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5 This issue I 6 Live N athan I 8 N ightO w l I 14-16 M ovie review s I 17 CD review s I 19 Bites I 35 Shots

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O nce dow Once do wnloaded, nloaded, open the open the ScanLi canL S if fe app on app onyour our y devi de vic ce. e. This Thi sw i will llactivat activ ate yourdevi de vic ce’ e’ s cam camera.Then Then posi sition po tion yourphone phone so so you ou y cansee can see thethe bar bar code on onthe the screen. een. scr Depending D epending in in your our y devic devi ce, e,the the code ode c will w illeither either scan auscan autom omaati tically cally, ,oror you ouy maay m y need needtottake tak e aa pictur pi cture of ofit.it.

Find the LOOK photographers • LOOK photographers will be in Bricktown, Midtown and other hot spots.


The ScanLife app w illthen take you to a designated w ebpage or,like the code on the coverofLook@ O KC,a video presentation of the to events going on around O klahom a.

3 M ay 12 -M ay 28


D ow nload the free ScanLife application onto your m obile device by going to w w w .scanlife. com on your device’s w eb brow ser. The dow nload should take less than a m inute.The ScanLife app is com patible w ith iPhones,A ndroids, BlackBerry’s and ost other popular cam era phones.

Stil bored in OKC? Hit the town a little harder


OPUBCO Communications Group LOOKatOKC EDITOR George Lang LEAD PROJECT DESIGNER M atthew Clayton NICHE PUBLICATIONS EDITOR M elissa How ell


ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHERS Holly Franks, Allan Row, Steve Maupin and Paul Riedl

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Justin Billinger (405) 475-3379


ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jose Rodriguez (405) 475-4147


5 M ay 12 -M ay 28

hen w e w ere kids,the absolute w orstthing you could say to yourparents w as,“I’ve gotnothing to do.”Usually,Ionly m anaged to gethalfofitoutbefore m y m om had m e cleaning m y room ,m ow ing the law n orfitted w ith w aders and low ered into the septic tank.Ifound things to do to avoid having things found form e to do. A couple ofdecades ago,there w ere tim es w hen adults could getaw ay w ith saying they had nothing to do in O klahom a City.Im oved back to O klahom a in 1990 afterliving in Silicon Valley forthree years,and the adjustm entw as rough — itw as like going from 60 to 0,and itw as com m on to think aboutw eekends in term s ofw hethera trip to Dallas w as a viable option. Idon’trem em berthe last tim e Iseriously considered FROM THE TOP a trip to DFW outofsheer BY GEORGE LANG boredom — itdoesn’treally GLANG@OPUBCO.COM scan anym ore,and that’s BLOG.NEWSOK.COM/STATICBLOG/ because w e don’treally need ourneighborto the south like w e did in the old days. Justa few w eeks ago,the O KC area experienced a bottleneck ofactivity — betw een the Festivalofthe A rts,the Norm an M usic Festivaland the O klahom a City M em orialM arathon,there w as no excuse forboredom the w eekend ofA pril25 — a m onth ofSundays like thatone w ould w ipe m e out. Buteven on norm alw eekends — and w eekdays,forthatm atter— O klahom a City has m ultiple entertainm entdistricts w here som ething is alw ays happening,w ith em erging districts like Plaza,Paseo and M idtow n surging in recentyears.To celebrate the rise ofthese districts,w e had LO O KatO KC’s NightO w l,Lacey Lett,show us w here LO O KatO KC readers hitthe tow n, and as she proves in ourcoverstory,they hititfrom m ultiple angles. There are no excuses anym ore.Ifyou can’tcom e up w ith som ething to do in O klahom a City,m aybe you should go clean up yourroom .

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jaclyn G reene (405) 475-4195

Single copies ofLOOKatOKC m ay be obtained free ofcharge at locations from Stillw aterto Norm an.Additionalcopies are available for$1 each at The O klahom an.W holesale and indiscrim inate rem ovalofLOOKatOKC publications from new sstands forpurposes otherthan individualuse w illresultin prosecution.Every effortis m ade to ensure thatallcalendarentries are accurate.LOOKatOKC does not guarantee the events orthe schedules.Readers are encouraged to callahead forexacttim es and dates. LOOKatOKC is published every other Thursday by The O klahom an,9000 Broadw ay Extension,O klahom a City,O klahom a 73114. Foradvertising and prom otionalopportunities please contactThe Oklahom an retailadvertising departm entat475-3338.


M ay 12 -M ay 28


From the m ess hallto the festival turned around and there they were. Among the thousands at the Norman Music Festival, a group of my former campers stood front row eagerly awaiting The Dirty Projectors. At the second NMF, the same few faces watched Of Montreal with a perfect view. These kids are luckily a product of too much music and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic summer camp located in the outskirts of Arcadia. It’s a speck on the map of Oklahoma, but the camp’s influence on local music has no boundaries. Several of NMF’s heavy hitters were OLOG counselors or performers. Members of The Pretty Black Chains, The Boom Bang and Hush Hush Commotion spent their fair share of summer hanging out between the mess hall and the archery range. Boom Bang guitarist Tommy McKenzie used to duct tape kids to cabin walls and act as pyrotechnic wizard for the camp’s Fourth of July celebration. PBC frontman Kellen McGugan and Boom Bang singer James Smith danced wildly around campfires to get hundreds of kids to sing silly songs about geese and poison bears. Several amateur musicians attempted a cover of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” with a piano and clarinet. I know, epic. OLOG makes the Disney Channel’s “Camp Rock” movies look like an episode of “The Martha Stewart Show” that deals with making fanny packs. I can’t stress how important it is for escapes like OLOG and NMF to exist. Places promoting the exchange of ideas and the celebration of talent are invaluable to the growth of creative forces in this state. You never know where inspiration will come from. Who would have guessed several weeks of sun tan lotion, tater tots and corn dogs can shape people into indestructible warriors of rock?


Show s to see and notto see... >>> M ay 14:Alice Cooperis stillon the radio scream ing “school’ s outforsum m er”fora reason.He sings this because you need to enjoy freedom and see the End ofSchoolShow w ith M ayola,The Non,Student Film and Native Lights. @ The O polis,113 N Craw ford,Norm an

>>> M ay 14:Fiaw na Forté know s how to rock,butnow no one is safe.Her“Transitus” CD release show w illallow her to explode m inds live and at hom e. @ The M arquee,222 N M ain,Tulsa

>>> M ay 20:Electric Beatdow n is the biggestdance party in O klahom a and itgets crazy in the sum m erm onths. By the w ay,the m otto is “Breaking Hearts and Picnic Tables Since 2008.”Be there. @ Stonew allTavern,115 S Knoblock,Stillw ater

>>> M ay 23: Iw illstartprew rapping head bands and ironing m y Ed Hardy T-shirts so Ilook like a boss atRocklahom a 2010 in Pryor. >>> M ay 25:I’m stillpicking confettiand glitteroutofm y hairafterseeing O fM ontreal tw ice lastyear.Theirindoor show s packs a w allop com pared to anything they can do outdoors.It’s a treat. @ Cain’s Ballroom ,423 N M ain,Tulsa




M ay 12 -M ay 28


I G H T O W Lacey Lettis the co-hostofa new localm usic show on 105.3 FM “The Spy.”Herongoing colum n,“A NightO w l”is focused on w hat’ s going on in nightlife new s forLookatO KC.

A great way to sing into the night


can’tsing.Justask anyonethat’sheard m esing in theshow er.It’spretty atrocious.That’sw hy Isavem yselffrom em barrassm entw hen itcom esto singing Karaoke-- exceptonce.Thisw asw hen Iw entto Sing Sing Karaokein N ew York. Iw entto m eetup w ith som efriendsthere and found them in a tiny room aboutthe sizeofa largebathroom .Itw asjustthem . Six orso peoplepacked into thissm allspace w ith a m assivesong listin frontofthem and tw o m icrophonesto sing into.Atfirst,I w asquietasnorm alw atching in thecorner. W hen thecocktailw aitresscam ein asking usfordrinks,Iordered m y usualvodka soda.Loosening up a bitand practically being forced to sing,Itook them icand sang a Beatlestune.Iw ashooked.Im adesure som eonealw ayssang w ith m e,butsong aftersong Iended up w ith them icrophone.It w asprobably a littleirritating to m y friends thatw ould likea turn,butitw asm y first tim e,and Iactually feltcom fortable.W e sang Snoop Dogg,Lady Gaga,B-52s,Elvis Presley,Salt‘n’Pepa and tonsofBeatles.By theend ofthenight,w hich w asabout3:30 a.m .Istillonly had onedrink in m y system . W ait.Idon’teven think Idrank buthalfof it.Ididn’tneed itanym ore.Iw asfreefrom karaokehelland into karaokeeuphoria. I’m telling you m y personalstory because Ithink privatekaraokeroom sareaw esom e,and O KC needsthem .It’sincredibly popularin Japan asyou’veseen in “LostIn Translation.” In fact,Karaoketranslatesinto “em pty orchestra” in Japanese,and them ostpopulartypeofkaraokeisthe“karaokebox”

a.k.a.theprivatekaraokeroom sI’m talking about. Ithink they areso popularbecausetheshy feela senseofcom fortnothaving to sing in frontofa bunch ofstrangers.Italso allow s you to sing tonsofsongsinstead ofw aiting forJoeSchm o to finish singing his100th bad country tuneofthenight.A lotofm y friendshavebirthday partiesin “karaokeboxes” becauseit’sexclusive,fun and atypicalto thenorm aldinnerand going-toa-bunch-of-barsnight. Thebestpartaboutprivatekaraokeroom s isthatthey arereasonably priced forw hat you get.Sing Sing hasroom sforthreepeopleat$24/hrw ith each additionalperson $8.$32/hrforfourpeople.$40/hrforfive people.Thatis$8 a person to sing a good fiveto 10 songsin an hour.Iknow w hatyou m ightbethinking.Thefun in karaokeis peoplew atching and listening to theaw ful singers.Thebeauty ofthisidea ishaving options.You can w atch and sing in public orgo into som ew herea bitm oresecluded if thatfitsyourfancy. I’vetaken a look atN ancy’sLighthouseto seeifsom ething likethatcould physically fitin there,and itdoes.They havelarge banquetroom sto thesidethatcould easily bem adeinto a few di erentroom s.I’m sureH aw aiian Don’sorany oftheH enry H udson’scould do itifthey w ant,ora businessdevelopercould open a new upscale karaokebar,possibly in theW estern Avenue districtorM idtow n district.M aybeit’sjust m ew anting to go back to karaokeeuphoria to sing m y gutsoutorm aybeit’sjusta good alternativeto nightlifein O klahom a.

The bestpartabout private karaoke room s is thatthey are reasonably priced forw hatyou get. The fun in karaoke is people w atching and listening to the aw fulsingers.The beauty ofprivate karaoke room s is having options.

A whole new golden age for M ay 12 -M ay 28


O klahom a City? fthis is the golden age ofO klahom a City as oklahom ariver.com assuredly says,then entertainm ent districts could be the key to its success.Look atdistricts in otherstates thathave proved popular.W illiam sburg in Brooklyn,The Plaza in Kansas City and Austin’s 6th Street,have becom e M eccas ofnightlife and entertainm entforthose cities.W hile Bricktow n and The Paseo Arts Districtw ere once on the short listto areas to visit,the hostofnew developm ents keep O KC entertained.M idtow n and Classen Curve are exam ples ofthe new bies to the block.


W e’ve com piled a listofentertainm entdistricts,the key destinations,areas and trends as a guide to setyou on yourjourney through O KC nightlife. >>> STORY BY LACEY LETT, LOOK AT OKC

commerce (Stockyards, Rodeo Opry, etc.) Area: S 7th and Lincoln Blvd/S.W. 14th to S.W. 11th a nd S. Agnew Ave./I-240 between Shields and May

midtown (Plaza Court, Automobile Alley, etc.) Area: 387-acre area extending from N.W. 13th Street south to 4th Street and from one-half block east of Robinson Avenue west to Classen Boulevard

western/classen (Classen Curve, Classen Circle, etc.) Area: NW 37 and Shartel to NW 75th and Western/NW 58 and Classen/NW 58 and N Classen Circle

memorial corridor

bricktown (Bricktown Ballpark, canal, etc.)

(Bricktown Ballpark, canal, etc.)

Area: E.K. Gaylord Ave. on the west, Stiles Ave. on the east, Reno Ave. on the south and Main St. on the north

plaza district (Lyric Theatre, Collected Thread) Area: NW 16, between Classen and Pennsylvania.

These are justa few ofdozens ofdistricts m aking O KC a destination spot and notjusta drive-through city.Now it’s tim e to getoutand supportthe districts thatm ake O klahom a City a city of“cool.”

paseo district (Picasso Grill, Sauced, Red Rooster) Area: Between N.W. 28 to 30th and Walker

11 1 M ay 12 -M ay 28

Area: Memorial Road and Kirkpatrick Turnpike between Pennsylvania Avenue and the Lake Hefner Parkway

m idtow n

M May ay 12 -M May ay 28


bricktow n



> Recently revitalized, the Midtown District is host to many restaurants, art galleries and small eateries. The restaurants in the Midtown District are diverse, with an Irish pub, Brazilian restaurant, upscale Latino eatery and an old-fashioned hamburger joint to name a few. Just a few blocks down on Broadway is Automobile Alley, historically home to many automobile dealerships and service companies. Its current architecture is still reminiscent of that time, the brick fronts and big garage doors remain to this day, and is growing with a bicycle store, Coffee Slingers coffee house, Red Prime Steakhouse and a dance studio as well as apartments and a host of other businesses.

> This district is appropriately named, with brick buildings and streets throughout the area. The warehouses were first filled in 1915 after Henry Ford opened an assembly plant, and within the past 20 years it has grown to be the heart of OKC with the Bricktown Canal, Harkins Cinema, AT&T Bricktown Ballpark, Coca-Cola Bricktown Events Center, Bass Pro Shops and more than 35 restaurants and bars.

KEY DESTINATIONS > Coffee Slingers, James E. McNellie’s Public House, Cafe Do Brasil, Midtown Deli, Irma’s Burger Shack

WHO GOES THERE > Diversity fills the Midtown District with unique local businesses. People looking for a good rooftop bar go to Cafe Do Brasil and beer drinkers choose McNellie’s for the 350plus options. An older crowd will choose Grateful Bean in the mornings with breakfast beginning at 7 a.m.

TRENDS > Midtown District’s website notes the success of the future will be “the creation of a lively, visually exciting, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use urban environment, offering housing types that will appeal to a variety of lifestyles, ages and income levels. In this new environment, urban living, businesses, and retail services are all located within a comfortable walk of each other.” This is evident with three brand-new apartment complexes.

KEY DESTINATIONS > Tapwerks Ale House & Cafe, Rok Bar, Red Pin Bowling Alley, City Walk, Wormy Dog Saloon, Maker’s Cigar and Piano Lounge, Bricktown Brewery, SkkyBar Ultra Lounge, Red Dirt Emporium

WHO GOES THERE > Depending on the time of the day, the Bricktown audience changes. The young adult crowd flocks to the district around 9 p.m. on a typical Friday and Saturday night. Being event-oriented with the ballpark, movie theater, Ford Center and the Cox Convention Center, different groups and types come out to Bricktown.

TRENDS > According to executive director Jim Cowan, “significant developments” will come to Bricktown in 2010 both regionally and nationally, and he credits the OKC Thunder as the reason. “The Thunder played the Lakers recently, and Oklahoma City is being talked about in a positive manner,” he said.

w estern/ classen WHAT’S IT LIKE > Out-of-state visitors tend to skip over North OKC, which is a shame because it has so much to offer. The nightlife is booming, and the new openings are getting to be pretty exhausting for the social butterfly. Western Avenue has coffee, pizza, concerts and of course, bars. Classen Circle is all about bars, bars, bars with hands-down staples – Edna’s and HiLo Club. Classen Curve is the latest development brought to you by Chesapeake. Designed by Architect Rand Elliot, the modern feel of the 90,000 square foot space delivers a fresh look to the area. Restaurants have already opened up as well as a highend bar, Republic Gastropub, and it’s only a matter of time before a pizzeria and Balliets clothing do, as well.

KEY DESTINATIONS > VZDs Restaurant and Club, Cafe Nova, Drunken Fry, Hi-Lo Club, Edna’s, Republic Gastropub, Lobby Bar, 51st Street Speakeasy, The Wedge Pizzeria,, Flip’s Wine Bar & Trattoria

WHO GOES THERE > Walking into a bar, you’ll find many regulars having a lunchbox at Edna’s or drinking a beer at the Speakeasy. Patrons at Classen Curve seem to be a mixture of young professionals and older singles.

TRENDS > The popular retail store, Balliet’s, is moving locations for the third time in 74 years to Classen Curve in September. Cafe 501 and Upper Crust plan to open Fall 2010. Also in development at Classen Curve is Metro Shoes, Red Coyote Running and Fitness, and Uptown Kids so this is just the beginning of a blossoming district.

plaza district WHAT’S IT LIKE > The Plaza District today looks completely different than it did just three years ago. It’s grown into 32 businesses ranging from a performance theater to hair salon, clothing shops and even a knitting store run by Lindsay Zodrow. Think of the Plaza District as the East Village of OKC. The area has managed to move beyond its tough reputation while also keeping its roots intact.

KEY DESTINATIONS > Cafe Evoke Catering (note: Free Coffee Monday, each Monday morning from 7-9:30). Lyric Theatre, Collected Thread, Warpaint Clothing, Velvet Monkey, LIVE on the Plaza every second Friday of the month. Next event is May 14.

WHO GOES THERE > The Plaza District brings a wide range of young creative people including artists, local musicians, and neighborhood residents.

TRENDS > Since the district is so new, foreseeing the future is exciting to think about.

com m erce WHAT’S IT LIKE > South Oklahoma City is home to country star Wanda Jackson (Capitol Hill High School graduate) and new NFL player Gerald McCoy (Southeast High School graduate). It boasts a large Hispanic population that is evidenced by the street-side taquerias, grocery stores and retail. South Western has the oldest and only drive-in movie theater in OKC, the Winchester Drive-In. The waving cowboy signage makes it difficult to miss this OKC rarity. Just to the west of Capitol Hill area is Stockyards City.

KEY DESTINATIONS > Oklahoma Centennial Rodeo Opry, Cattlemen’s Steakhouse, Taqueria Los Comales, Langston’s, Winchester Drive In

WHO GOES THERE > South Oklahoma City has a large Hispanic population and pulls a large crowd from the livestock industry in Stockyard City. It’s not rare to find a cowboy hat or 10 in the area.

TRENDS > With the recent completion of the Chesapeake Boathouse as well as the passing of Maps 3, the future of South OKC is abundantly clear along the Oklahoma River.

paseo arts district

m em orialcorridor WHAT’S IT LIKE

> The oldest district we’ll talk about in this issue is The Paseo Arts District, created by G.A. Nichols in 1929 and consisting of Spanish-style brightly colored stucco buildings. The 1960’s and 70s turned the former shopping center into more of an arts district. Today it has 20 galleries/studios, three restaurants, two boutiques and several other commercial businesses as well as the annual Paseo Arts Festival.

> It’s the home of Quail Springs Mall as well as a plethora of other retail businesses and restaurants. Chain restaurants are plentiful on Memorial with Red Lobster and PF Chang’s (a favorite of South Park’s Randy Marsh) in full force. After the chains close for the evening, Baker Street Pub & Grill, Buddha Tao and Fox & Hound Pub & Grille are filled with those looking for a good drink.



> Sauced, Picasso Cafe, Red Rooster Bar & Grill, Paseo Grill, Craig’s Emporium, Ghostlight Theatre Club, First Friday Gallery Walk.

> Buddha Tao, Kush Lounge, Fox & Hound Pub & Grille, Baker Street Pub & Grill, Mahogany Prime Steakhouse,



> Artists visit and work in The Paseo, but the age range of the artists is wide-ranging. Paseo Arts Association Executive Director Lori Oden says there is a wide variety of people visiting galleries and eating at the restaurants. “We boast our area as a great place for families and individuals of all ages and backgrounds,” she says.

> The Memorial Corridor is a popular destination for college students. Concert goers visit Baker Street Pub & Grill for the live local and regional music talent and being in the suburbs brings in many locals.

TRENDS > The Paseo Arts District has gained and lost businesses in the past few years. They’ve lost Galileo Bar and Grill and Isis, but have gained Picasso Cafe and increased events including aMAYzing Paseo, Dog Days of August and Valentine’s Day Walk. New renovations will help Paseo continue to grow. “We are excited about the renovation of the last building on Paseo, which will be the new home of the Paseo Arts Factory,” Oden said.

TRENDS > Memorial continues to boom and being right off of the Kilpatrick Turnpike keeps the area growing with more diverse nightlife.

13 M ay 12 -M ay 28


movie review M ay 12 -M ay 28


Something old is new again in Elm Street remake ne,tw o,Freddy’scom ing foryou ... again? H ow isthatpossible?H e’sa psycho killerand all,butstill,he’sbeen through a lotsincetheoriginal“A N ightm areon Elm Street” in 1984.Afterallthose sequels,you’d think arthritisw ould haveset into thoseknived fingersofhis. Thesixth “Elm Street” m ovieallegedly w as the“FinalN ightm are,” butm orefilm sfollow ed.N ow,w ehavea reinvention ofthefirst m ovie— calling ita rem akew ould becrass — w ith JackieEarleH aley filling in forthe venerableRobertEnglund asFreddy Krueger. W esCraven’scorenuggetofa concept rem ainsintactin “A N ightm areon Elm Street”:Ifyou diein yourdream s,you diein reallife.Itw astruly inventiveand disturbing then — theidea thatfalling asleep could be deadly — and itallow ed foran exploration of thefrightening pow erofthesubconscious. W ith hisjaunty fedora and torn sw eater,his hideous,scorched skin and hisarsenalof


one-liners,Freddy could beanyw hereatany tim e.Therew asno w ay to stop him .Atsom e point,you’vegotto fallasleep. By now,though,thenovelty hasw orn o , and cheap,genericscaresareallthatare left.Thefirstfeaturefrom com m ercialand m usic-video directorSam uelBayerhasa m oreartfullook than you m ightexpectfrom a horrorrem ake;healso directed N irvana’s “Sm ellsLikeTeen Spirit” video,and his“Elm Street” hasa sim ilarsteam y sheen.Som eof hisdream im agery can bestriking,too,such asa young w om an w alking barefootthrough thesnow in herbedroom ,ora carpeted hallw ay thatturnsinto a riverofbloody sludge. Butthere’snotm uch in thew ay ofgenuinesuspense.IfoneofBayer’scharacters isexperiencing a quietm om entalone,you know w e’reonly secondsaw ay from a loud, screechy shock cut.It’sobviousand repetitive. Asforthestory,thescriptfrom W esley Strick and EricH eissererpretty closely fol-

low stheoriginal.Teenagersplayed by actors in theirm id-20s(Rooney M ara,KyleGallner, KatieCassidy,Thom asDekkerand Kellan Lutz)find them selveshaunted by thesam e m enacing m an,Krueger,w ho chasesand slashesatthem in hisdream s. They’reallconnected to him through their childhood,butthey can’tfigureouthow. (Krueger’spedophilia isspelled outm ore explicitly in thisone,w hich seem slikea needlessand gratuitousattem ptto shock us.) And oneby one,hetakesthem out,despite theirbeste ortsto stay aw ake. H aley seem sw asted in therole.Thisis som eonew ho can act,w ho can bedeeply creepy,asevidenced by hisO scar-nom inated w ork in “LittleChildren.” H ere,heseem s sm othered by thespecial-e ectsm akeup, thedistorted voiceand cheesy puns. N otthatany ofthism atters.Thelastshot clearly setsup another“N ightm are.” W ho saysH ollyw ood hasrun outoforiginalideas? — C hristy Lem ire,Associated Press

“A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET” Rating: R (Strong bloody horror violence, disturbing images, terror and language) Running time: 1 hour, 32 minutes Starring: Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner, Katie Cassidy.



movie review 15 May 12 - May 28

‘Iron Man 2’ builds on success of original


obert Downey Jr. returns as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, in “Iron Man 2,” directed by Jon Favreau. Iron Man is based on the Marvel comic book about the millionaire weapons developer who becomes an armored superhero. At the end of the first film, Stark revealed himself as Iron Man, and in the second film, he must deal with the fallout from that decision. His desire to be a lone force of justice, without the interference of the U.S. government, puts him in conflict with his best friend, military man James Rhodes (Don Cheadle). Stark says the rest of the world is years away from developing Iron Man-type technology — which he highlights by showing the U.S. Senate the failed attempts of his rival, Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell).

But in Russia, Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), the son of a scientist who worked with Tony’s father, Howard Stark, aims to make that timeline obsolete. He’s received plans from his dying father of the Stark power unit, and uses it to develop his own armor, with mechanical, weaponized whips. He decides to face down Tony Stark, whom he blames for the fall of his own family, at the Monaco Grand Prix. Tony, meanwhile, is facing his own issues. The core that powers his own heart is slowly killing him. He believes he can solve his own problem, but as every effort fails, he begins engaging in more and more self-destructive behavior. He turns over the company to his assistant, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), who must try to combat Tony’s wild behavior to the press.

Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson) becomes part of Stark’s staff, working as his personal assistant, but has secrets of her own. And Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), who showed up after the credits of the first “Iron Man,” appears again here, with his own concerns about Stark and his technology. Fans of the franchise should enjoy the bigger and more cosmopolitan “Iron Man 2.” While there’s a bit of a slowdown in the film’s middle, and a handful of plot issues, it’s still a fantastic kickoff to the summer movie season. Fantastically cast, with a wealth of witty dialogue and one-liners, “Iron Man 2” continues Marvel’s recent successes and leaves the door open for “Iron Man 3” and beyond. — Matt Price, Features Editor

“IRON MAN 2” Rating: PG-13 (Strong bloody horror violence, disturbing images, terror and language) Running time: 2 hours, 5 minutes Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson, Sam Rockwell.


movie review May 12 - May 28


A whole differet kind of Bronx tale “City island” Rating: PG-13 (Sexual content, smoking and language) Running time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Starring: Andy Garcia, Julianna Margulies, Alan Arkin, Emily Mortimer.




et in the Bronx during an eventful spring break and populated by sexual, dark-haired people, “City Island” could, on the surface, be confused for a “Jersey Shore” sequel. But the Bronx of “City Island” is a world apart. The film is named for the tiny fishing village on the outskirts of the New York borough. Inhabitants are either “musselsuckers” (new islanders) or “clamdiggers” (longtime natives), a distinction Vince Rizzo (Andy Garcia) proudly announces in the movie’s opening narration. It may be a specific locale, but “City Island” is a broad comedy. It’s a domestic farce in which everyone in the Rizzo household harbors secrets, hiding their smoking — and many other habits — from each other. Vince is a prison security guard, married to a secretary, Joyce (Julianna Margulies). Both are showing some wear from 20 years of marriage and creeping middle-age regrets. Their daughter, Vivian (Dominik GarciaLorido, Garcia’s real-life daughter), is home

from college on spring break but has — unbeknownst to her parents — lost her scholarship and become a stripper to make money. Their son, Vinnie Jr. (Ezra Miller), is a high school teenager in the midst of discovering his sexuality. He’s drawn to larger women and has a fetish for feeding them. Vince has two dark secrets. One, he fathered a child before he was married that he never helped raise. Making his rounds at the prison, he spots his son Tony (Steven Strait), who has grown into a felon and a hunk, and paroles him to his home. Vince’s more shameful secret is that he wants to be an actor. He discreetly soaks in Stanislavski’s “An Actor Prepares” and sneaks out for acting classes while telling his wife he’s going to play poker. Alan Arkin plays his exasperated drama teacher, and Emily Mortimer portrays his more learned acting partner. The many closeted skeletons all eventually come out in an operatic rush. The fallout is nearly disastrous, which is enough to make

the movie’s tidy ending almost sarcastic. New York writer-director Raymond De Felitta (“Two Family House,” “The Thing About My Folks”) has made the messy, comic interiors of family life a continual theme. In “City Island,” he succeeds most in gathering a very entertaining ensemble and eliciting funny melodrama, particularly from Garcia (who also produced) and Margulies. Garcia, who long ago emerged as another character named Vincent in “The Godfather, Part III,” uses his dramatic panache for comic effect. Vince is charmingly clueless, particularly in his quixotic audition for a bit part in a Martin Scorsese film. Margulies’ seething wife is equally fine. The setup all begs a little too obviously for indie quirk — it even has the reliably superior Arkin in a supporting role as if proof of “Little Miss Sunshine” ambitions. But the outer-borough oddities of “City Island” are hard to resist. — Jake Coyle, Associated Press


Exceptfor2004’s “Am erica’s Sw eetheart,”a zom bie train w reck ofa solo album ,Courtney Love’s m ain exposure since Hole’s superb “Celebrity Skin” has been herow n celebrity skin in various states ofsub-lucid undress,hergram m atically entertaining online screeds and recent,pathetic courtproceedings. “Nobody’s Daughter”is only nom inally a Hole album .In term s ofauthenticity, it’s on a parw ith Diana Ross’Suprem es reunion a few years ago,w hich w as Ross and tw o people notnam ed M ary W ilson orCindy Birdsong.Thanks to producer M ichaelBeinhorn,itsounds like Hole,albeithopelessly shallow ,w ith the surface sheen of“Celebrity Skin.” Like “Am erica’s Sw eetheart,”“Nobody’s Daughter”w as forged w ith help from Linda Perry,the form er4 Non Blondes singerw ho laterfound success as a pop hitm anufacturer,and includes considerable help from Billy Corgan,w ho w as responsible forco-w riting som e ofthe bestsongs on “Celebrity Skin.” Butittakes only a few seconds to hearthatthe besttrack ofthe set,“Pacific CoastHighw ay,”is an obvious rew rite of“M alibu.”And there are plenty ofscabrous m issives (“Sam antha”appears to be aim ed atform erdrum m er Sam antha M aloney),opportunities forraspy blather(“LoserDust”)and possibly unintentionalBob Dylan im itations (“Som eone Else’s Bed”). “Nobody’s Daughter”im proves on “Am erica’s Sw eetheart”sim ply by not sounding as m uch like the L.A.Guns,butreturning to the style of“Celebrity Skin”only am plifies this album ’s inferiority to thatfine pop-rock release. Love’s voice is trashed;she has little to say ofinterest.After12 years,Hole has notaged like scotch.It’s m ore like an old can ofbeer. — George Lang, LookatO KC editor

Capricious guitarvirtuoso JeffBeck m akes good on the prom ise of the title ofhis firstnew studio album in seven years,“Em otion & Com m otion,”butthe accentis on the form erm ore than the latter. The com m otion is raised on the instrum ental“Ham m erhead,”w hich opens w ith scratchy,‘60s-style w ahw ah rhythm before exploding into a cinem atic them e fitfora m ovie fullofdangerand intrigue,com plete w ith strings and em broidered w ith stinging riffs and soaring solo flights delivered as only Beck can.Likew ise, tw o songs featuring Joss Stone’s soulfulvocals — a bluesy coverof Scream in’Jay Haw kins’“IPuta Spell on You”and “There’s No O therM e,” a soul-rockerco-w ritten by Stone and keyboardistJason Rebello — are lively interludes ofrighteous rock. Butthe bulk ofthe record finds Beck in his m ellow er,often m elancholy m oods,backed by a 64-piece orchestra on tunes such as the gentle, lonesom e-sounding instrum entalcoverofJeffBuckley’s “Corpus Christi Carol”and Buckley’s “Lilac W ine,”a jazzy torch song featuring Im elda M ay’s sm oky vocals.“Serene”and “Elegy forDunkirk”are languid,atm ospheric affairs haunted by opera singerO livia Safe’s w ordless,angelic vocalizations. Butem otionalorcom m otional,Beck’s artistry is stillstunning,m aking thatw hite Stratocastersing w ith heartfeltexpression few otherliving guitarists can touch. — Gene Triplett, LookatO KC editor

17 M ay 12 -M ay 28



W riterNick Trougakos offers new s,review s,com m entary and inform ation on allaspects ofthe beerw orld.

A conversation with JD Merryweather previews Coop Ale in a can

M ay 12 -M ay 28



recently had a conversation w ith CO O P Ale W orks partner JD M erryw eatherabout CO O P’s plans to begin canning beerthis sum m er.Having CO O P atthe house w ithouthaving to buy a 5-gallon keg? Sounds like a jolly-good idea.Here’s a replay of ourconversation:

>>> The Thirsty Beagle: W ord through the grapevine is thatyou guys w illstartcanning beerthis year.Is thatcorrect,and w hat’s the tim eline forthat? >>> JD Merryweather: W e have purchased a canning m achine and have started initialtesting.The nextstep is to finalize the artw ork forthe can designs.O urcurrent plan is to have cans on the m arket the firstofJuly ifnota w eek orso before. >>> TTB: Did you guys strongly considerstaying w ith kegs only? Did you everconsiderbottles?

W hy go w ith cans? >>> JD: W e have know n from inception thatw e w ould grow into packaging.O urearly success m ade us w antto do so sooner, butdem and fordrafthas been so strong thatdeveloping a packaging program keptgetting pushed as w e’ve been superbusy brew ing and placing num erous tap handles around the state.W e had originally planned to startw ith bottles but as w e have extensively researched the m arket,cans have m ade m ore and m ore sense.… Cans do getrecycled.The technology forcanning has also evolved and the public perception forcans as a quality package has grow n.Severalof the leaders in craftbrew ing have m igrated to canning.Itkeeps beer fresh w hen handled properly and itis a m uch m ore environm entally friendly w ay to drink beer.Plus it opens craftbeersales to the num erous venues and public places

thatdo notallow glass. >>> TTB: W hatkind ofform atw ill w e see on shelves? Iunderstand 16 oz.cans are planned. >>> JD: W e w illbe filling 16 oz. cans and packaging them as four packs. >>> TTB: Isaw thatyou guys recently picked up new ferm enters; do you need to increase capacity to facilitate canning? >>> JD: W e have increased capacity to keep up w ith overalldem and. Canning does factorinto the expansion butw e also need to be able to build up reserves ofthe six beerbrands w e are currently producing.The F5 (IPA)w as slated as a seasonal,butitm ay grow into a year-round offering.O ktoberfestis already on ourproduction calendar so thatm ay m ake us … have seven styles in the w orks atone tim e

THE FO O D DUDE Form ore food talk,check out the Food D ude’s blog at blog.newsok.com/fooddude and follow him on tw itter@TheFoodDood

A n A m erican


Everyone has a greatw ay to m ake a grilled cheese sandw ich.Check these options out ifyou’re looking to take itto the nextlevel. >>> Story by David Cathey hefirstsandw ich thattriggered yourbegging instinctw as probably eithera peanutbutterand jelly orgrilled cheese. SinceAprilw asN ationalGrilled Cheese Sandw ich M onth,itseem ed fitting to m akeitourSandw ich oftheM onth. Usually,Ispotlightonepurveyorof them onth’scelebrated sandw ich,one w hoseinterpretation sitsatthehead of theclass.Butthegrilled cheeseisanotherkind ofanim al.Ask peoplew here thebestgrilled cheesein tow n resides,


and beprepared forthem to confidently retort“m y kitchen,” asifthegeniusof theirrecipecaused Julia Child to lose herw illto live. Thegrilled cheeseisalso a w orld figure.Every culturenotrooted in Asia o ersitsow n fleetofcheeses.Bread has an even greaterdiversity.Fireistheonly universalelem ent,though itsapplication can beargued. To avoid getting alltotalitarian on the grilled cheese,Iw entthecom m unal route.Ipolled thedigitalm assesto get som eideasonly to receivedata thatpersuaded m efurtherto celebrategrilled cheesesratherthan grilled cheese. W hen itcom esto grilled cheese sandw ichesin restaurants,therearetw o kinds:thoselikeM om used to m ake, and thoselooking to boostthequality. W hileit’sa stapleon kidsm enus,som e restaurantsrecognizethegrilled cheese can triggerourinnerchild.W hen Ibite into a grilled cheese,I’m broughtback to thebarstoolnextto theIntercom radio overlooking m y m other’skitchen. AsIsw iveled sideto sideand listened to KO GO radio in San Diego’scoverage ofm ajorleaguebaseball,M om served hergrilled cheesem adew ith W onder bread and KraftAm erican singles.She m elted m argarinein thecast-iron first, then toasted (practically deep-fried)the sandw ich into subm ission and served it w ith am plesalt.W ay am ple.

M ay 12 -M ay 28

classic The grilled cheese sandw ich from Cafe N ova includes three cheeses on brioche toast.

Sonic recognizeshappy m em ories m akeform any happy returns,o ering a version thatem bracesthisdynam ic. Thetiny lunch counterinsideN ichols H ills D rug store,6411Avondale Drive,servesa sim plehom ageto the hom ekitchen.Butbeready to eat, becausebetw een ordering and eating, you w on’thavetim eto textM om ,“thx 4 them em ories.” Theresultisa w arm , butter-crunchy sandw ich certain to pleasethegrilled cheesepurist. O therrestaurantscan’tresistthe tem ptation to reinvent,using artisan breadsand cheese,herbsand fresh vegetables,perhapspickles,ora m em berof them ayonnaisefam ily. To thosecooksand chefs,Isay thank you.Progresskeepshopealive.W ithout it,w e’d haveno Duck Confit,O axacan Black M oleorReese’sPeanutButter Cups. The Red C up,3122 N Classen Blvd., servestw o grilled cheeseinterpretations.TheN o.4 isM onterrey Jack Cheesew a e-ironed betw een w heat bread w ith thin-sliced red onionsand green apple.Strokeofgenius.Thetart and sw eetgreen applem eetsthespicy and sw eetred onion in them iddle,adding justenough crunch to each cream y bite.TheN o.5isa vegetable-heavy version,including carrots,bellpepper, tom ato,onion and m ustard w ith the M onterrey Jack and w heat.

>>> G rilled cheese from N ichols H ills D rug store Photos by David Cathey, The O klahom an

At501C afe,501S Boulevard in Edm ond,they’vebeen dishing outhighend grilled cheesesandw ichesforyears, adding tom atoesand an olivem edley on three-grain w heat. AtC afe N ova,4308 N W estern, thegrilled cheesereachesitsheights w ithouttheassistanceofsecondary ingredients.Longtim echefJohn Gatew ood sayshelikesto “keep itclean” by com bining baby Sw iss,cheddarand pepperJack on a briochetoast. Theresultisluscious.Gatew ood also m akeshisow n dillpicklesin-house, w hich hew illgladly apply to your grilled cheeseupon request.Ifyou like pickleseven a little,thisisa m ust. W hetheryou prefera grilled cheese thatevokesm em oriesofblueKool-Aid and Goldfish oronethatdem andsa w inepairing,thechoicesareplentiful. Ifyou havea favoritespotto eatgrilled cheeseora recipe,call(475-3155)orem ailm e(dcathey@ opubco.com ).

This version ofthe grilled cheese from The Red Cup includes M onterrey Jack cheese,red onions and green apple on w heat toast.

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Find,and share events in O klahom a City 12-page events section

M ay 28-30

Rocklahom a

> M ay 12 -M ay 30

Friday,M ay 28 through Sunday,M ay 30 Established in 2007 as a classic rock and ‘80s hairm etalfest w ith the m otto “life,liberty and the pursuitofrock.”W ith help from A EG Live,the eventw as revam ped for2010 to create a broaderm ix ofclassic,currentand up-and-com ing rock artists. Headliners forthis year’ s event,atthe FeverFestm usic and cam ping grounds north ofPryor,includes ZZ Top,Godsm ack, Tesla,Buckcherry,Cinderella,Chevelle,Theory ofa Deadm an, Saliva,Saving A bel,Fuel,Sevendustand m ore.Single-day passes are $45,plus fees.Three-day passes are $110,plus fees and three-day VIP access starts at$292,plus fees.


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Live on the Plaza NW 16th between Classen and Penn

A RTiniTim e

Friday, May 14, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

O klahom a City Farm ers Public M arket 311 S Klein Ave, Oklahoma City Saturday, May 15, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. >>> Hosted by the Allied A rts Young Patrons group,A RTinim ixes O KC’ s largestm artinitasting w ith live entertainm entand an art auction.O ne ofthe m ostanticipated arts fundraiserof the year,A RTini raises m oney for CentralO klahom a arts program s.Purchase tickets now at w w w .AlliedA rtini.com !

‘Top Girls’

>>> LIV E on the Plaza is a m onthly artw alk event w hich prom otes em erging artistic talent in O klahom a City.Plaza D istrict businesses open theirdoors w ith m onthly visualartists,perform ing artists,live m usicians and localfilm screenings. M any specialevents also take place during LIV E on the Plaza,such as Lyric Theatre perform aces,CD releases, private parties,holiday retailevents and m any m ore.

Civic Center M usic H allCity Space Theatre 201 N Walker, Oklahoma City Runs Friday, May 14 to Sunday, June 6 >>> The play revolves around the character M arlene,w ho has recently been prom oted at w ork.Through a m ix offantasy (a dinnerparty w ith severalim portant w om en from history) and reality (the challenges facing the w om en in M arlene’s office),the play com ically explores the price paid to achieve success.D irected by SherylM artin.Forticket inform ation,call405297-2264 or1-800-364-7111 orgo to w w w . okcciviccenter.org

Cocktails on the Skyline on the Roof Terrace @ the OKCMOA 415 Couch Drive, Oklahoma City >>> Thursday evenings are specialoccasions on the RoofTerrace ofthe O KCM O A .W e offera fullbar,com plem entary chips and salsa,and the beautiful am biance and incom parable view ofthe O klahom a City skyline.Join dow ntow n w orkers,the suburbs’adventurous,concert and film goers,and the art crow d for Cocktails on the Skyline.




Paseo A rts Festival >>> The annualPaseo A rts Festivalw ill show case the originalw orks ofover75 visualartists.A lltypes ofart and allm edium s are represented.Tw o stages w illshow case the talent ofO klahom a’s best m usicians and entertainers.A free children’s area w illgive kids a chance to m ake art, explore theircreativity, and have fun.Restaurants and galleries on the street w illbe open during festivalhours.Saturday M ay 29 10 a.m .to 8 p.m ;Sunday,M ay 30,10 a.m .to 8 p.m .;M onday,M ay 31,10 a.m .to 8 p.m

Darius Rucker Riverwind Casino, Sunday, May 30, 8 p.m.

Styxx,Foreignerand Kansas Oklahoma City Zoo Ampitheater, 2101 NE 50th Street, Oklahoma City >>> O n Friday,M ay 14,Classic-rock acts Foreigner, Styx and Kansas have plans to hitthe road togetherthis sum m er fora tourthey’ve dubbed “United W e Rock.”

1544 W State Highway 9, Norman, Oklahoma >>> The H ootie and the Blow fish frontm anturned-country star com es to O klahom a after a busy few m onths at the aw ard show s.H is first country album debuted at N o.1 on the Billboard charts,follow ing a m ultiw eek N o.1 debut country single.

A nalog Rebellion The Conservatory, 8911 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City Tuesday, May 18, 6:30 p.m. >>> The band form erly know n as PlayRadioPlay! is an idea band from Texas started by Daniel Hunterin 2005.Hunterhits The Conservatory during a m onth-long tour,the longesttim e on the road since the nam e change.




‘Sketch to Screen’ The A rtofHollyw ood Costum e Design Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, Oklahoma City The Oklahoma City Museum of Art will present a Family Day celebrating “Sketch to Screen: The Art of Hollywood Costume Design.” From noon to 4 p.m., families and children can enjoy hands-on art making featuring costume design, paper dolls, and flip books, live performances by Oklahoma Children’s Theatre, face painting, mini-tours, a family guide, door prize drawings, and more. Activities are appropriate for all ages, and no advance registration is required. Free with paid Museum admission. Admission is $12 adults, $10 seniors & students, children 5 & under and Museum members free.

Tchaikovsky and Sibelius Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N Walker Ave., On Saturday, May 22, at 8:00 p.m., the OKC Philharmonic and Maestro Joel Levine present an evening of vivid orchestration and extraordanary talent with Tchaikovsky and Sibelius. Maestro Levine and the Orchestra perform Tchaikovsky’s joyful Polonaise from Eugene Onegin and his Symphony No. 4.

A rt opening Featuring the w ork ofGary Bates and K.B. Kuetem an Contemporary Art Gallery, 2928 Paseo, Oklahoma City The exhibit began May 7th and features works by other gallery artists, and will be on display through May 29th.

W IM GO.CO M m obile site Find new arts and events going on in Oklahoma with the wimgo® mobile site 26 » W IM G O .CO M » EAT D RIN K PLAY


M O V IES LocalTheaters nearO klahom a City HARKINS CINE CAPRI BRICKTOWN (16 screens) 150 East Reno Ave.,405-840-4275

PENN SQUARE 10 (10 screens) 1901 N W Expressw ay,405-848-2202

CINEMARK TINSELTOWN USA (20 screens)6001N M artin Luther King Ave 800-326-3264

AMC CROSSROADS MALL 16 (16 screens) 1211 E I-240,888-262-4386


Prince ofPersia:

12100 N .M ay Av..,405-755-9283

The Sands ofTim e Release Date: Friday,M ay 28


JustW right

M acGruber

Release Date: Friday,M ay 14

Release Date: Friday,M ay 21

W hen N BA A ll-Star ScottM cKnight (Com m on)suffers a debilitating injury, tough-talking physical therapistLeslie W right (Q ueen Latifah)pulls out allthe stops to gethim back on his gam e.But theirprofessionalrelationship turns personalw hen Leslie finds herselffalling forScott,and discovers the feeling m ay be m utual.Paula Patton co-stars in a rom antic com edy penned by M ichaelElliot.

O nly one A m erican hero has earned the rank of Green Beret,N avy SEA L and A rm y Ranger.Just one operative has been aw arded 16 purple hearts, 3 CongressionalM edals ofHonorand 7 presidentialm edals ofbravery. A nd only one guy is m an enough to stillsporta m ullet.In 2010,W illForte brings “Saturday N ight Live’s”clueless soldierof fortune to the big screen in the action com edy “M acGruber.”

The w riterofthe HBO series M ichaelPatrick King returns to pen the sequelto the 2008 blockbusterm ovie adaptation ofHBO ’s Sex and the City w ith this W arnerBros. production,re-team ing the vivacious stars Sarah Jessica Parker,Kim Cattrall,Cynthia N ixon,and Kristin Davis once again foranotherglitzy rom p through N ew York City high-life living.





Sanaa Ham ri

Jorm an Taccone

M ichaelPatrick King

M ike New ell








2 hours


Sex and the City 2 Release Date: Friday,M ay 27

A rogue prince (Jake Gyllenhaal) reluctantly joins forces w ith a m ysterious princess (Gem m a A rterton)and together, they race againstdark forces to safeguard an ancientdaggercapable ofreleasing the Sands of Tim e— a giftfrom the gods thatcan reverse tim e and allow its possessorto rule the w orld.

7400 Pole Rd.,405-631-9400

AMC QUAIL SPRINGS MALL 24 (24 screens) 2501 W est M em orial,888-262-4386

MOORE WARREN THEATRE (14 screens)1000 S.Telephone Rd, M oore,405-703-3777

SILVER SCREEN MOVIES 5 (5 screens) 1219 G arth Brooks Rd,Yukon,405-354-9132

KICKINGBIRD CINEMA (16 screens) 1225 East Danforth Rd, Edmond, 405-341-7227

2 hours

RENO CINEMA 8 (8 screens) 3000 S.Country Club Rd,ElReno,405-262-1918

Find m ovie tim es

with the wimgo® mobile site EAT D RIN K PLAY » W IM G O .CO M » 31




















Chang and Eng Sound System ,9

Styx, Foreigner and Kansas, 8 p.m.,

The Three B’s: Baroque, Bel Canto

Weatherbox, Look Mexico and Map

Fang Island, 7:30 p.m., The Conserva-

Violent Soho and My Solstice, 7

p.m., VZD’s Restaurant & Club, 4200 N Western, 524-4203.

Oklahoma City Zoo Amphitheatre, 2101 NE 50, 424-3344.

and Beyond, 8 p.m., Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N Walker, 232-7464.

The Sea, 7 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

tory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

p.m., Cain’s Ballroom, 423 N Main, (918) 584-2306. (Tulsa)

Ryan Dorman and Cleverguns, 8

Stephen Egerton, Scott Reynolds

Conan O’Brien’s Prohibited Tour,

p.m., Wormy Dog Saloon, 311 E Sheridan, 601-6276.

and The Steaming Beast and more, 7 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

8 p.m., Brady Theater, 105 W Brady, (918) 582-7239. (Tulsa)

Capitol Hill Rockin’ Reunion Festival, 10 a.m., Capitol Hill, SW 25

Nancy’s 57th Street Lighthouse,

servatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

between S Robinson and S Walker, 633-1456.

5708 N May, Ron Pennington, 6 p.m., 843-7878.



Sean Cummings Irish Pub, 4710 N


UCO Jazz Lab hosts guitarist Richard Smith and cellist Julie Adams, UCO Jazz Lab, 100 E 5 (Edmond)


Martina McBride, 8 p.m., WinStar Matt Stansberry Band, Erick Alexander and Brantley Cowan benefit for Leukemia concert, 9 p.m., VZD’s Restaurant & Club, 4200 N Western, 524-4203.

Rendezvous II Bar, 3232 SE 15, Plead the 5th, 6 p.m., 605-2496. (Del City)

World Casino Hotel, One World Way, (580) 276-3100. (Thackerville)

Petree and Eden Sharmaine, 9

The Deli, 309 White, Hosty Solo, 6 p.m., 329-3534. (Norman)

p.m., VZD’s Restaurant & Club, 4200 N Western, 524-4203.

Danny’s Blues Saloon, 2525 NW

Donnie Dyno Gregg and Friends, 9

10, Speedy West Blues Jam, 9 p.m., 521-1290.

Ginger Leigh, 9 p.m., The Blue Door, 2805 N McKinley, 524-0738.

Friends, 3705 W Memorial, The Clique and Speedy West, 9 p.m., 751-4057.

Mike McClure Band, 8 p.m., Wormy Dog Saloon, 311 E Sheridan, 601-6276.

p.m., The Blue Door, 2805 N McKinley, 524-0738.

Picasso Cafe, 3009 Paseo, Bob

The Non, Student Film, Mayola and

6th annual Wormy Dog Spring Jam with Reckless Kelly, No Justice

Moore, 8 p.m., 602-2002.

Native Lights, 9 p.m., Opolis, 113 N Crawford, 447-3417. (Norman)

and Mama Sweet, 3 p.m., Wormy Dog Saloon, 311 E Sheridan, 601-6276.

Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Justin Echols, 5 p.m.


The Biting Sow, 1 E California, Lazy

Nancy’s 57th Street Lighthouse,

J.Walker, 4:30 p.m., 232-2639.

5708 N May, Ron Pennington, 6 p.m., 843-7878.

Othello’s Italian Restaurant, 434 Buchanan, Jillian Holzbauer, 7 p.m., 360-2353. (Norman)

Coach’s Brewhouse, 110 W Main,


Memorial, karaoke, 8 p.m.

Santa Fe Depot, 200 S Jones, The Heather Nelson Trio, 7:30 p.m., 3079320. (Norman)


Rustlers Saloon in Best Western Saddleback Inn, 4300 SW 3, karaoke, 946-3343.

“Reflections,” featuring works by former and retired UCO faculty, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Drive, 974-2432. (Edmond)

Shiloh Club, 8501 SE 15, Karaoke with Capitol Hill Rockin’ Reunion Festival, 10 a.m., Capitol Hill, SW 25

Mike or Donna.

between S Robinson and S Walker, 633-1456.

JJ’s Alley, 212 E Sheridan, Open Mic Night, 8 p.m.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State

Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Grant Stevens,

p.m.and Kerry Wayne, 10 p.m.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

“Full Consciousness” exhibit by Tony Tiger, East Gallery at the state

HA PPEN INGS “The Jackie Coles Collection: Selected Works,” National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63, 478-2250.

Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.

“The Passionate Lenses of Yousef Khanfar” exhibit, Gaylord-Pickens

Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

“Waiting for the Moon” exhibit by Dean Wyatt, Governor’s Gallery

Oklahoma Heritage Museum, 1400 Classen, 235-4458.

10 p.m.


at the state Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.

Bora Bora, 2415 N Walker, Infinite

Coach’s Brewhouse, 110 W Main,

Sound, 9 p.m.

The Stumblers, 9 p.m., 321-2739. (Norman)

“Anne of Green Gables,” 3 p.m., Poteet Theatre at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 222 NW 15, 6091023.

hawk Blues Band, 9:30 p.m., 521-1290.

Shiloh Club, 8501 SE 15, Karaoke with

Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewing Company, 1900 Northwest Express-

Mike or Donna.

way, Revival Drive, 9 p.m., 840-1911.

Blue Note Lounge, 2408 N Robinson, Otis Watkins Band, 9 p.m., 524-5678.

oke, 946-3343.

Convergence, 1755 NW 16, Sugar Free Allstars CD Release Party/Show, 6 p.m., 255-4405.

Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewing Company, 1900 Northwest Expressway, Little League Hero and Student Film, 9 p.m., 840-1911.

Blue Note Lounge, 2408 N Robinson, Rockbottom Ramblers, 9 p.m., 5245678. Nonna’s Euro American Ristorante and Bar, 1 Mickey Mantle Drive,

Nonna’s Euro American Ristorante and Bar, 1 Mickey Mantle

Stephen Speaks, 8 p.m., 235-4410.

Drive, Mitch Bell and Alan Byrd, 8 p.m., 235-4410.

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W Memorial, Jim The Elephant, 8 p.m.

Coach’s Brewhouse, 110 W Main, J.Walker, 4:30 p.m., 232-2639.

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W


and Hustle Team, 7 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Carl V.Moore, 5

The Biting Sow, 1 E California, Lazy

Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Joel Forlenza, 5 p.m.

Jabee, Big Stik, Young O, Houston Boy

Memorial, Big Daddy, 8 p.m.

Buchanan, Open Mic Night with Taylor Hart-Bowlan, 9 p.m., 360-2353. (Norman)

Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

& Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63, 478-2250.


Othello’s Italian Restaurant, 434

Acoustic, 9:30 p.m.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State

Memorial, Red Dirt Sundays with Gary Kyle, 8 p.m.

Burton Band, 848-4782, ext. 2.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

JJ’s Alley, 212 E Sheridan, Hosty

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W

Rustlers Saloon in Best Western Saddleback Inn, 4300 SW 3, kara-


Crawford (Norman)

Blue Fire Lounge at Waterford Marriott, 6300 Waterford Blvd., The

Blues Saloon, 2525 NW 10, Black-

Friends, 3705 W Memorial, The Clique and Speedy West, 9 p.m., 751-4057.

Foot Patrol, 9 p.m., Opolis, 113 N

Friends, 3705 W Memorial, The Clique and Speedy West, 9 p.m., 751-4057.

The Deli, 309 White, Hosty Solo, 10 p.m., 329-3534. (Norman)

May, Suspicious Contra Band, 7 p.m., 755-2622.

“The Jackie Coles Collection: Selected Works,” National Cowboy

Cola Cola, 9 p.m., 321-2739. (Norman)

Maker’s Cigar & Piano Lounge, 25 S Oklahoma, Autumn Gunnells, 8 p.m., 606-9000.

Analog Rebellion, 7:30 p.m., The Con-

Electric City, 9 p.m., 321-2739. (Norman)

Maker’s Cigar & Piano Lounge, 25 S Oklahoma, Hal Corn (downstairs), 9 p.m. and Why Not (upstairs), 9 p.m., 606-9000.

HA PPEN INGS “The Jackie Coles Collection: Selected Works,” National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63, 478-2250.

MidSouth Pro Wrestling presents Old Time Professional Wrestling, 2:30 p.m., Golden Goose Flea Market, 2301 N Douglas, 769-3310.

“The Reconstructionist Effort” exhibit by Remy Owens, North Gallery at the state Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.

“Full Consciousness” exhibit by Tony Tiger, East Gallery at the state Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.


“Cocoon” exhibit by Jason Hackenwerth, City Arts Center at State

“Reflections,” featuring works by former and retired UCO faculty, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Drive, 974-2432. (Edmond)

Fair Park, NW 10 and May, 951-0000.

“Starmaker: Jim Halsey and the Legends of Country Music,” Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, 522-5248.

“Full Consciousness” exhibit by Tony Tiger, East Gallery at the state Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.

“Waiting for the Moon” exhibit by Dean Wyatt, Governor’s Gallery

“Indexes of Mediated Space,” artwork by Mary Ann Strandell, JRB Art at the Elms, 2810 N Walker, 528-6336.

at the state Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.

“Design Harmony, 11 New Designers

“Cocoon” exhibit by Jason Hackenwerth, City Arts Center at State

Searching for a Match,” City Arts Center at State Fair Park, NW 10 and May, 951-0000.

“Is the Whole World on Fire?” exhibit by Eric Humphries, Midwest City Library, 8143 E Reno, 732-4828. (Midwest City)

Fair Park, NW 10 and May, 951-0000.

“Starmaker: Jim Halsey and the Legends of Country Music,” Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, 522-5248.

“William Christenberry: Beginnings,” Untitled Artspace, 1 NE 3, 815-9995.




















Earth Crisis and Thick As Blood,

Natalia Zuckerman, 8 p.m., The Blue Door, 2805 N McKinley, 524-0738.

Kate Campbell, 9 p.m., The Blue Door, 2805 N McKinley, 524-0738.

Tchaikovsky and Sibelius, 8 p.m.,

Bikelahoma 2010 with the Marshall Tucker Band, Jackyl

Millions Of Dead Cops, The

6:30 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.


Rodney Carrington, 9 p.m., WinStar World Casino Hotel, One World Way, (580) 276-3100. (Thackerville)

Friends, 3705 W Memorial, The

Strotter Inst., 8 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778. Bikelahoma 2010 with the Marshall Tucker Band, Jackyl

Clique and Speedy West, 9 p.m., 751-4057.

Five Alarm, 8 p.m., Wormy Dog

Sean Cummings Irish Pub, 4710 N


and Foghat, Catch The Fever Music Festivals, 1421 W 450 Road, (866) 310-2288. (Pryor)

Rendezvous II Bar, 3232 SE 15, Plead

Rodney Carrington, 9 p.m., WinStar

Firelake Grand Casino, 777 Grand

the 5th, 6 p.m., 605-2496. (Del City)

Casino Blvd., Evan Michaels, 7 p.m., 964-7263. (Shawnee)

World Casino Hotel, One World Way, (580) 276-3100. (Thackerville)

JJ’s Alley, 212 E Sheridan, Matthew

Saloon, 311 E Sheridan, 601-6276.

Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N Walker, 842-5387.

One-Winged Angel, Noticeably F.A.T., Chris Connolly, Saul V and Brian Zero, 8 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

Blue Door, 2805 N McKinley, 524-0738.

The Besnard Lakes, Stardeath and

Remington Park Racing and Casino, 1 Remington Place, Chris

Picasso Cafe, 3009 Paseo, Bob

White Dwarfs, 8 p.m., Cain’s Ballroom, 423 N Main, (918) 584-2306. (Tulsa)

Hicks, 7 p.m.

Moore, 8 p.m., 602-2002.

1900 Northwest Expressway, The Magpies, 9 p.m., 840-1911.

Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Elad Katz, 5 p.m.

J.Walker, 4:30 p.m., 232-2639.

Othello’s Italian Restaurant, 434 Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W Memorial, Shane Henry, 8 p.m.

and Foghat, Catch The Fever Music Festivals, 1421 W 450 Road, (866) 310-2288. (Pryor)

Buchanan, Post Arcadia, 7 p.m., 3602353. (Norman)

Coach’s Brewhouse, 110 W Main, Statesboro Revue, 9 p.m., 321-2739. (Norman)

Ballroom, 423 N Main, (918) 584-2306. (Tulsa)

Sean Cummings Irish Pub, 4710 N May, Suspicious Contra Band, 7 p.m., 755-2622.

LIVE M USIC N IGHT LIFE The Deli, 309 White, Hosty Solo, 6

Danny’s Blues Saloon, 2525 NW

ichel and Ryan Dorman, 10 p.m., VZD’s Restaurant & Club, 4200 N Western, 524-4203.

Hotel, One World Way, (580) 2763100. (Thackerville)

10, Speedy West Blues Jam, 9 p.m., 521-1290.

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W

We Are The Fallen, 6:30 p.m.,

The Deli, 309 White, Hosty Solo, 10

Diamond Ballroom, 8001 S Eastern, 677-9169.

p.m., 329-3534. (Norman)


Brandon Jenkins, 8 p.m., Wormy

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W

Memorial, Karaoke, 8 p.m.

Willie Stradlin and Whiskey Roadshow, 8 p.m., Wormy Dog Saloon, 311

Memorial, Austin Allsup, 8 p.m.

“The Jackie Coles Collection: Selected Works,” National Cowboy


E Sheridan, 601-6276.

Coach’s Brewhouse, 110 W Main,

& Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63, 478-2250.

Friends, 3705 W Memorial, The Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Jose Tono, 6 p.m.

Nancy’s 57th Street Lighthouse, 5708 N May, Ron Pennington, 6 p.m., 843-7878.

We Are The Fallen, 7 p.m., Cain’s

p.m., 329-3534. (Norman)

Dog Saloon, 311 E Sheridan, 601-6276.

Working Class, 9 p.m., 605-5782.

The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

The Biting Sow, 1 E California, Lazy America’s Pub Live, 115 E Sheridan,


The Four Tops with The Temptations, 9 p.m., WinStar World Casino

Rock Bottom Ramblers, Greg ReBelle Isle Restaurant & Brewery,

Bikelahoma 2010 with the Marshall Tucker Band, Jackyl

Restarts and Violent Affair, 8 p.m., The Conservatory, 8911 N Western, 879-9778.

The Abominable Iron Sloth, 8 p.m.,

Sherree Chamberlain, 8 p.m., The

May, Dustin Cooper, 8 p.m., 755-2622.

Hart, 9:30 p.m.

and Foghat, Catch The Fever Music Festivals, 1421 W 450 Road, (866) 310-2288. (Pryor)

Clique and Speedy West, 9 p.m., 751-4057.

The Redbud Revival and Dameon Allensworth, 9 p.m., VZD’s Res-

Americans and Kook Box, 8 p.m., 3212739. (Norman)

taurant & Club, 4200 N Western, 524-4203.

The Tree Lounge, 203 NE 36, CDS Jazz Band, 9 p.m., 528-2324.

“Reflections,” featuring works by former and retired UCO faculty, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Drive, 974-2432. (Edmond)

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W

Blue Fire Lounge at Waterford Marriott, 6300 Waterford Blvd., The

Rustlers Saloon in Best Western Saddleback Inn, 4300 SW 3, Kara-

Memorial, Blue Finger Disco, 8 p.m.

Burton Band, 848-4782, ext. 2.



“Waiting for the Moon” exhibit by Dean Wyatt, Governor’s Gallery

oke, 946-3343.


Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Ellen Sheffield, 5

Friends, 3705 W Memorial, The

Shiloh Club, 8501 SE 15, Karaoke with Mike or Donna.

at the state Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln, 521-2931.

p.m.and Kerry Wayne, 10 p.m.

Clique and Speedy West, 9 p.m., 751-4057.

Sonder Music, Dance & Art, 225 E

Centennial Rodeo Opry, 2221

JJ’s Alley, 212 E Sheridan, Open Mic Night, 8 p.m.

“Starmaker: Jim Halsey and the Legends of Country Music,” Okla-

Gray, Third Friday Celtic Night, 6:30 p.m., 474-9734. (Norman)

Exchange, Rodeo Opry, 7:30 p.m., 297-9773.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State

homa History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, 522-5248.

Bora Bora, 2415 N Walker, Aquahead,

Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N

Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

Whales and Purple, Clark Kent Party and Mordant Messenger, 9 p.m.

Walker, Tchaikovsky and Sibelius, 8 p.m., 842-5387.


Coach’s Brewhouse, 110 W Main,

Coffy’s Cafe, 1739 NW 16, The

“The Oklahoma Follies,” 7:30 p.m.,

Ike Lamb and The Creepers, 9 p.m., 321-2739. (Norman)

Dynamics, 12 p.m.

Mitchell Hall Theater at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Drive, 974-2609. (Edmond)


Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

Shiloh Club, 8501 SE 15, Karaoke with Mike or Donna.

Cee Gee’s Club, 309 S Coltrane, Kara-

Rustlers Saloon in Best Western Saddleback Inn, 4300 SW 3, kara-

oke, 6 p.m., 348-7555. (Edmond)

oke, 946-3343.

HA PPEN INGS “The Jackie Coles Collection: Selected Works,” National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63, 478-2250.

“Western Landscapes” exhibit by Clive Tyler, Adelante! Gallery, 3003 Paseo, 525-4039.

“The Passionate Lenses of Yousef Khanfar” exhibit, Gaylord-Pickens Oklahoma Heritage Museum, 1400 Classen, 235-4458.

Riverwind Casino, 1544 W State Highway 9, Storm Poker Tournament, 8 a.m., 322-6000. (Norman)

Othello’s Italian Restaurant, 434 Buchanan, Open Mic Night with Taylor Hart-Bowlan, 9 p.m., 360-2353. (Norman)

Cletus Got Shot, 9 p.m., 524-5678.

“Anne of Green Gables,” 3 p.m., Poteet Theatre at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 222 NW 15, 6091023.

Libby’s Cafe, 111 N Main, Kevin


way, Equilibrium, 9 p.m., 840-1911.

The Biting Sow, 1 E California, Lazy J.Walker, 4:30 p.m., 232-2639.

Remington Park Racing and Casino, 1 Remington Place, 80z Enuf,

Red Piano Lounge, 1 Park Ave., Elad

9 p.m.

Katz, 5 p.m.

Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewery,

THEATER “Reflections,” featuring works by former and retired UCO faculty, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Drive, 974-2432. (Edmond)

Oklahoma City Limits, 4801 S Eastern, Michael Burks, 9 p.m., 619-3939.

Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewing Company, 1900 Northwest Express-

1900 Northwest Expressway, Agular, 9 p.m., 840-1911.

“The Oklahoma Follies,” 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N University Drive, 974-2609. (Edmond)

Baker Street Pub & Grill, 2701 W Memorial, Chris Boss and the Fuss, 8 p.m.

Blue Note Lounge, 2408 N Robinson,

Pickett Acoustic, 8 p.m., 288-2418. (Goldsby)

Red Piano Lounge at the Skirvin Hotel, 1 Park Ave., Grant Stevens, 5

“The Jackie Coles Collection: Selected Works,” National Cowboy

“Indexes of Mediated Space,” artwork by Mary Ann Strandell, JRB Art at the Elms, 2810 N Walker, 528-6336. “Is the Whole World on Fire?” exhibit by Eric Humphries, Midwest City Library, 8143 E Reno, 732-4828. (Midwest City)

“The Magic of Light” exhibit, 50 Penn Place Art Gallery, 1900 Northwest Expressway, 848-5567.

Exhibit by Norman photographer Mark Williams, The Performing Arts Studio, 200 S Jones, 307-9320. (Norman)

& Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63, 478-2250.




35 M ay 12 -M ay 28





06 Louie’s Grill and Bar. Photos by Allan Rowe. |1|Kristin and D anny |2|Stephanie and Crystal |3|Tim and M egan |4|Jim m y and A laina |5|D avid and Lyndsey |6|Jessica and Sam antha |7|Cristen,TJ and Seth |8|A ndrea,H arry and Paola



These service professionals passed the LOOKatOKC test and are part of the solution.

M ay 12 -M ay 28




|1| Toyna, Grahams, Photo by Allan Rowe |2| Crystal and Heidi, Wormy Dog Saloon, Photo by Steve Maupin |3| Stacy, Grahams, Photo by Allan Rowe |4| Emily and Brittany, Coyote Ugly Saloon, Photo by Steve Maupin |5| Bambi and Andy, Skky Bar, Photo by Steve Maupin




M ay 12 -M ay 28







The Drunken Fry, 5100 N Classen, Oklahoma City. Photos by Steve Maupin. |1|Christina O and Christa |2|Luke and Cara |3|M yles and Jord |4|M ikey,A ubrey,Joshua and Sarah |5|Sim on,Shenanigans and Jason |6|Sarah,Sarah and Cara |7|M ichael,Jade and Rob





41 M ay 12 -M ay 28




The Deli, 309 White Street, Norman. Photos by Allan Rowe. |1|D oug,Suzanna,Jilland Claire |2|Collin and A llison |3|Latisha and Teak |4|Carly,Em ily,Cayanne and Colette |5|Katy and Leslie |6|A dam and Calie |7|A aron and Carly





M ay 12 -M ay 28





Cuppies and Joe, 727 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City. Photos by Steve Maupin. |1|Robin and Em ily |2|Kristina and John |3|Levi |4|Sophia,O livia and Issac |5|Tiffany and Jerem y |6|A llie and Brooke |7|Talitha and Chad




M ay 12 -M ay 28


02 01

03 City Walk, 70 N Oklahoma, Oklahoma City |1|Elyn and Kim berly |2|Luva and Kim |3|Perry and Tashia |4|Jordan |5|G reg and M ariel |6|Brittney and Lance |7|D anielle and Kris







Red Pin Bowling Lounge, 200 S Oklahoma, Oklahoma City. |1|Erin and Trey |2|N olan and Rachel |3|A nnie and Som m er |4|Krystle and Bobby |5|M arianna,Brynn, Sarah,Keriand Richelle




M ay 12 -M ay 28


M ay 12 -M ay 28





Michael Murphy’s Dueling Piano Bar, 25 N Oklahoma Ave., Oklahoma City. |1|Jeni |2|Laura and A dam |3|A m anda,Brett,A llison and M att |4|Rodney,Shannon,Colby and Kyle |5|Jerem y,Landon and Bethany |6|Jessica and Taylor |7|A ustin,M arjon,Billea and Jim m y




'96 Riviera, VGC, all extra's, $1700. 625-4894 Factory stock race car, 112'' wheel base, Chev, no engine or trans, $400. 615-5712 Overhaul Trans $350. Engine $400. Block $150. 405-235-4328

'95 Buick Roadmaster, 109K, Good Cond, grey & silver, fully loaded. Selling due to health $4250 OBO. ¡ 405-830-1501

Save $50ea - $200 Store Gift Cert. $150 ea. Tires/ Auto Repairs, 431-9588

2010 Camaro, black, V6, leather, console gauges, 2700 miles, $26,500, 405-659-8856.

700 R4 OD trans Chev complete, works good $200. 405-615-5712

2007 Corvette convertible, triple black, 13K mi, loaded $37,000, 642-2526

'90 F-150 motor or trans, $300, runs good, $300. 794-9157

2002 Chevy Malibu, good cond. hwy miles, 4 dr. dependable $2700 405-227-7531

'98 Sebring, 4 cylinder, runs good, $900. Title-42, 794-9157

'02 Impala, nice, loaded CD Player, $3950, 863-6399 '01 Camaro 121k, loaded, t-tops, runs great, red, $3750, 209-5297

Save $50ea - $200 Store Gift Cert. $150 ea. Tires/ Auto Repairs, 431-9588

1996 Lumina, 160K miles new tires, good body, all working, $2700, call after 4, 822-2275.

All Lincoln air-suspensions Call for specials 528-8812 The Muffler King Affordable-Reliable Transmissions 635-0777

'04 Sebring Convertible, fun in sun, like new, runs great, $4650. 209-5297 '03 Cruiser Touring Edition, lthr, auto, loaded, Nice! $4850, 863-6399

Classics Wanted $$$$ 946-4371 $$$$ 1976 Triumph TR6 w/32k original miles on very nice 3rd owner Mimosa Yellow California Car with overdrive feature in Norman, Ok. $11,500 405-650-7732 1971 Ford Mustang Fastback, 429 big block, 4 speed, silver pewter mattalic & black (Mach 1) racing stripe, $16,500 obo. 580-467-3067 1953 Dodge 2 door, Coronet v8 hemi, 99% complete, $3500. 222-5567

2006 Audi A4 4Dr, AWD, 3.2L V6, Silver ext, leather, excellent cond, 38880 mi, fog lights, sunroof, new tires $19,500 neg. 593-9153

2006 Z4 Convertible. Black, low miles $21,000 329-2886 co 2006 X5, 3.0i, mint condition, 35K mi, sunroof, $29,800, 405-210-2152.

'02 PT Cruise Woody, all power, loaded, 91K miles. good dependable car $5000 405-381-4503

'08 Dodge Charger, 2.7L, dual exhaust, hood scoop low miles, $14,000 obo 405-324-2776, 209-0524

2008 Focus, 5 speed, 43K, $10,000, more info and pics, 405-818-6745, lemoine42@live.com '07 Edge SEL, AWD, Exc Cond, Sunroof, Sat. Radio, 72K $18,999 834-6638 or 831-1360 05 FORD 500 SEL- Blue w/ tan leather, 40K mi., loaded, like new. $10,500. 405-990-7358 '04 Ford Mustang, 40th anniversary special edition, V6, fully loaded, new tires, engine is in excellent cond, red w/OU monogrammed seats, $6000 but will negotiate, 525-5836 2001 Mustang Convertible, Silver, V-6, auto, leather, Mach stereo, $5000, James, 820-8124

'99 Taurus SE, loaded, high miles, nice! $1750, 863-6399 '97 Crown Vic, grandmas car, lthr, loaded, runs grt 82K, $2950 » 209-5297 '96 Ford Taurus Wagon Great Shape, Interior Great, Good Tires, Pwr windows & locks $2500. 405-923-5839 after 10am

98 Lincoln Town Car Executive Series, 102,000 miles, non smoker, new tires, brakes, A/C. Extra Sharp. $4500. 405-6423061, or 405-831-1090 95 Towncar. Fully Loaded. Good Condition. $2800/obo. 405-314-7099 '94 Towncar, white 125k, loaded, leather, exc. cond & body, $3,000, 405-946-7955

»» 1999 E430 »» 16,000 Miles Immaculate $15,000obo » 250-2141 2002 Honda Accord 4Dr, automatic, very good cond, 150K mi, $6000, 204-6802 '98 Civic LX, 4dr, auto, ac new tag, 178k, runs/drives grt, $3000, 808-5762

2008 Mini Cooper, pepper white, premium pkg, 27,200 miles, auto, $16,500. 405-312-9579

'97 Honda Civic, 5 spd, runs great, loaded, great mpg!! $2750, 209-5297

'02 Mini Cooper, 5 sp, silver w/black racing stripe, loaded, all power $6750, 209-5297

1993 4dr Civic, auto, CD player, tires, t-belt, $1700 obo. 204-2792

'09 Hummer H3T, fully loaded, all extras, black, 1 owner, extra vehicle, 500 miles, $35,900, 405-834-3010 '04 H2, 70K mi, red, Jesse James chrome, $23,000 obo, 919-2211

2000 Sonata 4dr, 118k, all pwr, roof, nice, runs great, $1700. 249-6516

2004 Infiniti G35 2Dr, Graphite w/71k miles. Loaded, Exc.cond. Call 388-9204. $15,500.

1987 Jeep 2WD pickup, auto, new tires, very nice, consider trade, 3321 S Shartel, 209-2421

2007 Range Rover black. Low miles $41,900 329-2886 CO.

'08 Lexus ES350, 4dr, red metallic, 6500 mi, 1 owner, loaded, mint cond, $31,500, (405)-476-6023 '06 RX330, AWD, navigation, phone, DVD, htd seats, 6 CD, white/tan, 77k, $22,700, 694-5994 '02 Lexus RX300 extra clean, $10,500 692-8855, 326-8855 '01 LS430, very low miles 24K, white sedan, $18,900, 691-2061 '92 Lexus SC400, white, all power, sunroof, great cond., $3300, 822-2748

'02 Saturn Sports Coupe, 5sp, 82K, runs great, super mpg $2750, 209-5297

OSU or TX FANS 2002 Mitsubishi Diamante 4Dr, automatic, BURNT ORANGE ext, leather, excellent cond, $6300, MOORE OK 405-326-5215 2000 Miti Mirage, $850 obo, '98 Mit Montara $1850, 844-6694

2010 Maxima 3.5 SV sticker $37,310, premium pkg, only 1,085 miles, loaded, radiant silver, $29,900 » 580-221-1485 2008 Nissan Maxima 3.5SL Loaded 9,500mi 1owner 373-4832 $24K '07 Altima 2.5S, CVT CD, navy blue, $12,500 obo, 405 364-1905 '04 SENTRA SRS, AC, power windows & locks, maroon, 70K mi $7000. 405-799-9255, 326-3133 '94 Sentra 2dr, 5speed, A/C, 152k, cruise, runs great, $1400. 371-8733. 1993 Nissan Altima, 5spd, tagged, $1250. 209-0817

'96 Cutluss, 150K, runs great, minor damage, grt mpg, $975 209-5297

1998 Chev 1/2 ton ext cab, 5.0 v8 auto, new tires brakes air comp exc cond, $5800. 222-5567

2005 Pontiac GTO 2Dr, 6.0, manual 6 speed, Red ext, Black int, leather, excellent cond, 37,400 mi, $18,000 o.b.o, Megan Johnson (405) 630-0572

99 Subaru Forester L, AWD, 153K miles, wife's car, loaded with every amenity, clean in & out. NonSmoker, Sirius Radio ready. $4500. 405-6423061, or 405-831-1090

» '04 SOLARA 34K » Immac. never smoked in, 30+mpg $7900 250-2141 '00 Solara convertible, loaded, great car, $5750, 650-4072 '96 Camry, runs great, loaded, super mpg, must sell, $2150, 209-5297

1969 VW Bug Convertible, Karmann runs great, $4495, 405-373-4442, 417-5893

$$ Cash in $$ $$ Hand $$

'00 PONTIAC Grand AM GT, power windows/ locks, sunroof well maintained car, 137,000 miles, $4000 or best offer 405-413-5097

'90 Chevy O long bed, 4x4, 2 owner, $2800, 570-5284 Guthrie '89 Chevy ext cab O ton 350, auto, power, air, tilt, cruise, good shape, $2350, 570-2000 1977 Chev 1/2 ton 350 auto, runs great, needs paint, $1450, 830-0197

'06 Dodge 1 ton dually, 6 spd, SLT pkg, new Cummings engine, single cab, loaded, $8800, 354-0783 '99 Dodge Dakota V6, Looks Good Drives Great $3750 »»» 789-4538 98 Dodge Ram, Diesel Club Cab, runs good, $4695. Call 692-1113 '91 Dodge diesel, flatbed w/tool boxes, runs great, new brakes, shocks & tires, $2900, 505-947-6780 '88 Dodge 1500, 70K, not much to look at, but runs great $1575, 209-5297 » 2010 Ford Raptor » black on black, 6500 miles, $37,350, 631-6644 or 550-5054 '00 F350, V10, 5 spd, cab & chassy, nice, clean, ready, $4950. 863-6399

CA$H 4 VEHICLES Fast 'n Friendly Service ‘‘ 405-410-5500 ‘‘

1996 Ford F-150, 6 cylinder, automatic, 100K 1 owner miles, runs good, $3500, 794-7387.

I BUY JUNK CARS/TRKS Running or not, all years. 341-5404 days. $100 & Up for non-running vehicles, no title ok. 405-819-6293 I buy junk cars, trucks & SUVs, Run or Not, No title, No problem 512-7278 AAA cash for your car, trk, cycle. Run/not-free tow. We come to you 850-9696

$$ Fast Cash $$

1980 Datsun long bed, 4 cylinder, runs great, looks great, school/work, $900, 778-8896.

'95 F150 XLT, 165K, excab, new tires, runs grt!! pw pl, $2950, 209-5297 2000 GMC Sierrra SLE, loaded, excellent condition $6500, 405-830-4664 1987 Jeep 2WD, auto, new tires, very nice, consider trade, 3321 S Shartel, 209-2421. '03 Nissan Frontier King Cab XE, V6, 5 speed, A/C, new tires, Diamond plate toolbox, absolutley a great truck! 110K, $6995 OBO 405-831-1390 2007 Toyota Tundra Crew Cab SR5, 4WD, 28k mi $23,750 405-249-9124

2000 F-150, Red, work, longbed, 120k, 5-speed, $4500. 405-245-4470 »»»»» '09 Chev Silverado OK pkg, 5.3 crew cab, lthr, loaded, 4k miles, $34,900. 405-919-9940

'01 Chev Suburban XLT, absolutely perfect, loaded, $6650, 209-5297 2007 Ford Explorer 4.0L, automatic, Black ext, 53,500 mi, alloy wheels, 3rd row seat, $16,500. Jim 343-3263 '99 Mercedes ML320, silver, 4 door, DVD, new tires, a/c, sunroof, dealer serviced, tinted windows, $7000 obo, 470-3421 or 706-5967

1909 Escape, 16,200 mi. like new, $14,900 payoff still under fact. wrnty. 405-567-0060, 567-5041

Computerist/Graphic Designer needed part-in OKC for small business Must be responsible & energetic, must speak some Spanish, fax resume to (405)-528-0285 Data Entry/ Customer Service Hiring full & part time. Busy tag office. Apply at 7527 N. May Ave, MF, 2-4. No phone calls.

08 NISSAN XTERRA, exceptionally clean, 23,000 miles, power locks/windows, manual, $14,000. Call 405-659-9022

» 2009 Dodge 2500 SLT» silver, Cummins turbo diesel, automatic, 4WD, 8K miles, $32,500, 6316644 or 550-5054.

for cars & trucks running or not. Junk cars wanted too. Extra$ for clean running cars. Free towing Cell 4 0 5 - 2 4 9 - 2 0 3 4

946-4371 2008 Pontiac G6 GT, mist red metallic, heated leather black interior, XM radio, OnStar, remote start, factory chrome wheels, tinted glass, 34,000 miles, $12,500 or best offer. » 405-227-4057 »

'07 white Chevy 2500 HD silverado, Z71, 4x4, diesel w/Allison transmission, 73,346 miles, $28,700, 381-4117



'01 Z3, 5 sp, runs great, loaded, like new, a real looker, silver w/black top, $10,350. 209-5297

'00 Crown Vic, 100K, police intrcptr, loaded, fleet maint, $1750, 209-5297



2005 BMW 3-Series convertible, 330 Ci, automatic, excellent cond, 47,000 mi, one owner, 100K Maint & Ext Warr, Sports Pkg, $22,750. 405-471-2255

2002 Toyota 4Runner 5Dr, 4WD, automatic, Tan ext, leather, excellent cond, A/C, drv air bag, pass air bag, rear air bag, side air bag, ABS, heated seats, $5,500, annie.devia@msn.com 405-237-7415

'02 DODGE 1500 RAM HANDICAP CONVERSION VAN w/hvy duty chair lift, DVD, leather, electric seats, 88K mis. Must See! $10,500. 405-273-1607 '97 Dodge Caravan, 230k Hwy mi drives looks good White. $1600 556-1150 '97 GMC Regency High Top Conversion Van, 120K mi, includes handicap lift. low price $6800 obo 830-515-3155 or (405)-475-2421 '99 Honda Odyssey, 89000 mi, runs good, $6900 obo. 924-5768.

Accounting Duties include A/P, Accruals, A/R, G/L, bank reconciliations, inventory, month end reporting and advanced detailed analysis. Professional attitude and attire required. Must be proficient with Excel and able to handle a high volume workload and meet deadlines. Must be flexible, willing to learn, self starter, team player, conscientious of quality, accuracy and efficiency, detail oriented and able to meet high standards with a smile. Bachelors Degree in Accounting preferred. 2+ years accounting experience required. Salary depends on experience. Health, Life, LTD, Dental, AD&D, 401K etc. available. Paid vacation and holidays provided. Please email resume' to job availableokc@gmail.com. Background check and pre-employment drug screen required. EOE. ADMINISTRATIVE ASST for healthcare organization. Must have excellent computer skills, verbal & written communication skills. Must be organized and dependable. Executive asst. experience helpful. Send your resume Email: HR@plazamed.com Mail: PMG/Attn: Human Resources/AdminAsst 3433 NW 56th #400 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Fax: (405) 945-3150 ALLIANCE STEEL, INC a major manufacturer of steel building is taking applications for a fulltime RECEPTIONIST. Ideal candidate will have strong customer service skills with some experience working with multiline phone systems in an office environment. We offer a competitive compensation package. We are taking applications in person Monday, May 10 thru Wednesday, May 12 From 2:00pm to 4:00pm. We are located at 3333 S Council Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73147. 405-745-7500 www.allianceokc.com EOE BOOKKEEPER part time for small Edmond medical office. Quickbooks exp. reqd. Fax resume to: 405-749-2333

Front Desk Personnel 4 p.m. to Midnight Monday thru Friday. Must have computer skills. Be responsible and enjoy working with seniors. Apply in person 1515 Kingsridge Dr OKC 73170 •692-8700• Legal Secretary Needed for small MidTown law firm. Fulltime. M-F. Min. 2 yrs. exp. req. Salary DOE. Fax resume to 405-235-2453. Physical Therapy Office Position Assisting with Medical claims, answering phones, computer competency, administrative assistant duties. Must be organized, detail oriented, self initiator and a team player. Excellent salary and benefits. Functional Rehab/Focus On Function Fax: (405) 840-3256 Project Assistant/ Secretary Full time position in our OKC office. Must have a working knowledge of shop drawings, RFI’s, CSI numbering, and be computer proficient. Stable, smart, versatile. Health Insurance & 401K. Non-smoking office. E-mail your resume to builtbetter@atlasgc.com or fax to 918-369-3962. Atlas is an EEO Employer.

Receptionist/ Admin. Several OKC companies are seeking Receptionists. Computer skills req'd & Prior exp. a plus. NORTH OFFICE: 1117 NW 63rd Street Phone: 943.2600 Fax: 879.9665 SOUTH OFFICE: 4407 South Walker Phone: 609.2888 Fax: 601.1401

RECEPTIONIST Okla based company in the healthcare industry is seeking entry level Receptionist for busy office. Duties include answering the telephone, greeting clients & other secretarial duties as assigned. Must be organized, dependable, possess excellent people skills, good communication & grammar skills. Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM $7.50-$9.00. Fax resume to 405-917-5527

RECEPTIONIST Aerospace Company looking for Full time receptionist with customer service, excellent communication and computer skills Available shift 5:30AM-2PM. Great benefits. EOE Submit resumes to airplanejobs@gmail.com or Fax 405-709-0124 before May 21, 2010 RECEPTIONIST Full time for northeast OKC veterinary clinic. Fax resume to 405-8422285 or email to cattlestats@yahoo.com Receptionist, exp., Self-starter, multi-tasker, punctual, positive attitude, dependable, no tobacco on property, 943-2191 Veterinary Receptionist Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm. Computer skills, veterinary exp. preferred. Will handle pets. 341-0000 BKD, LLP, a regional CPA firm, seeks full-time Word Processor/Admin. Asst. Excellent MS Word, Excel, grammar and number skills required in this fast-paced, multiproject, team environment. Detail oriented, multitask, strong work ethic. Word processing experience preferred, Pleasant professional environment. Competitive benefits. BKD is an EEOC. Send resume and salary history to squinn@bkd.com or fax to 918-584-2931. Prestigious downtown OKC law firm seeking energetic person for General Clerk/Runner duties. Part time hours are 7:30 am to 1:00 pm M-F. $10/hour, must have reliable transportation, parking is provided. Position available immediately. Submit resumes to lawfirmhelpwanted@yahoo.com for interviews beginning Monday Tuesday.

Cashier & Cook Now hiring! FFR $7.50-$10+/hr. Apply 809 NW 12th Moore, OK 73160

COOKS & DIETARY AIDES Please apply at: Baptist Village of Oklahoma City 9700 Mashburn Blvd. or phone 721-2466, Ext. 2133

DANCERS WANTED Day & Night shifts. Lucky's Bar, 4007 NW 10th Call 601-0229 MANAGER experienced for large Night Club in OKC. Should be familiar with promoting, scheduling, & inventory control. Send resume to PO Box 12713, OKC, OK 73157 Shift Waitperson Petroleum Club Edmond. $100 per shift, experience required. Apply in person 100 N. Broadway, 34th fl. M-F 2-4

Field Technician for POS, PC, Printer repair. OKC area. Must pass background check. Email resume to: sherron.thompson@ ncr.com IT SYSTEMS TEAM MEMBER for healthcare organization. Computer science background preferred. Self-starter with interest in data modeling & report production/analysis. Good written, verbal & presentation skills. Experience with EHR, Groupcast, Cognos, MS Dynamics, MS Office helpful. Send us your resume. Email: HR@plazamed.com Mail: PMG/Attn: Human Resources/IT 3433 NW 56th #400 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Fax: (405) 945-3150 Populus Group seeks a Software Engineer in Oklahoma City, OK. Must have BS or equiv & 2 yrs exp in the job offered. Send resumes to Jessica Osei/Ref# 2068351 at: josei@populusgroup.com or Populus Group, 850 Stephenson Hwy, Ste 500, Troy, MI 48083.

ATTENTION: CUSTOMER SERVICE PROFESSIONALS! Come join an established company! Are you an effective communicator with a great attitude and can creatively solve problems? If so, join our team and: •Communicate with our local customers •Sell the latest in telecommunication services •Use your personal relations and data entry skills to assist customers •Earn a competitive wage and get the best benefits around If you are well presented, love smiling, trustworthy, punctual, and proficient in Word and Excel send your resume to: PO Box 66 Attn: CSR Position Earlsboro, OK 74840

Client Care Rep The most employee-focused service company in OKC has an opening for a Client Care Rep. Opportunity for advancement, benefits, paid vacation/ holidays. For consideration, send resume to okccareer@hotmail.com Collection Account Manager Must have 2 years collections experience. $1520/hr + benefits & retirement send resume to david@gautocredit.com Customer Service Rep @Link Wifi is looking for motivated and driven individuals to join our team. Excellent phone & computer skills and be willing to work as part of a team. Technical knowledge is a plus. Fully paid benefits after 90 days. Email resume and cover letter to jobs@atlinkservices.com. Wholesale company-no experience necessary. Rapid advancement. For more info, please call 767-9718.

ATTN: Class A&B Drivers We need you now! HAZMAT or no HAZMAT, 943-3304

CDL-A Safety Manager Located in SE OK. Extensive CDL-A/DOT driving experience needed to train proper driving procedures to new hires and current employees. Will organize and coordinate DOT compliance and safety programs. Local travel required. EOE Submit resumes: tarac@aatank.net

CLASS A CDL DRIVER with HazMat. Clean MVR and 2 years experience required. Apply at 1515 SE 15th, OKC, OK.

DRIVER - Sherwood Construction has immediate openings. CDL with Hazmat & Tanker. Must be able to pass DOT physical & drug test. Current license, clean MVR. Oklahoma City area. Apply in person: 600 North Sunny Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73117 EOE

DRIVERS Local Professional Route Drivers. Box truck, some heavy lifting, no CDL Copy of MVR and drug testing required. Apply in person today: 2215 SW 74th St. Oklahoma City, OK



FLAT BED New pay program w/ bonus Late Model Equipment Home Weekly. Regional & Cross Country. Med Insurance. experience required Class A CDL required 405-917-9873

FLATBED COMPANY DRIVERS Must have 1 yr OTR, 6 mo. Flatbed Clean MVR. No accidents. Call for details Robbin 866-934-7285 www.paulinc.com Also leasing Owner Operators


Greatwide Logistics Drivers and Owner Operators Greatwide Logistics a dedicated provider for Associated Wholesale Grocers is looking for experienced Drivers and Owner Operators with class A CDL and clean MVR. Drivers home daily, fuel surcharge paid, fuel discounts, health care and life insurance coverage for Owner-Operators. Call Cathy at 405-745-7400 ext # 5.

HEAVY HAUL SIGN ON BONUS Double Drop/RGN Experience needed. Full or Part Time Available 405-946-7289 Ask for Gayle Hotshot Lease Driver CDL Must have own truck/trailer, must pass drug test, 24/7 on call, driver keeps 75% of load, clean driving record and professional appearance a must. 580-774-9045, leave message

LOCAL DRIVER Flatbed/Double Drop versatile team player Good Pay, Full Benefits 946-7289

OWNER OPERATORS NEEDED Flatbed/Tow-a-way/ Heavy Haul experience Class A CDL/Tractor must pass DOT inspection Good pay, Steady work! Call 917-9854 Stevens Trucking is looking for full-time & part-time Drivers for oilfield and dry van divisions. Plenty of miles available, excellent benefits. Contact Bill @ 745-2363 ext 224 or apply in person 6600 S.W. 29th street.

TEAMS We need teams for 7,500 miles per week Benefits, 1 day orient., Class A CDL & 2 yrs exp. req'd 85% drop & hook. 405-946-7289 Tractor Trailer Driver HAZMAT & Tanker required. Regional work, Rimarc Transportation 1-800-831-9563 TRUCK or COMBINE DRIVERS NEEDED for Wheat harvest. Year around employment possible. Room & board provided. Salary DOE. 405-618-1852

Quality Inspector Oilfield Service Co. seeks Quality Inspector for OKC office. Exp. w/use of Precision Measuring Instruments pref. Knowledge of ASTM,API,NACE,ANSI standards and geometric dimensional tolerance a plus. 1yr+ related exp. Must be able to lift 75lbs. EOE E-mail resume in Word format bmckinley@ thrutubing.com or mail to 11515 S. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73170 attn: HR dept.

Civil Draftsman/ Jr. Engineer to work on sewer design project, immediate start, fax resume 525-1400

Mfg./Design Engineer Motivated self starter with autocad/solidworks experience, responsible for design/product quotes, BOM/Router maintenance, Lean exp., process production jobs & MRP. Send resume to Mills Machine Co. PO Box 1514 Shawnee, OK 74802

Carpenters-Experienced Needed immediately. see www.nabholz.com for details. CASHIER Experienced, full time, benefits. Call 948-1199 SALES PERSON Experienced, full time, benefits. Call 631-6777 STEVE'S WHOLESALE

»»»»»»» CHILD CARE New Horizons Child Development seeking COOK, FULL TIME to join our team. Apply at 14300 N Western. Call 748-4424. EOE.

»»»»»»» » Child Care » Assistant Director For New Horizons Child Development, Silver Springs. CDA required. Management experience preferred. EOE. Fax resume to 844-9981. COUNTER PERSON Swiss Cleaners is now hiring. Mon-Fri 3-7, Sat 8-3. Exp pref. Apply at 5940 NW 122nd St. DRIVER needed for busy electrical contractor. Pickup and deliver parts to job sites. Warehouse knowledge helpful. CDL license recommended but not required. Apply in person at 1524 S May, OKC. 405-634-8844

FIREFIGHTERS WANTED Paid training, good salary, $ for school, regular raises, benefits, retirement. HS seniors & grads ages 17-38. Call 800-492-4841.


Foster Parents »»»»»»»»»»»» YOU can change the life of a child! Sunbeam Family Services offers financial reimbursements, 24/7 support and free training. To find out more call 405.528.7724 ext. 153

General Laborer & Full time Driver needed (for deliveries), heavy lifting required. Must have good driving record & valid Drivers License. $8.50 per hour. Apply in person at Wholesale Recreation Warehouse. 525 W. Memorial. (East of Western).

HELP WANTED 9 Full time drivers needed.Monday Friday: Noon till dark driving an ice cream truck in the greater OKC area. No exp. needed. We train. You are paid every day. Apply today: Summer Song - 1137 Exchange Ave, OKC. One Block South of Reno & Western 1-888-608-1783

HOUSEKEEPER w/experience. Apply in person @ Sommerset Assisted Living 1601 SW 119th St-OKC 691-9221

HOUSEKEEPER Full time, experience preferred, Apply at 2201 NW 122nd St 751-2277

HOUSEKEEPING Large co. in OKC seeking housekeeping personnel. Prior experience a plus. 2nd shift position from 5pm-1:30am Mon.-Fri. Must be able to pass National background check. Great opportunity for successful candidates. Send resumes to scott@peoplesourceok.com You can fax resumes to 405-879-9665 NORTH OFFICE: 1117 NW 63rd Street Phone: 943.2600 Fax: 879.9665 SOUTH OFFICE: 4407 South Walker Phone: 609.2888 Fax: 601.1401

JANITORIAL Individuals & Couples to clean office buildings. PT evenings, M-F. Paid holidays. Apply 4-6 pm, Monday - Friday, at 1024 N. Tulsa Ave, OKC

Field Technicians who collect electric utility and GPS data. Outdoor work, many positions, $14/hr paid training, upon promotion $15/hr plus vehicle reimbursement, weekly performance bonus and overtime possible. Must have good driving record, reliable transportation with insurance (will use own vehicle), and be able to travel on weekdays throughout Oklahoma. Email resume to Recruiter25@osmose.com EOE M/F/D/V www.OsmoseUtilities.com

¡ LEASING ASST ¡ MAINTENANCE ¡ HOUSEKEEPING ¡ GROUNDS Some positions available in Yukon Apply ONLINE at www.caseusa.com

Lincare, leading National Respiratory Co. seeks Service Representative in the Norman location. Service patients in their home for oxygen and equipment needs. Age 21+ who can lift up to 120 lbs should apply. Growth opportunities are excellent. Drug free work place. EOE. Fax resumes to 405-307-9106 MAINTENANCE Plan, oversee & assist with daily & emergency maintenance repairs of the facilities, equipment & machinery. Must have exper. supervising others, a valid drivers license, good driving record & no felonies. Call 297-3971 M-F 8-5 and ask for Donna Package/Ship/Inventory Inspect, package & ship mfg. parts. Must be able to lift 70lbs. Computer skills. Very detail oriented. Send resume: Kams Inc., 1831 NW 4th Dr., OKC, OK 73106.

Painter needed immediately for Edmond Area. Apply at www.caseusa.com Residential Advisor Needed On-call with full-time potential. Must be willing to work any shift as needed. Send inquiries to Human Resources PO Box 1256, OKC, OK 73101, Email: humanre sources@catalysthelp.org Fax 405-552-2616 EOE SHIRT PRESSER Experienced needed for commercial laundry. Beginning Wage $8.50/hr. Apply at Imperial Cleaners 5816 NW Expressway

TECHNICIAN for geotech engineering firm. Exp preferred but will train right candidate. Exc benefits. Must have clean background & driving record. Apply in person @ METCO 2025 S. Nicklas Ave, Ste 101, OKC 73128

TECHNICIAN for geotech engineering firm. Exp preferred but will train right candidate. Exc benefits. Must have clean background & driving record. Apply in person @ METCO 2025 S. Nicklas Ave, Ste 101, OKC 73128 TIRE TECH Energetic, self motivated Tire Tech needed, experience preferred, but not necessary. Apply in person only 7500 NW 39th Expressway in Bethany TRUCK or COMBINE DRIVERS NEEDED for Wheat harvest. Year around employment possible. Room & board provided. Salary DOE. 405-618-1852

WEEKEND ASSISTANT Retirees welcome. 720-8313. EOE WINDOW TINTER, Experienced. Midwest City, FT M-F, 8-5, paid by vehicle. Must be dependable! 405-677-5554

EVERGREEN COMMUNITY SERVICES Now hiring. 24-40 hours per week. Habilitation Training Specialist Provides residential services to individuals with developmental disabilities. »»» $100 Bonus after 90 days worked »»» PAID TRAINING Starting pay $8.00-$8.51 per hour. Fulltime Benefits to include 2 weeks Paid Vacation 1 week Paid Sick 8 Paid Holidays 401K/Matching Credit Union Direct Deposit Mileage Re-imbursement Medical/Dental Insurance Optional insurance programs Must be 21, have Oklahoma drivers license, pass OSBI, MVR and drug screen. Apply: 9:00 am-3:00 pm, 7725 W. Britton Road, (405) 720-1192. Choices for Life is seeking families to assist our treatment team in working with children who are in need of a safe, nurturing environment. As a treatment parent specialist you will work closely with our licensed counseling staff, to assist the children placed in your home. We will train & certify you at no cost. Classes are starting on May 18th. Reimbursement is approx. $900 per month per child. Call 405-751-0800. www.CFLFosterCare.com FT Shipping/Recieving M-F, 8-4:30. »»»»»»»»»»»» PT Painter 20 hours/week, must be self starter, able to work on own. Apply at 940 NE 13th B300, Garrison Tower Crothall Healthcare Call 271-2255 FT Entry Level Pos. 4 building material supplier. Counter sales & cust serv. Construction background a +. Apply in person 900 N. MacArthur Blvd. AMERICAN CLEANERS Hiring FT Customer Service Reps. Starting pay $8.50 per hour. Apply at 13901 N May Avenue. Power Wash Company seeking Outside Laborers, Multiple F/T positions. Edmond area. 216-9570.

Waterproofer/Caulker OK Waterproofing is seeking personell for jobs around OK. Will train, must have truck, and able to pass drug test. Contact 405.417.0733

Front Desk Position for dynamic personality. Experience preferred. 32-40 hours. APPLY IN PERSON Comfort Inn & Suites Quail Springs, 13501 N Highland Park Blvd. OKC

Job Wanted


Do you need a House or Pet Sitter, driver, errand runner, doorman or light work? Ref's furnished. 405-517-8070.

Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office Hiring Clericals. Starting salary $1785.00 monthly 401K Plan, Deferred Comp. Plans, Benefits: Health, Dental, Vision. 201 N. Shartel OKC, OK 73102 Public Safety Officer Highland Park (Texas) Dept. of Public Safety Position receives crosstraining as police officer, firefighter, & EMT-Paramedic. Minimum requirements: 21 years of age, U.S. Citizen, valid Driver's License, Bachelor's Degree (Applicants possessing at least 60 college hours are eligible to test). EOE. SALARY: $48,762- $64,365 Applications available on-line at www.hptx.org Deadline for accepting applications-May 21st at 7am 4700 Drexel Dr., Highland Park, Texas 75205 Securitas Security is accepting applications for FT & PT Armed/Unarmed Security officers in the OKC area. We offer Great pay/benefits. Uniforms are provided. Apply online www.securitasjobs.com SelectOKC Branch EOE M/F/D/V Security

Come join our team! Oral and Maxillofacial Associates, LLC is searching for an energetic Front Office Patient Representative for our busy Edmond office. The ideal candidate will have strong customer service skills, be familiar with Microsoft computer applications, and be able to work effectively in a team environment in a fast paced office. Prior experience in a medical/dental front office setting is preferred but not required. Excellent pay and benefits. Qualified applicants should fax their resume to 848-8020 or by mail to Oral and Maxillofacial Associates, Attn: Steve Dodge, Administrator, 3727 NW 63 Street, Suite 300, Oklahoma City, OK 73116.

DIRECTOR OF NURSING Bellevue Health & Rehab is actively seeking a highly qualified, expreienced RN to become our Director of Nursing. Excellent salary & benefit package. Please submit resume by fax or in person, 405-507-2222, 6500 N Portland, OKC. FULL LIFE HOSPICE, LLC. FULL TIME RN FIELD

Now Hiring! Security Officers Armed & Unarmed OKC•Full-time Prior security, military police, career military, law enforcement or corrections exp. a plus! Apply in person at: 909 S Meridian Suite 600 OKC, OK 73108 Ph: 405-947-0415 For a complete listing of the basic qualifications for these positions visit: www.g4swackenhut.com EOE • M/F/D/V • DFWP

GREAT PAY AND BENEFITS Apply, mail, e-mail or fax resume to: Hometown Home Health H. R. 4001 Classen Blvd., Ste 202 OKC, OK 73118 Fax 405-456-6955 hr@hometownhh.net Healing Touch Homecare seeking Field RN for the Oklahoma City/Shawnee area. Inquiries may call 603-4951 or fax resume to 603-4952. HOMETOWN HOME HEALTH, INC » El Reno

SECURITY Off-duty law enforcement officers needed weekday evenings and Sunday afternoons, to provide security, for supervised visitation program in El Reno. To apply, print application from website: www.canadiancokids.com and fax to 264-5568. For more information, call HR at 405-264-5509. The Gary E. Miller Canadian County Children’s Justice Center is an equal opportunity employer and a tobacco-free facility.

RN CASE MANAGER » North OKC •RN CASE MANAGER (New Grads Welcome) •LPN Patient Coord/ Scheduler •LPN Part Time PMs •LPN Part Time Weekend GREAT PAY AND BENEFITS Apply, mail, e-mail or fax resume to: Hometown Home Health H. R. 4001 Classen Blvd., Ste 202 OKC, OK 73118 Fax 405-456-6955 hr@hometownhh.net

Certified Medical Assistant Full or Part Time. Apply in person, 5500 NW Expressway, Suite A 722-8100 Chiropractic Assistant Apply in person Thursday, May 6th, 12:30-1:30, at 3801 S. Boulevard in Edmond.

CMAs or MATs All shifts Apply at Sommerset Assisted Living, 1601 SW 119th St. »»»»»»»»»»»»

Hospital Administrator Satanta District Hospital and LTC. Prefer Undergraduate or Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration. Progressive CAH with 2 RHC's, and retail pharmacy. Excellent Benefits. Seeking Administrator who values teamwork and an excellent staff. Send resume and salary requirements to GPHA, P.O. Box 366, Phillipsburg, KS 67661, Attn: Satanta Administrator, or e-mail See rjohn@gpha.com. www.satantahospital.org

Hygienist PT hygienist needed 1 day/week starting in June. Will also need FT for maternity leave NovJan. Fax resume to 324-0037. www. smilesbydrchris.com LIC PHYSICAL THERAPIST FT M-F at outpt ortho clinic in Norman. Exp/ interest in orthopedics. Fax/e-mail resume to: OSC Attn: D Mason (405)310-6894 dmason@ orthonorman.com

Long Term Care Administrator In SE OK. competitive salary & benefits package Send resume to Eileen Daniels Fax 866-742-5519 or e-mail edaniels@ cornerstonesourcing.com

LPN's Private Duty Weekends, 8a-10p and 9a-9p. Care for special NEED children in their homes in OKC/Edmond. $15-$16/hour, weekly pay check. Apply in person at PNC 1240 NW 115th in OKC

LPN/CMA needed for fast paced multi physician office. 3 yrs CLINICAL experience + proficiency in phlebotomy, medical terminology, EKG’s mandatory. Authorization and referral experience preferred. Professional references also required. Forward resume to: johnchurchill1973 @yahoo.com LPN/EMT for busy cardiology clinic. IV skills and EKG skills required. Send us your resume Email: HR@plazamed.com Mail: PMG/Attn: Human Resources/EMT/LPN 3433 NW 56th #400 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Fax (405) 945-3150

LPN Mon-Fri, 3-11 shift

ACTIVITY AIDE Must be energetic & dependable. Please call 399-2294, Oak Hill Care Center 1100 Georgia St, Jones 9 miles East of I-35 off Britton Rd.

LPNs LPNs Home Health Care Co. Benefits, Benefits, BENEFITS ¡ INSURANCE Fax resume to: 722-4397 or 722-8122. MA needed for surgical dermatology practice. Part time hours. Full time possible. Email to hr.skinsurgeryokc@ gmail.com

Med Coder, INS and Billing, and receptionist for MWC Fam Med. Receptionist FT/PT, but work on Sat is a must. Fax CV to 405-737-0240. MEDICAL ASSISTANT needed with pediatric experience for FT position. Fax resume to 405-945-4959.

CORNERSTONE SOURCING is seeking resumes for the following positions:

OPTICIAN for Edmond Optical. Experience & computer skills necessary. Pay BOE. Call 204-6644, fax 752-1692 email theeyecarecenter @coxinet.net

PACU/RN Monday-Friday Hours: Days, flexible Experience required. Email resume to: hr@ortho-ok.com or fax (405) 609-6142 Patient Account Rep and duties to include verify insurance, enter data into computer and contact patients for payments. NW OKC, M-F 8:30-5 pm. Fax resumes to 608-4269

Pediatric Dental Asst Needed Clinical Dent Asst Fun, fast-moving pediatric dental office in NW OKC area looking for an energetic team member. Our practice is growing fast and we need to expand our family. Preferred if you have cert in Rubber cup and Sealant If you're a fast-learning, self-motivated team player, fax resume to 748-6684 PHYSICIAN, PA, ARNP and Medical Assistant Needed FT/PT for busy medical clinic in Shawnee. No late nights or weekends. Malpractice paid. Please email resume/CV to Jobs@FastCareMedical Clnic.com Receptionist Receptionist needed for southside optometry office. Must be dependable and have a good personality. Fax resume to 405-691-0136 RECEPTIONIST Doctor's office, full-time Apply Mon., May 10th 8:30am-12:30pm 7236 NW Expressway » Registered Physical Therapist » Occupational Therapist, Registered Join us in making the difference in our patients’ lives. Great Pay and Benefits: Apply, mail/ e-mail or fax resume to: Express Therapy Services, Inc. H. R., 4001 Classen Blvd., Ste 202, OKC, OK 73118 Fax 405-456-6955 hr@expresstherapyservices

Respite Caregiver PT - for Senior Services Program evenings and weekends. Must have own transportation. Fax or email resume to (405)702-9432 ™EOE™ hr@ sunbeamfamilyservices.org

MEDICAL ASSISTANT With exper. PT Sat &/or Sun/wkday eves. S OKC clinic. X-ray a plus. Fax resume to 692-1386.

RN/LPN/CHHA Looking for the best job you ever had? Then our hospice is looking for you! Call 948-4357

OFFICE RN Cosmetic or surgical experience needed. Computer skills a must. Send resume to: Fax: 405-7518960 or Email: veinspecialists@cox.net

Triple Registered U/S Tech needed F/T for mobile co. Immediate position available in OKC area. Call James Smith at 918-740-0715.

» » » » » » » » »

Physical Therapist Admission Nurse RN, LPN, CMA, CNA Longterm Care Administrators Director of Nursing Case Manager Home Health Social Service Director Maintenance Person Sitter/Companion Private Duty

Please Fax resumes to 405-809-1593 or E-mail edaniels@ cornerstonesourcing.com RAMBLING OAKS COURTYARD

CMA/CNA+MAT SHIFTS: 2-10 & 6-2 ALSO need Experienced COOK 12310 S. Western OKC, OK 73170

Visiting Angels Immediate Openings For •Certified Home Health Aides & •24 hr Live-In Caregivers Caring for Seniors PT/FT Flexible Shifts To Apply Call 577-1910.

Hiring For: CMAs, CHHAs, CNAs » Call 405-463-5695» » Fax 405-463-5697»

Child Care Sunday morning childcare for growing, active church in Midtown OKC. Experience with children preferred. $10 per hour Contact Kristin at KristinRogers@ fbcokc.org or call 405-232-4255 x124, M-F 9am to5pm. EVENING OFFICE CLEANING Five nights 3-4 hours NW OKC area. Call ¡ ¡ ¡ 405-840-1889 RETAIL THRIFT STORE CLERK-PART-TIME Needed at Hostess /Wonder Bread Outlet located at 1223 N. Broadway, Moore. Great starting pay! Must be able to work nights and/or weekends. Apply in person on Tuesday, May 11 between 11am-2pm only for immediate interview.

Accounts Payable Clerk City of El Reno, fulltime. Accounting experience preferred, starting wage $12.05 plus benefits. Apps. can be downloaded at www.cityofelreno.com and submitted to the HR Office at 101 N. Choctaw, El Reno, OK 73036. Closing date May 12 by 5 pm. EOE CERTIFIED TEACHERS Hiring Full/Part time for Childcare. Apply in person 2616 SW 74th or call 405-681-8588 Collector Company seeking collector. Bilingual a plus. Excellent salary, commission and benefits, including health insurance and 401(k). Phone 425-0100, fax resume 425-0186 or email: careers@cacfinancial.com

Firefighter I/ EMT The City of Stillwater is currently accepting applications for Firefighter I. Requirements: Must be an EMT-B with the ability to obtain Oklahoma State License as EMT-I within 12 months of hire; successful completion of CPAT within previous eight months, or ability to complete prior to hire; (cpat not required for current participant in the Oklahoma Firefighters Retirement System); prefer one year experience or a combination of firefighting, EMS, police, emergency management or military service; and the ability to meet eligibility requirements of the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System. The successful candidate(s) must take and pass the Oklahoma firefighters pension physical prior to employment. Starting rate: $11.12/hr comprehensive benefits package. More information regarding the position, benefits, and compensation can be obtained at stillwater.org Cover letter, resume, copies of applicable certificates, and completed City application required for consideration. The City of Stillwater, home to the Oklahoma State University Cowboys, is located in central Oklahoma approximately 1hour North of Oklahoma City and 1-hour West of Tulsa. Stillwater is an Equal Opportunity Employer Closing Date: 5/30/10

Business & Office Technology Instructor

Legal Administrative Assistant Responsible for assisting legal department with administrative duties such as research, correspondence and general clerical support. Understanding of legal terminology is essential. Experience with selffunding medical plans desired. Assoc degree or 6 mo - 1 yr experience required. MS Office knowledge is a must. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits. EOE. You may email or fax your resume w/salary history to

Collector Company seeking collector. Bilingual a plus. Excellent salary, commission and benefits, including health insurance and 401(k). Phone 425-0100, fax resume 425-0186 or email: careers@cacfinancial.com Litigation Attorney Regional (TX, OK, MO, ARK) AV rated Insurance Defense firm seeks Litigation Attorney with 520+ years solid litigation and research experience to join Oklahoma City office. Must be self motivated, very detailed and have significant trial and deposition experience, with proven excellent writing skills. Writing samples and references required. JD 75,000 100,000 johnwelch@ holdenlitigation.com

& 11pm-7am LPN No phone calls, please. Please apply in person or Fax Resume 794-6287 MOORE NURSING HOME 320 N. Eastern Ave. Moore The Town of Luther is seeking qualified applicants for the Position of Grant Writer. Please send detailed resume to Town of Luther, Attention: Grant Writer, PO Box 56, Luther, Ok 73054

hr@maa-tpa.com fax 405-607-4125 Resumes without salary history will not be considered. Marketing Director Financial Planning Firm seeks full time marketing director to contact prospects, plan seminars/events, service liason with advertising firm, website updates. Bachelors Degree in Marketing or Business Administration. $30 to $60K dependent on experience Send resume to: resumepost@me.com Oil & Gas Bookkeeper needed for small oil, gas, and alternative energy company. Previous, land, oil & gas experience essential. 3-4 days per week. Excellent downtown workplace. Fax resume to 405-948-1048.

OPTICIAN for Edmond Optical. Experience & computer skills necessary. Pay BOE. Call 204-6644, fax 752-1692 email theeyecarecenter @coxinet.net

Practical Nursing Instructor CANADIAN VALLEY TECHNOLOGY CENTER – EL RENO CAMPUS, is accepting applications for the following position(s): Business & Office Technology Instructor and Practical Nursing Instructor. For complete job description & application please go to www.cvtech.edu or call Paulette Franz for more information (405) 422-2245 Deadline for applying: Until successful applicant is found. EOE

Wknd RN's

REGIONAL DIRECTOR For early childhood program. To supervise 6 local sites. Bachelor's degree required. Management experience preferred. Salary plus benefits. Fax resume to 405844-9981. EOE. The Jetty Counseling Ctr outpatient behavioral hlth seeking Counselors /Therapist. Must be licensed or under supervision for licensure. Fax resume 405-665-6396 or call 405-665-4385

Visual Display Coordinator We are a furniture retail store looking for an exp. Visual Display Coordinator. This position will be resp. for creating & maintaining a compelling presentation of merchandise that will engage customers and help stimulate sales. Change and/or rotate displays & signage to reflect changes in inventory or promotion; develop ideas or plans for merchandise displays or window decorations; arrange properties, furniture, merchandise, backdrops and other accessories. We offer a competitive salary & benefit package. Please Fax resumes to 405.671.2758.

Bookkeeper/Accountant for NW OKC CPA Firm. Minimum 3 years experience required. Quickbooks knowledge required. Please fax resume/references to 405947-7007 or email to: ltrenary@coxinet.net


Fast growing Environmental Laboratory is looking for a sharp chemist for Metals Laboratory. Applicant needs exceptional laboratory skills, good people and phone skills. Needs to be detailed, self-starter and interested in taking an active role in expanding the laboratory. Requirements: Bachelors Degree in Chemistry. Plus minimum 3 years non academic lab experience and 2 years in metals analysis. Fax resume to 405-755-2058. Digital Media Instructor needed at EOC Tech Center. Responsibilities include instruction in photo, video and audio. Teaching and Industry experience preferred. Apps taken until suitable applicant is found. Call 390-9591 or download app at www.eoctech.org AA/EOE High School Principal OKMULGEE seeks a leader, manager, and organizer to rejuvenate our wonderful and historically rich High School. Strong administrative and community support demands an energetic and vibrant leader with strong discipline skills, solid teacher management traits, and vigorous staff directing skills. We expect great things for our great community. Please, only hard working, committed individuals need apply. Send resume to: Tod Williams, Board of Education, PO Box 1346, Okmulgee, OK 74447, or call (918) 758-2000, ext 112.

Instructors Needed Communications, History, Humanities, Human Services, Lit., Math & Psych. Masters degree required. Apply at Phoenix.edu Manager sought by Deli Partners of OK dba Jason's Deli in Edmond, OK. Must have 2 yrs of exp. Qualified applicants mail resume to: Deli Partners of Oklahoman, ATTN: Bourke Harvey, 1608 Rogers Rd., Ft. Worth, TX 76107.

Area Sales Housing Development Compliance Specialist Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency is accepting applications for a Housing Development Compliance Specialist. This position is responsible for monitoring specific compliance with IRS Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credit developments to ensure compliance by participants with all Section 42 and OHFA program rules and regulations. Additionally, provides training to program participants on technical issues and regulations. Extensive in-state travel is required A Bachelor’s degree is required or eight years related experience and/or training in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (IRS Section 42 regulations); or equivalent combination of education and experience. Knowledge of local, state and federal regulations governing housing programs is preferred. Skill in use of Microsoft programs is required. The starting salary for this position is $2,649.00/month with excellent benefits. All applicants must submit an OHFA application. Applications are available at 100 NW 63rd, Suite 200, OKC, OK 73116 or at www.ohfa.org. Applications may be mailed to listed address or faxed to 405-419-9221. Applications will be accepted until 4:45 PM, Wed, 05-19-10. AA/EEO My Dentist is currently hiring for our administrative staff. We have the following positions available: • Staffing Specialist • Corporate Trainer • Computer Support Technician • Central Billing Supervisor 3-5 years experience and Bachelor’s degree required. Interested applicants may fax a resume to 405-751-7160 or email gwithey@mydentistinc.com Norman Public Schools • Hearing Impaired Teacher • Elem Library Media • Hd Girls Tennis Coach EOE. For questions call 405-366-5873. Applications online www.norman.k12.ok.us PCI is seeking Operations Research Analyst II. Must have a Bachelors degree in comp sci plus 5 yrs exp in comp software. Qualified applicants mail resume to: PCI, 3550 W Robinson Suite 200, Norman, OK 73072. Tech Prep Coordinator Needed at EOC Tech Center. Responsibilities include student recruitment and higher education alliances. Bachelors degree and counseling certificate preferred. Apps taken until suitable applicant is found. Call 390-9591 or download app at www.eoctech.org AA/EOE

Therapist Counseling Agency seeking applications for both FT & PT Therapists. LMFT, LSCW, LPC & candidates under supervision, for home, school & office based counseling. Fax resume to Fresh Start Counseling Services, 405-607-6671. WEBSITE/ TECHNOLOGY OSSAA position opening see website posting at www.ossaa.com

The Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma is seeking: CHIEF OF POLICE Apply online at www.iowanation.org

CLERK POSITIONS Immediate, full time. Cash register & phones with good customer service skills. Schedule includes weekends. Salary DOE + bonus. Apply in person Wholesale Recreation Warehouse. 525 W. Memorial

Retail Sales Consultant B Sew Inn located at I-240 & Penn currently has a full time position available. If you have experience in retail sales, computer skills & are interested in hourly pay plus commission, please email your resume to lisa@bsewinn.com.

18 year old company expanding. Need 9 people who need cash. FT/PT from home. Call today. »» 405-613-1810 »» Advertising - Sales Rep Commissions paid weekly Mercedes car program. Start Immediately! Andi 405-759-2626. BUILDING MATERIAL SALES Established full line wholesaler seeks experienced inside sales person. Full benefit package. Send resume to PO BOX 76269, OKC, OK 73147 Commercial Roofing Estimator Exp.Commerical Roofing Estimator. Must be able to complete all aspects of estimating a commercial roof. Must be able to read Blue Prints. Extensive knowledge of commerical roofing materials required. Send resume, references and salary requirements to plucas@salazarroofing. com

Don’t Prejudge This A Career In the Cemetery Industry!! •Everyone needs our products •Realistically $700$1,500 per Week •Complete Benefits Package •Strong 401k Plan •Incentives/Bonuses Monthly •Management Opportunities •Life Insurance License Preferred but Not Required •No Experience Necessary - We Train •World-Wide Industry Leader We Have Several Beautiful Memorial Parks and Funeral Homes in the Oklahoma City Area Providing a Perfect Environment to Begin A Career That Will Impact Families Lives For Years To Come. Now, Why Would You Not Sit Down For Thirty Minutes and Talk To Me? Call 405-672-5885 or Fax 405-672-1417 Call Monday only

Mr Cash is handing out cash to the right people. If you are able to start today call 405.600.8098 Secretary needed also.

P/T Demonstrator to generate appointments w/ local club members. $9-$10hr + wkly & mthly bonus. Training provided. Call Ryan, 722-3639.

Real Estate Sales People for Midwest City home builder with small independent real estate office. Real estate license req. Sell new & existing homes. No office fees. Splits negotiable. Call Jim 397-9755

SALES American Movers is looking for a qualified candidate with moving and relocation sales experience. This person must have high energy with great people skills, a valid driver’s license and pass a background check. At least 1 year in marketing or sales and willing to travel within the state * Excellent oral and written communication skills * Computer literate * Ability to multi-task and manage time effectively * 1 year or more of college course work preferred. * Salary negotiable. Fax resume to 405 232-5270.

SALES CAREER HOME CONSULTANT Wanted. Highest Commissions in the Industry!! Discover the big money of manufactured home sales. Local company seeking professional, motivated person to sell manufactured homes. Applicant must be professional in appearance, and attitude. Sales experience is preferred E-mail resume: dsyler@coxinet.net or 787-5004 If you like long hours, hard work & TOTAL GRATIFICATION of the Sales Force-apply within. Send resume to dan@american qualityexteriors.com In Office Sales. $9 hour to start. Days, paid weekly. Strong communication skills a must. Apply at 8801 S. Olie. #2 LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT Top Fortune 100 company seeks licensed Life & Health Agent to open and service local accounts. This is a fantastic opportunity for the right individual. Training and support provided. Fax resume to 210-991-9225.

LOOKING for 10 sharp people to work/travel selling subscriptions with unique business group. See the entire US incl NY, FL & CA. 2 wk pd training, return fare guaranteed. If 18+, w/great attitude & can start today call Tisha w/5 Star Sales @ 1-800-479-4147 Manager Trainee Major manufactured home company needs Manager Trainees. Relocation required. Sales experience helpful but not required. Solitaire Homes. Fax resume to 405-631-7819

If you're a career-minded individual yearning to be part of a winning team, I want to talk with you. We offer: • Four-day work week • Top Incentives • $3,000 Monthly Training Incentive • Management Opportunities • Many FIRST Year Representatives Earn $55K-$60K Overnight travel required (Mon.- Thurs.) For more info and/or interview please call Chris Fulk (866) 673-1865

SALES Jameson Management, a leading dental coaching company based in Oklahoma City is seeking an inside sales person who will match our coaches with dental practices throughout the United States. The successful candidate will have exceptional phone, organizational, and computer skills, as well as strong desire to meet competitive sales goals. A history of inside sales and knowledge of the dental environment is a plus, but not required. The position has a competitive salary, commission, and bonus structure, plus a 401K, and a very generous benefits package. For consideration, forward your cover letter and resume to jamesonjobs@gmail.com

YELLOW PAGES SALES Experienced persons needed due to increasing sales. Average commission $60-$80K. Min 2 yrs college, no travel. Call 753-9483

HEAVY CONTRACTORS Pipe foreman/ lead carpenter/ concrete finisher:

HVAC Licensed Journeymen: Join a growing company that rewards excellence! Must be well-groomed, drug-free and dependable. Year round work. Call Derek @ 326-4653. A&P Technician positions available with local company. Send resume to PO Box 23749, OKC, OK 73123

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Now Hiring ‚ 203-0596 FIRESTONE » » AUTO TECH» » $3000 sign-on onus for the right tech! Business is booming! Call 513-2431 today.

Backhoe Operator for 580 Case. Must be able to dig grade. Norman, 405-206-6353 BATH FITTER $60k+ Hlth, Life, Dntl, Tools, Truck, Training provided. Install tub /shower liners. Some carpentry exp reqd. Phys & drug test. Smoke free envirn. Apply Mon-Fri 9a-4p. 378-0378 CNC Lathe Operator Experienced operator needed for CNC lathes. Top pay for top candidate. Send Resume: Kams Inc. 1831 NW 4th Drive, OKC, OK, 73106. Electrician Apprentice 1 year experience in industrial and commercial. Long term employment. Fax resume to 580-2430020, call 580-225-2447.

Field Oiler/Lube Service Person Paving contractor looking for experienced heavy equipment Oiler/Lube Service person w/HAZMAT. Benefits available. Apply at: 10200 NW 10th St. OKC, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm Field Technician Sidewinder Utility Locators, is seeking motivated individuals. Full time, good driving record and pass a bkgrnd check. $12 to $15 hr. DOE 405-385-0688/info@ Sidewinder-UL.com Framers/Concrete & General Labor. Experience preferred. Bilingual a plus. Building wood frame bldgs with Steel Siding 412-7665

GCI needs Foremen, Journeymen metal stud framers, drywall hangers, EIFS installers, and scaffold erectors. Only qualified applicants should apply. NO phone calls. Apply in person at 13500 Railway Dr., OKC.

GENERAL Maintenance Exp. Preferred Full time. Great Pay. Great Benefits. Boulder Ridge Apts. 8557 Candlewood Dr, OKC, OK 73132 405-722-5191 E.O.E Growing Trucking company expanding maintenance shifts. Seeking experienced Technicians for tractor, trailer, tire, and lube positions.Competetive wage & benefit package. Apply in person at 6600 SW 29th Oklahoma City

HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC At least 2 years exp. Excellent benefit package. Drug Free Clean Driving Record Company is employee owned! Silver Star Construction 2401 South Broadway Moore. EOE Heavy Equip. Operators EXPERIENCED only need apply Mon & Tues at Chambers Excavation 13020 S. Sunnylane, 794-1144 Heavy Equipment Operators Needed with experience. Good MVR, local work. 405-672-4747 HVAC & PLMB Journeyman & Apprentices 405-340-6908 wallacemechanical.com HVAC Journeyman & Apprentice Installers Must have experience. We offer health, life insurance, paid vacation & retirement. Apply in person, Randall's Temperature Control, 131 SE 4th St in Moore

Journeyman Elec. Jorneyman & helper Wanted Electrical Journeyman and experienced helper. Must have new home const. knowledge. Call 341-5666 or 822-0901 Journeyman Electrician Full time for local established Co. Competitive pay & benefits. Apply at lecrecruiting@yahoo.com LABORER/OPERATOR Underground const co seeks operator, laborers & meter readers, will train good pay and benefits. Apply in person at 315 NW 59th St. OKC

Mechanical Assembly 20+ immediate positions $9.50-$15/hr. Mechanically inclined. Some tools. HS/GED. Good work history. Cln bkcgrnd & drg scrn. Apply online www.resourcemfg.com Call Angela or Lane when complete. ResourceMFG 1-866-258-0503 or 405-415-0023

MECHANICS $15-$22/hr. Truck shop mechanics. Mechanically inclined, hydraulics, pneumatics. Diesel A+. Cln bckgrnd & drg scrn. Willing to work OT. Apply online at apply.resourcemfg.com Call ResourceMFG 405-842-0999 f/interview. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS!

MMR GROUP, INC Is currently seeking

LICENSED JOURNEYMAN PLUMBERS WANTED. Med,Vac,SickLeave.Salbased on exp. Call 405-285-0066 or apply at 25 S. Fretz, Edmond MACHINISTS **2 CNC and 2 Manual** Lathes & Mills 1st and 2nd shifts Work with the best in a climate-controlled shop. Job shop work with Fanuc6T, Haas, Mitsub controls. Manual & CNC; OT avail, $2/hr shift diff, Top pay. Paid health, 401(k) & Cafet. plans, Profit sharing. EOE AIM, 1930 SE 29th, OKC 672-2226, cell 317-3220 Maintenance Planner U.S. Silica Co. is currently accepting resumes for a MAINTENANCE PLANNER for our Mill Creek, OK plant. Major responsibilities include planning and scheduling daily maintenance work, coordinating a preventive maintenance program, and maintaininig equipment history. The work environment includes physical activity, and respirator certification is required. Candidates must have a high school diploma or equivalent, at least 5 years experience in an industrial maintenance setting, strong organization skills, and personal computer proficiency in a Windows environment. Previous industrial minerals experience is a plus. Forward resume and salary history to: johnsonr@ussilica.com Rick Johnson c/o U.S. Silica Co. Box 187 Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 Mechanic/Supervisor A 50 year old national specialized carrier is seeking a knowledgeable trailer mechanic & shop supervisor for our local operation in Ok City. Seeking a self-starting & responsible individual to perform expert maintenance on specialized trailers, DOT inspections, & manage the shop while directing 1-3 mechanics. CDL, Basic computer, Min 3 yrs trailer repair experience, drug screen required. Send resume & salary history. M-F day shift! Excellent benefits & stability. Email resumes to Resumes74@comcast.net

Oklahoma Licensed Electricians For a Project in Woodward, OK Working 50 – 70 hours Call Judy@ (225) 756-3046 EOE

OFFSET PRINTER Experienced Fax Work history to 946-2429 or apply in person at Oklahoma Envelope 5621 W Reno Ste A Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

Paint & Body Technician Must have experience, tools & references. Pay is based on experience. Benefits. M-F, 8-5. Apply at Ross Transportation, 2500 S. Meridian, ask for Wayne

Painters Needed West Painting, Inc. Experience, transportation »»» 840-1998 »»»

Plumber, Service & Remodel Top $/per hour + sales comm., vacation, holidays, hlth ins, 401K & co truck. Must have plumbing license & good driving record. 524-3737

PLUMBER Svc/repair/drains. Hourly pay, vac, health, dental, life, truck, uniforms. M-F, no weekends or on-call. Clean driving record, drug test, background check. Must apply in person. 9am-4pm M-F Water Works Plumbing 2023 S Nicklas Ave

QUALITY INSPECTOR Person must be well versed with use of all inspection equipment, have CMM experience and at least five years experience in aerospace manufacturing. SHOP TECHNICIANS Manufacturer of aerospace sheet metal components is seeking individuals experienced in sheet metal fabrication. Positions are for the day shift working four 10 hour days, Mon. – Thur. Apply in person at Wall Colmonoy Corp., 4700 S.E. 59th St., OKC.

RETIREES Performance Evaluators Needed-Industrial Boilermakers, Maintenance Mechanics, Millwrights & Pipefitters. Shortterm project (3 - 12 mos), part-time, Tulsa area. Min. 15 yrs exp. Willing to become an NCCER Certified Performance Evaluator. $55$65 pr hr, mileage. Submit resume to aatcjob@gmail.com or fax 405-513-7256. SAND PLANT OPERATOR with Dredge experience. Must have Mining Card. Apply @ R&M Resources, 405-354-7577.

Service Tech

Are you outgoing? Like to talk on the phone? In office training & then work from home Apply in Person Tues.-Fri. Noon-4pm Uptown Thrift 2215 SW 74th (74th & Penn) CALL FROM HOME DonationPickup.Org 4545 NW 16 St OKC, OK Perm. Part Time. Base Pay +bonuses. Eves M-F 4 hrs & 1/2 hr Sun. Must be 18 w/ home phone. Apply in person 9AM to 5PM



We are currently accepting applications for immediate openings for our crew working in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area. We are looking for pipe foreman with experience laying water/sewer lines, finishing concrete, and form carpentry. We offer excellent pay and benefits including health, dental, 401k and holiday pay. Must have own transportation. Drug test and physical required. Interested candidates should apply at: Crossland Heavy Contractors 13700 S. Douglas Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73165 Or mail applications/ resumes to 14149 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74116 918-712-1441 Or email Nancy at ncovarrubias@ crosslandconstruction.com Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H

HVAC Service/Install » Experienced Only» 401K, health insurance, holidays, spiffs & bonuses. Great Pay. 348-9600

Experienced HVAC Service Tech. Excellent Benefits. Apply at 2225 N. Moore Ave., Moore 799-3391 Sprinkler Technician with experience. Must have Oklahoma Driver's License with clean MVR Landscape Enterprises 11101 N. Western.

TECHNICIAN for geotech engineering firm. Exp preferred but will train right candidate. Exc benefits. Must have clean background & driving record. Apply in person @ METCO 2025 S. Nicklas Ave, Ste 101, OKC 73128 Tile Setter Leading local tile company needs experienced commercial ceramic tile setters. 405-282-0445 TIRE & LUBE TECH $1000 sign on Bonus for the right person. Call 513-2431 for more info. (Edmond) Tire & Service Tech Monday-Friday, 50 hr week, overtime and uniforms, 495-9739. »»»»»»»»»»»» Tire Technicians Needed 50 hours per week. Benefits. Must have valid drivers license. Apply in person, Swanson Tire Co, 1000 N Hudson, 235-8305. Trailer Builders needed with experience in Pauls Valley, Ok, please call 405-238-1900 Western Lawns a leading landscape management company, has an immediate opening for a full-time Irrigation Technician. Irrigation system experience, good driving record, and customer skills required. Email resume to jobs@Western Lawns.com, or apply in person at 14900 N Sara Road, Yukon, OK 73099. EOE.

Experienced Person for Laminate Counter Top Fabrication. Apply at Cabinet Outlet 7145 NW 10th, OKC

1bed condo in S. Edmond 1 story/end unit. Appls included new remodel $86,000 405-863-1368

Farms, Ranches For Sale, Okla. 308

Fabulous Horse Farm

21 acres near I-40/Hwy 177, Shawnee. 2 Horse Barns, 1 with 6 stalls, vet room, nice 1400 sq ft living qtrs, 2nd has 8 stalls and tack room. Fenced, cross-fenced white pipe & v-mesh. Pond, Fabulous Home built in 2008. Pat Hand, RE/MAX OF SHAWNEE, 27 W. MACARTHUR, 405-202-7216

Homes For Sale

TECHNICIAN for geotech engineering firm. Exp preferred but will train right candidate. Exc benefits. Must have clean background & driving record. Apply in person @ METCO 2025 S. Nicklas Ave, Ste 101, OKC 73128

» For Sale By Owner » 320 acres, Lincoln County, OK. 405-258-3634




11512 Buckingham Court Surrey Hills, 4 bed 2 K ba brk, 2228 sf liv area, extra lrg 2 car gar, new roof, windows, paint inside/ outside, ch&a-5yrs old. Price to sell at $199,900. 405-521-7049 $4k dn $450mo rent to own NW: 3728 NW 29 2bd 1ba SW: 1032 S. Binkley 2/1/1 2912 St. Claire 3bd 1ba 2228 SW 34th 3bd 6216 S Kelley 3bd Others avail. 973-4322 buyahouseinoklahoma.com

4336 NW 49th St 3 bed, 2 bath, sunroom, 1420 sf, large yard & workshop, PC Schools, Call for appt. 204-8478 Home for Sale 8025 NW 100th St 3 / 2.5 / 2, 2008 roof, energy eff windows, mineral rights/royalties $179k JoMcLemore@kw.com 314-7553 Investor Special 2644 NW 46th St. 3 bd, 2 ba, 2 car gar+carport. 1499 sf mol. Selling "as is." $84,000. Call for details. Gretchen, Churchill Brown, (405)831-8199. Nice 2Bd Condo, 2bd, 1K ba, 2 car garage. CH&A, FP. $59,900 692-1661 Fidelity RE

Two (2.22) secluded acres of bermuda surrounded by stately old trees. Near 3 nice homes No mobile homes. Near Bridgecreek & I-44 392-4420 PIEDMONT OPEN SAT 2-4 & SUN 2-5. Model home. New hms on K ac lots. Info also available for new hms in other additions. From NW Expwy & Sara Rd go 4.5 mi N Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494 WANT TO OWN LAND? pay out dn pmt before 1st pmt starts, Shawnee Harrah, McLoud, Prague 1N -10A for M/Hs,Terms Milburn o/a 275-1695 PASTURE LAND FOR SALE 159 acres for sale. N W of Crescent, Ok $1500.00 per acre. 206-618-5591 arizonadrifter1@cox.net MOBILE HOME READY Some w/ ponds, TERMS We'll work w/ you, 1N to 10a 100s of choices paulmilburnacreages.com Milburn o/a 275-1695 BUILDING SITES PIEDMONT 3/4 and 1 Acre Lots, Close In-Good Streets. Leon 373-4820 Overland Ex Realty Best Acreage + Home in OKC! 7.3 acres + 3 bed home, $47,500 cash. HURRY HURRY HURRY! 301-6495 » 4bd home, large shop, 1N to 2K acre TERMS Milburn o/a 275-1695 Paulmilburnacreages.com 3.5A, 4bd, 2ba, 2car, Like new, Washington School. 417-2176 www.homesofokcinc.com 160 acres, 5000 sq ft home, irrigation system, 25 minutes to downtown OKC, 850-0532. $77,500 3/2 99' MH 5 ac. new upgrades, for payoff. Larry 405-706-1136 Newalla Guthrie, family compound, (2) 3 bed, 2 bath, 5 acres, 850-0532.

Great location! Nice 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, PC Schls $125,900 255-5510

Wooded 1ac 3or4 bd 2.5ba 2liv/din Blt '06 2783sf $249,9K Arlene 414-8753

4 bed, 3 bath, with upstairs Game Room, 3150sqft, gated neighborhood, built in 2007, 405-990-4821 3 BR 2 BA 2 Car, Nice, Ldscp/ Sprinkler, Lease/ Purchase 129k 409-7877

Lse Purch 3/1/1, brick, ch&a, Carl Albert Sch, low dn $650mo 630-0649 Renov 3bd, 1.5bt, 1 car Brk, 9304 NE 14 417-2176 www.homesofokcinc.com

Country Living in the City! 3/2b MH for sale or rent Moore Schools call 405-670-3315 BANK OWNED Blt '05 3/2/2 1468sf $109K Call Arlene 414-8753

Pied-A' Terre, For OU Home games? 2588sf, remodeled, Norman, Ok. 405-321-6933

Best Wholesale Homes in OKC! 3 bed, $17,000 cash. 2 bed, brick, $19,000 cash. HURRY HURRY HURRY 301-6495

¡RV lots available¡ In a Beautiful Community! $375 all bills included Call 405-670-3315

ATTN LANDOWNERS!! Own land or have family land, a deed is all you need for new home! Turn key program, We do all improvements. 1000 furniture package w/purchase 888-878-2971 405-204-4163

BANK OWNED 3/2/2 1827sf 25x40 shop 1ac. $112,5K Arlene 414-8753

2 yr old House on 5 acres 2 miles west of Yukon 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, approx 1600sf, $185,000 405-317-5289

Sat/Sun, 2-4 PM, FSBO, 20 acre ranch, 4 bed home, barn, paddocks, shop, 5821 N Douglas Blvd, Arcadia, 844-4004.

Lake Home/Property Washita Point/Lake Texoma New Home! 4 BR, 2.5 Baths,2100 sq ft. on lg lot. Add'l lots avail. Owner: 580-795-5195 Lake Murray State Park K ac, well, new roof & a/c, 3/2, storage, trees, golf $129.9K 972-416-6303

Double lot in Soldier Creek at Lake Texoma 405-613-6105

CREDIT DENIED Simple financing with same day approval. 3 & 4bd homes, 388-3491 ¡NEW 3bd/2ba home¡ Financing available Yukon schls child & pet friendly Call 821-0297 for details. DW on acreage with pond! Huge discounts for cash or financing avail! 631-3600

Repo 16x80 Starting at $19,900 301-2454/517-5000

PRICE REDUCED 5215 Hart Drive-Piedmont, 5 BD 3K Ba & 5 Acre Lot, 3913 Sqft (MOL) $375K, Leon 373-4820 Oveland Ex Realty, Inc


NEAR KEYSTONE LAKE 16x55 2bd/2ba, Very Clean, dbl carport, storage shed, small clean park. $15,000 609-7070

MOORE SCHLS 3/2/2 2 liv updates, bk access, 1800+sf $148k Arlene 414-8753

2187 E Trail Dr-Piedmont 3 BD, 2K Ba, 2 Liv, 1 Din 3 Car, Custom Built, 3450 Sqft (MOL) 5.8 Ac (MOL) $431.5K, Leon 373-4820 Overland Exp Rlty

Local investor will buy any house for cash, avoid hassle of banks 822-1018

2bed, 1.5ba Mobile Home 2 lots! Deep water fishing dock at Lake Eufaula $69,000 » 918-636-0850

3/2 bath set up in quiet park. Ready to move 888-878-2971 405-602-4526

PRICE JUST REDUCED 4bd 3ba approx 2485' on 5 ac MOL w/lots of trees 30 x 40 shop w/stables horse ready lrg rms w/lots of stg. $274,900. Carmen 833-0106 Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494


Home buyers purchase hotline! 4/2 bath move to your land or ours!! Turn key package! We do it all. 888-878-2971 405-635-4338

$4k dn $450mo rent to own SW: 1032 S. Binkley 2/1/1 2912 St. Claire 3bd 1ba 2228 SW 34th 3bd 6216 S Kelley 3bd NW: 3728 NW 29 2bd 1ba Others avail. 973-4322 buyahouseinoklahoma.com

JUST LISTED! 4/3/3 on 2 ac MOL Office, gamerm, formal din, approx 2830'. New carpet, paint & roof. $269,900. Carmen 833-0106 Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494 3 bed 2 bath, 2 car garage, storm shelter, 1302sf, gas & electric, 3514 Liberty Dr, $115,000, 405-642-7783

RVs - LIVE IN A COMMUNITY NOT A TRAILER COURT. Rent includes water, electric and sewer Call 405-733-4072

Repo 28x64 3bd 2ba Deliv. $35K 301-2454/517-5000

Commercial RE Established Business For Sale Franchise Donut Shop Price Reduced, Busy Location, New Equip. 474-3435

Investment Property For Sale 20 Units $499K, Wholesale 104 Units $1.2M, 4-plex $160K, duplex $65K, 28 Units $750K, Earn 12%-20% on other Investments. Seabrooke Realty 405-409-7779 Relocating For Sale 2 Townhouses, great condition always rented. 2 bed, 1.5 ba, 659-8151

Sheriff's Sale of Land Choice Development Property 40 acres mol near highway 74 south of Crescent. To be sold at Logan County Courthouse in Guthrie, May 26th at 2:00 p.m. Lot 3 of SW N Section 30-17N-3W. From hwy 74 river bridge, north 2 mi, east 1K mi, north N mi to SW corner. Contact: Frank W. Davis, Attorney, 405-282-1420. REAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, May 22nd 7900 SW 98th St. OKC 3 bed, 2 bath, brick home on 3.24 acres, 45x60 building. For more info go to: kencarpenterauction.com 405-620-1524

28 Unit Complex Near I-40 & Council Rd - 95% occupied. $550,000 »» 414-6090

Business Property For Rent 1-20 acres for Lease. NW Hwy Frontage. Great location for Construction Co. Would possibly build to suit. NW Hwy & Cimarron Rd. 405-823-4514 Kevin CAR LOT at 4408 NW 39th EXPRESSWAY 943-2250 or 424-3355 Auto Detail, Paint or Repair Shop, 3 bays, 2700 sq ft, $850 mo, 692-2632

Office Space For Rent DO NOT Call Unless… Foreclosure/Behind Paymt Overleveraged/Repairs Call/Web 800-Sell-Now.com 5 bed, 3 bath, 1.5 ac. 3065sqft. brandontharphomesforsale.com WE BUY HOUSES 1-800-SELL-FAST www.1800sellfast.com Sell ur house 2-day 417-2176

Heard of a SHORT SALE? SELL YOUR HOUSE TODAY! Foreclosure/behind Pymts 340-9879/HouseKings.com

GREAT Space OFFICE Convenient NW Locations: I-40 & Meridian NW Expressway & May Britton/Lake Hefner Parkway 200-6000sf 946-2516

DOWNTOWN OKC Prime Location-1350sf Retail/office space(s) Build to suit. Will divide. 2 months FREE RENT! 400sf finished also avail. Call: 405.605.2787 or email Info@ LegacyAtArtsQuarter.com ¡ 1, 2 & 3-Room Suites ¡ $150 & up ¡ 50th & N. Santa Fe area 235-8080

MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! Free $250 Gift Card!!! Under New Management LARGE 1, 2, & 3 Beds With 2 Baths From $375.00 Per Month. Courtesy Patrol, Pool, Childrens Playground. Limited Number Of Units Available. BETTER HURRY!!! MacArthur Apartments 5001 NW 10th St. 942-5500



» Office/WAREHOUSE» I-40 & Meridian 2700 sq ft dock high, drive-in, & pick-up high bay GREAT DEALS•946-2516

Save up to $675. Some restrictions apply. Quail Ridge Apts. 2609 Featherstone Rd. 755-5515

VERY, VERY QUIET! Near mall, schls, hosp, Try Plaza East•341-4813 SENIOR LIVING 55+ 1 BED APTS. 348-4065

Pick Your Own Special + No App Fee! Some restrictions apply La Villa Apartments 848-6000 or 728-3432

LARGE TOWNHOMES & APARTMENTS • Washer, Dryers, pools • PC Schools, fireplaces

Williamsburg 7301 NW 23rd

787-1620 $55.00 MOVES YOU IN!! Limited Units Available Isola Bella Apartments 866-635-8733 www.IsolaBella Apartments.com

Spring Special Washer/Dryers, Fireplaces PC Schools-Townhouses

PARKLANE $199 MOVE IN SPECIAL 1 & 2 bedrooms. Spring Tree Apartments. 405-737-8172.

112K SE 1st Nice 1bd garage apt, clean $375. No pets Fidelity RE 692-1661

Walford Apts 518 NW 12 Amazing! All electric 2/1 1300sf $850mo $750dp 1/1 1200sf $750mo $650dp Studio $550mo $450dp Efficiency $425mo $325dp 409-7989 no sec 8 Florence Apts 429 NW 11 all Elec, 1x1 600sf $450 mo $300/dep, CHA, loft feel, free laundry 409-7989

$640 off! or 1 month Free! Some restrictions apply. Stonebrook Apartments. See us @ 9301 N. McArthur Dr. OKC 405-728-3432

» MOVE IN SPECIAL » LARGE 1, 2 & 3 BEDS Rockwell Arms, 787-1423

1012 Chowning, 2/1/1, 2 story, $600 plus dep. 285-0305 or 823-6550

Brick 3bd 2ba 1car ch&a w/d hkups. Fncd $550mo $400dep 996-6271

$99 Move-In Special 1bd 1ba $295-350, stove, fridge, very clean 625-5200

Quiet Casady! Low Rents $440 751-8088

8100 N. MacArthur Blvd. »»» 721-5455 »»» »» » HAVE A » »» » » SUMMER ON US» » $299 1st Mo. 721-8801 Call For Details VANGUARD PROPERTIES Beautiful 1 & 2 bed Apts reasonable rates starting at $390. Call for Special. 789-2692, www. willowwalkapt.com DREXEL ON THE PARK Pool, Park, Perfect $199 1st Mo 946-0588 »» ALL BILLS PAID »» Briargate 1718 N Indiana 800sf 1bd 1ba, cha, all elec, wood floor, $500mo, $300 dep. No sec 8 409-7989 Oakwood Apts» 1bd 1ba K off special 5824 NW 34 800sf, all elect $350 mo $175 dep 409-7989

1 Bed, Bills paid, Appls, Near I35 SE 44th, 670-0400 2bd liv appls ch&a $460, No Sec 8/pets 2343 NW 15, 557-1288, 301-5979

SPECIALS! INCLUDING 1 MONTHS FREE RENT Pop a balloon to find your special! Studio, 1, 2 & 3 bd apts + 2 bd townhomes. No sec 8. Same day process *Same day move in. Se Habla Espanol. Credit & debit cards accepted. *Call 681-5509 for details. Open Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat & Sun from 10-4 $201 Total Move-In Cost Energy Efficient $1 First Week Rent Weekly Avail: Effic $115 1bd $115, 2bd $145 Disability & Social Security recipients welcome 616 SW 59th, between Western&Walker634-4798 Drug free environment $99 SPECIAL Lg 1bdr, stove, refrig., clean, walk to shops. $325 mo. 632-9849

Great Location/Quiet 2 bed & 1 bed available. Garages. 632-4163 $99 Move In Special!!! Lg 1 and 2 Bdr, $325 to $395 mo. 632-9849 1 bed, D&S Apts, 6101 S Klein Ave., ch&a, No Sec 8, No Pets. 631-2383 $305-345/month Furnished 1bd & Efficiency 2820 S Robinson 232-1549

The Plaza 1740 NW 17th 1bd, 1ba 750sf, wood floors, all elec, $500 mo, $300dp. No sec8 409-7989

Condominiums, Townhouses For Rent 441

MAYFAIR GARDENS Historic Area! Secure, wash /dry hardwd flrs 947-5665

1222 SW 77th Ter, 2/2/2 hdwd flrs, $620 plus dep. 285-0305 or 823-6550

$500 RENT RELIEF Large 2-3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage TH, all appls, gated, pool. from $800/mo. 789-3705 307 Greengate Dr., 3bd, 2ba, 1car, $750/m + $700/d sec 8 ok 936-9058 Brand new duplexes, 3 bd 2 ba, 2 car, gated comm, call Rick, 405-830-3789.

1 bd furnished, utilities paid, Moore area, appls $550/mo $250/dep, 405-641-8452

Furnished/Unfurnished Bills Paid » Wkly/Monthly Wes Chase Apts, Elk Horn Apts, Hillcrest 943-1818

Houses for rent

Garage Apt 523K SW 26 downstairs unit $300 mo $175 dep, 650sf 409-7989 Furn 1BD most bills Paid + EMSA, no sec 8 and no pets, 524-2730

412 NW 25TH 2bd ch&a all elec $400 /$200dep 314-9606

1BR, brick, LR, den, appls, CH&A. $450. 2512 NW 12th. 943-4303

Furnished/Unfurnished Bills Paid » Wkly/Monthly Wes Chase Apts, Elk Horn Apts, Hillcrest 943-1818

FREE RENT Gated 525-1177 1 bed with a Luxury Touch MOMENTUM PROP MGMT

Furnished/Unfurnished Bills Paid » Wkly/Monthly Wes Chase Apts, Elk Horn Apts, Hillcrest 943-1818

TH, PC schools, 2/1K /1, appls, w/d, fp, sec sys, $600 + dep 210-3903

$500 RENT RELIEF Large 2-3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage TH, all appls, gated, pool. from $800/mo. 789-3705 GATED 2B, 2B Cottage, NANTUCKET 3200 W. Britton Rd. All appls, fp, $700+sec dep avail now. 728-8476

Beautiful completely updated 3 bed 2 bath, 2000+ sf, $1000 mo + dep, 607-0791, 532-2131 3 bd 2 ba, lndry rm, fncd, strg, near Bethany Schls, 789-3110, cell 618-7972

For lease/for sale, 4 BR, 2200sf, Mustang Schls, $1700 mo, 405-820-6607.

3 bed 1 bath, ch&a, hdwd flrs, 2012 Vickie Dr. $675 mo, $500 dep. 692-0042

3815 NW 23rd, 2/1K , w/d hkup, cov. park, $495+ $200dep 550-8066 924 SW 35th, 1750 sf, 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, new carpet and paint, all appliances included, granite counter top, non smoking, no pets, $1200 mo, $1000 dep, like new, 274-6299 or 274-9503.

HOMES FOR LEASE www.executivehome rentalsokc.com 3-4BRs $1000-$3000 Welcome Home 877-884-7434

15200 Sugarloaf Dr. mint condition 3bd 2.5ba 3 car sprinkler, master bed w/ large sitting area, fridge, w/d, corner lot, $2200 Fidelity RE 692-1661 HOMES FOR LEASE www.executivehome rentalsokc.com 3-4BRs $1000-$3000 Welcome Home 877-884-7434 4 bd 2 ba 2 car, Lake Front, gated, pool, convenient location, Blt. in '99, 2,000sf hdwd flrs, $1350 mo, 990-0488 304 Coldbrook 3/2.5/2$1195 247 N Broadway 1/1 $595 717 Fox Bend 4/3.5/3 $2250 Express Realty 844-6101 www.expressrealtyok.com 4 bed, 3 bath, with upstairs Game Room, 3150sqft, gated neighborhood, built in 2007, $2000mo, 405-990-4821 Near UCO 3/2/2 LOTS of EXTRAS! No smoke/pets. $1425/ mo.+dep. 405.314.2732 4bd 3ba 3car garage 1800sf Waterloo & Douglas $1500 mo 642-9974 1109 Northgate Terrace 3bd, 2ba, 2car $895mo + dep. No smoke 206-5859 3 bed 2 bath 2 car gar. blt. 2001, 1600 sf, $1,000 mo, 990-0488

»» MWC Houses »» 605-5477 Free List 3404 Willowcrk 2/1/1 $450 » Del City Houses» 4828 Michael 3/1.5/2 $795 3120 Longridge 4/2 $795 4032 Thomas 3/1/2 $595 4002 SE 10th 2bd $450 housesforrentofokc.com 1328 McDonald 4bd 1K ba ch&a fncd, sec 8. $670 mo 354-7413, 642-3847. 9400 Sherwell Dr. 5/2, $750mo +$350 dep. sec 8 ok. 324-2611 V-Nice, 1 mi E of Tinker, 3/1/2 ch&a, util rm, $575 +$300, no pets, 732-4351

Home For Rent 3503 Liberty Drive Very Clean, across from Broadmoore Elem. Avail June 1, 2010 3bed, 2ba, 2 Car Garage, $900 month 405-417-2939 RENT TO OWN, MOORE 3 bed, 2 liv areas, 1K bath, $750 mo; down payment negotiable; 602-3530.

HOMES FOR LEASE www.executivehome rentalsokc.com 3-4BRs $1000-$3000 Welcome Home 877-884-7434

3 bed brick, 2 bath, ch&a, fp, 2car gar w/openers, fenced, 300 S. silverleaf Dr, $850+dep. 364-0356

Minutes from Tinker 4 Bed 2.5 Baths 3.5 Car in Deerfield Estates. $1800 mo. 570-8083.

Nice 3/1/1, FP, ch&a, new paint. Ready Now. 645 N Janeway. No pets. $750+ $500 dep 426-0028

»» NE Houses »» 605-5477 Free List 1718 Madison 2/1 $450 »» NW Houses »» 7202 Galahad3/2.5/2 $695 3728 NW 29th 2bd $450 housesforrentofokc.com

Historic 5 bed, 2 bath, new carpet, refinished wood floor, ch&a, 2917 NW 27th, $950 month, Large 2 bed, $645 month, ch&a, 3108 NW 28th; no sec 8; 470-1700. »» NW Houses »» 605-5477 Free List 7202 Galahad3/2.5/2 $695 3728 NW 29th 2bd $450 »» NE Houses »» 1718 Madison 2/1 $450 housesforrentofokc.com HOMES FOR LEASE www.executivehome rentalsokc.com 3-4BRs $1000-$3000 Welcome Home 877-884-7434 7313 NW 122nd St. Summit Pl. Add. PC North Schls, 3200 sf, 4 bd, 3 ba, yard maint. incld, No pets/smoking, lease $1500 mo 990-1902 529 Thompkins, 3 bed, 1.5 bath, $650 month, $300 deposit. Condo 1130 N. Bradley, 2 bed 1.5 ba, 1316 sqft. $550+$250dep. 787-1554 Raintree Villas 3 bed, 2.5 bath, complete remodel $750/mo + dep. Metro Homes Unlimited 755-0015 Spotless 3 bed, 1K bath, large backyard, near schools, shops & highway, $750 month + $500 deposit, 751-2859 GREENS COUNTRY CLUB 13005 Burlingame 3bed, 2K ba 4liv. Tile kitchen, Edmond schls. $1300mo $1000dep Mike 409-0468 7201 Galahad 3/2.5/2 $750 10114HefVilTer3/2.5/2$895 7012Spinnakr3/2.5/2 $1195 Express Realty 844-6101 www.expressrealtyok.com Nice large 2bed liv din 2 car no sec 8 no pets appls w/d hkup 1604 N Penn $560. 557-1288 301-5979 2209 N. Roff 2b/1b, ch&a, gar/w&d $700, 414-1813 314-4360 mbh732@yahoo.com Cute 2 Bed 2 Bath 2 Car 827 NW 111th $650. Mnth. and $650. Dep. Call Benny 201-1487 625 NW 91, 2 bed 1 bath, 1 car garage, fenced $450 TMS Prop 348-0720 1020 Clover 3 bed 2 bath, $675 TMS Prop 348-0720 310 NW 118st, section 8 approved, 3 bedroom, $700/month. 706-8669 8713 Tilman, 4bd 2.5ba 2car fireplace, fenced, $900 TMS Prop 348-0720 640 NW 109th, 3bd 2ba 2car 1300sf $875mo $800dp 409-7989 no sec8

3 bed 1K bath, PC Schls 7629 NW 14th, $500 dep $850 mo, 405-922-9782 Several 2 bed homes, Sec 8 ok, $450-$525 mo. Call 843-6693 3120 Park Pl., 3 bed 1 ba, 2 liv. areas, $700 mo $500 dep. 405-922-9782 6016 N Quapah, 3bd 1.5ba 1 car garage, fenced $825 TMS Prop 348-0720

HOMES FOR LEASE www.executivehome rentalsokc.com 3-4BRs $1000-$3000 Welcome Home 877-884-7434

3bd 2ba 2c 1207 Tedford $2000mo available May 5. Patty 405-410-4561 1115 Glenwood Ave 3/2.5/2, fenced, $1475 TMS Prop 348-0720

Sec. 8 OK, 3 bd, 336 NW 85th 942-3552

3 Bed or 2 Living, C/H, carport, no pets, $695 + deposit. 848-4196 »» SE Houses »» 605-5477 Free List 1736 SE 51 3/1.5/2 cha$650 6404 S Phillips 3/1/1 $595 6216 S. Kelley 3/1/1 $495 »» SW Houses »» 2617 SW 103 3/2/2cha$895 1401 SW 63 3/1/1 cha$595 2912 St. Claire 3/1 $495 housesforrentofokc.com 808 SE 61st. Clean 3bd home, 1-car garage, ch/a, fenced, $550 Fidelity RE 692-1661 RENT TO OWN 3 bed, 2 bath 3 car, 1 ac. $1500/mo, first & Last 405-395-7315

»» SW Houses »» 605-5477 Free List 2617 SW 103 3/2/2cha$895 1401 SW 63 3/1/1 cha$595 2912 St. Claire 3/1 $495 »» SE Houses »» 1736 SE 51 3/1.5/2 cha$650 6404 S Phillips 3/1/1 $595 6216 S. Kelley 3/1/1 $495 housesforrentofokc.com 10014Shdwvw3/2.5/2 $1003 10102Shdwvw3/2.5/2 $1230 Express Realty 844-6101 www.expressrealtyok.com RENT TO OWN, SW OKC 4 bed, 1K bath, O acre $1250; down payment negotiable; 602-3530.

4/2/2 newer home, pool, Mustang schools, no pets, $1150, $1150 sec. 905 Exter Cir. 265-0205

3 bd 2 bath , w/appls incl. W&D, Edm Schls, Storage Shed, No pets. $485/mo, 348-6240 or 623-1181 '98 Fleetwood 3/2 $16900 $540/mo WAC 405-495-1463 $ FREE RENT 1ST MO $ 2BR $350+, 3BR $495+, MWC NO PETS 427-0627 2 bed/ 2 bath $545/mo $545 dep no pets 405-495-1463

5 bed, 2 bath, $950 month, 508 SW 46th; 2 bed, $500 month, 2512 SW 38th; 882-1054. Cute 3Bed 1bth 6517 S Drexel Pl $650. mth, $650. Dep. Call Benny 201-1487

Professional woman seeks room in good home in/near Edmond. Call Dana 341-3684

Large 2 bd, corner lot, lg. carport/patio, no pets, $650mo+dep. 232-9704 4 bd, 2 ba, $750 mo, $550 dep, Section 8 OK, 932 SW 52nd, 314-8541. 7212 South Land. 3 br, 1.5 ba. Central heat/air. Rent & dep. 924-9691 2616 SW 55th, 3 bed, 1.5 baths, w/garage $625/month • 408-5836 3432 Parker Dr, 3/1/1 $600 mo + $400 dep, no pets, no sec 8, 373-1455 San-Tee Apts, small eff apt $275/mo + electric 685-2909 3504 S. Brock 900sf 3bd 1ba fncd yard $575 mo $400 dep 620-4826 3 bd, 1 ba, carport, appls, fenced, storage bldg, $600+$200 dep, 682-3297 3320 SW 28th 1 bed $375/month 408-5836

TRAIN & HOBBY SHOW Sat, May 15th, 10-4 Sun, May 16th, 11-4 Fairgrounds Expo Bldg 2 Adults $6; 12 & under $2 Sunday children free toys@ionet.net 810-1010

TOY & DOLL Show & Sale, Sat May 15th, 10-4 Fairgrounds Expo Bldg 1 Adults $4 Child to 12, $2 toys@ionet.net 810-1010

10x13 High Quality Hand Made Wool Persian Rug like new $1400, 819-7778

We Buy 942-5865

Hotpoint refrig 26cu.in. beige $200 obo. Sleeper sofa, dark green $150 obo both Xcond 478-1228

Nice gas range $150; 2 washers, $85 each; 1 nice refrigerator $100. 631-6351

Daryl's Appliance: W&D $75&up5yr warr. Ref/ Stoves $125&up1yr warr M-F9-6Sat11-5 632-8954

Washer/Dryer $250 Super capacity. Like new 248-4070

BlowoutSale!All app xtra clean 1yr wnty 732-8503 stevensappliances.com

W & D $79 & up. Refrig $99 & up. Stoves $99. warranties 405-420-6137

611 SW 32nd, nice 2bd home, carport, fenced yard, clean, $450 Fidelity RE 692-1661 Cute 3/1/1, hardwood floors, ch&a, no pets, $725 month, 990-6797.

Antiques, Art, Collectibles 501

FREE DELIVERY OKC!!! Washer $100 Dryer $100 Free Del/Wrnty Will haul off old appls, 519-2111


Eff. & 1Bd. Quiet & clean close to OKC. Lndry on site $300/350mo 399-9200

Bills pd clean quiet furn eff/1bd $100/wk&up 10& Penn 751-7238/640-9413

1+2 beds $425 & $385 Sec 8 + everyone welcome, 427-7566

Spring Special Christopher Place Apartments in Edmond, has apartments available for move in this week. Rates from $427. Call 341-2517 or stop by 101 N. Boulevard.

$199 MOVE IN SPECIAL 2BED Townhomes $599 Windsor Village 943-9665

800 N. Meridian: 1bd, all bills paid & weekly rates available. 946-9506

1 Month FREE!

8 ACRE HORSE RANCH lg, barn, corrals, 3bd/2ba dble wide with added clubroom & deck. New paint & carpet. $1250mo/ Blanchard. 405-517-9018

Del City Houses »» 605-5477 Free List 4828 Michael 3/1.5/2 $795 3120 Longridge 4/2 $795 4032 Thomas 3/1/2 $595 4002 SE 10th 2bd $450 » Midwest City Houses» 3404 Willowcrk 2/1/1 $450 housesforrentofokc.com »»


Warehouse Space For Rent

Antiques, Art, Collectibles 501

Estate & Business Liquidation, Appraisals, & more.

DIANE LEE'S Website/Email: www.dianelees.com dianelees@ dianelees.com 843-1651 or 842-7200 Clocks: German made Westminister Clock with bevel glass on door $400. French FUSEE school clock, time only, very accurate, $250. Steeple clock striker spring needs repair $100. Call 340-6678 BUYING (1875 - 1975 only) Vintage sports cards, old publications, programs, autographs, OU artifacts. Paying more than Ebay for quality collections. CASH! Roger, 823-9163.

SPRING 2010 CONSIGNMENT SALE MAY 8 10AM CRESENT OK-2.5 MI S OF TOWN JD 7020, JD 2440 W/JD Loader, JD 4020 Dsl like new, MF 178 w/mower, MF 65 Dsl w/mower, AC 7080 w/duals, New Holland TC 33 4wd w/loader. David Brown 990 w/loader, '75 Komatsu D45P dozer, 5110 ditchwitch trencher, MF 20 Gas, PS, 3pt, PTO. Farmall ''A'' w/60'' woods belly mower, 2 '94 Volvo trucks 7spd, cummins '84 IH 200 w/cummins 9spd, F800 9sp eaton fuller, F600 w/steel bed & hoist 32' grain sides, '96 Challenger Bass boat 18' w/115hp Merc. '92 Sooner Alum 3horse trailer w/living, 5x16 stock trailer, GN flatbed trailers, '93 Honda Accord, DS80 Suzuki mini bike, Krause 14' chisel, 9 shank ripper, 400 BU grain cart, 12-8 grain drill, JD 530 RD baler, AC 1300 33' cultivator w/harrow. IH 510 24x6 grain drill, 14' Schafer tandem disc, JD 9' sickle mower. Many more items! Doug Walker Auctioneer 405-550-2068 » 969-6039 dougwalkerauctions.com

AUCTION Sat May 15th, 10 AM NO SMALL ITEMS, SO DON'T BE LATE Rosenfelt Auctions 405-364-9277 OR www. rosenfeltauctions.com 3701 84th Ave NE Norman, OK - from I-35 & Franklin Rd, go E. 12 mi. to 84th, then S. 1 mi. JD 7410 tractor w/ JD 740 loader, c/a, mfwd; JD 5320 tractor; JD 4230 tractor c/a; Kumatsu D20P Dozer; Heston 4590 square baler; NH 1032 Stack liner; JD 920 disc mower conditioner; JD 275 disc mower; Heston 550 4x6 round baler; JD 950 culp packer; Case IH 5100 grain drill; Miller 12 ft off-set disc; Wylie 30 ft sprayer, Like New!; JD 640 hay rake; JD 10 ft brush hog; 25 ft dual tandem gooseneck trailer PUBLIC AUCTION 160 acres excellent Dewey Co. land, W. of Canton, Ok. Canton Lake area and Canton Wildlife Management area. Sat. May 22nd. 10 AM. Surface rights SW/4 sec. 20-T19N-R14WIM. Sellers Mr. & Mrs. C. B. & Linda Brown. Auctioneers/Real Estate Brokers/MSA Jerry Evans & Assoc. 580-886-3494 .evanslandauctions.com Public Auction Sat, May 15, 10AM 8250 E. County Rd 75 Guthrie, Okla. I-35 & Hwy 33 - 5K miles East on Hwy 33 to sale on west side of road. Farm machinery, ATV & trailers. Sale conducted by Dennis Ochs Auction Service, 405-826-2052 » ESTATE AUCTION » NICE BRICK HOME KINGFISHER OK CAR ¡ FURNITURE ¡ COLLECTIBLES SAT MAY 22nd, 10 AM 115 Thompson Dr. Kingfisher, Ok ADDITIONAL INFO CALL 580.237.7174 LIPPARDAUCTIONS.COM Large Consignment Auction May 22nd, Shawnee Expo Center. Consign Now 405-641-9438 www.excelauctionsllc.com Livingston’s Auction Every Saturday 6:00 PM LivingstonsAuction.com 1304B Cornell Pkwy 858-1914 590-2777

GOBER CONSTRUCTION Post Framed Buildings: 30x50x10, (2) 12x8 overhead (1)entry, concrete $13,900. Visit www. GoberBuildings.net or call 405-650-2556 Concrete Blocks used, no marter, 4x8x16 Solids, 8x8x16 Regular Blocks $50¢ each, you load, 737-4843, 919-2664 "New Shipment" Laminate Shingles "IKO" Dual Gray Wrapped $59.00 Square Call Vickie @ 232-3578 Garage Doors- 16x7, steel, $250. 14x12, steel, $700. Includes hardware, like new. 405-737-2005 Shingles for Sale, Owens Corning $45.00 per Sq. Call Vickie 232-3578 38 + wood warehouse shelving units, $850/all, or will divide, 248-6936.

Plywood Special 417-3707 5/8" plywood 4x8 sheet $16 1N " plywood 4x8 sheet $24

‘ We Buy & Sell Used ‘ ‘ Restaurant Equip. ‘ Great Prices!¡760-8132 Rest equip-100s -chairs, tables, refrig, grills, fryers, hoods. 417-5310. AP Snack Machine $1500 Dixie Narco Drink Machine $750 obo; 326-9500

Highest CASH paid for old coin collections silver dollars & gold 620-7375

Dell Latitude Laptop, exc. cond., $185, ask for KJ, 405-414-1910. krl1954@sbcglobal.net Dell Pentium 4, 2.8 Ghz, 1 gig DDR, 80 gb, complete system w/ mon., high speed ready $120 819-8691 Dell P4 computers $60-$80; Monitors: 15"-17", $5-$15; evenings/weekends, 634-5548

'07 Dodge 1 ton cab & chassis, SLT, loaded, oilfield bed w/winch & poles, 6.7 Cummings, $13,800, 405-354-0783.

2002 Kubota L2600 27HP, 4WD, Diesel Tractor, w/loader, 1761hrs, good condition Central New Holland OKC 405-495-6151 Edmond 405-341-7829 1-800-256-1638 8630 JD 4WD Tractor, 3 point, PTO, very good condition and 24' JD chisel, both for $19,900. 350-0265 Misc. metal building trim, pipe, post & rods, 6 ft brush hog, round bale hay cart. Pipe & steel. $5-$400, 405-476-3161. '03 Neuholland TN65, 2422 hours w/scoop, $12,000, 386-5140 FRNT LDR, 60 HP, John Deere, low hours, runs great, $13,000 344-7424

RED LEATHER 2 piece. curved sectional used 5 months, paid $2100, sell for $500. Chaise lounge, black & white $75.00 Call 405-330-0305

FENCE SALE 6 ft Chain link $73.00 Wood Fence $20.95 ACME FENCE OKC 232-6361 800-894-5006

Largest selection of manmade & natural stone. Installation & carry out (405) 672-2564, 341-8900

Loveseat, floral tapestry $150, Bakers Rack $50 LB Recliner $75, SxS 27' Frig, $175, 691-1992

Snapper Rear Eng, 20 hrs use, Exc Cond, 5 spd $1500 Call 789-6334

3 Buildings Full - Good Used Office Furniture. 510 W. Reno 236-3166

Kingsz antq brass head & footbrd bed, w/Lady Americana mattr & box springs, $550 843-5817

Simplicity hydro tractor, 38" cut, like new, $550. 625-4894

Couch & loveseat, king & queen bedroom sets, bunk bed, dining set, king size mattress & box spring, $125-$450, 397-1801 Like new oak TV armoire w/pullout doors, $200. 32" Sony Trinitron TV, works great, $50, buy both together for $225. 691-5930 or 823-2083

10x13 High Quality Hand Made Wool Persian Rug like new $1400, 819-7778

4' 11K gauge wire $53; 5' 11K gauge wire $72; 6'x8' Cedar Panels $20.99; 769-2311

John Deere LA145, 22HP Briggs, twin cylinder, 48" cut, electric pto, automatic, excellent condition, $1550 405-778-9229 Rare JD F725 20HP Kaw eng PS 54'' mow deck, hydrostat ease around trees, low hrs & Total recond $2500 641-9932

Bed - Full sized with Serta frame. $100 OBO. Call 405-354-5797 » Microwave $40, queen bed w/matt $130, elec scooter $490, 677-2560 Matt sets, full $90, twin $75; Lift chair $250; Frig $350; 606-2450.

HANDICAP JAZZY 610 Power Chair, good condition $1200 or best offer. 405-273-1607 Jazzy Jet 7 powered chair, 250 lbs, new batteries-8 mos old, chair is like new, $400, 830-1501 Electric Wheelchair & Electric Scooter, $450 each 753-4928

Only One Left! 14x24 unlined office. Reduced to sell Morgan Bldgs & Spas 405-632-8864 FARM MACHINERY ESTATE AUCTION SAT. MAY 15 10AM From Clinton, OK 9 miles N. on Hwy 183, then 2 1/2 W. & 2 3/4 N. JD 4440-JD 4020-JD 2280- JD 530 baler '78 Chevy Pickup, 26000 miles. Lots of JD equipt. For Brochure Contact Hinz Auctioneers hinzauction.com (580) 774-4644 774-7396 or 774-8467 HEPA-filtered shop vac's and dust-extracted sanders for lead-based paint operations. Festool Plunge Guiderail Saws, 10% discount. SNYDER TOOL, 405-844-1044. LINCOLN 200 PIPELINE WELDER- Gas, On Trailer. $2000 Cash. 405-6652744 or 405-665-2555

AC units, all sizes, never used, still in box, $500-$1000 405-417-8244 Three 5,000 BTU 110 window air units, $50 each. Three 18,000 220 units, $150 each. 631-6351

2 Ninco 1/32nd Master Digital Slot Car Set, $1500 invested, $1,000 obo, 245-2938

Buy & Sell Pre-Owned Rolexes & fine watches 789-2824 / 800-348-2824

4' 11K gauge wire $53; 5' 11K gauge wire $72; 6'x8' Cedar Panels $21.50; 769-2311 Black Ornamental Fence 4’x92’’ panels, $69.95/panel, 2540 SW 29th, 634-6411.

40 Goats boers pygmies dairy, butcher goats $50-$150, 642-5967

Matching Credenza & Desk Moving to a new office and need to sell my current office furniture to make room for new office furniture. I have a matching credenza and desk made by Kimball. Bought new in 1995 for $20,000. and asking $2500. The credenza (comes with a hutch) is 51" high and 11' long with 4 large glass cabinets and 2 smaller glass cabinets in the middle, all with lighting. The desk is 42" wide, 78" long and 30" tall with 2 file cabinets and 4 drawers. $2500. rgd73034@yahoo.com

4010 John Deere Tractor, Excellent Condition $3500 580-678-7838 OK Contractors Trading Post Buy» Sale» Repair 405-619-1829

Toro Rider 16 hp 44 in. Hydrostatic Runs good, clean, ready to go $795. 405-202-2550

Cub Cadet LT1024 50'' mowing deck, 24hp eng., Hydrostat. 2 JD 318s 50'' mowing deck, P.ster, hydrostat. 3 others all ready now! $850$2350 641-9932 for appt

Craftsman 12'' band saw floor model, manuel $200 firm 740-9177

2 Never used Furniture quality Bath Vanities distressed/ornate w/granite tops & sinks. $250 ea. Never used Jetta Garden Tub w/pump, 72x42, Cost $1500, asking $450, Lg. Klaussner Ent. Ctr w/strg $375, 408-2502 MUST SELL NOW! Double bed set $350; lead crystal for 12, $450; china for 12, $450;each, Gateway computer $200; Kimball player piano $350; obo on all, 946-7115 Propane Tanks - Rebuilt 500 gallon - $500; 250 gallon - $350; Warranty. Other sizes & conditions available. (405) 375-4189 www.blttanks.com



Sheet Metal 10x3, screws & trim, Mon-Sat, Call (405)-390-2077

Special! Two only 8x10 storage BLDGS slightly blemished, Priced to move call 405-632-2337 Steel strge units 8x20 & 8x40new/used/sale/rent al/PioneerEquip745-3036


(7) 4-5 yr Angus cows, heavy bred, calving now, Angus bulls 642-6156 CHAROLAIS Registered bulls & pairs, 903-814-5008/580-657-3888 Reg'd Black Simmental 5 pairs, top bloodlines $1750 ea 405-620-7362

Bengal Kittens Snows & spotted,10 wks old,for pets only. $400.00 (580)239-2035 linn580@yahoo.com Black Male, Calico Female Persian; 2 DSH FREE Call 405-473-1611 Free Adult Cats 405-401-9587 MAINE COON, blk, smoke & wht, neutered, de-clawed, shots, loving, $45, 722-9384 PERSIANS (Doll face) 1 M 2 F, 5 wks, all colors, CUTE, $50. 702-0303 Pixibob Kittens, 4 at 7 wks, de-wormed, 1 6 mos. M, s/w & Maine Coon X F. 1 yr, s/w $5 ea 405-387-3565, 570-3331 Russian Adult F $50, 6 wk kittens M-F, Dad Siamese $25ea, 769-2527 Siamese Kittens Applehead, seal & blue point, 1st shots & wormed. $350. (405) 642-4416

350 ADORABLE PETS AT FREE TO LIVE NEAR EDMOND. ALL DOGS & CATS Shts & neut $60 282-8617 www.freetoliveok.org 4 yr old Maine Coon neutered, declawed, shots, litter box trained, happy in quiet household FREE, 405-243-6589

Puppies, AKC, Large type, Great companions, $200. 918-638-7688 AIREDALE puppies, AKC, 7 weeks, 5 pups, shots, wormed, POP, $200, 580233-4835, 580-977-9782. AKC SHELTIE Pups. Tris/sables, $400. (405)323-3211 527-8888 Akita M, 2 yrs, neutered, very sweet $150 to good home ’ 921-0145 Alaskan Malamute/ Siberian Husky, 6 wks, F's all blue eyes, $350, 202-5404, 206-7948

White Cat F, 5 yrs, S/W/S/D, alot of Persian, $25. 405703-0689 Jim or Cindy

» Local & Nationwide » 405-295-2222 www.totallytickets.com

Any ticket, Anywhere, 405-364-7500 (2) Rock n America tickets, July 23rd-25th, $100 each, 414-2567.

26 Gentle BLK & BWF COWS. Exp to Angus Bull $13650. 18 mixed cows & 1 Char Bull $9500.Take all 45 for $22,500 Can Deliver 405-399-2555 Angus-Limousin Blended Bulls & Sim-Angus Bulls. Several to pick from. Guaranteed fertile. All double black & polled. Reasonably priced. 405-258-3616. MUST SELL 40 Gentle BLK & BWF LARGE FRAMED FANCY COWS. 2yrs to 7yrs. Bred to Angus Bulls $44,000 OBO Can Del 405-399-2555 Will sell my cows on farm, most raised by me, 32 blk & BWF, 9 pairs balance bred. Take all $1100 ea, 405-380-4700

UTILITY TRAILER 6' X 10' ALL STEEL with Diamond cut flooring. 15" Radial tires. New paint. $800. 405-760-8420 16' WW Stock Trailer, B/P $1300 & 20' Trailer B/P, $800, 344-7424 5x8, 5x10, 6x12 w/gates, like new; 16 ft tandem; $550-$850 cash 670-1850 3 Boat Trailers, exc. cond $200-$350 Cash 670-1850

25¢ Candy Vending Machines 7 three bin machines $40ea, or all $200 348-6218

5x8ut $690 12'x77 $820 16'ut $1225 20'gn. $3795 J&J Trailers 682-2205

'07 Buddy 125cc Scooter $1500. M to F 8am 5pm 557-6625

18' car hauler, steel floor brakes, new tires, dovetail $2050 405-834-9094

BLACK ANGUS BULL, 4-5yrs old, proven sire, fertility tested, $1750. 405-638-0162

Blue F and Red M Heeler Neut. and Sp'd mixes, S hair, will separate. 1 yr old, current on all shots. Need Lg yard/farm and attention. Dog houses incl. $50. Pics/info please call 405-517-0446. Blue Heeler & Red Heeler Pups, 6 weeks, working parents, ranch raised, $100, 224-6903 Border Collies ABCA reg., 6 wks old, b/w 2M, 2F, POP, s/w. 1 1/2 yr old Red/w M, ready to train. $200 405-527-6914

Aus Shep, reg, $200, 3 sizes, stnd-mini-toy, blue merles, 317-2763 » Aussie's » all colors, mini & toy's, $200-$400, 405-650-4671 Aussie Toy, Female 13 weeks old, s/w, reg. Moving must sell. $200 602-349-5580 cell Australian Shepherds, ASC/AKC Registered. 5 M, 4 F, $250 each 405-376-4508, 990-2297 Australian Shepherd AKC & ASCA Reg. 12wks S/W $350 823-7848 Basset Hounds AKC Adorable, POP, CHBL 5 m, 3 f available 6/3. $500. (405) 570-6600

(80) 4-5 yr Angus cows, calving now, L have calved. Angus bulls 642-6156

Bassett Hound Puppies, 10 wks old, 5 tri & 1 lemon, 6M, full blood, POP. $175 ea, 918-344-6924, 344-6925

Beefmasters & some R registered 4 pairs, 6 springers all $1850 • 405-620-7362

Beagle Puppies, 2 M, 2 F, cutest cuddliest babies, wrm $80 cash. 412-2786

40 pair of black, first calf heifers, $1250 per pair, »» 580-272-0140 »»

Beagles & Mini Dachshunds, ACA, S/W, M & F, $100-$125 918-385-2090

Farm raised, pure bred black Angus bulls, Shawnee, 405-275-0689

Bernese Mountain Dog pups, AKC, will meet, s/w, $400, 918-426-5181.

CHI-WIENIES 9 wks, 1st shots, 2M & 2F, black & tan $100 921-8906 Chih absolutely adorable, ITTY BITTY $225-$250 Visa/MC 405-826-4557 Chih AKC 2 F wht 1 M brindle 10 wks hm raised $300 cash 431-9961 Chihuahua's, retiring, young registered Chihuahua's, proven breeders, all records up to date, $150 each, cash. 405-687-0778, 324-0196,

CORGI PUP, 12 wk M, s/w, vet check, healthy! $175/$300. 405-356-0093 Corgi pup, AKC, F, 13 wks, beautiful fawn & white, microchip, shots, $300, 405-549-1074 Dach absolutely adorable X-TINY!! $100-$150 Visa/MC 405-826-4557 Dach Mini Pup AKC, choc M $150. 2 adult F $100 ea 405-881-5562 Dachshund, beautiful small male 2 yrs, red, very sweet, $50, to good home, 879-2241 Dachshund, mini, 11wks, 1M, tiny, chocolate, $150 352-5087 or 823-5523

German Shepherd, AKC Pup, 12 weeks old, 1 F, POP, $300, 405240-7731, must dial 405.

DACHSHUND Minis Mom's Day M/F, S/W, $75-$100. 580-892-3294

German Shepherd Pups 7 f/1m AKC reg. puppies for sale. $350. 405-229-5876 German Shep, White Pups XXL, 1M, 1F, POP $300-$400 740-7804

Chihuahua AKC, 3 M, 1 F, long coat, choc. $350-$500 ea, 627-0419

Dachshunds, miniature, reg, 11 wks, s/w, 3 blk & tan, $150, (405)-247-5123 or (405)-213-8515

Chihuahua CKC 8wks, 1F 1M, fawn, tiny, happy & hlthy $150 MWC 610-6434

Dachshunds, 3F left, full blood, 7 weeks, mixed colors $150 ea 887-2114.

Chihuahua Puppies, 6 weeks, 2 F, 2 M, $125, ea also Dad, $80. 822-0974

Dalmatian mix, playful 4K year old spayed female wants loving home, free, Kim, 650-8118.

BOXER, AKC, 2 reverse brindle, 3 fawn. DOB 4/5 $300 ea. Call for pics 405-485-9380/361-0245

Chihuahua Pups, 8 wks, 2 Male, bi & tri colored, $75 each. 405-680-9463 Chihuahuas, AKC, 4-6yrs, mated $400 Cash for All ’ 405-527-9231 Chihuahuas Reg. long hair blues, for Mothers Day $195, 481-3060 Chihuahuas, 7 wks to 4 mos. M & F, $150-$250 CKC Reg. 405-464-8514

BOXER PUPPIES 13wks old. 1M-Fawn w/black mask, 1FBrindle w/black mask, $200ea »» 708-3170 Boxer puppies, AKC, 10 wks, 1 white male, 2 fancy brindle & white females, pop, $300, 802-1312 or 802-1317 BOXERS, AKC, 6 weeks, 2 brindle F, 2 black w/ white M. Large sire. Championship pedigree. $250-$500 Stillwater »» 405-377-4386 »»

Chihuahuas, 12 weeks, Playful, S/W $75 each. CASH ’’ 306-7083 Chihuahuas, 6 wks, TINY TEACUPS, $200 Cash, 205-4265 Chinese Pugs, 2M, fawn 6 wks old, $200 ea 405-601-6236, 365-7397 Chow Chow Puppies, 6 weeks old, 2 red males, 3 females (2 cinn., 1 red) 1st shots & wormed, POP, $350 firm. 405-5389271 eve 405-828-4629

BOXERS AKC REG. 11 weeks t/dc s/w beautiful flashy fawn 2m/2f www.ddawgkennels.com $175. 580-255-0253 Brittany AKC Pups L/W & tricolor. S/W. $100. ph. 580-436-3628 Bull Mastiff Puppies, AKC, 2 Pretty Girls, $800 ea OBO.. Call 405-245-3691 or email tgbmast@yahoo.com Cairn Terriers, 8 weeks, 3 females, 3 males, registered, s/w, $250. 405-684-1855 jbay21@yahoo.com Cavalier King Charles, AKC, 12 weeks, 2nd s/w, F's $450, M's $150, 918- 623-1985 or 405-640-7498. Chesapeakes AKC AKC Chesapeake Bay Retrievers ready for new homes 5/7/10. $450 580-648-2398 www.turkeycreek chesapeakes.com

COCKER, ACA, Extra small, 7wks, wht, buff, blk & partis, s/w, POP, $200-hlth guar 570-5768 Collie--Great Pyrenees puppies Sable/white or black/ white. AKC Collie mother/Great Pyrenees father. First shots. $75 each. 405-771-5062, please leave msg. Collie Puppies Four Blues, Four TriColors. $150. lieut27@allegiance.tv or 202-8232

COLLIES AKC Champion bloodline 4 F call 580-650-9181 or cedarcanyoncollies.com Corgi, AKC, Reg, 6 wks, pop, s/w, blk tri M $300, F $350, Red M $250, 405-642-3733

German Shepherd & Australian Mix puppies 7 wks champ. bldln both sides $40, 405-387-9500

DACHSHUND Mini, 6 wks, purebred, 1 F, tiny, Black tan/Silver Dapple, $125. 405-872-7430

Boston Terriers, 8 weeks 2 males-$200 each, 1 female-$250, shots/wormed, 405-2475207, 580-450-3832

Boxer's, 1 year old, 4 females, 1 male, $200 each or $800/all 580-614-1241

German Shepherd pups A.K.C. registered.First shots and wormed. POP. 2 Males & 2 Females $400ea. (580)721-0227

German Shepherds AKC, 6wks, wrmd, blk/slv, blk/tan, guard-family pets $300. 405-802-4571

Chihuahua, AKC, 2M L/H, 1F S/H, 7wks, s/w/dc $200$250 Cash 405-527-9231

Boston Terrier F. Blk, wht & brndle. DOB 6/ 21/06 $200 405-932-5184

German Shepherd AKC Van Den Heuvel Vom Murrtal line. 8weeks. S/W. health grtd. $500ea 405-258-8884

Dachshund, adult F, 5 yrs, free to a good home, very swt, 405-379-3553

Boston Terrier AKC, b/w F, 6 mos, vet chkd, s/w, $300. 405-323-0020

AMERICAN BULLDOG PUPS- 2M, 2F, $500 NKC Reg, 10 wks old, S/W 918-734-3212 / 946-0412 American Bulldog Pups, Reg. $200, 580-4814239, 580-471-8212.

Chi-Poo, Shi-Poo, 6 weeks, M & F, black $50-$150. 761-8423, carmen1234@aol.com

Chihuahua, full blooded, no papers, 6 wks, 6M 1F $150, 737-2779

Boxer-Flashy Pups 02ccfarms.webs.com $300-$900. 694-7495

198 Springer cows starting to calf, 90% Blk and Blk/Wht Face, $900 each. 405-878-0532 5 young cow and calf pairs $1000 each. 14 Springer cows $900 each. 405-208-0780

Bloodhound Puppies AKC Ready to go! Must Sell, 4 F $175 (405)-820-4381


TICKETS NOW! All Sports & Concerts

BICHON FRISE, AKC, Sale, 9M, 3F, var. ages $200-$300 neg. 214-7857

Dob/G. Shep, 6 weeks, only $50, both POP/reg, exc protect/fam pet, Lori 921-8439 or 454-6859 Doberman AKC Warlock Bloodlines. 6wks. Black, Blue, Red. M/F. S/W/T/D. POP. $400 580-467-6427 Dobermans, AKC Reg, 1 f/r, 14 wks, $200 ea; 2 white M's w/blue eyes, 15 wks $300ea; tails docked (405)382-8250/604-1095 English/Neo Mastiff mix, F, DOB 2/22/10, $600, info & pics 405-818-6745 lemoine42@live.com English Bulldog Puppies (Miniature) Born 4/2/10 3-male, 3-female. Dam reg. ACA-46#. Sire reg. ICA-50#. Adorable! $2000. 316-708-2131

German Shorthaired Pointers 4F 4M 1 ticked 7 liver Parents on site proven hunters. $125. Chris 405-471-4845 Golden Retriever puppies, AKC, 12 wks, lt golden. Gentle, intelligent perfect time to train. 3 F, 3 M. $200$300. 405-604-2636 Golden Retrievers, AKC, 9weeks 3F cream-dark gold POP Smucker bldln! S/W » $300 » 795-4580 email: johntia@swbell.net GOLDEN RETRIEVER AKC, born 2/8/10, 1 male, 1 female, S/W, POP, $175. 405-452-5830 Golden Retrievers 40 avail. Sooner Golden Ret. Rescue $150-$275 ’ 405-749-5700 Golden Retriever AKC, 1F 2M, sib nat'l pet of yr, OFA $400. 324-6828 Great Dane, 5 year, beaut lg blk F, spayed, exc w/children any age, great w/dogs medium to small, inside dog only; need to place in home w/lg fenced yd. $275. 769-1104, 623-533-0570

English Bulldog AKC 1 M. 9 wks. Vet chkd. S/W. Home raised. $1500. (580)504-0023 (580)276-1046 English Bulldogs, 2 boys 2 girls, fawn & fawn/wht, 6 wks old, $1500 ea, 405-795-2755 ENGLISH BULL MASTIFF - 10 month old female, AKC, spayed, sweetheart $250. 580-977-4557

Great Dane Pups AKC, Top Quality! hand raised, harlequins, blacks, fawnequis, merle & merlequin, Top Quality! healthy vetted pups $500-$900, 479-639-0104 or 479-322-0382

English Bulldog, F, reg., 5 years old, brindle & white, $600 obo. 405428-0666, 405-428-0667

Great Dane pups, AKC, 10 weeks, blues, $500$800. 405-249-7627

English Bulldogs AKC 2f view @www. oklegendarybullies.com $1200 Brooklyn 863-8998 English Bulldog, AKC female, 3YRS $650 to good home, (405) 275-8400 878-0128 French Bulldogs/English Bulldogs, (M & F), $600-$800. 822-5559.

G. Shep Pups, reg. 6 wks, POP, $225, 3F, 5M, 921-8439 or 454-6859

Great Dane pups, AKC, fawn, black mask, exc bloodline $550, 549-6302 Great Danes AKC Reg. The colors are harlequin, black, black & white, $600-$1200 580-380-2264 or 580-674-3118 Great Pyrenees K Lab K gorgeous, large puppies, 3 M 2 F,$50 ea, 405-3481180 or 405-371-2152 Havanese • Maltese • ShiTzu Pedigree Pets s/w $50-$100 qual homes only 226-2098

Havapoo Female Puppy 14 wks. vetted, chipped, 3lbs. $175. 405-769-3112 Jack Russell Mix Dogs, 1-2.5 yrs old. Great companions. To Loving homes only. $20. 405-795-8112 lv msg. Jack Russell SHORTIES Pups, M/F $300 (405)323-3211 527-8888 Lab Mix 7 mos, spayed, housebroke, shots, very loving, $25. 722-9384

Lab-Black Pups. 6 wks old on 5/8/10. Farm Raised. Hunting Bloodlines. Large Frame. Blocky Build. Otter-like Tails. Shots, Wormed, Dew Claws Removed. Breeder's Guarantee. $350. (580) 761-5530 or (580) 362-2394. 1/2Lab 1/2B.Collie 5F/3M/1st S/W Blk w/ white $25. 405-615-9130 Lab AKC, black, 6 weeks 5 Female, 4 Male, $100 each. 405-740-1315 Lab AKC Pups, 114 + AKC Titles & Bldlns, DNA Sire/Dam Lines, Vet chkd, Advanced S/W Puppy Pack, $450 cash, Mother Day Special for a friend & investment to her. 265-1070

Maltese, AKC Pups, POP, S/W, Will be small, Will meet. M-$175, F-$375 405-742-7266

Maltese 1M 1F, small cute, guaranteed, $250$375. 405-380-5859 Maltese AKC 1 small F 16 wks, home raised, s/w, $450 cash 431-9961 Maltese AKC, 3 M, tiny, toy, 10 wks, 43 champs, $350 ea, 627-0419

LAB puppies, AKC reg, 2blk, 1 yel F. Chmp/hunt bldln $250 408-1426

Lab, AKC Pups, 1M, 14 weeks, vet ckd pop, s/w $250 405-323-0020 Lab, AKC Pups, yellow F, champ lines, block heads gorgeous $200 275-6527

Maltipoo, 1 F, very cute, small, guarantee, $325, 405-380-8469 8 Lab pups "Silver Gene Factored" S/W/Reg. 3F $375, 5-M $325, 6chocolate, 1-yellow, 1white. / Dawn Coleman (580) 641-6569 LABRADOODLE PUPPIES F 1 black curly, 2 blk males, housebroken, CKC, $300. 405-414-2401

Lab, black M, 1 yr old, sweet dog needs loving home, good w/other dogs. $25 405-317-8119

Morkie puppies, 1F, 2M, s/w, $300, 580-541-7587. Morkies, 2 females, 6 weeks old, $200 each, 204-4036.

New Breed Nordic Imperial, tiny, 1F, $300. 370-8223 puppylovefarms.com

PAPILLON, AKC, 1 small black/white male, 8 wks, s/w $275, 405-692-7505

Labs, full blood puppies, black, chocolate, golden, $150-$175, 405-933-1014

Mastiff total Dispersal, health forces sale, AKC Pups, all breeding stock, young bred & open F's, also M's, $200-$1,000 or no money & pay with puppies back, 580-9273603, No answer lv. msg.

Labs CKC, 8 wks, 2 blk females, S/W. $100 cash. 790-1293, 239-0485

Min Pin AKC, 1 M, 9 weeks, S/W/E/T/DC, $150 » 405-313-7200

Pitbull (American) 4 females, 4 males, black & white, 8 weeks, $50 each 819-0671 Pit Bull Adults & pups All colors, well known bloodlines, some ADBA.. Allshotsup-to-date $100600. Diana(405)471-3658 poisonivypits.webs.com

Pekingese, AKC, 3 M, 3 F 6 weeks, POP, S/W $500-$600 580-816-0314

Schnauzers AKC Mini 1 M white, 9 wks, ears done, $350, 627-0419

Poodle, AKC pups & Weeniepoo pups, $200$500 each. 275-6527

Schnauzer Toys, ACA 13 weeks, 3M, 1F Salt & Pepper E/T/DC, S/W $200-$350 405-612-2093 Visa/MC www.jeanskennel.com

Poodles AKC Toy, M&F pair, must go together 3 years. $200. 761-8423 POODLES STANDARDS AKC. Red, black, apricot $500ea Can deliver. danaspamperedpoodles.com 806-363-2295 POODLES T/Toy & Toy AKC. M&F. Vet ckd. $250-up 580-920-0440

Schnoodle Puppies, 2 white M, dob 1/24/10. T/DC/S/W $125 ea. 405527-9004 or 613-7122 Sheltie AKC M, very tiny, Beautiful mrkgs, sbl/wht 7 mo, s/w $300 773-8263 SHELTIE PUPPIES: AKC. 2 Males, 1 Female, $275. Call 405-302-5053 Shelties, small, AKC puppies, $250-$275 918-698-9894

Pit Bull pups, blue, UKC 4 F/1M, 75% razors edge short & wide, ready for new home thanks to ultimatebluepitbulls.com $700, (405)-819-0670 Pit Bull Puppies ADBA 4M, 1F FAWNS, REDS, CHOCOLATES, ON FACEBOOK & MYSPACE: BIG STAR KENNELS $250-300 405-315-1058

PUG PUPPIES AKC registered.1M Fawn w/bl. mask. S/W 13 wks old. $200. 405-923-0035 ROTTS, Germ. AKC Pups, 8 wks, $400-$600 3 M, 1 F (405) 619-0643 Schanuers Mini AKC, blk, dob 2/12, e/t/dc/1st shot $275, 580-497-7206

Pit Bull puppies, 10 weeks old, s/w, $125 each, 361-6989. Pomeranians, males & females, 8 wks, shots/wormed, full blooded, $175, 405-3832255 or 405-659-9643 Pomeranian AKC 1 White 2 males 1 female s/w $300. 405-382-2304

Pekingese 1M, very small, playful, guaranteed, $275. 405-380-8469

Poms, ACA, 3 females, 12 wks-14wks, $175each ’ 872-7243 ’

Puggles-reg., 7 wks, s&w, very cute, love kids, $100. 882-8821

Morkies... Reg, home-raised, F1, vet chkd. 3 males, very small; parents are 4-6 lbs. Available 5/27. $500. 405-514-1206

Papillion, ACA 1 Female, $300 CASH 405-663-4047

Mastiff Pups (Italian) full blood, not registered, $300. 405-535-3633

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies Puppies are utd on shots and are started on heartworm preventative. They are AKC registered and ready to go. Sables and Black Tris $400 580829-4537 580-748-1216

Pomeranian AKC, 10 wk, 3 BL Males $200. 405-663-4047

Your 24/7 news source.

SCHNAUZER AKC 5F 1M PARTI TOY SIZE E/S/W GUAR $425 » 348-9612 Schnauzer Minis, ACA 15-17 weeks, 3 males Salt & Pepper E/T/DC, S/W $100 405-612-2093 Visa/MC www.jeanskennel.com Schnauzer Puppies AKC AKC Schnauzers, 9wks, 3 F left, 2 Lvrs, 1 Lvr Ppr. S/T/DC done. Toy-mini size. Ready to go. **www.schnauzerfun. webs.com** $400-$600 405-550-7430 or t.daniel@prodigy.net

Shelties AKC Pups, 4M $200 1F $250, a breeding pair $200 for both. Tecumseh cell 990-6032 home 598-5321 SHIH POO, MALE, BLACK $150. »»»» 326-4972 Shih Tsu puppies, 3 M, 3 F, 6 wks, AKC Reg, $200$250, 405-459-6330 SHIH TZU ’ AKC 6-14 weeks, Imperial & Standard sizes, shots, wormed, dew-clawed. $250-$500 405-683-0420 Shih Tzu & mixes AKC Imperial, okcpoms.com $200-$400 405-609-9241 Shih Tzu, 2 females, 6 weeks old, $200 each, 204-4036. Shih Tzu, ACA pups, 3M, 7 weeks, all colors, s/w, $175, 321-1399/308-3014 Shih Tzu, AKC registered, 6 weeks old, 4M, 1st shots, dewormed, $250 each, great Mother's Day gifts, 405-5772108 or 405-706-6012. Shih Tzu, AKC, 7 weeks, s/w, home raised, will be small, very playful, $225 each. 580-572-8446

Schnauzers, AKC, 10 weeks, 1M, 3F Shots/ Wormed. $200. 405352-5087 or 823-5523 Schnauzers T/cup & T/Toy Ready to go.S&P.M&F. 1st shots.Vet ckd. $1500-up. 580-920-0440 Schnauzers, teacup & toys, CKC, 6F, 4M, chocolate, white, e/t, 5-8 wks, $350-$550, 580-540-6354 Schnauzers-Toy MALES. Gorgeous. S&P. 1 yr old. AKC. Vet ckd/Healthy. $200 Roger 580-513-4297 SCHNAUZERS Mini, CKC, 9 wks, S&P/parti, 3F, 2M, $75. 2 toy F, $200. 580-332-5252 Schnauzers, AKC, minis, 6 wks, 3M, 3F, blk w/ wht marks, 1 slvr, tails done, $300. 820-1617

Shih Tzu ACA, 2 Males, 4 mo $150. 405-663-4047 Shih Tzu AKC 3 M Blk/Wh & 1 F Gld/Wh S/W/DC 10 wks $150. 405-398-4606 Shih Tzu K Poodle K , 2F, 3M, 6 weeks, $100 cash, 386-2793. SHIH TZU PUPS, AKC Cute Males, $200 (405)323-3211 527-8888 Shorkie Puppies 7 weeks old, 4 males $200. (405)371-4502 Siberian Husky Puppies, 2M's, 2F's, 7 wks, 3 blk & wht, 1 red & wht, blue eyes, S/W, POP, $200 each-Cash Only. 405-997-8902 405-997-8810 Earlsboro, OK Siberian Husky puppies 9 weeks, 1st shots $250$300. John 405-601-6111

Schnauzers mini, AKC s/w/t/dc, $250 405-612-2353 www.cjschnauzers.com Schnauzers, Toy, AKC parti, okcpoms.com $250-$350 405-609-9241 No matter where you are, get breaking news and up-to-the-minute breakin weather, sports, traffic alerts and weat more every day on NewsOK. mo

Oklahoma’s website powered by

WHITE GERMAN SHEPERDS AKC Registered Puppies 100% PURE WHITE CHAMPION BLOODLINE - HUGE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES 7 Female 1 Male - POP email for pics $250-$350 dtcellular@sbcglobal.net (405) 535-5691 Jay Wolf/German Shepherd pups, gorgeous, $200$300, 275-6527 Wolf/Husky Mix, 6 weeks, 4 males, 3 females, wormed, $200. 495-7272, 308-7501 Wolf Dog Puppies 7M/3F, s/w, $200 866-957-5572 lv msg. mshuskies@yahoo.com Yochon Puppies, 13 wks, adorable, home raised, 2 tan M, no shed, allergy free, s/w $150, 778-9208 Yorkie's, retiring, young registered Yorkie's, proven breeders, all records up to date, $150 each, cash 405-687-0778, 324-0196, Yorkie, adorable AKC ITTY BITTY!! Visa/MC $450-$495, 826-4557 Yorkie/Maltese, 2M, tiny. Shorkies, 4F, S/W, $150 & $200. 314-7755 Yorkie adorable AKC Pups, 2 M 2 F, s/w, $250-$500, 570-9134 Yorkie AKC, 8-10 wks old M's $300, F's $500 580-309-0029 or 580-309-0079, www. custercityyorkies.com Yorkie AKC, 2 cute 4 words! tiny, must see, 3M, 7 wks, $500-$700 cash, 631-5395 or 532-1631

Yorkies, ACA, 3 females, 1 male $300-$450 or all for $1200. 1 Maltese female, pet only, $75. all adults » 282-6742 Yorkies, AKC, 2 Male, beautiful, must see, s/w, 13 weeks, $400 485-2869 YORKIES, AKC, POP, $200/M, $350/F, will be 5-6 lbs. t/dc, 265-0205

Yorkies 1M, 1FShots, vet checked. AKC tiny 8wks. $450-650 www.parksyorkies. blogspot.com 405-207-3004 Yorkies AKC, in time for Mother's Day, 8 wks, 1st shots, t/d, POP, 2 little girls, 1 happy boy, $500 ea. 375-3298, 375-2353 or 368-7422 Yorkies AKC, M & F, 9-7 weeks $350 & $400 cash. 405-612-1186

YORKIES Yorkshire Terriers AKC Reg 1 Male , 1 Female 8 weeks old Vet checked and Shots. Very cute, will be 3-7 lbs $350-400 Call 405-314-2849 Yorkie teacup Female, 7 mos old, AKC Reg. $500 obo, 405-974-0660 Yorkie w/papers, 1 tiny male, w/t/dc, 1st shots, parents are 4-5 lbs., 12 weeks old, $300 405-229-2298.

Meet Teddy Bear! Lab Mix - sweet male, yellow, 8 mos, shots, neutered. Fenced yard & indoor home preferred. $45 405-380-3976

Yorkie AKC Tiny Toy, 4 F, blk & gold, s/w, $1000-$1500, 627-0419

RANCH FOX BABIES 1 M, 1 F. Baby Raccoons, 2F, 1M, $350-$400. 405-226-5444, 627-5739

Yorkie F, very sweet, hsbrkn, good w/other pets $300 cash, 405-255-5264

BABY POT BELLY PIGS black, blk & whte m&f $100ea »» 823-7848

Yorkie K , Chihuahua K , 7 wks, Xtra Xtra Cute! $125 Cash ’ 224-6903

Yorkiepoo, AKC parents, adorable, s/w, vet ck'd, $300, 275-6527 Yorkie Puppies Reg., 9 wks F, crate tr'd, s/w, $400 ea, 580-660-1000 Yorkie puppies, male & female, tiny, $300-$350, » 405-881-5562 »

Need Hay or Pasture? Sorghum-Sudan, BMR, German Millet, Piper Sudan, Forage Sorghum, Grain Sorghum, Cowpeas, Soybeans, Bermudagrass ROSS SEED COMPANY El Reno, 405-262-3456 Chickasha, 405-224-2222 6'x6' Pallets to haul & store small square bales of hay, $22 ea 350-0781 Taking orders for alfalfa, baling Wednesday, $6 bale in field. 733-8688

2 Registered horses $5000 -$10,000 thehorseteacher.net 580-277-0146 Weimaraner Pups, AKC, highest quality, s/w, microchip ID, $250$500, 918-694-3868

Yorkies, 2M, ACA, s/w, 4-5 lbs grown, 14 weeks, $300, 405-221-1578

Schnauzers, choc/sp/parti, M's & F's $200-$500, 822-5559

Wheaten Terriers, AKC 9 weeks, shots, 2 males, $300, 580-330-2991

Yorkies, 9 wks AKC, 2 F 1 M s/w, $300-$700 405-623-8771

Pet birds: Umbrella Cockatoo $600; and female Eclectus $500; both very tame, talk, good feathers, 823-7445/474-5701. 10 Finches with large cage, $75. 918-968-0420 Rosella Parakeets Only 3 avail. rare. $250 each. 405-474-9197 Parrot, African Congo, with large cage, $1200, »» 405-582-2057 »»

300 chicks, $1-$3 sell 100 mixed chicks for $80. 405-356-4162.

Adorable baby Lopps & other bunnies all ages & colors. $20-$30 »» 823-7848

Learn to Fly. Lessons start now. C150 $69/Hr. Ron 615-1049 1/10th Share, Cardinal at Norman $6800, 620-3436

Yorkie pups, AKC, 1M, 1F, s/w, $350-$300, Ada, OK, 580-399-8109.

Schnauzers, AKC Mini, Pups, 2M 3F, s/w/e/t/dc $150-$200, 405-612-1478

4 horse slant gooseneck, tack & dressing rm in front$4000 obo 413-6284

Zebra Finch Birds, 1 M, 1 F + nice cage, $30 for all, 496-8337

Albino Baby Racoons, 4 weeks old, $300 each 405-222-2228 or 405320-8975 leave msg

Yorkiepoo, 9wks, extra small, black, 1F, 1M, $300, 527-6132

4 colorful 2yr old Appaloosa fillies $400$750 580-788-2694

Yorkies, AKC, 2 Males, 17 weeks, shots, $290 each, 399-3843.

Yorkie AKC Male, 3K lbs, born Oct. 2008, proven stud, has tiny toy puppies, beautiful, loving & sweet, home raised, $700 Cash, 405-224-8584

Yorkie Mix, 1 M $250, 1 F, $300, 8 weeks, s/w/hlth guar. look like fullblood. 405-919-2575

Prof. Horseshoeing. Jack Horsey 405-274-4846


LAB, Black AKC. Sire has prod. 45 show & hunt titles. Ready 5/14. $350$400 203-3027 213-6003

Labs, AKC, 9 wks, white, big & blocky, champ pedigree, sire OFA'd, s/w/dc, $250, 818-4182

Min Pin Pups, 2 b/t, $50 & 7 Min Pin Mix, $25, 405-680-9463


Havanese adorable AKC M & F,ready 5/17, $500$400, 773-9530.503-9530

3 broodmares, Lucky Bottom X Docs Hickory, Sugar Bars, Three Bars, $1000/all, 990-2455 3 FREE HORSES with 1 year boarding contract. 1 mare and 2 geldings. 324-6611, 990-8907

2003 Ranger Comanche 520VX Bass Boat with a 225 Evinrude Engine, Mini Kota 74, asking $2900, contact me web21trs@msn.com / 2900 918-289-2612 1985 22' Catalina Sailboat 1985 22' Catalina Sailboat w/ Hydro Hoist. Absolute Auction on May 22, Lake Ft. Gibson TBD (877) 895-7077 12' GAME FISHER fiberglass boat, 2 trolling motors, 4HP mercury, OB, 2 stroke, Holesclaw tilt trailer. Tagged til 2012. $695. 405-620-5392 '99 Skeeter SX186 w/ Yahaha 150 Vmax new Minnkota Tr. Mtr, on board batt charger exc cond garage kept $9200 obo 405-208-0300 2005 Yamaha Wave Runner VX 110 Sport, 3 seat, 68 hours, 4 stroke, trailer & cover, $4500. » 850-2391 »

Business Opportunity

Pool Table, 8 foot, Like New! w/slate & green felt, $795, Call 615-4980.

OK’s largest sel. of used Golf cars 800-276-0571

Pronghorn Antelope Bow Hunt N.W. Oklahoma $500. Call Rick 254-855-1701

DIRT CHEAP MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE, 943-4200 2009 Harley-Davidson Street Glide Sun-Glo Red, 8K, extra's. $16,995 757-604-5857

'86 Honda VT 1100 C Shadow, minor work, extra's, $1800. 314-6176

(2) '07 Scooters, 250cc, 200 miles, excellent, $975 ea firm, 769-4743. New 2007 Yamaha Roadstar, silver, Financing Available. 789-3535 2006 Honda ST1300 Professionally maintained, serviced last week. 21,600 miles. Black color. Heated Corbin seat, oversized winshield. $8500 OBO 405-208-2915 05 HD FLTRI Road Glide, 4100 mi. $12,800 w/ acc. Looks new! 590-7935

2002 Yamaha PTR 125, 4 strk, great bike, $1250, 405-9904056 96 HD Softail Nostalgia 10K mi, exc cond., loaded $9,900. 580-819-2112

'07 Can-Am Outlander Max 650 ATV, 52 hours, factory extras, like new, $8000, 405-933-1209

1978 Winnebago, needs internal repair, has 5 brand new steel belted tires, new $1100 refrigerator (never used), roof air (near new), 4000 Onon generator, perfect condition, 48,000 actual miles, 440 Dodge Engine, $3000. 580-421-1884 2007 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Neptune XL 36' 26,500mi 325HP cummins engine. 4 slides 4dr refrig, Onan Generator, central vac, in motion satellite very nice non smoking Reduced to $98,000 » 580-367-0166

2004 Chevy Duramax 83k mi + '07 Silverback 5th whl, 2 slides, new hitch all new tires & clean $38,000 » 826-4736 Coleman pop up, great condition, heat/AC, slps 6-8, lots of new, $2000 OBO. OKC, 580-919-1040 '04 Gulfstream MH 33', loaded, hyd-levelers, 5.5 gen, 7000 miles, $40,000. 405-282-3279, 990-7016 '97 Dutchman popup, sleeps 6, like new cond, fully loaded, $3800 405-317-3745

.38 special pistol and 12 ga double barrel shotgun, $700 both, 203-0590

1990 Hitchhiker II, 29 ft 5th wheel, rear kitchen, new a/c & refrigerator, $5500, 348-1363 Edmond 2001 Jayco pop up, good condition/tires, sleeps 5, $1850 firm, 735-3088.

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Taurus Judge Defender stainless 45/410 unfired, $450, 245-2938 AR15 CMMG w/extras, $1800 obo, 405-473-9810 Conceal / Carry Class May Classes $35 pistol & ammo provided 405-818-7904

Clearance Sale! 5 person hot tub, priced to move. Terms/ Free Delivery/ Warrant Morgan 405-632-8864 Above Ground Pool, With liner $995, 405-615-4980.


Hunting/Fishing Leases 607.0

'75 Sportster, runs good $2500 or trade for pickup of equal value 343-6840

89 CARRI-LITE 32' 5th Wheel, microwave, central heat. New carrier, AC, tires and carpet. $4000. 580-320-8890

Be in Business For Yourself Not By Yourself

Call JAN-PRO today at

405-606-3300 POM and BLACK LAB on 5/3, NE Terrace area. 580-262-0670


Big Sale! Big Savings! gas & elec carts starting at $1250, 872-5671, Visa/MC.

2007 HD Dyna Low Rider Black Pearl, lots of extras. <2500 miles. $14,500. 703-0815

1976 Honda GL1000 $1200 MUST SELL! N OKC. 405-206-7469

'05 Lance 1181 11 K ft overhead camper, 1 slide, sleeps 4, fiberglass exterior, too many xtras to list NADA $26,720, asking $20,900 641-6896

SIG P238 ACP 380 ''New'' with 2 mags, $475. 405-640-3651.


Golf Car Center Yamaha, E-Z-GO New/Used 2622221 Okc, 866-323-2221

'07 HD Ultra, low mi, $10k in extras w/Bushtec Roadstar trlr, $24,500, 405-203-6963

'80 Yamaha 650 Maxim, shaft dr, windshield, runs great! $950, »» 406-2150 »»

Do it your way! 30 years exp. Edmond & NW OKC. Guar. 602-4844,282-5177

Concealed Carry Class Gun & Ammo furnished $35, 405-634-6730

DIRT & GRIME? Don't Have The Time?Call A Fresh Start 326-4332 Sunshine Cleaning Service ins/bond 793-1630, 625-3930 Basic & deep cleaning, Ref's, Betty, 501-0343. Excellent service, detail, $13/hr, 3hr min 625-0210

Clock & Watch Repair

AIRE-MEN HEAT/COOL BBB accredited co. Free Est. All makes/models OK76029 405-996-7779

Computer Services

Computer Repair & Security Cameras. House Calls. 405-496-9965


Retired Contractor Repairs, remodels, paints, 25 yr exp free est, 314-3621


1992 HR Aluma Lt. 33' great shape, ready! $12,500, 405-397-4871

Male, Part Yorkie? 5/6 NW 40th & Drexel 227-3625 Found 2 Domestic Rabbits, Village area call to identify 405-755-4588


Gun Show» May 15th & 16th Tulsa Big Expo Bldg Upper Level 1,500 Tables - 4 times larger than OKC

Metcalf 918-272-1119 Remington model 4 single shot, 22 cal. breech load, hex, rifled barrel $450. Winchester pre 64 model 94, 3030 cal. lever action $500. Miroku 12 gauge over & under shotgun, nice engraving $900. 340-6678

OKC Gun Show MAY 22-23 OKC Fairgrnds www.okcgunshow.com 405-842-3277 PRIVATE COLLECTOR has 13 handguns, rifles & shotguns for sale, $150-$650. Mark 405-659-1524 or mhayes48@cox.net WE BUY GUNS Mustang Pawn & Gun Over 1,000 New/Used Guns Tue-Sat 9-6 376-GUNS Two 12 gage A-5 (light twelve) Browning shotguns, $750 each, both guns in EC, 306-6566

Ladie's ring found @ Winstar 5-2. 586-2015363 to claim-must desc Female blk & white Retriever/Dalmatian, NW 23 & Meridian 755-4399 Small white dog. Quail Creek area on 5/3/10 call to describe 922-8028 Found-Adult Schnauzer and 2 Pups. 16th and Rockwell. 405-615-2266

Divorce $99 474-2375

Male Jack Russell white w/1 brown ear. Vic SW 102/Walker, Brookwood Additionn. 8 years old. $200 REWARD . (405) 590-5908, 823-7519

2 Lg clubs 3034 N Portland and 3715 Springlake Dr. use equip free. 525-6671 2 Bingo Halls 4700 S. Bryant and 1140 N MacArthur. Use equip free. 525-6671 Drink & Snack Route Great Loc Guaranty Must Sell now Financing avail. 800-648-2124 Restaurant and C-Store Lake Tenkiller. Financing? Dale, 918-261-5932 Distributorship for sale Earn $1,500 weekly 888-561-8983

AAA Appliance Repair » Repair» Dependable» Affordable » 420-6137

Asphalt, Paving Contractors AAA Paving & Concrete Company. Asphalt & concrete drives, parking lots, new construction or overlays, patios, retaining walls, repairs, seal coat & striping, 574-4163

Brick, block, rock, concrete, all types construction, com'l & res'd, Danny 812-2718, Larry 417-1880. Trademark Masonry 22 yrs experience in brick & stone work. 514-4551

J&D Carpet, 5 Areas Steam-Cleaned $60, Free Deep Scrub, 732-1126.

Franchise Opportunities intlfranchisesolutions. com 405-887-5222

Steamclean $10/rm, Rpr & Restretching, 659-0999

PIZZA & BBQ Restaurant NW OKC for sale/lease , 640-8206

Carport, Patio, Awning All steel carports 20x20 $1595 patio covers, Free Est. 799-4026, 694-6109

Black Cat been missing since Sat. May 1st. S. Edmond area. REWARD 255-8592

Child Care Services

2 Lost dogs in Midwest City area: 1 large Mastiff mix & 1 medium Corgi mix, 343-7571

Buying oil & gas properties, any status, pay top $$$, »» 800-880-8004 »»

Lost 4/25, sm M Morkie, cream/blk, @ 134th & S. Western, call 570-1540.

ORRI, Oil & Gas Leases & Wells For Sale: See sonyoil.com

Southmoore Childcare $85 - $125 405-735-3046 Candace Private Baby Care, 0-3 Your home or mine. Call 682-2345

EXECUPAINT-Affordable int/ext paint, free est, George, 405-973-6882. PAINT to LAST, EXTERIORS, INTERIORS, REMODELING, great references, 831-9241. A-Plus Painting. 28 yrs exp. Free est. 881-6036 M & M SERVICES - Interior & Exterior Painting, 751-4094 Bill's Painting & Repairs Free estimates 759-2127 Bruce's Painting Neat, clean & reliable 410-9252

Backhoe work, sewer line replacement, septic systems, tractor, bobcat, 794-6535. BUDDY'S PLUMBING, INC, Do it all, water, sewer, gas, Ok Lic #3887, 405-528-7733. Backhoe work, sewer line replacement, septic systems, tractor, bobcat, 794-6535. LICENSED 405-476-2534


HANDYMAN SMALL JOBS Visa/MC Serving OKC for 35 yrs.


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JAN-PRO, the #1 fastest growing comm'l cleaning franchise in the world Entrepreneur Mag. Start your own bus. for as low as $950/dn. 606.3300

Call Us First! Fast service, Free est. 371-2299 onedayrealestate.com

Mr. Fixit Handyman Service. We do it all for less. Free est. Bond. Ins. Visa/MC 603-6104

AirSource.org $49 svc call Ph 414-5605 Lic# 86738

FOUND 5/1, M dog. SE 54th & Sunny Lane. 405-670-2444

J & L Handyman & Remodeling. We do it all give us a call. Int/ext, ins (405) 886-0329/886-0289

Drives, foundations, patios, lic, bond, ins, free estimates,769-3094

EASON ELECTRIC JOE EASON, #92004 405-677-8600

» '08 35' 5th Whl, fbrgls w/d, twin slide, $26,500 obo. 405-503-9384»

Custom Gutters/Roofing New & repair; all kinds; warranty; Visa/MC; 528-4722.


» $30 Off Any Repair » $59 Tune Up, 562-5421, OKCTrue.com Lic #4935

Appliance Repairs

Able Seamless Inc. New » Clean-Out » Repairs Free Est. » 818-2019

Marvin’s Custom Concrete All kinds of work, Free est, Lic, Bonded, 605-0180 or 885-4059

2001 Keystone Sprinter, 5th wheel, 29K feet, 2 slides, $9500, 627-1947. Black Lab mix, young female, near Wilshire and I-35, 478-2265.

Aarons Seamless Guttering New, leaf guards, cleanouts/repairs. Locally owned & operated 405-406-1546

Handywoman, Roofing, Painting & Remodeling, 722-7004 or 740-3439

Executive Htg. & Air $69 svc call, free est & 2nd opinion 626-4210 lic 75705

Carrilite 35 ft 5th wheel, great shape, $3750, 650-4072

Aarons Seamless Guttering New, leaf guards, cleanouts/repairs. Locally owned & operated 405-406-1546

INSTALL & REPAIR, ALL TYPES, 314-5344, www.marcreteok.com

WANTED TO BUY: 2000 or up Rialta RV, good cond, 918-465-3916

ROUTE FOR SALE 200 accounts x $2 per day = $12,000 a month 3 hours a day - 5 days a week. Less than $40,000 - all or part. 803-327-5050

Affordable Rain Gutters Seamless Aluminum Repairs/Leaf Guard 405-728-RAIN (7246).

Grandfather Clock House calls 25yr exp grtd 691-8552


'04 21' Beachcomber Pontoon. 90hp Merc mtr $13,000 neg. 672-1016

07 Yamaha mdnt Royal Star Venture 8700 miles NEW cond. drive shaft water cooled many upgrades email pics $11.500. 405 4108664

1980 Kawasaki 1000, good condition with extra basket motor, $1500. 344-7190, 443-6066 cell

08 Holiday Rambler Neptune XL, 37', 7300 miles, diesel, orig owner, nonsmoker, 4 slides, must see! All the upgrades! $121,000, 405-850-9758.



1984 17' Invader, 70 hp Evinrude, loaded, console, exc cond, HD trailer, $3995 obo, 794-3146.

New 2008 Yamaha 1100 Custom, starting at $6970. Financing Available. 789-3535

1993 Gold Wing, black, 105K, new tires & battery, trailer and hitch, Corbine seat, $5500, 405-452-5958.


'91 Ranger Bass Boat 375V, w/150HP Evenrude, dual FF, battery charger cover good cond. $6500 obo, 405-414-1648

2009 Silver Harley 883 Sportster, 30 miles, $7500 obo, 405-426-9131

PETE'S HAULING, Free Est, Edmond, N Metro, 340-7669

Rose Electric LLC Service calls & upgrades Lic. & Ins. 703-4556 SHARPE'S ELECTRIC & Heat & Air » 341-8488» SHARPE'S ELECTRIC & Heat & Air » 341-8488»

Excavating, Backhoe, Tractor Work Tractor Work, drainage problems, roads blt, topsoil delivered 306-9496

Improvements Home/Commercial Bath, kitchens, drywall, floors, doors tile & more Roofs Ins Refs 488-7503

Lawn Service, trees, clean up & removal, install and repair fences. 365-2600 Alex's Lawn Care Mow, weed,edge & garden. Metro & surrounding “ areas. 886-9319 “ » Mowing, scalp, sod» landscaping, flower beds Top-soil, mulch, clean-up 464-7964 -Ray- 635-9390 * We Do It All * Full Lawn & F-bed Srv. Tried the rest? Try the BEST! 824-6617.

Fence Repair & Replacement. Free Est. 15 years experience. 410-2671 DK LIMITED All types of FENCING! Free Estimates 405-301-4888 TOTAL FENCE SOLUTIONS 5 year warranty Free Est (405)313-0502 ALL TYPES OF FENCING install & repair, ins, 604-9679. REPAIR & NEW FENCES 34 yrs experience, 631-1925

Faith Flooring & Remodel ceramic tile, wood floors, kitchen & bath remodel. Free Estimates 406-0129

Brandon's Lawn Service Off Duty Fire Fighter, Free Estimates 408-4478

REROOF SPECIALISTS 25 to 50yr Shingles, Flat Roofing, BBB, Insured. Free Est! 405-410-1699 DK LIMITED All types of Roofing Free Estimates 405-301-4888

Swimming Pool/Spa Above ground pool, installed, 23 yrs, 794-8505

D&D TILE & REMODEL Afford. & Prof. 971-4492 25yrs exp. No job too small! FREE ESTIMATE all tile work 29 yr exp 889-1116

Blackhawk Top Soil, del sand/gravel, 255-0275 I haul topsoil/sand, gravel fill dirt. ¡ Joe 771-4911

Cleanup, mow, bushes, trees, f-beds, Free Est, Lopez, 524-0506 College student will mow lawns for $25, call Ty 740-7981 or 388-2804

Affordable D&P Tree trim & removal, stump grind Ins/bond. 619-0458

Mother Earth/Yard & Garden. Big or Small, we do it all! 405-245-3518.

Tree service: lowest reasonable price guar, total satisfactaction 600-0577

All Areas Lawn & Tractor Mow: big/small 348-4469

Wood Chucks Tree Svc Removal, Trimming & more! Insured. Call 881-6559

Brshhog, boxblade, roto, $38/hr, 3hr min 227-3517 Ray Jackson Tree Serv All kinds yd wk 212-7308

Prof tree util serv. K for seniors, ins, 35yrs exp, stump service 314-1313

Lawns Mowed $20. Steve 964-7319

L & R Tree Serv, Low prices, insured, free est, 946-3369.

Garage Doors & Openers Sales & Service 794-1718

ABC Lawncare starting @$17.99 wk, 837-6777

» GENE’S TREE SERVICE» Insured-Free Est. 682-2100.

Garage Doors & Openers Sales & Service 794-1718

Rototilling, all yard work, & more 789-3062/682-6383

Charlie Johnson's Tree Svc, lic, bond, ins, free est 306-4071

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