options is published ten times each year. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the governing board, volunteers or staff. Listings are provided as a resource and do not imply endorsement. Submissions to Options must be signed and accompanied by a phone number, but names may be withheld on request. Submissions, ads, calendar or resource listings for the June/July issue must be delivered by May 10. Financial support is also always welcome. For a subscription, send us your name and address or subscribe online at www.optionsri.org. Moving? Send us your old address with your new address.





To the Editor

An Open Letter to The Citizens of Rhode Island

I am supporting David Cicilline’s reelection to the United States Congress. This country faces enormous challenges. Rhode Islanders need a Congressman who will vote the right way on major issues that affect all our lives. A vote for David Cicilline is a vote for sensible economic policies that support working class people. A vote for David Cicilline is a vote for a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which is cruelly discriminatory to same-sex couples. A vote for David Cicilline is a vote to protect women’s reproductive freedoms. A vote for David Cicilline is a vote to protect LGBT rights. A vote for David Cicilline is a vote to stop spending money on unnecessary and costly military actions in other countries. A vote for David Cicilline sends the message that LGBT representation in our government is needed. A vote for David Cicilline is a vote for fairness, compassion, and justice. When you enter the voting booth in November, one candidate will stand in support of the LGBT community. That man is David Cicilline. Joe Siegel Smithfield

To announce the LGBTIQQ Symposium in early April, The University of Rhode issued a press release in which it highlighted the following: “The University of Rhode Island will present a panel discussion focusing on the unique workplace experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, queer or questioning individuals as they navigate life after graduation.” In the context of its discussion of “unique workplace experiences,” the panel should have raised the question of why Andrew Winters is no longer at URI, his former workplace. This is a particularly harrowing question, as, since the mid nineties through last spring, Andrew Winters was the primary organizer of this very symposium. Indeed, thus far, many questions have been raised, but not a single one has been answered. Here is a short summary of what has happened. On April 5, 2011, a number of concerned members of the URI community wrote a letter to URI President David Dooley. In the letter we stated, with a sense of alarm and profound regret, our objections to the letter of reprimand that Andrew Winters had received from Kathryn Friedman, at the time Interim Associate Vice President in the Office of Community, Equity and Diversity. Ms. Friedman alleged that the

LGBT URI community had “without exception” expressed no confidence in Andrew Winters. The two words “without exception” capture the unprofessional nature of this communication and the atmosphere of intimidation and bullying that characterized Andrew Winters’ “unique workplace experience,” once the university administration decided that his tenure at URI would be terminated. Many also understand that it was precisely Andrew’s unrelenting effort to address bullying and harassment at URI that rendered him unwelcome in eyes of the URI administration. URI President David M. Dooley replied: “This issue pertains to a confidential personnel matter and I am not at liberty to meet with you to discuss the situation.” The trouble with this administrative response was that it applies to any conceivable form of arbitrary and capricious conduct of the administration directed at anyone. By definition, any such abuse of power by administrators could be construed as “a confidential personnel matter” and, following this reasoning, would be beyond scrutiny, discussion, and accountability. This objection, predictably, drew no response. The same happened to a letter to the Rhode Island Board of Governors of Higher Education. The Board never had the courtesy

Oh, to turn 30 in the Spring.... Why not wish Options a Happy Birthday with a contribution?

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or visit us online at

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Cash $100


q $50

and use our secure

Check (made payable to Options)

q $40 q


PayPal account

q $15 q Other: $_______

Please return to Options, P.O. Box 6406, Providence, RI 02940







to acknowledge receipt of our letter, and to date has failed to take appropriate corrective action.

May is MAY IS NATIONAL National R CARE MONTH! Foster Care ht today for moreMonth! information 50 ext. 3305 or attend our

be public oversight of URI procedures, governance, and due process? 3. How can there be progress, unless URI is held fully accountable for the injustice done to Andrew Winters?

Fast forward to Tuesday, Jan. 24. At that date, The House Commission to Study Public Higher Education Affordability MAYand IS Ac4. How can Andrew Winters’ successor, cessibility in Rhode Island visited URI for Annie Russell, operate effectively in a cliNATIONAL a public hearing to collect expert testimony mate in which messengers of bad news are FOSTER CARE MONTH! to improve affordability and accessibility not tolerated? of higher educaCall Greg Wright today for more information 5. With all tion. At the hearthe above quesat 331-1350 ext. 3305 or attend our ing, I made the Call Greg Wright today for more tions looming following stateinformation at 331-1350, ext. unanswered, how 3305 or attend our ment and raised can there ever be the following OPEN HOUSE adequate support questions, which Wednesday, May 16, 5-7 p.m. for LGBT stuare recorded in 134 Thurbers Ave., Providence dents at URI?” the minutes of We provide the most comprehensive services and supports We provide the most comprehensive services and supports Since its inthe meeting: comprehensive services and supports 24/7 On-Call Support 24/7 On-Call Support • 24/7 On-Call Support ception, the URI “As of Au• Clinical/Case Management Teams l /Case Management Teams Clinical /Case Management Teams LGBTIQQ SymPLUS gust 2011, URI is PLUS • Weekly payment to support placement PLUS posium has been number 14 out of • Quarterly clothing allowance for placement conducted in the payment to support placement Weekly payment to support placement 20 on the Princetradition of proothing Allowances for placement Clothing Allowances for placement ton Review listQuarterly of moting cultural the least LGBTsensitivity and friendly schools. advocacy for fair Clearly, URI is and equitable MAY IS MAY IS not accessible treatment of LGNATIONAL to students for NATIONAL BTIQQ people. FOSTER CARE MONTH! FOSTER CARE MONTH! whom the LGBT In keeping with climate and safeCall Greg Wright today for more information Call Greg Wright today for more information this tradition, I MAY IS MAY IS at 331-1350 ext. 3305 or attend our ty is aourconcern. at 331-1350 ext. 3305 or attend respectfully ask URI operates unNATIONAL NATIONAL OPEN HOUSE—WEDNESDAY MAY 16, OPEN HOUSE—WEDNESDAY MAY that16, the citizens der the cloud ofFOSTER CARE MONTH! R CARE MONTH! 5:00-7:00PMwhat it has done to Andrew Winters, who, of 5:00-7:00PM Rhode Island demand redress of the injustice to Andrew Winters and correc134 Thurbers Ave - Providence, 02905 134 Thurbers Avedone - Providence, RI 02905 as weRI know, bullied out. Your commitht today for more information CallwasGreg Wright today for moretion information of the University governance that made tee should look into several issues: 50 ext. 3305 or attend our at 331-1350 ext. 3305 or attend our this possible. We provide the most comprehensive services and supports We provide the most comprehensive services and supports 1. To force Andrew Winters’ departure, 24/7 On-Call Support 24/7 On-Call Support howTeams much money was spent on URI’s offer Clinical /Case Management Teams Clinical /Case Management YoursPLUS respectfully, he “could not refuse?” How much on unemPLUS Weekly payment to supportployment placementbenefits to which he is entitled? Weekly payment to support placement Peter Nightingale Quarterly Clothing Allowances for placement Quarterly Clothing Allowances for placement Professor of Physics, 2. The URI administration has stoneUniversity of Rhode Island walled every single question by hiding under comprehensive services and supports We provide the most comprehensive services and supports the cover of confidentiality. How can there

E—WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 5:00-7:00PM Ave - Providence, RI 02905

Celebrating 50 Years!

l l a H E—WEDNESDAY MAY n 16, w o T 5:00-7:00PM


Ave - Providence, RI 02905

24/7 On-Call Support l /Case Management Teams PLUS Home of Bigplacement Gay Al’s MAY IS payment to support NATIONAL othing Allowances for placement Bowling League

Since its inception, the URI LGBTIQQ Symposium has16, been OPEN HOUSE—WEDNESDAY MAY 5:00-7:00PM conducted in the tradition of 134 Thurbers Ave - Providence, RI 02905 promoting cultural sensitivity and advocacy for fair and equitable treatment of LGBTIQQ people. In keeping with this tradition, I respectfully ask that the citizens of Rhode Island demand redress of the injustice done to Andrew Winters and correction of the University governance that made this possible.

OPEN HOUSE—WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 5:00-7:00PM 134 Thurbers Ave - Providence, RI 02905


24/7 On-Call Support

q /Case q keep in touch Clinical Management Teams Please send yourPLUS letters, wedding announcements, obituaries to: IS MAY Weekly payment to supportetc. placement


NATIONAL Quarterly Clothing Allowances for placement editor@optionsri.org FOSTER CARE MONTH!

1463 Atwood Ave. Call Greg Wright today for more information

or P.O. Box 6406 Call Greg Wright today for more information Providence, RI 02940

Johnston at • 831-6940 331-1350 ext. 3305 or attend our OPEN HOUSE—WEDNESDAY MAY 16, options q may 5:00-7:00PM

at 331-1350 ext. 3305 or attend our



Calendar Got a big event coming up? Let us know about it! Send your listing by the 10th of the month preceding to calendar@optionsri.org, and we’ll see that it gets into the edition.


• Partial Proceeds to benefit Options Newsmagazine •

1-27 Love Alone by Deborah Salem Smith. Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington St., Providence. Call 351-4242 or visit www.trinityrep.com for more information and tickets. 2

PFLAG Providence Monthly meeting 6:45 - 8:45 p.m. The Met School Justice Building, 325 Public St., Providence. Call 751-7571 or email pflagprovidence@verizon.net for more information.


Trans Partners Support Group, 6:30-8:30 p.m. This group provides loved ones of transgender people with a confidential safe space to explore the impact of a partner’s identity on their relationships. Email partners@tginetwork.org.

May 24

Boston Dyke March Committee Meeting 7-8:30 p.m. Eastern Bank Meeting Room, Davis Sq. Somerville, MA.


Luna’s Ladies Night. 9 p.m.–12 a.m. Roots Cultural Center, 276 Westminster St. Providence.


King of Queens ACOS Fundraiser. 6 - 11p.m. Pairs community members from local businesses, bars, and organizations with local drag queens to transform them into the next drag superstars. The Colosseum, 180 Pine St Providence. $15.00.


RI Pride Events Committee meeting, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. RI Pride Center, 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket.


COMPASS meeting. New England area female-to-male (FTM) trans support, information and social group. For more information, email compassftm@comcast.net.


Luna’s Ladies Night, 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. Roots Cultural Center, 276 Westminster St Providence.


Big Gay Al’s Summer Bowling Session begins! 7:15- 9:30 p.m. Every Tuesday. Town Hall Lanes, Johnston.


Foster Care Parent Information Open House, 5 – 7 p.m. Contact Greg Wright, 331-1350.


Queer Book Club, 7 p.m. Books on the Square, 471 Angell St., Providence. A discount is available if the selected book is purchased at Books on the Square. Email queerbookclub@ gmail.com for book selection. Comedy with a Twist, an Options fundraiser featuring Headliner Poppy Champlin. 7–10 p.m., Comedy Connection,


May 16


Headliner: Poppy Champlin



Comedy with a Twist! q

NOH8 Campaign photo shoot at YPI, 743 Westminster St., Providence. 5-8 p.m.


Giggle, snicker, chortle, guffaw and laugh for a good cause!



Ellen Mochetto, Doug Blay, Andrew Williams, John Kelley and Mark Shea 39 Warren Ave. East Providence 438-8383 7 p.m. Tickets $15 Available at the Door 18+ Show info@optionsri.org

“Come On OUT!” 2012




39 Warren Ave. East Providence. Tickets $15, available at the door.


NOH8 Campaign photo shoot at YPI, 743 Westminster St., Providence. 5-8 p.m.

Trailer Park Trash Gay Bingo! 6 – 10 p.m. Riviera Bingo Palace, 1612 Elmwood Ave., Cranston. $20 for all games. For more information or to be a sponsor, contact Stephen Hartley at 521-3603 or stephenh@aidscareos.org.


Luna’s Ladies Night 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. Roots Cultural Center, 276 Westminster St., Providence.


MERI Community Meeting 7 – 9 p.m. MERI Headquarters 118 North Main St., Suite 3, Providence.

17-20 The Secret History of Love - Sean Dorsey and Fresh Meat Productions come to Boston with their East Coast premiere of dance and performance based on interviews with LGBTQ elders on how they managed to find – and love – each other in decades past. Hibernian Hall, 184 Dudley St., Roxbury, MA. For more information see www.thetheatreoffensive. org. 18

Luna’s Ladies Night 9 p.m. – 12 a.m. Roots Cultural Center, 276 Westminster St., Providence.


Birthday Hi-Tini, 5:30 p.m., Providence Biltmore Hotel. Celebrate the birthdays of Miss Kitty Litter and Jeanne D’Agostino. 521-3603.


PFLAG Providence Monthly meeting 6:45 - 8:45 p.m. The Met School Justice Building, 325 Public St., Providence. Call 751-7571 or email pflagprovidence@ verizon.net for more information.


Trans Partners Support Group, 6:30-8:30 p.m. This group provides loved ones of transgender people with a confidential safe space to explore the impact of a partner’s identity on their relationships. Email partners@tginetwork.org.

20 RI Prime Timers – A club to aid and support the aging gay and bisexual man. Social from 4:30-5 p.m., dinner and meeting from 5-7 p.m. $20 per person. See www.riprimetimers.org. 23

RI Pride General Meeting. 7 – 9 p.m. RI Pride Center - 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket, suite #1105.

Save the Date: 36th Annual Rhode Island Pride Weekend, June 16 and 17! q

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Born This Way Channing Church’s Interweave group was the host for this year’s prom, Born This Way. Revelers came from Conn., Mass. and RI, with a big YPI contingent. “The place was packed!” said Pam Goff, spokesperson for Interweave, and as you can see from the photos, everyone had a great time!!





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o r p





200 Waterman Street e Providence, Rhode Island

Psychotherapy ßà Gay Men (not getting any younger?)



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Big Gay Al’s Bowling League Summer Session Starting May 15th Join the Largest Gay Bowling League in the Country!

Hours: Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat. 10-4 Closed Sunday

Providing resources to the LGBT Community of Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts for over 30 years.

Not listed with us?

There is still some room for bowlers for Big Gay Al’s summer session, which will commence on Tuesday May 15. Here at Big Gay Al’s, we raise money for AIDS Care Ocean State, AIDS Project RI and other charitable causes, while providing a fun atmosphere for bowlers to socialize and meet new people. Over the past 13 years, our league has grown to encompass 32 teams and several hundred participants. Our host, Town Hall Lanes in Johnston, closes to the public on our bowling nights and is open only for Big Gay Al’s. Come check us out and find out why we are the largest gay bowling league in the country! Please email us or friend us on Facebook to make sure that you don’t get left out.

Visit our website to be included in our online directory.

Here are the details:

Elizabeth A. Coderre, LMHC Board Certified Diplomate in Professional Counseling


Runs from May 15 - August 21


Tuesday nights 7:15 - 9:30


Town Hall Lanes in Johnston, RI


$14.00 per week


Psychotherapy with Individuals, Couples and Groups Most Insurances Accepted

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Providence, RI 02906 options



4-person teams. Bring your own team or we will find a team for you


Largest gay bowling league in the country - 32 teams!


End of season cookout / awards banquet for all.

Visit BGALBowling.com to sign up. Email BigGayAlBowling@ aol.com with any questions. See you at the lanes!




There comes a time when every family needs to plan for the years ahead.

Batter Up! It’s Softball Season

Join Rizzo Financial Group, a Wells Fargo Advisor and an Accredited Domestic Partner Advisor, to take the first step towards your goal of a sound financial plan. We will conduct a complimentary seminar to demystify and answer questions about financial planning for the LGBT family. Couples and singles, with or without dependents, are encouraged to attend to chart a financial strategy.

Spring is here and that means it’s time for the Renaissance City Softball League (RCSL) to start its season. The RCSL is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the growth and promotion of softball in the LGBT community in Rhode Island and surrounding areas. They also provide a welcoming environment to our straight allies.

On June 7, at 6:00 PM at the Waterman Grille Restaurant, four Richmond Square in Providence, enjoy delicious appetizers while comparing wines and learning about financial planning. To RSVP, call Chris at 401.789.8833 or email christine@guyrizzo.com by May 30.

The league begins its 14th season on May 6. The league is competitive but players of all levels are invited to join. We strive to create a fun, welcoming environment for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned player or just starting out, come join us! For more information, visit their website at www.providencesoftball.org. q

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OVER $2,000 IN CASH AND PRIZES AWARDED EACH MONTH! A FUNdraiser for AIDS Care Ocean State and AIDS Project Rhode Island! Sponsors are ALWAYS needed. Contact Stephen Hartley at 401-521-3603 or e-mail at stephenh@ aidscareos.org. BINGO STARTS SEPTEMBER 15th! www.aidscareos.org







May is National Foster Care Awareness Month Family Service of Rhode Island seeks caring foster parents Greg Wright

You’ve tried the Rest...

As part of National Foster Care Awareness month, Family Service of Rhode Island (FSRI) will host an Open House at their office, 134 Thurbers Avenue in Providence,


try the Best!

provide a nurturing environment and the guidance children need while their biological parents begin to rebuild their lives. At Family Service of Rhode Island, our program recruits, trains and supports families who have the room in their homes and their hearts to provide a stable place for children. Working in cooperation with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), Family Service of Rhode Island is

Advertise in Options

to help build your business and your community! reasonable rates desirable audience discounts for non-profits

724-LGBT advertising@optionsri.org

on Wednesday, May 16 from 5-7 p.m. With Rhode Islanders affected by harsh economic times, there are hundreds of families, and in particular children, who are having a more difficult time than most of us. Because many families are experiencing even greater stresses in their lives, some families can buckle under the pressure of maintaining a stable household. Becoming a foster care parent can help





one of the leading agencies in the state to provide Treatment Foster Care to children of all ages. Some of these children may have been removed from their biological homes due to abuse and neglect. The FSRI Treatment Foster Care Program provides a 24 hour/7 day a



week on-call support system, along with a staff of clinical social workers and family case managers, all working together with the foster parent(s) to form a treatment team to help children and families reunify. While the goal is to reunify the children with their biological parents, in some cases this may not be possible. FSRI will then assist with adoption, if that should be an option for the foster family and the child. So whether you are gay or straight, married, partnered, or single, you may be qualified to be a foster care parent. The initial requirements are simple; you must be 25 years of age, have sufficient income to support the household and be able to pass a criminal records and DCYF background check.

American Wallpaper & Design Center 44 Troy St Fall River MA M-F: 9:00-6:00 Sat: 9:00-5:00 www.amwall.com 508-672-3751 americanwallpaper.hdspd.com

Foster parents will receive full initial and continuing training and a weekly payment to help support the placement. The foster

The Art of Window Dressing ideas booklet


with this ad

Follow Us At Facebook or Twitter


children are fully covered under Neighborhood Health Plan for all their medical needs. The commitment is huge, the rewards are great. For more information, contact Greg Wright, Program Coordinator at the Family Service of RI Treatment Foster Care Program. 331-1350, extension #3305. q

URI Providence Campus Presents An Evening of One-Act Plays May 31, June 1, 2, 7-9, 14 & 15, 2012 at 7:30pm Including: “Talking With Plants” and “For Him” by Ryan Morey, and “A Visit,” “UnFinished Business” and “If Romeo and Juliet Met John Edwards” By Frank V. Toti Jr.

Paff Auditorium URI Providence Campus For information, call 277-5206 or email uri.artsandculture@gmail.com

Presented for Rhode Island Pride Month with Humor and Heart!







Intimate Partner Violence Kim Stowell

Are You – or Is Someone You Know – a Victim of Intimate Partner Violence? According to available evidence, LGBT people are just as likely as heterosexuals to be involved in abusive relationships. Intimate partner violence is estimated to occur in 25% of all relationships. What is IPV?

Some Facts

Intimate partner violence (also called domestic violence) is any pattern of behavior within an intimate relationship used by one partner to coerce, dominate or isolate another person, or the exertion of any form of power that maintains control in an intimate relationship. Intimate partner violence (IPV) may include but is not limited to emotional, psychological, physical, economic and sexual abuse, and social isolation. It can include withholding of medications, publicly ridiculing or shaming, controlling finances or decision-making in the relationship, and many other tactics to gain control.






It can happen to anyone. IPV occurs in every part of the LGBTQ community, to people of all genders and of every race, ethnicity, class, age, ability or disability, education level, and religion. Abuse follows a pattern – a gradual escalation of tension leading to a violent incident, quickly followed by a honeymoon period, where the abuser apologizes, bargains and promises – this pattern can take six months to run its course, or it can take an hour. Victims want to believe that their partner will change, but the reality is that abusers feel somehow justified, and will blame everyone but themselves for what happened. Abuse escalates over time, and the period after leaving the relationship can be the most dangerous for the abused partner. If you plan to leave, have a safety plan in place. Abuse victims often leave repeatedly, only to return several times before successfully making the break.

Special Concerns LGBTQ people who are victims of IPV have specific concerns including: TT





I need help – where can I go? There are several ways to get help if you are being abused. You can contact the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence or any of its six member agencies (see list) Note: Not all these organizations have full services available for LGBT victims, but they all offer legal assistance and 24-hour helplines, and can give referrals.


You can also call the Victims of Crime Helpline at 1-800-494-8100 or the GMDVP (see sidebar), and see “Support Organizations” in the Resources section of this magazine.

The threat of being outed -- having one’s sexual orientation, gender identity or HIV status disclosed to family, employers, police, religious institutions, the community, or child custody authorities. The myth that abusive behavior is a normal part of LGBTQ relationships. The false idea that because LGBTQ people’s relationships are not legally recognized, the abuse is not serious and the victim should easily be able to leave the relationship. The lack of legal and social service protections and resources available to assist LGBTQ people affected by domestic violence. The reinforcement of victims’ fears that no one will help because they are LGBTQ or they are “deserving” of the abuse because they are LGBTQ. The myth that what is being experienced cannot be domestic violence because two people of the same sex are assumed to share equal social standing and not be able to abuse power and control.

Same-sex intimate partner violence is real, and it’s serious. options






The Harsh Realities

GMDVP To Change Name, Public Mission

In March of last year, 41-year-old Malden, Mass. resident Michael Losee turned himself over to authorities in the wake of the stabbing death of his husband, 55 yearold Brian Bergeron. In April, James Costello was arraigned on charges of assault and battery with a deadly weapon for the murder of David Walton; both lived in the same building in the Taunton area, although the murder was committed at a campground in Provincetown. In August, 47 year-old Winthrop resident John Lacoy, was accused of killing 36-year-old Casey Taylor in his bedroom and then hiding the body beneath his porch for weeks – the Assistant District Attorney described their relationship as both “intimate and volatile.”

The Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project (GMDVP) was founded in 1994 by a gay man who was denied services by multiple mainstream domestic violence shelters. Initially, the organization had a focus on creating services for gay male victims of domestic violence.

Still under investigation is the death of Annamarie Rintala of Granby, whose body was found in March 2010 in the basement of the home she shared with her wife Cara Rintala and their child. She had been strangled and suffered blunt trauma to the head. Cara Rintala had been arrested in 2008 for punching Annamarie Rintala in the back of the head. In May 2010, 33 year-old Miguel Oquendo was allegedly stabbed in the back by 23-year old Jeran Cortez in the apartment that they shared. In August 2010, Eunice Field of Brockton confessed to killing Lorraine Wachsman, who she blamed for breaking up Field’s relationship with Field’s former girlfriend.

Over the past 17 years, the organization has grown to provide direct services throughout Massachusetts (consisting of emergency safe home, 24-hour hotline, legal services and a range of community-based services), education and outreach for the LGBTQ community and for domestic violence and law enforcement professionals, and policy advocacy within organizations, state agencies and the Massachusetts State Legislature. In 2007, GMDVP expanded its scope of services to provide supportive 24-hour hotline services to Rhode Island and Connecticut. GMDVP has always provided services to any survivor, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, but until now has focused its outreach, education and advocacy on gay, bisexual and transgender men.

As part of their strategic plan for the next five years, GMDVP is proud to affirm its support for all LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence, expanding their focus to include the entire LGBT community. They will be announcing their new name in the coming months. “We’re not really changing much,” said Executive Director Curt Rogers in a recent interview. “We always served women – we serve anyone who comes to us for help – but our materials have historically identified us as serving men only. All we are doing is making it public that we serve lesbian, bisexual and transgender women too.”

Phone-Based Support Group available for LGBT survivors of partner abuse The Network/La Red has a phone-based support group available for LGBT survivors of partner abuse. This group is meant to fill the gap for survivors who cannot attend an in-person support group for a variety of reasons (disability, illness, abuse, geographically isolated or outside of Massachusetts, etc). Phone cards and/or phones can be provided for survivors. The Network/La Red provides confidential facilitated spaces for survivors to connect, share experiences, give and get support, information, and help with safety planning. Each 8-week group cycle uses a peer support, survivor-led structure. All The Network/La Red Support Groups meet at a CONFIDENTIAL time and place. Access numbers for the phone based support group are confidential. If interested, please contact our hotline at 614-742-4911 for more information.




Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center 723-3057 Hotline & Business

Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County 782-3990 or 1-866-782-3990

Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center (Warwick) Hotline: 738-1700 or 738-9700

Women’s Resource Center (Newport) 846-5263 – (Business & Hotline)

Sojourner House 658-4334 Providence Hotline 765-3232 Northern RI Hotline

Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project 1-800-832-1901





Gay Dads! Lesbian Moms!

Imperial Court of Rhode Island at Providence

we have a surprise for you and your children!!!

The Imperial Court of Rhode Island at Providence celebrated its Twentieth Anniversary on the weekend of April 19 – 22. Among those spotlighted with anniversary walks or performances were Emperor I Ralph Martino, Empress I BB Hayes, Empress V LaDiva Jonz, Emperor X Raymond Quinn and Emperor XV Gabriel. Mayor Angel Tavares honored the Imperial Court and its membership for their dedication to and fundraising for


An LGBT family summer picnic

Sunday, July 15 more details in our June issue • Save the Date! CHILDREN ADOLESCENTS ADULTS

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the community. The three surviving founders of this organization, Ralph Martino, BB Hayes and Lee Daniels, were also honored individually for their vision, dedication and commitment.


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Rhode Island Pride board member Brian Mills received the President’s Award from ICRI President, Angela Soprano-Butana. The beneficiaries for Coronation 20 were RI Pride and Sojourner House The court and community looks forward to the upcoming reign with Empress XX Savannah Devereaux and Regent Emperor Michael Sousa. q

 



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NOH8 Photo Shoot

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We are very excited to announce that Youth Pride, Inc. will host a NOH8 Campaign photo shoot on Thursday, May 24th from 5 to 8 p.m. The NOH8 Campaign is “a photographic silent protest” created by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley in direct response to the passage of Proposition 8. Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths, symbolizing their voices being silenced by Prop 8 and similar legislation around the world, with “NOH8” painted on one cheek in protest.” Solo portraits are $40 and couple or group photos are $25 per person, with all proceeds benefitting the NOH8 Campaign and Youth Pride Inc. For more information on the logistics of the event, please visit our website (www.youthprideri.org) or NOH8’s website (www.noh8campaign.com). Come be a part of over 20,000 celebrities, politicians, and everyday folks who have posed for a photo to support LGBT equality!

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Thank You to Our Interns! College and high school interns are vital to the work that we do at Youth Pride, Inc. and we would like to thank three of our long-term interns who completed their work with us this semester. Johanna Smith will graduate from Rhode Island College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Evan Gallo will graduate from Salve Regina University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Hailee Malo will graduate from The Met. Thank you so much for your commitment to our mission and the youth we serve. You will be missed! q







SAGE Services and Advocacy for LGBT Elders Sally Hay

On the Lookout for Older Women If you are a lesbian of a certain age, live in Rhode Island or receive health care in Rhode Island, we hope you will help us by completing the SAGE/RI Healthcare for Lesbian Elders survey. The goal of this project (which is funded by the Women’s Fund of RI) is to educate and empower lesbian elders to seek quality, lesbian-affirming health care in RI. While we generally define “elder” as 65 years or older, we are seeking input from women 55 and older because we know many of the critical issues faced by elders begin appearing in earlier years. ALL RESPONSES ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. To take the survey via the



internet, go to http://bit.ly/SAGE-RI. If you would prefer, you can download a copy of the survey in pdf form at http://bit.ly/ sagesurvey-print. Mev Miller has designed a remarkable survey that will generate a lot of rich information that has the potential to improve health care for all lesbians, of any





age, in Rhode Island. But for this to succeed, we need your input! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at sageriinfo@gmail.com.

Come On In – There’s Plenty of Room Since our first event in June 2011, SAGE/RI has enjoyed growing success. Our social events have brought together a variety of folks. We’ve enjoyed developing alliances with other community organizations and our educational/outreach program continues to generate more requests than we had expected. We are just launching the Lesbian Healthcare Survey (see above); and we are hoping to do similar work around the health issues faced by older gay men. We are delighted that our goal of being intergenerational seems to be succeeding – it has allowed for greater understanding and appreciation across the ages. And we have a lot of fun!

So, why not think about getting involved? We’d love to have you join us -- we’re currently looking for volunteers to join the Advisory Committee and to help out at events. Interested? Contact us at sageriinfo@gmail. com or you can reach us through Facebook (SAGE/Rhode Island).

SAGE/What? SAGE/RI got an unexpected response from SAGE/USA in response to our application to become an official affiliate of the national organization: they have made a ruling that no single affiliate can claim an entire state in their name. We hope to convince them to make an exception for Lil’ Rhody and will be calling on some of the state’s other singular organizations for support in our argument. Could be interesting! One way or another, it is possible that SAGE/RI will be changing its name (but not its tune) -- we will keep you posted! See you at PRIDE! q

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This Month in Options History All year we will be featuring some of the treasures to be found in our archives, along with photos from the past, momentos of business establishments now gone, and some folks who are still around -- they just look different now! May 1982 – First edition of Options is published! May 1988 - The Triangle Foundation, Inc. was established to improve conditions for the gay and lesbian community in Rhode Island. May 1992 – Options turned 10 years old and continued to be a strong voice for our community. May 1993 – The first two “Gay Scholarships” were awarded by the Greater Boston Business Counsel for work done toward the improvement of gay life on college campuses. May 1994 – Governor Bruce Sundlun signed the needle exchange bill into law, designed to stem the spread of AIDS and HIV infection.



May 1995 – On May 22, Governor Lincoln Almond signed a bill prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. May 1998 – Rhode Islanders Taking Action (RITA), opened its Rx Corner on May 22, providing holistic care integrated with conventional medicine and general health maintenance for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. May 1999 – PFLAG was presented with a proclamation from Mayor Vincent “Buddy” Cianci in recognition of their work to enhance the gay and lesbian community. May 2001 – On May 1, the Rhode Island House of Representatives passed a bill clarifying non-discrimination laws to include gender identity and expression. q





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Rhode Island Pride It was another great Triple Crown Pageant, with stunning contestants and an enthusiastic crowd. Congratulations to the new Court!

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Theme for Pride Month 2012

Know your status.

When the chronicles of history are read about our times, one thing that will stand out is social media and how it revolutionized our ability to interact with friends, family, colleagues, organizations and the world. The LGBT community has used social media in ways that have advanced our movement beyond our wildest dreams. Inspired by this, Rhode Island Pride has chosen as its theme for 2012: “Pride - Like It, Share It, Live It!”

RI Pride needs YOU!

Join us at the Pride Center on May 9 and 23 from 7-9 p.m. This is a great opportunity for folks to jump in and volunteer at the many fun-filled Countdown to Pride events that will take place during the month leading up to PrideFest. We need all kinds of folks to make Pride happen, and everyone in this community has a special skill or idea to contribute, so why not come check out a meeting? We work hard, but always take time to celebrate our accomplishments. We welcome you to join the team! From guiding the parade to welcoming festival-goers, setting up vendor tables and staffing the Kids Pride Zone, there are many ways to contribute while enjoying this year’s PrideFest. We’ll help you find the volunteer position that is right for you.

Vendor Booths, Parade Slots, Pride Guide Ads - Oh My! Are you an employee or a member of an organization that supports our LGBT community? There are many opportunities to be recognized and promote your work through PrideFest. Advertisements placed in our Pride Guide are printed in full color and distributed to 15,000 people throughout Rhode Island. The Pride Guide is THE source for PrideFest information including the entertainment line-up, maps, and visitor info. Ads are due ASAP, so please visit www.prideri.com (your one-stop shop for information, registration, and payment). There you’ll also find Vendor Booth and Parade registration forms as well as information on how to sponsor the festival. For more information on Rhode Island Pride and the 36th Annual RI PrideFest please visit www. prideri.com or contact Jennifer Stevens, Pride’s Office Manager, at 4672130 or jennifer.stevens@prideri.com. The RI Pride Center is located at 1005 Main St. #1105, Pawtucket, RI. q

Pride - Like It, Share It, Live It! options



Call AIDS Care Ocean State’s Prevention Office at 401-781-0665 to schedule an appointment for FREE anonymous and confidential HIV and HEP C testing.

Get tested.


In the past two months our amazing Events Committee (comprised of Pride veterans, board members, and many energetic Pride newcomers) has produced three hugely successful events: RI Pride Honors, The 13th Annual Goddess Show, and The Triple Crown Pageant. Now we’re heading into the Pride season where we’ll be planning many Countdown to Pride events, Gallery Q and the 36th annual RI Pride Fest! We need even more volunteers to make it all happen.

JDHSPHOTOS.COM 401.624.6698 JDHSPhotos@verizon.net

JDHS  Photos 2012



Providence Gay Men’s Chorus Bradford Greer

Photography: Jack Hartwein-Sanchez

Cabaret A Smash – Ooh La La! On April 22, the Providence Gay Men’s Chorus (PGMC) sang, danced and harmonized before a sold-out audience at the new Dueling Pianos in Providence. Hosted by Miss Kitty Litter, the group performed such numbers as If We Only Have Love and What the World Needs Now. Memorable moments included Peter MacPherson’s rendition of Nobody Does it Like Me.

New Members Billow the Sails of the PGMC Ahoy there, matey! More singers have joined the PGMC as they prepare to represent Rhode Island at the 9th GALA International Choral Festival with a celebration of Providence called Out On The Bay. There is barely a seat to be had at the rehearsals with so many new members. The result of the increased membership is a much more dynamic and robust sound. Meet two of our new members who will be regaling you with sea shanties and songs about the sea in June:

Coffman. They often share a laugh and commiserate about regionalisms, which they share with the rest of the chorus. A governance analyst, Brett has lived in Rhode Island for the past nine years. He describes himself as a Christian with moderate political views. When he is not courting his new love, Ed -- whom he met through mutual friends -- Brett likes to dine at Shogun, read, and spend time playing with his yellow lab named Kael’thas. He has eclectic music tastes and when he saw the Providence Gay Men’s Chorus on a friend’s Facebook page, he asked about the group, liked what he heard, and then joined. PETER SENTKOWSKI “I’ve loved music since the second grade play. I love music of all sorts.” A welcome addition to the bass section, Peter had retired to Florida when he decided he wasn’t ready to give up

BRETT HARDING Brett knew he was gay when he was five. He was born in Missouri and grew up in Arkansas, the same state as Chorus Director Teresa





his brain to the beach. Once a performing artist and then an art teacher, his life adventures took him to San Francisco, Italy and Greece. Now he is in Rhode Island, continuing his education at RISD, and re-inventing himself writing children’s books that focus on perceptions of bullying and abuse. Peter has sung in choruses before and finds the PGMC amazing. “Working with Teresa is like getting to take a terrific voice lesson for free. It’s an awesome sound to be in the middle of.” Brett and Peter are but two of the new members you can hear when you attend the PGMC’s Pride concert, Out On The Bay. What do you do with a drunken sailor? Brett and Peter will tell you when they celebrate Pride in Providence on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, June 7, 9 and 10 at Beneficent Church on Weybosett Street. q



AIDS Community Watch Birthday Hi-Tini is Here! The year’s most fabulous Hi-Tini! Kalene Brennan Mark your calendars for this year’s Birthday Hi-Tini! Come celebrate Miss Kitty Litter and Jeanne D’Agostino’s birthdays at the Providence Biltmore Hotel’s Garden Terrace. This year’s Birthday Hi-Tini is a

This year’s Birthday Hi-Tini will be held on Monday, June 4 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased online at www.aidscareos.org or at the door. There will be food, music, and a candy bar, so everyone can leave with a goody bag. Come wish the self-proclaimed First Lady of Providence, Miss Kitty Litter and Jeanne D’Agostino a happy birthday at the year’s most fabulous Hi-Tini. For more information, please contact Stephen Hartley at 521-3603 or e-mail at stephenh@aidscareos.org. See you there!

AIDS Project Rhode Island: Helping HIV-positive LGBT Rhode Islanders lead healthy and full lives Thomas Bertrand

joint fundraiser for AIDS Care Ocean State and the Highlander Charter School. It’s the kick-off event of the summer!



It’s estimated that over 30% of AIDS Project Rhode Island’s (APRI) clients who receive case management services identify as LGBT. These individuals are all low-income HIV-positive Rhode Islanders from a broad spectrum of backgrounds. But they all have one thing in common: they work with APRI case managers with the goal of ensuring that they regularly take their HIV medications, keep medical appointments, and access appropriate community-based social services.



APRI has ten case managers who, combined, speak eight languages. In recent years our clients have represented almost every city and town in Rhode Island. Case managers are trained to meet the needs of LGBT clients and ensure that they have access to the medical and social services they deserve. APRI’s case managers use a holistic and client-centered approach. Upon enrollment in case management services, an individualized care plan is created for each client. This plan focuses on identifying clients’ needs and strengths, and developing personal objectives. The fact that a client is coping with HIV may not be that person’s highest priority in life; rather, the client may be dealing with housing, domestic violence, or mental health issues, among others. For our LGBT clients, special attention is paid to ensuring that they are provided services that are supportive and accepting of their sexual orientation. Through our case management services, our goal is to help our LGBT clients achieve and maintain a healthy and fulfilling life that benefits not only them personally but also the overall public health of Rhode Island. q For more information on HIV/AIDS services in Rhode Island, please see our Resources Section beginning on page 27.



Marriage Equality Rhode Island Meet our Spring Fellows! MERI accepted three outstanding college students to our fellowship program this spring, and they have been integral to MERI’s operations for the past few months. Each fellow came into the MERI offices twice a week to help with individualized projects as well as general office work. They were all passionate supporters of marriage equality and working at MERI allowed them to turn their passion

into action. They learned the fundamentals of organizing through phone banking, canvassing, and lobbying, and developed key skills for building and sustaining a political movement. Shannon Collins is a freshman at the University of Rhode Island. A lifelong Rhode Islander, she grew up in Burrillville and was involved in gay rights and gay pride organizations in high school. Shannon is currently the Secretary of the Gay Straight Alliance at URI and has been very important in facilitating communication between URI students and MERI. Aside from activating the URI student body in support of marriage equality, Shannon’s work at MERI has been focused on monitoring press coverage and helping to draft press releases. She will continue as a fellow through the summer. Sofia Fernandez-Gold is a sophomore at Brown University studying history and political science. Sofia grew up in Washington D.C. and became involved in politics at an early age. In high school she worked with the Student Anti-Genocide Coalition and lobbied on Capitol Hill for genocide intervention. Sofia is currently on the Executive Board of the Brown Democrats, serving as Elections and Advocacy Chair. At MERI she has been instrumental in coordinating the Citizens Lobbying Initiative. She organized data to more effectively recruit volunteers and has brought five to eight people to the State House every week to lobby senators for marriage equality. Sofia is heading to France for the summer for an internship. Simon Hunegs is a sophomore at Brown University studying history. Originally from Los Angeles, he worked at local marriage equality organizations in high school including Equality California and Vote for Equality. At MERI, Simon has been heavily involved in volunteer coordination and outreach. He organized monthly community meetings and bi-monthly volunteer work nights, recruiting volunteers in the Providence area to make their support for equality active and hands-on. He attended events around the state to gain support from the Rhode Island public and to get existing supporters to call and write their state senators and representatives. Simon wrote blog posts on MERI’s website and will be continuing as a fellow through the summer. The staff and board of Marriage Equality Rhode Island are very grateful for the hard work of all the fellows and wish them the very best in the future. We’re currently accepting applications for our 2012 Summer Organizing Fellowship. Email deuer@marriageequalityri.org for application details. q







Resources Help us help you: If you come across a resource listing that is incorrect or needs updating, let us know. Drop us a line at mshays@verizon.net. Please note: All phone numbers are in the (401) area code unless otherwise indicated.

• CLASSIFIEDS • • CLASSIFIEDS • Got an apartment to rent? Condo to sell? Looking for a housemate? Send us 30 words and a check for $30, and we’ll publish it in the next issue.

Send ad to advertising@optionsri.org; payment to P.O. Box 6406, Providence, RI 02940.

Addiction Support Groups AA: Brothers in Sobriety, Community Church of Prov., Wayland & Lloyd Aves., Prov., 751-9328; Sat., 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Central Services, info on all groups, 4388860; Lesbian and Gay, Anchor Recovery Center, 249 Main St., Pawtucket, Tues. 7:30 p.m.; Suburban Gay & Lesbian, Fatima Shrine, Rt. 126, Holliston, MA, Thurs. 8-9:30 p.m.

• housing ads only •


Alcohol/Drug Helpline. RI Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence, 24-hr., (866) 252-3784. Gay Al-Anon: Tues. 7:30 p.m., Congregational Church, 71 Park Place, Pawtucket, 726-2800.

AIDS/Health Resources

Sunny & spacious 3 bedroom. 2nd floor. Beautiful hardwoods, stainless appliances, shared laundry. Parking for 2 includes 1 garage space. $1,000/mo. Utilities separate. 561-441-1496 or mgallogly1@cox. net.

Afia Center for Health & Wholeness: socializing with other HIV+ individuals. Meals, food pantry, HIV support groups, recovery groups, recreational and social activities. Wed & Thurs, noon to 4 p.m., at Matthewson St. Church, 134 Matthewson St., Prov. Sponsored by AIDS Project RI; free to clients. Gordon Cooper, 331-1350 Ext. 3268 or coopergo@familyserviceofri.org. AIDS Action Hotline: (800) 235-2331, MA only. AIDS Care Ocean State (557 Broad St., Providence): case mgmt., emergency funds, mental health & nutrition support, FACTS Nursery, housing for PWAs, referrals, advocacy, ADa.m.S Clinic for adolescents, street outreach, ENCORE, education, HIV+ support groups. Sunrise Community Housing for people with HIV/AIDS. 18 Parkis Ave., Prov. 02907. 521-3603; www.aidscareos.org. AIDS Project RI Division of Family Service of RI: Case mgmt., buddies, COBRA & dental services, emergency fund, mental health counseling, nutrition support, assessment & referral, wellness prog., advocacy, strength training. Prevention Ed. 404 Wickenden St., Providence: 831-5522.

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, CANADA A private, romantic getaway cottage, ideal for couple. Enjoy panoramic waterfront property on 10acre compound. June to September. Weekly $950. Anne, 401-580-7255 or anne2817@cox.net

AIDS Quilt RI: Displays local AIDS Memorial Quilt panels; panel-making programs, including Anna’s Workshop, HIV/AIDS education for young people; PO Box 2591, Newport, RI 02840; 434-4880; www.aidsquiltri.org; admin@ aidsquiltri.org; annasworkshop@aidsquiltri.org. Brown Univ. AIDS Program (BRUNAP): clinical trials, public policy, research; lectures/conferences, patient/community education. Bradford Briggs, 863-6790. brunap@brown.edu; www.brown.edu/brunap.

We know you’re busy!

Chiropractic Services: Free for unemployed HIV+ patients, Ronald P. Marsh, DC., 11 King Charles Dr., Portsmouth, RI; 683-1941.

Please take a moment out of your day to subscribe to Options.

Comprehensive Community Action Programs (CCAP) Medical, mental health, dental, social services. 311 Doric Ave., Cranston. 467-9610. Also Coventry and Warwick. Sarah Bowman, LGBT Outreach. Crossroads RI Health Care Services: Free, confidential, anonymous HIV counseling & testing for homeless/at risk: Mon & Wed, 1-3 p.m., call Gloria, 5212255, Ext. 325.


FACTS (Family AIDS Center for Treatment & Support): See AIDS Care Ocean State.

See page 4 for details.

Gabriel Care, LLC: Nursing/social worker case mgmt. & financial compensation







for assistance and supervision for those living with HIV. MA Health funded for MA residents. Michael (508) 678-1002. HIV antibody testing, Anonymous: R.I. Dept. of Health, Prov., Newport and other locations, Free or sliding scale, call 222-2320. Home and Hospice Care of RI: Medical care mgmt. for HIV/AIDS. 24-hr. nursing staff for treatment. 782-0725. Bereavement Groups: John Charette, 727-7079. House of Compassion: HIV/AIDS housing. 2510 Mendon Rd., Cumberland. 658-3992. Jewish AIDS Task Force: Programs for HIV/AIDS and Jewish communities. 421-4111, ext. 172. LGBT Caregiver Online Support Group for LGBTs caring for someone with chronic health problems, visit www.caregiver.org and click on groups. Luis E. Martinez House CHS, Inc.: Supportive, permanent housing for 10 adults living with HIV/ AIDS and/or substance abuse. New Bedford, MA. Contact Joe Taylor (508) 984-7514. Matthew 25: HIV/AIDS Ministry: Groceries, personal care products, counseling, referrals. Network with other ASOs. Mon., Wed., Thurs. 9:30-12, 1-2:30; Tues. 1-3. 781-9451. Sister Clara or Patty. Partners in Learning About AIDS (PL-AIDS) Outreach to minorities, women of color, and LGBT community at clubs and other locations, and our No. Providence office, providing free condoms and information about STIs and post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. www.plaidsproject.org or www.pl-aids.org. Email info@plaidsproject.org. 305-3993. Project ACT: Free Anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing. Walk-in Hours: Mondays 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. 1 Washington St., Taunton, MA (508) 977-8146 Project Empower: Wellness prog. for gay, bi, questioning men in So. Coast MA. Info on HIV/ STD test sites & safe sex; social/support groups, therapists & health care referrals; & more. Community Counseling of Bristol Co., MA. (508) 828-6692 or www.projectempower.com. SSTAR (Stanley St. Treatment & Resources): counseling, drug treatment, detox, domestic violence programs; Free, confidential HIV, HEP C (HCV) & STD testing, education, case mgmt. and support. 386 Stanley St., Fall River, MA 02720. (508) 679-5222. Project Aware (HIV/ HCV) (800) 937-3610, Family Healthcare center (508) 675-1054; www.sstar.org. Tranquil Mind & Wellness: Counseling, alternative healing, yoga, Pilates, meditation and more. 105 Charles Eldridge Dr, Lakeville, MA. (508) 9471683. Thundermist Health Assoc.: 450 Clinton St. Woonsocket, provides HIV/AIDS services including: medical care & treatment by an HIV specialist, dental care, behavioral health counseling, nutritional assessment & counseling, pharmacy consultation, free, confidential HIV testing. Philip Kane 767-4100 Ext. 3516.



Be There and Be Queer! The Alley Cat: 17 Snow St. Prov. 273-0951 Downtown neighborhood bar. Sun.-Thur. 3 p.m.-1 a.m., Fri.-Sat. 3 p.m.-2 a.m. http://thealleycat.net. Bobby’s Place, 62 Weir St., Taunton, MA (508) 8249997. Dancing, pool, video lounge, karaoke. Mon.-Thurs. 5 p.m.- 1 a.m.; Fri. 5 p.m.-2 a.m.; Sat. 2 p.m.-2 a.m.; Sun. 2 p.m.-1 a.m. www.BobbysPlaceMA.com. Brooklyn Coffee Tea House: 209 Douglas Ave., Prov. 575-2284. Special events space. Open mike First & Third Sat. of each month. Film screenings and other public/private events. See us on Facebook and at www.BrooklynCoffeeTeaHouse.com. Club Body Center: 257 Weybosset St., Prov. 2740298 www.clubbodycenter.com. Gay men’s sauna. Membership required. One-day pass available. Open 24 hours daily.

sion list. To subscribe: tinawood@cox.net. United Way of RI Referral Line: 2-1-1 Youth Pride, Inc. HIV Peer Educators: HIV education discussion, games, thought-provoking activities. Led by trained youth educators. Free. 421-5626.

Political & Legal Groups American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): 831-7171; 128 Dorrance St., Suite 220, Prov., RI 02903. Amnesty International OUTfront: Program to campaign globally for LGBTIQ human rights. Cvohs18904@yahoo.com or 212-807-8400. Visit www.amnestyusa.org/Our Issues/LGBT Human Rights. BIGFLAG (Boston Immigration Group for Lesbians And Gays): social/support for LGBTs affected by immigration discrimination. (617) 499-9433.

Club Gallery: 150 Point St., Prov. 751-7166 Disco, karaoke, dancing, outdoor patio. Open daily, noon-1 a.m. (Fri & Sat till 2 a.m.)

Brown University Queer Alliance: student advocacy and support organization. 683-3062. Email: queer@brown.edu

Girl Spot at Gallery in Providence on Sat. nights. www.girlspot.com

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD): LGBT/HIV legal info hotline, 1:30-4:30 p.m. weekdays, (800) 455-GLAD. www.GLAD.org; 30 Winter St., Ste 800, Boston, MA 02108.

Mirabar: 35 Richmond St., Prov. 331-6761 www.mirabar.com. Dancing, third floor lounge, ages 18+ Sun-Thurs 3 p.m.-1 a.m., Fri, Sat 3 p.m.-2 a.m. Providence Eagle: 198 Union St., Prov. 421-1447. Leather, Levi, bear cruise bar. Sun-Thurs 3 p.m.1 a.m., Fri, Sat 3 p.m.-2 a.m. Mega-Plex: 257 Allens Ave., Prov. www.themega-plex. com. Gay men’s bathhouse. Open 24 hours daily. Membership required. One day pass available. The Stable: 125 Washington St., Prov. 272-6950. Newly renovated downtown bar. Pool table. Sun - Thurs noon - 1 a.m.; Fri - Sat noon - 2 a.m. Touch Providence: All-Male Review 257 Allens Ave., Prov. All nude male strippers, bar, 18+ www.touchprovidence.com. Sun, Wed, Thurs 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Fri, Sat. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. 732-7740. T.W.I.S.T. Program Coffee Night: Coffee, light snacks served every Thursday, 7 – 9 p.m. 1287 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford. 508-672-0378. Union: 200 Union St. Prov. 831-5366. Video lounge, live entertainment. Sun. 6 p.m.-1 a.m., Mon.-Thur. 3 p.m.-1 a.m., Fri.-Sat. 6 p.m.-2 a.m.

Information/Education Feminist Voices: women’s chorus. www.feministvoices.com. Fenway Gay and Lesbian Helpline: support, info & referrals for GLBT community from Fenway Community Health Ctr., Boston; (617) 267-9001 or 888-340-4528, 6-11 p.m. seven days a week. GLBT Helpline of RI: Info and referrals to physicians, therapists, businesses, agencies, social support groups, links to call-in helplines and more. www.glbthelpline.org.

Green Party of RI: PO Box 1151, Prov., RI 02901; 490-7602. Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund: 120 Wall St., Suite 1500, NY, NY 10005; (212) 8098585, Fax: (212) 809-0055. Lawyers for Equality and Diversity (LEAD): Advocates for lgbt causes. lawyersforequality@gmail.com Marriage Equality RI (MERI): Works for equal access to marriage for all. www.marriageequalityri. org or call 941-2727. 118 No. Main St., Unit 3, Providence RI 02903. The Next Thing (TNT): political and support group for queer people of color located at Brown University. Contact the Brown Queer Alliance, 863-3062. RI Commission on Prejudice and Bias: hate crime awareness training program www.hatecrimeri.org. RI Human Rights Commission: Anti-discrimination law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in employment, housing, public accommodations and credit, 180 Westminster St., 3rd floor Prov. Phone: 222-2662. Fax: 222-2616, TDD: 222-2664. RI Patient Advocacy Coalition: legalization of marijuana use for medical purposes. www.RIpatients.org. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network: Assisting active duty service members affected by the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. PO Box 65301, Wash., DC, 20035; (202) 328-3244, ext. 100, sldn@sldn.org, www.sldn.org. Straight But Not Narrow Coalition: Straight support for LGBT, PO Box 2591, Newport, RI 02840; 847-7637.

NewportOut.com: LGBT Web site for Newport, RI.

Religious Resources

RILGBT-NEWS: Low-volume email distribution list for LGBT & AIDS news from RI. Not a discus-

Amicable Congregational Church (UCC), 3736





Main Rd., Tiverton. Open & Affirming. Sunday worship 10:00 a.m. Pastor William Sterrett, 624-4611. Email amicablechurch@aol.com Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists, email: mail@WABaptists.org. Barrington Congregational Church (UCC) “the white church”, 461 Old County Rd., Barrington. 246-0111.www.bccucc.org Bell Street Chapel (Unitarian Universalist), A Welcoming congregation: Rev. C.J. McGregor, Minister. 5 Bell St., Prov., 273-5678, www.bellstreetchapel.org. Beneficent Congregational Church (UCC), in the heart of Providence at 300 Weybosset St. An Open & Affirming congregation since 2001. Visit us Sundays at 10 a.m. or on the Web at www.beneficentchurch.org. Co-Pastors Todd & Nicole Yonkman, 331-9844. Calvary Episcopal Church, Open and welcoming. 158 Broad St., Burrilville, RI. 568-3888. www. calvaryepiscopal.us.email, calvary125@aol.com. Central Congregational Church (UCC), where we believe God is still speaking. Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m. An Opening & Affirming Congregation. 296 Angell St., East Side of Providence. 331-1960. www.centralchurch.us. Channing Memorial Church, Unitarian Universalist, A Welcoming Congregation, 135 Pelham St., Newport. Call 846-0643 or visit www.channingchurch.org. Christ Church in Lonsdale (Episcopal), 1643 Lonsdale Ave., Lincoln. Services 8 and 10:30 a.m. www.christchurchlincoln.org. 725-1920. Church of the Epiphany, 1336 Pawtucket Ave., Rumford. 434-5012. A diverse Open & Affirming Episcopal congregation. www.epiphanyep.org Church of the Holy Paraclete, Independent Old Catholic; Mass every Sunday at 6 p.m. 155 Douglas Ave., Providence. http://holyparaclete. org; Fr. Jakob Lazarus 218-0706.

Immanuel Lutheran Church: A Reconciling in Christ congregation, 647 N. Main St., Attleboro, MA 02703. (508) 222-2898, www.immanuellc.org. Interweave at Channing UU Church in Newport (135 Pelham St.) A membership organization for the spiritual, political and social well-being of LGBTQ persons -- and their allies -- confronting oppression. 846-0643. Mathewson St. Church (United Methodist), 134 Mathewson St., Prov., 331-8900. Mercy of God Community: Christian, inclusive religious order. If you feel called, please visit our Web site: www.mgc.org. Murray Unitarian Universalist Church, 505 N. Main St., Attleboro, MA, 02702 Rev. Sandra D. Fitz-Henry. Marriage & commitment ceremonies for all. (508) 222-0505 www.murrayuuchurch.org Newman Congregational Church, Open & Affirming. 100 Newman Ave., Rumford, RI. 43114742. Newport Congregational Church: UCC. Rev. Hayes & Rev. Baker. Open & Affirming. 73 Pelham St., Newport. 849-2238 or nccucc@newportcongregationalchurch.org. Park Place Congregational Church, 71 Park Pl., Pawtucket, 726-2800. The Pub Church: A church that meets in a pub! Saturdays, 5 p.m. at The Dugout, 722 Commonwealth Ave. Boston. Open & Affirming. Email thepubchurch@gmail.com. Location may change. Pilgrim Lutheran Church, an inclusive congregation: 1817 Warwick Ave., Warwick. 739-2937 Pilgrim United Church of Christ. Open and affirming. 635 Purchase St., New Bedford. 508-9975684. Riverside Church (U.C.C.) 15 Oak Ave., Riverside, RI. 433-2039. www.rcc-ucc.com

Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John. 271 N. Main St., Prov. 02903. Please call 331-4622.

St. Augustine’s Church and Episcopal Center at URI: 35 Lower College Rd., Kingston. 783-2153 www.staugustineURI.com.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church. 120 Nate Whipple Highway, Cumberland RI 02864. 658-1506.

St. Francis City Ministry at the Church of St. Mary, 535 Broadway, Prov. 353-1422

First Congregational Church in Bristol, an Open and Affirming Congregation. 281 High Street, Bristol. Pastor Dan Randall, 253-7288.

St. James Church: Episcopal, 474 Fruit Hill Ave., No. Prov. 353-2079.

First Unitarian Church. A Welcoming congregation at One Benevolent St., Prov.; 421-7970. Services Sunday 10:30 a.m. First Unitarian Church. 71 8th St., New Bedford, MA 02740. (508) 994-9686. First Universalist Society, Franklin, MA: UUA Welcoming congregation. Same-gender weddings. 262 Chestnut St. (508) 528-5348. www.fusf.org. Email fusf@verizon.net Foxboro Universalist Church, Unitarian Universalist Association. 6 Bird St., Foxboro, MA 02035. Pastor Katie Lawson, 508-543-4002. Welcoming congregation, marriage ceremonies. www.uufoxborough.org Grace Episcopal Church in Providence, 175 Mathewson Street, Providence. 331-3225.



St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 50 Orchard St. East side of Prov., 751-2141 St. Martin’s Episcopal Church: County & River Sts., New Bedford, MA. (508) 994-8972, stmartins1887@aol.com. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 50 Park Place, Pawtucket. 728-4300. www.stpaulspawtucket.org St. Paul’s Church, a Welcoming Episcopal church. 2679 E. Main St., Portsmouth. 862-1466. www. stpaulsportsmouthri.org St. Peter & St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church: 25 Pomona Ave., Prov.; 272-9649. Email.stpanda25@ verizon.net. www.stpetersandstandrews.org. Saint Therese Old Catholic Church, Open & Affirming, Sunday Mass at 12:30 p.m. at 134 Mathewson St., Providence. Fr. David Martins,



263-4296. www.saintthereseocc.org Second Congregational Church of Attleboro (UCC) Open & Affirming. 50 Park Street, Attleboro, MA. Sunday worship 10 a.m. (508) 222-4677, www.attleborosecondchurch.org Seekonk Congregational Church: 600 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA. 02771, (508) 336-9355, Rev. Joy Utter, www.scc-ucc.com. Temple Agudas Achim: GLBT-friendly, Reconstructionist cong. Rabbi Elyse Wechterman. 901 No. Main St., Attleboro, MA. (508) 222-2243 or www.agudasma.org. Temple Beth-El: GLBT-welcoming. Rabbi Sarah E. Mack. 70 Orchard Ave., Prov., RI 02906. 3316070 Temple Emanu-El, Sessions St. & Morris Ave., Providence. A welcoming Conservative congregation. Rabbi Wayne Franklin, 331-1616. Temple Habonim (Reform): Rabbi Andrew Klein, 165 New Meadow Rd., Barrington, 245-6536. www.templehabonim.org. Temple Sinai: A Welcoming Reform Temple. Rabbi Peter Stein, 30 Hagen Ave., Cranston, RI. 9428350. www.TempleSinairi.org. Unitarian Society of Fairhaven (MA): 102 Green St., Fairhaven, MA 02719; (508) 992-7081. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of So. County: 27 North Rd., Peace Dale, RI; 783-4170 or Val 789-7282. www.uusouthcountyri.org. United Church of Christ: Coalition for LGBT Concerns. 13 Steven Circle, S. Kingstown, RI 02883, Ray Bradley at 782-3871. Westminster Unitarian/Universalist Church: 119 Kenyon Avenue, East Greenwich, RI 02818. 884-5933

Social Organizations Atheists/Agnostics: RI Atheist Society – “Working to keep Church and State separate” Welcoming all. Meets 3rd Monday of the month at an area restaurant for lively discussions among likeminded people. For info: www.RIatheist.net Bisexual Resource Center: 29 Stanhope St., Boston, (617) 424-9595 or www.biresource.net. Biversity Boston: Mixed-sex social network. Bimonthly brunches and other social events. http://biversity.org. Boston Bisexual Women’s Network: Social activities including monthly brunches, coming out groups, and quarterly newsletter “Bi Woman.” Subscribe at www.biwomenboston.org. Bears Ocean State (BOS): Informal e-group for gay & bisexual bear-identified and -affiliated men for friendly companionship. All welcome. http:// groups.yahoo.com/group/bearsoceanstate or bearsoceanstate-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Age-restricted. Bridgewater State College GLBT Alumni Group: email Kenneth Hayes (‘91) khayesbbc@msn.com or visit www.bridgew.edu. Cape and Islands Gay & Straight Youth Alliance (CIGYA): (508) 778-7744.



CORISMA: Gay and lesbian couples of RI and Southeast MA. Potluck get-togethers for couples only. For info or to be added to email list write: corismainfo@comcast.net. www.corismagroup.org Defenders/Providence: Leather/Levi club, c/o PO Box 41153, Prov., RI 02940. Third Sun at 6 p.m. Fall River’s Rainbow Girls: private, moderated welcoming group for women in the Fall River Area. groups.yahoo.com/group/ Fall_River_Rainbow_Grrls. Gay Lesbian Alliance of Newport County Etc. (GLANCE): Social and entertainment events. E-mail glance1234@hotmail.com. Gay Dads Group: Meets monthly for socializing and support. E-mail serrel30@aol.com. Imperial Court of RI at Prov: Male, female, drag king & queen performers raise funds for local charities. Meetings 1st Mon. of month, all welcome. PO Box 6583, Prov., RI 02904;www. icriprov.org. Men’s Card Group: New group in formation. E-mail johninprov@gmail.com or call John 261-9715. Men’s Gay Camping: In RI, CT, MA. Gatherings organized for tents to RVs during Spring, Summer and Fall 2012. www.webspawner.com/users/gaycamping/index.html or call 277-0075 or email gaycamping@gmx.com. Mixed Borders Gardening Group: Gardening and more! Monthly meetings, all welcome! For more information: www.MixedBorders.com or E-Mail Mixedborders@cox.net Opera Club: last Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Enjoy hearing and attending. Email Dave at BrettCornellpi4@aol.com Pawtuxet Pride: GLBTQ folks & friends in Pawtuxet Village (Cranston and beyond). All welcome. Call Ed at 345-1264 or email EDZL@aol.com. Providence Gay Men’s Chorus: Mon, 7-9:30 p.m., Beneficent Church, 300 Weybosset St, Prov.. New season rehearsals begin in January and August. Singers and nonsinging volunteers welcome. www.provgmc.org. Queer Book Club. Meets 3rd Wednesday 7 p.m. at Books on the Square, 471 Angell St., Providence. Email queerbookclub@gmail.com. Raging Grannies: Women of “a certain age” working toward a more peaceful, equitable society with song, humor & passion. Will sing for rallies & events. Email jlglass53@aol.com. RI Association of Gay Professionals. Professional networking and philanthropy. gayprofessionalnetworkofri@gmail.com. 453-9276 RI Feminist Resources Network: Free, online e-community in which you are invited to share events or highlights in your organization or just find out what’s going on in our “like-minded” communities. www.rifrn.net RI Lesbian Social Club: social gatherings for women; email: heylari@yahoo.com or call 272-2962. RI Parents Pride: Gay parents socializing together with their children. Contact Melanie, 464-2288 or saphicangel120@yahoo.com RI Pride: Parade & Festival, year-round events; Box 1082, Prov. RI 02901, info@PrideRI.com; www.



PrideRI.com. Office at 1005 Main St. #1105, Pawtucket. 467-2130 RI Prime Timers. Social and networking group for gay and bisexual men 40 and older. Meets 2nd Sundays. www.riprimetimers.org RI Skeptics Society. Yearning to talk with someone rational? Meetings 4th Saturday at a Seekonk restaurant for refreshing discussion. http:// skeptics.meetup.com/133/ RI Women’s Association: Lesbian social group; age 21+; dances/events. www.RIWA.net SAGE/RI (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) Advocacy, education and social events for RI’s LGBTQ seniors. sageriinfo@gmail.com, on Facebook: “Sage/Rhode Island.” SEMASSMEN: Social group for GBQ men of S.E. Mass and RI to foster strong friendships.Semassmen-subscribe@yahoo groups.com or email moderator rlevass @yahoo.com. Trans Queer RI: friendship, fun activities, and support for transgender, queer & like-minded people. Gatherings third Sunday of each month. Email trans.queer.ri@gmail.com. T.W.I.S.T. Project: Program for gay and bisexual men in Fall River/New Bedford area. Drop-in center, referrals, condom distribution, social groups. Coffee night Thursdays 7 – 9 p.m. (508) 672-0378; www.myspace.com/twistprogram. UNISONG: For unity through song. Non-performance monthly singing session. www.unisong. net or jlglass53@aol.com VegOut Rhode Island: Social group for LGBT vegetarians, vegans and friends. Potlucks, VegOutings to restaurants, and other fun. Visit www. meetup.com/vegout-ri WomenRIsing. Feminist Chorus. Director Nancy Rosenberg. www.womenrisingchorus.org. Email: contact@womenrisingchorus.org. Yankee Lambda Car Club: Regional club for glbt people interested in vintage & specialty cars. www.yankeelcc.com, sisherwood@aol.com.


Ext. 5; Beantown No. G&L Invitational, www. beantownbowling.com (617) 738-0708 or (617) 937-5858 Ext. 10; Beantown South G&L Invitational League, (617) 889-1552. DARTS: Beantown Soft-Tip Dart League www.bsdl. org. FLAG FOOTBALL: FLAG (For Lesbians and Gays) Football www.flagflagfootball.com, (617) 9375858 Ext. 4. FOOTBALL: Women’s professional team Northeastern Nitro. Members of the Women’s Football Alliance. Practices held in Bethel, CT. Contact Amy Manfred at amymanfred@yahoo.com or Carley Pesente at linebackergirl56@aol.com. RI/S.E. MA Flag Football: Sats. 10 a.m. All levels and genders. mbs1994ever@yahoo.com GOLF: Golf4All www.golf4all.net (617) 450-8682. HOCKEY: Boston Pride Hockey www.bostonpridehockey.org (617) 937-5858 Ext. 7. ICE HOCKEY for WOMEN: email gwick@kersur.net.

Gail Wickstrom

KICKBOXING or BOXING for WOMEN: Tues & Thurs evenings. Christina, 996-5425. www.rondeauskickboxing.com OUTDOORS: Chiltern Mountain Club: outdoor recreation for men & women; Call 617-869-7958 for newsletter; PO Box 390928, Cambridge, MA 02139; www.chiltern.org. ROWING: Boston Bay Blades www.bayblades.org/ boston (617) 937-5858 Ext. 11. RUGBY: Boston Ironsides Rugby Football Club. www.bostonironsidesrfc.org. RUNNING: Frontrunners Rhode Island: Brian 751-7643, bripm@cox.net; Frontrunners Boston www.frontrunnersboston.org (617) 937-5858 Ext. 3. SCUBA DIVING: Triangle Divers: www.triangledivers.org. SNOWBOARDING: OutRyders, www.outryders. org or email brian@outryders.org. SOCCER: Boston Strikers Soccer Club www.bostonstrikers.com (617) 937-5858 Ext. 9.

PRIDESPORTSBOSTON: Network of twenty-plus gay sports leagues/teams in Boston area: www. pridesportsboston.com 617-937-5858

SOFTBALL: Renaissance City Softball League. New players and boosters always welcome. 3236642 or rcsl_commish@cox.net. Visit www. providencesoftball.org

Gay sports in Boston and beyond: www.gaysports. com. Email info@gaysports.com.

Beantown Softball League: (617) 937-5858, Ext. 1, www.beantownsoftball.com.

BASKETBALL: Boston Gay Basketball League: www.bgbl.com or (617) 937-5858 Ext. 2.

SQUASH: Boston Boasts www.bostonboasts.com

BOWLING: RI GALA: 6 p.m. Sun., East Prov. Lanes, Newport Ave., Bruce, 397-3803, or Bill, 828-5587 www.galabowling.com. Monday Night Women’s Bowling League, Pat 451-2188. Royal Court Bowling League: 9 p.m. Wed., Woonsocket Hill Bowl; 767-2110. Big Gay Al’s Duckpin bowling league: Tuesdays 6:30 p.m., Proceeds benefit AIDS causes. Town Hall Lanes, Johnston. www.BGALBowling.com. Frank Ferri 831-6940. www.townhalllanes.com. BOWLING: BOSTON: Monday Night League, www.mnbl.net (617) 713-4832 or (617) 937-5858



SWIMMING: LANES (Liquid Assets New England Swim-Team); www.swim-lanes.org; (617) 9375858 Ext. 9. TENNIS: TENNIS-4-All: www.tennis4all.org. VOLLEYBALL: Cambridge Boston Volleyball Assoc. www.GayVolleyball.net, (617) 633-2180 YOGA for gays & lesbians. 9 a.m. Saturdays. All welcome. www/meetup.com/Gay-Meditation/. Fee applies. WRESTLING: East Coast Wrestling Club www. eastcoastwrestlingclub.org, email ecwc@juno. com, (401) 467-6737 or (617) 937-5858 Ext. 6



Students & Youth Bristol Community College Gay/Straight Alliance (BCC/GSA); Steven Camara, Advisor (508)6782811 Ext. 2391, BCC-H202, 777 Elsbree St., Fall River, MA 02720. Brown University Queer Alliance: umbrella org. for groups. 863-3062. www.queer.brown.edu Brown University Grad Student - Med Student - Staff LGBTQ Association: queer-med-gradmembers@queer.brown.edu Brown University Staff LGBTQ Assn.: call LGBT Resource Center: 863-3062 Brown University LGBTQ Resource Center: 8633062, e-mail lgbtq@brown.edu Bryant Pride: Bryant College Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Student Association. 232-6389.

Youth Pride Inc./The Way Out: Support, education & advocacy for LGBTQQ young people ages 13-23.Drop-in center at 743 Westminster St., Prov. 02903; M-F noon-8 p.m. The Way Out support group meets Thurs., 5 p.m. The Gender Spectrum support group meets Tues. 5:30 p.m. Call 421-5626 or email kerri@youthpride-ri.org Web: www.youthpride-ri.org.

Support Groups & Social Services Abuse Victims and Survivors: Support on phone for LGBTQ victims & survivors of partner abuse. Confidential peer-led groups. Hotline (617) 742-4911. Network/LaRed. Email office: advocate@tnir.org

CCRI Triangle Alliance: Informal student GLBTQ group, 400 East Ave., Warwick. Call 825-1125 or www.ccri.cc.ri.edu/triangle.

Adoption Options: Non-sectarian help for LGBT and straight adoptions. Betsy Alper, Jewish Family Service, 959 No. Main St., Providence. 331-54337.

COLAGE. Support for children of LGBT Parents: rhodeisland@colage.org; http://www.myspace. com/colage_ri. 331-9844.

Foster parents needed: Stipend, assistance, training provided by Family Resources Community Action. 766-0900, ext. 1213.

Fitchburg State College GLBT Alliance: social support group for students. One-in-Ten and Friends, 978-665-3164, sfranzemn@fsc.edu.

Foster parents needed, for newborn to age six. www. childrensfriendri.org. 276-4318

Peer Listening Line/Fenway Community Health Ctr.: Boston. Youth-staffed hotline for GLBT youth; support, info and referrals. (617) 2672535 or (800)-399-PEER, 5-10 p.m. all week. RIC Rainbow Alliance: GLBT students at RI College, Fridays 12:30 -- 2 p.m, in Unity Center in lower Donovan. Office in StudentUnion 425. ricrainbowalliance2007@yahoo.com. Phone 456--8121 Roger Williams University LGBTQ & Allies group: S.A.F.E (Sexual Advocacy for Everyone): Weekly meetings in Intercultural Center; speakers, social and awareness events; Pride Week in April. Email: saferwu03@gmail.com. Facebook: S.A.F.E. Salve Regina University Gay Straight Lesbian Bisexual Alliance (GSLBA), 100 Ochre Point Ave., Newport. Sister Johnelle, Lucianij@salve.edu SeaQuel: Southeast Asian Queers United for Empowerment and Leadership. Bi-weekly Sunday meetings. 383-7450. myspace.com/seaQuel; Email SeaQuel@Prysm.us S.H.E.P.A.R.D. (Stopping Homophobia, Eliminating Prejudices and Restoring Dignity): Providence College, 1 Cunningham Sq., Prov., RI 02918, E-mail pclgbt@gmail.com. 865-1631 The Trevor Project: The only nationwide, aroundthe-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for LGBT youth. Also offers social networks. 866-4-U-TREVOR; thetrevorproject.org. The Next Thing (TNT): Political & support group for queer people of color at Brown Univ. Call Brown Queer Alliance, 863-3062. University of RI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer & Questioning (LGBTIQ2) association dedicated to campus inclusiveness among staff, faculty, alumni and students. gsimonelli@advance.uri.edu. 874-5808.



Foster parents sought: Training, stipend, support provided for nurturing families. Gregary Wright, Family Service of RI, 331-1350 Ext. 3305 Behavioral health outpatient services in Fall River area, inclusive of LGBT: S.T.E.P. (508-)2351012; T.W.I.S.T. (508) 672-0378 Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center, offering resources for victims of domestic violence. 7233057. Catholic Parents Outreach: Always Our Children, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Sacred Heart Convent, 395 Chestnut St., Springfield, MA. Call Ann, (413) 736-6803.

or controlling, LGBT or straight relationships. 24 hour free and confidential helpline. 7823990. Female-to-Male Support Group: Transgender peer support, information, social group. For those who identify somewhere on the trans-masculine spectrum. Regular meetings. Visit www.SNE_ FTM@yahoo.com Gay/Bi/Lesbian Coming Out support Group: Facilitated meetings, social events. TJFronczak@ aol.com. Fee applies. Gay Fathers of Greater Boston: support: E-Mail outreach@gayfathersboston.org. www.gayfathersboston.org. Gay Fathers Support Group in RI. Tom Fronczak, LICSW, 431-2953. Fee applies. GayLab for Healthy Relationships: Learning & practicing healthy ways to socialize in safe, nonjudgmental environment in LGBT community. www.gaylab.org. Email info@gaylab.org. James, 781-762-6629 Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project: support, info, shelter. (800) 832-1901, www.gmdvp.org. Gay Men’s Life Coaching Group: Empower Your Life! 4th Friday of the month, 7 -- 8 p.m., 877 Broadway, E. Providence. 944-0723. $20 per session. Gay Men’s Meditation Group: Relax and connect! Second Wed. of the month, 7 -- 8 p.m. at Positive New Beginnings, 877 Broadway, E. Providence. Call Tim at 944-0723. $10/session. Gay Officers Action League /New England (GOAL NE), gay/lesbian/bisexual law enforcement officers, sworn & civilian. Fire, rescue and publicly employed EMS. P.O. Box 587, Boston, MA 02117; www.goalne.org; info@goalne.org; (617) 376-3612. Confidential. Gay Share. Coming Out? Gay men’s support group Wed., 7 p.m. No fee. Call Tom/Mike, 369-9448 or www.gayshare.org; Info@gayshare.org.

COLAGE (Children of Gays): A national movement of people with one or more LGBT parents. Social justice, education & advocacy. Meets 3rd Saturday of the month, Beneficent Church (3319844), 300 Weybosset St., Providence. Jamie Pease, rhodeisland@colage.org. www.myspace. com/colage_ri

Helpline for LGBT Youth: Trevor Helpline, call 24/7 for crisis and suicide prevention. Also social networks. 866-4-U-Trevor

Coming Out Support Group: Monthly meetings professionally facilitated. www.meetup.com/ ComingOutRI/ Fee applies.

Kathy’s Group: free support group for lesbians with cancer or any life-threatening illness. Meets monthly in Providence. Partners and caregivers welcome. Call 888-5KATHYS.

Compass: FTM trans info, support and social group, meets in Boston First Thursday, 7 – 9 p.m. www.compassftm.org, compassftm@comcast.net Crossroads RI: Hotline (Travelers Aid): (800) 3672700 Day One (Formerly Sexual Assault and Trauma Resource Center of RI): Counseling & legal aid for victims of sexual assault/abuse & incest. 24-hr hotline (800) 494-8100, collect calls accepted: 421-4100. Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County: Support, court advocacy, counseling, safe home, info for women and men in abusive



HIV+ Gay Men’s Support Group at AIDS Care Ocean State, 18 Parkis Ave., Prov., RI. 5213603. Refreshments served. New members should call Scott: 640-3108

Lesbian Moms of Southern NE: discussion, support and activity list for lesbian mothers. www. topica.com/lists/LMOSNE or ForADancer63@ aol.com. LBT Women’s Mediation: De-stress and express yourself! 4th Wednesday of the month, 7 -- 8 p.m., Positive New Beginnings, 877 Broadway, E. Providence. $10 per session. 944-0723. Mantalk of S.E. Mass: Social/Discussions for gay/ bi/curious men 18+. Taunton every Thursday, and New Bedford 1st Wed. of the month, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Confidential. Drug/alcohol-free. Email mantalksouthcoast@yahoo.com



Nat. Lesbian & Gay Journalists Assoc./New England: Works for fair and accurate media coverage of LGBT issues, info@nlgja.org. PFLAG: Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays: Greater Providence: First Wednesdays, 6:45p.m. at Met School, 325 Public St., Providence. 751-7571; www.pflagprovidence.org; pflagprovidence@verizon.net; South/Central RI: www.pflagscri.org, 219-0265, epbonetti@gmail. com; Cape Cod/Falmouth: Last Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth, 840 Sandwich Rd., E. Falmouth. joann@pflagcapecod.org. RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Info at 467-9940; 24-hour helpline, (800) 494-8100. RI Rainbow Support Group for people with disabilities who identify as LGBTQ. Meets last Tuesday of each month. 98 Rolfe St., Cranston, 6 - 7:30. Ken Renaud, 785-2100. RI Relay 711. Samaritans: 24-hour hotline for suicidal, lonely, de-

spairing, depressed. (800) 365-4044 (RI only), 272-4044; www.samaritansri.org. Sexual Health Education & Advocacy Program: HIV, sexual wellness, domestic violence risk reduction. Free, confidential, LGBTQ-friendly and bilingual (Spanish). Contact Aida (amanduley@sojournerri.org) or call 861-6191, ext. 121. No caller ID is used; calls are blocked for safety. Sojourner House: Support, shelter, advocacy, info for people in abusive relationships. Call us at 861-6191 We DON’T use Caller ID; calls are blocked for safety. Straight Spouse Support: Straight spouse professional offers peer support and referrals. Jane Harris, (413) 625-6636. Email jcmalinski48@ gmail.com. Straight Spouses Group: Visit www.StraightSpouse. org. for info on groups and online support. TGI Network of R.I.: Support, advocacy for Trans-

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gender, Transsexual, Gender-varient, Genderqueer & Intersex people. www.tginetwork.org. info@tginetwork.org. Transgender Support Group: Cape Cod (508) 3624435 Trans Partners New England: Professionally led group for loved ones of trans people. TGI Network of R.I. www.tginetwork.org. partners@ tginetwork.org TransYouth Family Allies: Support for gender-variant and transgender children ages 3-18. Info@ imatyfa.org. www.imatyfa.org. Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA): Growing organization to address the concerns of fair treatment of transgender veterans and active duty service members. www. tavausa.org. Women’s Resource Center of Newport and Bristol Counties, offering services to victims of domestic violence. 846-5263. q

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