‘Suicide Prevention March 2012 – Mount Isa.’
ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - 2012
Catholic Diocese of Townsville BOWEN | CLONCURRY | MT ISA | NORMANTON | TOWNSVILLE
Our Mission
Centacare extends the social services ministry of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Townsville to improve the wellbeing of the many communities in which we work. Informed by the Gospel values of dignity, respect and justice for all, Centacare assists, supports and strengthens individuals, families and communities.
Foreword from the Bishop
Director’s / Board Chair’s Report
Centacare - How did we go?
We embrace cultural diversity and are committed to providing services with compassion, respect and integrity.
Children at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage
Adolescents at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage
Adults experiencing disadvantage or difficulties in living fulfilling lives
People with disabilities
Indigenous people
Our Vision for 2010 – 2013 Improved safety, resilience and well being for all through responsive services.
Our VALUES We maintain a respectful client focus through quality accountable service delivery that is flexible, responsive and inclusive; always learning from one another, our cultures and our communities. Directed by principles of Catholic Social Teaching such as Human Dignity, The Common Good, Solidarity and Subsidiarily and by the standards of our professions, we are accordingly guided in our actions with those with whom we work by the following key values: • Compassion
• Respect for all
• Integrity
• Excellence
• Responsiveness
• Stewardship
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Strategic Planning Process Summary 6
Remote families & communities 22 Goals for 2012 - 2013 Financial Reports 11/12 Financial Summary Centacare Service Index 11/12 Services
24 26 28
Organisation Directory Office Locations and Contacts 30
Centacare Office AYR Service Area
Mt Isa
Palm Island
Townsville Ayr Charters Towers Centacare Office
Cloncurry Service Area
Julia Creek
Bowen Cannonvale Collinsville
Our region summary Centacare Townsville provides services across Northern and North West Queensland. We have five offices in major towns: Bowen, on the coast 175 km south of Townsville has a population of 10,000 of whom about 4% are Aboriginal. Agriculture, mining, fishing and tourism are the main industries. loncurry is situated 125 km east of Mount Isa and is the centre of a cattle and mining region. It has a C population of 2,800 of whom 22% are Aboriginal. Mount Isa, nearly 1,000 km west of Townsville and with a population of 22,000, is the administrative centre of North West Queensland, a region that is a major beef producer and one of the world’s top 10 producers of copper, lead, silver, and zinc. Mount Isa has a significant Aboriginal population (15%) as well as workers from many different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Normanton is a small town just inland from the Gulf of Carpentaria and 500 km north of Mount Isa. Normanton is a service town with a population of about 1,300 of whom 37% are Aboriginal. The area relies on the agriculture, mining, fishing and tourism industries. Townsville has a population of about 200,000 and is the largest city in northern Australia. About 5% of the population are Aboriginal and 1.5% are Torres Strait Islanders. Townsville has a range of industries including retail trade, health and education services, government administration and defence, construction, mining and refineries. Townsville is about 1,350 km north of Brisbane. We also provide services in the regions and towns by outreach from these offices.
Centacare is an organization with a strong inclusive community focus. We are committed to improving the wellbeing of the many communities in which we work.
BISHOP’S FOREWORD I was very grateful to the Director of Centacare, the Deputy Director, and some of the staff who either came with me to Papua New Guinea or welcomed the delegation from PNG here in Townsville, as we sought to forge a Sister-Diocese Agreement between the Archdiocese of Port Moresby and the Diocese of Townsville. The willingness of Centacare to respond to this opportunity of service to our near-neighbour illustrated three important things about Centacare in Townsville. The first is that they have a lot to offer. The skills of the staff and the professionalism of their delivery of services to their clients is something of which we can be very proud. The fledgling services in Port Moresby will benefit greatly by learning from our Centacare staff in whatever ways they are able to help them. Secondly, the willingness of the staff to extend themselves in service of others is typical of the way they strive to treat their own clients, which in our Catholic vision is to see them as children of God, blessed with an incredible dignity worthy of the utmost respect. Thirdly, it illustrates the part that Centacare plays in the life of the Diocese of Townsville. We would never consider going to Papua New Guinea or welcoming their delegation without including Centacare, because the services it delivers are so integral to the mission of the Diocese of Townsville. In our new relationship with Papua New Guinea, Centacare will be at the heart of it. At a recent Board meeting, we spoke about the need for helping members of the Catholic community and the larger community to be aware of the good work of Centacare and what it has to offer. This was not out of any desire to receive applause, but rather to bear witness to the values and the gift that Centacare is, and can be, for people in our community. I am very grateful for another year of service, and I pray that God will continue to bless all involved in Centacare Townsville.
MOST REV MICHAEL E PUTNEY Bishop of Townsville AR11/12
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Tony McMahon (Director) and Cris Dall’Osto (Chair)
Director’s and Board Chair’s Report: Annual Report 2011-2012 During this past year we continued to ensure that the services we provide make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. Our Strategic Plan has guided what we do, the way we do it and the results we seek. Again, this year we have been guided by our four key Performance Accountability Questions: how much did we do? How well did we do it? What did we achieve? And, did we make a difference? Our Annual Report shows that the staff of Centacare can be proud of how well we have met the expectations of these questions. Besides the work displayed in this report, we also developed an annual Advocacy Plan to focus on a particular vulnerable group in our communities. For 2012, this has been a focus on Families with children aged 0-5 years. This focus, much of which we already do, has been complemented by emphasising families with young children in our advertising, training, research, community education and sourcing funding. For example, in Townsville we launched a new program called Baby Bridges for families who have recently learned that their baby (0-5 years) has a disability. In the same spirit, we have pledged ourselves to assist the Archdiocese of Port Moresby to support the families they work with by providing their workers with assistance and resources. While Centacare staff across North Queensland have worked hard over the year for their impressive results, we have only done these things in partnership with others. So, we thank Bishop Michael for his continued advice and support and Diocesan staff and the members of the Centacare Advisory Board for the work they have done to support the vulnerable members of our communities. We also thank the staff of the Commonwealth and State Government departments who work in collaboration with us.
DR. Tony McMahon Cris Dall’Osto Director, Centacare Townsville Chair, Centacare Advisory Board
Our strategic Plan 2010-2013 Centacare’s strategic plan has now been in place for 2 full years. During this time staff are proud of their achievements which directly relate to the outcomes of the strategic plan. The coming year will encounter a final evaluation of the achievements and outcomes of this plan and a development of a new 3 year plan. This is an exciting time as we review local needs in the communities in which we live and serve, identify goals and develop new strategies for the next three years. Our current strategic plan has remained client focused during it’s life time and we have continued to focus on the identified 6 specific client populations. Our decisions around working with specific client populations at the time were based on assessed need and available resources. These Priority client populations have remained current and continue to be relevant to our planning and everyday work.
Children at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage
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Adolescents and/or experiencing disadvantage
Adults experiencing disadvantage or difficulties in living fulfilling lives
People with disabilities
Indigenous people
Remote families and communities
Townsville staff participating in the ‘Day for Daniel’ walk.
Centacare - what we have achieved Organizational highlights for 2011- 2012 • Centacare provided services to more than 7 762 clients through our various programs. • We offered 37 different programs within the region to meet individual, family and community needs. • 57 % of clients were female with the other 43% being male. • Through staff input, Centacare developed an advocacy plan for the year to highlight and provide education and awareness about a chosen relevant topic. The topic for this period was emphasizing the importance of early learning and care in the first 5 years of a child’s development. • Centacare was successful in acquiring funding from Child Safety Services- Department of Communities for a Family Intervention Service in Normanton. This program is a significant addition to our current services in that location. • Townville relocated two large service centers into a one stop shop on 410 Ross River Road. This change will benefit our clients by having all support services co located allowing better access.
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• This year Centacare in Mount Isa have located a number of programs into refurbished office space in the suburb of Pioneer. This move significantly benefits clients of that area and supports better access to all of our programs offered.. Although this move has seen significant challenges it is hoped that the location will greatly benefit the community which has been identified as having high support needs. • Centacare Mount Isa won Community Service of the Year at the local Business Awards. The award acknowledged Centacares contribution to the community throughout the years. • This year Centacare made great changes to the way client data is collected and stored with the implementation of CSNET. This electronic database stores client information in a confidential paper free manner while also improving our ability to collect non identifying statistics and trends organizational. • Centacare Homelessness Service funded 7 short films to be professionally recorded and produced. Each film featured Mount Isa local people and their stories. These short films were shown on national television to raise the profile of rural homelessness.
‘Mt Isa staff participating in Rodeo Parade’
Centacare – How did we do? •
It is wonderful to see such commitment and dedication and it is very much appreciated- Thank you. (Feedback from and external agency Townsville)
Your work is greatly appreciated and you make a big difference. (School personnel)
Your Services actions have managed to reach beyond my somewhat brave but fickle exterior and touch a deeper place. Many people come in and out of our lifes journey, but there are few that leave impressionable and indelible marks that carry with it the impetus to change the course of our lives forever- This has been one of those occasions- thank you Centacare. (Client Mount Isa)
We have come to Centacare to ask advice and a way forward within in the community as you have the respect of the Aboriginal community and knowledge of how things work. (Service Provider Normanton)
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! t n u o c e v fi t s r fi e h t e k a M
The first five years of a child’s life are the most important as these are the years that shape their future health, happiness, growth, development and learning capacity. S ta bi lit y
• Healthy fun learning activities
• Healthy boundaries
• Opportunities to learn
• Fun play with family and other children
T im e
• Positive Attention
L ov e
• Affection • Care
• Encouragement • Support
• Calm environments • Support
Centacare – Caring For Our Community
Advocacy Poster 2011 – 2012
Sa fe ty
• Environments free from violence and harm • Nutritious meals • Good health care
Mount Isa – Child Protection Week signs were placed throughout the community to raise awareness.
Children at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage • 92% of children who were provided a service by the Family Intervention Service in Mount Isa were of Aboriginal descent and 58% of children referred to the service in Townsville were of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. • The Family Intervention program staff hosted a 2 day network conference for a variety of workers across North Queensland which focused on sharing information and skill development across the sector. • Family Intervention Services in both Townsville and Mount Isa continued to be actively involved in community events to provide education and promotion. These included Australia Day celebrations, Celebration of Preamble day for the Queensland Constitution, Domestic Violence Prevention Week and Child Protection Week. • Bridge Townsvile and Mount Isa completed a combined total of 6061 service delivery hours providing support and counseling to clients. • The counseling Intervention Service provided both office based counselling and outreach support services to 53 clients in Mount Isa. • The Townsville ROSA program has continued to enhance its practice model of counseling for children incorporating the latest research in neuroscience and trauma. This has lead to reported fantastic outcomes for children which has increased their functioning both at home and school.
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Children - How did we do? •
I feel more confident and assertive as a parent. (Client Bridge Townsville)
I don’t feel so alone knowing there is someone I can call. (Client Mount Isa)
I don’t get angry any more. (Client bridge Mount Isa)
Our family has come along way since starting in the program and there has been a huge increase in peace and harmony. (Parent Bridge program)
It was helpful that I could have someone to talk to. (CIS Client Mount Isa)
My foster child fears have decreased- thank you for all you do for her. (Fostercarer Townsville)
‘Suicide Prevention March 2012 – Mount Isa.’
Adolescents at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage • The reconnect program continued to be actively involved in local events to promote and enhance opportunities for youth in the community. These events have included :Youth Arts Competitions, Mega Day out, and school holiday activities. • Reconnect participated in the second annual Suicide Prevention March in Mount Isa. The event is to raise awareness of the issue of suicide and provide an opportunity for young people and the community to support prevention of suicide. • Reconnect provided individual support to 52 vulnerable and at risk young people in Mount Isa. • Reconnect were involved in financially supporting young people to be involved in the development and beautification of the Tharrapatha Way Project through a community arts project. • Reconnect has been a participant in the Community of Planned Leaders Action Network. This is an initiative of YANQ (Youth Affairs Network Queensland). The project determines gaps and barriers in service delivery for youth throughout the state. • Pathways program provides counselling and support to young people within the school setting. Services were provided to schools in Ingham, Charter Towers and Mount Isa. • Pathways program provided a total of 648 sessions to young people in the last 12 months. • The pathways program has continued a 12 years partnership with St Teresa College in providing support services to young people within the school setting.
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Adolescents - How did we do? •
I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the last few years at school to help me graduate. (Student from pathways)
Thanks for your support to get me back to school and changing my behaviour. (Student pathways)
Thanks Centacare for the opportunity to be involved with the community arts project it was a great for our students. (Head of Campus)
I just wanted to provide you with some good news feedback and my utmost gratitude for all the help and assistance, time and support that you have provided for this young person.
I young person has finally gone to school and this is a massive achievement given that she dropped out of mainstream education at grade 5.
I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work and effort, the things you have achieved for this young lady in the past few weeks has been amazing. Your support to help her work towards reunifying back and settle with her family is another awesome achievement.
I know that the battle ain’t over yet and we have yards to go, I wanted you to know that your support tis not unnoticed and you are a valuable player in our community services. (Queensland Government employee writing to a reconnect worker)
Latesha promoting Gambling Help Services.
Adults experiencing disadvantage or difficulties in living fulfilling lives • More than 3000 people attended information and awareness raising session around the issues and impacts associated with gambling across the region. • The Homelessness programs in Mount Isa provided a case management service to more than 420 people throughout the year. • The Homelessness Crisis intervention Service acquired a further 3 houses to enable further case management support to families while they are accommodated in short term housing. There are now 7 Crisis Accommodation houses available in Mount Isa. • Circle of Life services were offered in the communities of Townsville, Ingham, Ayr, Charters Towers and Mount Isa to families and individuals who experienced pregnancy related concerns. • Throughout the region Centacare provided life skills and education to 967 clients during the year. • Centacare continues to provide Employee Assistance services to local organisations within the region. Services include: responding to critical workplace incidents, conflict and staff issues. • Mount Isa Centacare provides a Regional Family Dispute Resolution Service which 66 individuals accessed throughout the year. • More than 7% of the total 949 clients who accessed the Family Relationship Services Counselling program across the region were of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. • The Family Relationship Service in Townsville provided information sessions and assisted a number of people at the Townsville Correctional Centre. The program also assisted 990 people in the region with Family Dispute Resolution services. AR11/12
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Adults - How did we do? •
We were 3 weeks behind in our rent because my husbands accident at work. Centacare helped us with a payment plan. We were able to get the rent up to date. We wouldn’t have known where to start without our wonderful case manager. (Client Centacare Homelessness service)
Great work- thanks for coming I really enjoyed learning about the risks of gambling. (Attendee at a gambling help information session)
I am writing a letter of appreciation of the amazingly wonderful care I have received from Centacare and in particular my case manager. It has been nothing short of amazing and in my opinion the case manager has gone above and beyond everything I had ever hoped to expect of the service. (Client of the Crisis Accommodation service)
I have assurance that what I’m feeling is normal and that things will improve and that helps me cope. (Circle of Life client)
Our relationship has improved; I’m a lot happier and I’m laughing. (Circle of life client Mount Isa)
I discovered I wasn’t alone….you taught me to talk about my problems… you guys saved my life… if it wasn’t for you I would be single and would not be able to see my children. (Education and Life skills program client)
This was my first time seeking help and I found the counsellor very beneficial to talk to- the service was wonderful. (Employee Assistance client)
Your service has helped me to become a better man. (Client of the family Relationship Services program)
Thank you for being so fantastic and for being so patient. Thanks you for putting up with my emotional craziness. I cannot thank you enough. What a relief. (Client of Family Dispute Resolution Service)
Tracy Wilson with Amber.
People with disabilities • Trinity House in Mount Isa continues to provide 24 hour a day support for up to four permanent residents. • 18,774 Respite Support hours were provided at the Diverseabilities Respite House in Townsville. • Centacare was successful in obtaining funding from Department of Communities- Disability Services for a new program called the Volunteer Host Program. A full time coordinator has been recruited and the program will further develop across the next year by providing services to children with a disability aged between 0 –12. • Centacare’s Baby Bridges program also commenced services in the Townsville area. The program is targeted at children with a disability or medical/health issue aged between 0-5. Training of senior Centacare staff has been undertaken and a part time facilitator has been appointed. It is expected that referrals and services will grow and develop across the next 12 months. • The Community Inclusion program provided a service to 29 families across the region which equates to 7 586 support hours to individuals and their families. • Both Townsville and Mount Isa sites were successfully accredited against the Queensland Disability Service Standards.
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People with disabilities - How did we do? •
Our lives would not be so wonderful without Centacare. (Community Inclusion Client)
I can rely on you. (Family member of Community Inclusion Client)
The service has made a major difference to our life. I could not function without it. (Family of Community Inclusion Client)
Your service has allowed me to enjoy my time away without any worry, many, many thanks to staff who look after her. She came home happy and healthy , just wonderful. (Family member of the Respite House Townsville)
I enjoyed going to the Cloncurry show- it was the best. (Client of Trinity House)
HIPPY Participant – Mount Isa.
Indigenous people • The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters service ( HIPPY) which is based in Mount Isa is in it’s third year of operation. 39% of the families accessing this service are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. The program provides a flexible service delivery model. • All of the 143 clients who were supported by the Participate in Prosperity program ( PIP) in Mount Isa and Townsville were off Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander descent. • PIP – Mount Isa worked in collaboration with numerous local stakeholders on stage one of the Tharrapatha Way Project which is a community based project around beautification of the riverside walkway. PIP supported participants to gain skills, relevant certificates and experience during this project. • The HIPPY program gained recognition through being awarded the Community Service of the year award at the local Mount Isa Deadly Award. The HIPPY program was nominated for this award for their outstanding efforts in engagement, early learning and support of Aboriginal families in the community. • 34 Indigenous people were supported through the Job Preparation Program based in Townsville. The program targets Indigenous people who are unemployed or underemployed by providing support and opportunities for skill development. • Communities for Children supported a Maternal and Child Health clinic run from Centacare’s Pioneer office in which all people who access this service are Indigenous people. • Playgroups in the park which is supported by Communities for Children in Mount Isa have continued throughout the year with regular attendance at each event reaching 80 local children and families. • Communities for Children in Mount Isa continued to provide a transport bus service to local schools for vulnerable Aboriginal families who are transported disadvantaged.
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HIPPY Staff.
• This year Centacare developed a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2011-2012. The development of the RAP focuses on respect, opportunities and collaboration and acknowledgement that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the First people of Australia. Centacares vision of reconciliation is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have better access to culturally appropriate services, live in safe, sustainable and resilient families and communities and attain an increase in economic status with better access to employment. The plan has been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and appears on the front page of Centacare’s web site.
Indigenous people - How did we do? •
PIP assisted me to find housing and employment when I was homeless. (Client of PIP)
Without your support I wouldn’t be where I am now. (PIP client)
90% of the HIPPY graduating families reported satisfaction with the program and would recommend it to other families. (HIPPY feedback)
Keep on doing what you are doing. (Communities for Children -stakeholder feedback)
Job Prep helped me boost my self esteem and get a job. (Participant Townsville)
Playgroups in the park kept me sane when I first moved to Town. (Participant from Playgroups in the Park Communities for Children)
Remote families and communities • Cloncurry Community Support has continued to provide a flexible range of services to local people. This year Centacare staff facilitated the commencement of the Cloncurry Men’s Shed which is gathering support and momentum. • The Remote Area Integrated Family Support Service (RAIFSS) has continued to provide generalist support, prevention and early intervention services to families for the past 10 years. The service has a permanent new office location in Normanton and provides a regular outreach service to Cloncurry, Julia Creek and Richmond. • 99% of the Normanton Centacare’s clients are Indigenous Australians. • 1 812 hours of counselling and family support were offered to families and individuals through the RAIFSS program this year. • Bowen Counsellling and Support services provided 531 counselling and information sessions to the people of Bowen. The Bowen service continues to provide outreach to Collinsville community. • The Bowen service has continued to facilitate the Cancer Support Group meeting which is growing in numbers.
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Remote families and communities - How did we do? •
The whole idea of a men’s shed will make a difference for the people of Cloncurry. (Cloncurry resident)
We know we can rely of Centacare to support us and find a way to make things better, you always really help and this takes my worry away. (Client of the RAIFSS program)
I come here because I know that you won’t tell other people my business. (Client Normanton)
I was so angry I was going to hurt someone, so I came for help, you took time to help me straight away, you didn’t say come back later and I felt someone was listening for the first time. (Client RAIFSS)
Goals for 2012-2013 • A new strategic plan will be developed with staff, management, community and clients. • To establish new premises in Cloncurry with the development of the Cloncurry Neighbourhood Centre which will allow for greater community access. • Staff will identify a new Advocacy topic and plan for 2013. • Strengthening core services to clients through improved IT, training and support of staff. Centacare will review our core training calendar to ensure that our staff are confident and equipped to support the community.
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• Celebrate 20 years of Centacares Service to the Mount Isa community. • Source and secure alternative funding so that core service delivery is not compromised. • Mount Isa will support a Rodeo Queen entrant to raise the organisations profile and raise money to enhance a local family recreational space. • Enhance access for clients to Centacare’s programs through completing building works in the Short street office in Pioneer. • Expand partnerships with other service providers to enhance client services.
Financial Summary Report Centacare is funded by: • Department of Communities
- Child Safety Services
- Disability and Community Care Services
- Housing and Homelessness Services
- Disability and Community Care Services
• Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) • Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) • Catholic Diocese of Townsville • Xstrata Mining • Brotherhood of St Laurence • Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department (AG)
Staff numbers At 30 June 2012, Centacare Townsville employed 166 staff members of whom 151 were female. 113 staff were full time employees and there were 24 part-time workers and 29 casuals employed.
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2010-2011 Income Sources
2010-2011 Expenditure
Client Related Costs (7%)
Property Costs (10%) Other
Child Safety
Travel and Training (4%) Communities
% 0
Motor Vehicle Expenses (3%) Administrative Expenses (7%) Employment Costs (70%)
Centacare Services Relationship and Family Support Services Family and Relationship Counselling (Est. 1979) The Family and Relationship Counselling Program provides counselling to individuals, couples, children and families with a focus on family and relationship issues. Education and Life Skills Program (Est. 1992) Courses enhance individual quality of life for men, women and children and strengthen family relationships. Life skills courses also include Marriage Preparation (Est. 1992) Bowen Community and Individual Support Service (Est. 1996) Provides counselling to individuals, children and young people. Regional Family Dispute Resolution Service (Est. 2003, Western Region only) Provides information, support counseling and mediation for individuals, couples and children experiencing difficulties or seeking to make decisions regarding separation or divorce. Circle of Life Program (Est. 2004) The Circle of Life Program is a holistic counselling, education and support service which assists individuals, couples and families to work through their pregnancy-related concerns. BRIDGE Program (Est. 2005) Provides counselling and family support to children, young people and their families where harm or risk of harm is present. Family Relationship Centre (Est. 2006) Provides information and support around relationships and family enhancement as well as family dispute resolution for families who want to discuss parenting arrangements.
Family and Children’s Services Family Intervention Service (Est. 1992 in Mt Isa and 2006 in Townsville and Cloncurry and 2012 in Normanton) Supports families to address on-going child protection issues which have impacted on their ability to meet their children’s care and protective needs. Rosa Program (Est. 1994, Townsville) Provides therapeutic counselling to children and young people who have experienced harm. Reconnect (Est. 2001, Mt Isa) Reconnect is a program which helps young people between the ages of 12 and 18 who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Pathways Program (Est. 2002 in Townsville and 2004 in Mt Isa) Provides individual counselling for school students, support for parents and carers and resources and/or training for teachers. Counselling Intervention Service (Est. 2006, Mt Isa) Provides counselling and support for families, children and young people, including household management and family therapy. The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) (Est. 2010, Mt Isa) HIPPY is a two-year home-based parenting and early childhood enrichment program targeting families with young children. Employee Assistance Services ACCESS (Est. 2001) The ACCESS Program provides a range of services to organisations and their employees. Services include counselling, educational workshops/training, mediation, corporate coaching, professional supervision and Critical Incident Response. Employment Services
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Job Preparation Program (Est. 2008) The Program is a 12 week work-readiness program that provides participants with basic skills needed to gain employment and/or training.
Participate in Prosperity (Est. 2008) Offers a range of services to increase access to employment including counselling, referral, advocacy, practical support and community based activities.
Communities for Children Initiative (Est. 2005 in Mt Isa) An initiative to support healthy young families, including early learning and care and the provision of community education programs and activities such as playgroups.
Diverse Abilities
Homelessness Early Intervention Service (Est. 2006 in Mt Isa) The program provides support, information, referral, advice and case management to families and individuals who are at risk of homelessness.
In Home Program (Est. 1999) Provides flexible and empowering support and respite options to individuals with disabilities and/or families caring for a child or adult with a disability in the community. Respite House (Est. 1990, Townsville) Offers the opportunity for individuals with a disability to experience some time away from home as well as allowing the time for carers to engage in other activities.
Family Crisis Accommodation Service (Est. 2006 in Mt Isa) The service provides short term crisis accommodation and a range of supports to enable families to secure long term accommodation and improve their ability to provide a stable home life.
Trinity House (Est. 2005, Mt Isa) Trinity House provides accommodation and 24hour support in a homelike environment to adults with an intellectual and/or physical disability. Community Services Gambling Help Service (Est. 1993 in Townsville and 2002 in Mt Isa) The Gambling Help Service provides counselling and support services for people with problem gambling behaviours, their families and friends. Community Education Programs are available for groups, community organisations, schools or businesses.
Suicide prevention march, Mount Isa
Remote Area Integrated Support Service (Est. 2002) Provides counselling and support services, with an emphasis on early intervention, to children, young people and their families who are vulnerable and are at risk of family breakdown. Services are provided in Normanton, with extended visits from Mount Isa to Cloncurry, Julia Creek and Richmond. Cloncurry Community Support Service (Est. 2004) Provides information, referral, counselling and support services in Cloncurry.
Senior Management Team L to R: Paula La Rosa, Lesley Thorne, Marilyn Jacob, Tony McMahon, Catherine Devine, Paula Washington
ORGANISATION DIRECTORY Townsville Offices 410 Ross River Rd, Cranbrook QLD 4814 PO Box 1362, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 P: (07) 4772 9000 F: (07) 4755 0322 E: centacarenq@centacarenq.org.au Mount Isa Offices 80 Short Street, Mount Isa Q 4825 PO Box 1375, Mount Isa QLD 4825 P: (07)4749 8100 F: (07) 474 33184 E: cfs@centacarenq.org.au 5 Miles Street, Mount Isa, QLD 4825 PO Box 1375, Mount Isa QLD 4825 P: (07) 4749 8000 F: (07) 4743 5492 E: cfs@centacarenq.org.au Bowen Office 52 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805 PO Box 826, Bowen QLD 4805 P: (07) 4786 4158 F: (07) 4786 4266 Cloncurry William Presley Place 2/88 Steele Street, Cloncurry QLD 4824 PO BOX 88 Cloncurry QLD 4824 P: (07) 4742 0542 F: (07) 4742 0737 Normanton 26 Dutton Street, Normanton QLD 4890 PO Box 398, Normanton QLD 4890 P: (07) 4745 1586 F: (07) 4745 1093
2010/2011 Annual Report Designed by OracleStudio - www.oraclestudio.com.au AR11/12
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‘Caring for our Community’ Thank you to Centacare staff who provided photographs of our region in this years annual report.
Centacare Townsville cares about the environment and the world we all live in so we choose to distribute our Annual Report publication online which saves on unnecessary usage of paper, printer inks and toners.