OptraSCAN-Digital Pathology Scanner OS-LITE

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Improving Pa�ent Outcomes With Affordable

and Easy To Implement Digital Pathology Solu�ons OS-Lite (15 slides) Unparalleled image quality from your desktop

Create high resolu�on digital images and achieve efficiency at affordable pricing solu�on. OS-Lite is a perfect tool for small to medium laboratories.


Slide Capacity:

15 slides

Scanning Speed:

(15 x 15 mm �ssue area): 1-3 mins for histology and cytology samples


20x or 40x (Digital zoom upto 60x)

Key Benefits :


Unparalleled image quality Patented composite imaging ensuring 99% in-focus slide images Automated �ssue detec�on One-touch walk away automa�on Mul�-Site collabora�on QR code, 1D, 2D, and barcode recogni�on Cloud-enabled with instant cloud loading capability OptraSCAN Inc. CA, USA +1 (408) 524-5300

OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900

Ability to scan or live view at 20x FFPE or frozen samples Robust and easy installa�on IMAGEPath image management system included for viewing, storing & archiving TELEPath Telepathology included for real-�me remote consulta�ons info@optrascan.com www.optrascan.com


An ISO 13485 cer�fied company OptraSCAN systems are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are for research use only in North America

Technical Specifica�ons Imaging Mode:


File Format:

JPEG2000, TIFF, SVS, MRXS, CZI, NDPI, JPEG, OpenSlide compa�ble (image converter so�ware)

Slide Formats:

Standard 25 x 75mm (1”x3”) slides

Dimensions & Weight for OS-15 :

Approximate Width- 14”, Length- 17”, Height- 18”, Weight- 45lbs


0.50 μm/pixel at 20x, 0.25 μm/pixel at 40x

Scanning Speed

1-3 mins at 20x (15 x 15 mm �ssue area)

Image Storage Space:

400MB for a 15x15mm �ssue (at 20x)

IMAGEPath Web-based Image Management and Viewing Access images any�me and anywhere Image sharing, collabora�on and storage security Pan, zoom, annotate, generate reports User authen�ca�on and “role-enabled” access Image analysis plug-in available Audit trail func�onality


Real-�me Digital Conferencing Real-�me sharing/collabora�on Interac�ve chat

OptraASSAYS Image Analysis

AI & ML based Image Analysis Solu�ons Turnkey analysis of ER, PR, Her2neu, Ki67, PD-L1 IHC mul�plexing assays Accurate, rapid & reproducible assessment Addi�onal algorithms available with user configura�on Biomarker quan�fica�on using nuclear, membrane & cytoplasmic stains

Cytology Image Analysis Automated computa�on of sample adequacy for the whole slide cytology image Iden�fica�on of abnormal cells and other en��es based on morphological features and AI based classifica�on Iden�fica�on of reac�ve, endometrial, ac�nomyces, candida, clue cells, trichomonas vaginalis, and herpes en��es Iden�fica�on of en��es including blood, inflamma�on, and lubricant OptraSCAN Inc. CA, USA +1 (408) 524-5300

OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900

info@optrascan.com www.optrascan.com


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