Good Do Talk 府 城「 古 都 」 為 諧 音, 以 我 們 生 活 的 城 市 - 台 南 為 發 想, 催 生 出 Good D o M ag。 想 像 在 這 生 活 的 人 們 樣 貌、日常風景,揉合服裝穿著的概念刊物。
南子日常 Good do Vol.2 以「 南 子 日 常 」 為 主 題, 為 了 呈 現 迴 異 以 往 的 府 城 男 子 樣 貌, 此 次 特 地 找 了 三 位 不 同 領 域 的 工 作 者。 他 們 是 業 餘 攝 影 師、 自 由 接 案 者 及 服 裝 主 理 人, 雖 然 職 業 上 有 所 出 入, 但 某 種 程 度 來 說, 他 們 是 極 為 相 似 的! 像 是: 工 作 之 外 有 各 自 專 注 的 興 趣、 對 自 身 以 外 的 世 界 感 到 好 奇、 不 高 調 卻 有 質 感 的 打 扮, 還 有 同 樣 熱 愛 生 活! 今 回 就 藉 著 Good Do Mag, 讓 大 家 來 一 窺 府 城 男 子 的 日 常 吧 !
00 am
Morning Coat : washida - wisdom Shirts : Mr.old -
Bc Lee
SYNDRO Pants : Mr.old - Pureego Hat : | Photographer
Oqilq Socks : washida - Champion
Knit Hat : washida - TRAD Philosophy Shirt : washida - TRAD Philosophy Pants :
Shinway Wang | Freelancer
Mr.old - SYNDRO Socks : Mr.old - CHUP
Knit Hat : washida - Saturdays NYC Outer : Oqliq
Sweater : washida -
Saturdays NYC Pants : Mr.old - Pureego
Fish Chen
| Fashion Designer
Gloves : washida - Saturdays NYC Socks : washida - Saturdays NYC
"Early morning" redirects here. For the play, see Early Morning. For other uses, see Morning (disambiguation).
Morning is the period of time between dawn and noon.Morning precedes afternoon, evening, and night in the sequence of a day. Originally, the term referred to sunrise (5:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.)
Bc Lee Hat : Mr.old - Bailey Shirt : Mr.old- SYNDRO T-Shirts : washida - Saturdays NYC Pants : Oqliq Accessories : Mr.old - S.F.K 4 season
"Early morning" redirects here. For the play, see Early Morning. For other uses, see Morning (disambiguation).
Morning is the period of time between dawn and noon.Morning precedes afternoon, evening, and night in the sequence of a day. Originally, the term referred to sunrise (5:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.)
Shinway Wang
Hat : Mr.old - Bailey Cardigan : washida - Saturdays NYC Shirt : Mr.old Pureego Pants : Oqliq Shoes : Mr.old - The W & Anchor Bros.
"Early morning" redirects here. For the play, see Early Morning. For other uses, see Morning (disambiguation).
Morning is the period of time between dawn and noon.Morning precedes afternoon, evening, and night in the sequence of a day. Originally, the term referred to sunrise (5:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.)
Fis h Ch e n
K n i t H a t : w a s h i d a - S a t u rd a y s N Y C S w e a t e r : washida - Saturdays NYC Coat : washida - VIVA STUDIO Pants : Oqliq
Afternoon is the time of day between noon (12:00 pm) and evening. It is the time when the sun is descending from its peak in the sky to somewhat before its terminus at the horizon in the west. In human life, it occupies roughly the latter half of the standard work and school day.
Bc Lee
Hat : Oqliq Shirt : Mr.old - SYNDRO Tee : washida - Saturdays NYC Pants : Oqliq Accessories : Mr.old - S.F.K Glasses : washida - GLASENSE
Afternoon is the time of day between noon (12:00 pm) and evening. It is the time when the sun is descending from its peak in the sky to somewhat before its terminus at the horizon in the west. In human life, it occupies roughly the latter half of the standard work and school day.
Shinway Wang
Smock : Oqliq
Shirt : Mr.old - SYNDRO
Vest :
Mr.old - Pureego Pants : Oqliq Shoes : washida - A ROOM MODEL Bag : Mr.old - S.F.K.
Hat : Mr.old - Bailey Glasses : washida - GLASENSE Note : washida - Noritake
Afternoon is the time of day between noon (12:00 pm) and evening. It is the time when the sun is descending from its peak in the sky to somewhat before its terminus at the horizon in the west. In human life, it occupies roughly the latter half of the standard work and school day.
Fis h Ch e n
Jacket : Oqliq
S w e a t e r : w a s h i d a - S a t u rd a y s
NYC Pants : Mr.old - Pureego Shoes : washida Saturdays NYC Bag : washida - Saturdays NYC
Dinner usually refers to the most significant meal of the day, which can be the noon or the evening meal. However, the term "dinner" can have many different meanings depending on the culture; it may mean a meal of any size eaten at any time of day.
Bc Lee
Hat : Oqliq Jacket : washida - wisdom Bow Tie : Mr.old - SYNDRO Shirt : Oqliq Pants : Oqliq Shoes : Oqliq
Dinner usually refers to the most significant meal of the day, which can be the noon or the evening meal. However, the term "dinner" can have many different meanings depending on the culture; it may mean a meal of any size eaten at any time of day.
Shinway Wang
Hat : Mr.old - Bailey Jacket : Oqliq Shirt : washida -TRAD Philosophy Pants : Oqliq Shoes : Oqliq
Dinner usually refers to the most significant meal of the day, which can be the noon or the evening meal. However, the term "dinner" can have many different meanings depending on the culture; it may mean a meal of any size eaten at any time of day.
Fis h Ch e n
Hat : Mr.old - Pureego Vest : Mr.old - Pureego Shirt : washida - wisdom Pants : Oqliq Shoes : Mr.old The W & Anchor Bros
© 2014 Good Do Ma gazine
Publisher : Good Do Meg Editor in Chief : Orbin Lin Co-Editor : Kay Huang 、 Walass Huang 、 Rachel Peng 、 River Lee Art Director : Ting Yuan Chang Photographer : Tim Wu 、 Kay Houng 、 Rachel Peng 、 Walass Huang Model : BC Lee 、 Shinway Wang 、 Fish Chen Styling : Good Do
SPECIAL THANKS Tim Wu Photography、慢公寓、宇樂日本料理、Room A
STORE washida
台南市衛民街 6 5 -1 號
w w w. w a s h i d a . c o
台南市中西區興華街 10 號
w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / b i l b o w a y
台南市東區府東街 26 號 華 街 10 號
w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / d r o l d s e l e c t