Miracles, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2016

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Oral Roberts Ministries • Vol. 9 No. 3 • 2016

Holiday Issue

The Greatest Gift Ever Given by Richard Roberts

Staying in God's Secret Place by Lindsay Roberts

8 Ways You Can Put Christ Back Into Christmas by Oral Roberts

MYDC Christmas Recipe & Craft …and More!

More than 147,000 people have reported receiving a miracle from God while watching The Place for Miracles®. Join Richard and Lindsay Roberts and release your faith in God’s promises and expect a miracle! For a station near you or to watch online: www.oralroberts.com/theplaceformiracles Also, find us on Roku – Look for the Miracles Television® channel – it’s free!

For prayer anytime, call 918-495-7777

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Inside this Issue

…Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born…a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. —Luke 2:11

Dear Friends and Partners, As we approach the celebration of Jesus' birth, we encourage you to remember the awesome message of a God who loves you so much that He sent His only Son to give you eternal life in Heaven and abundant life here on earth. Cast all of your cares on Him, for He cares for you

affectionately and cares about you watchfully (1 Peter 5:7 AMP). We pray that you will experience more of God's love and presence than ever before, and that His peace will guard and guide everything you do! Have a blessed holiday season,

— 4

The Greatest Gift Ever Given Richard Roberts




Niger School Update


Staying in God's Secret Place Lindsay Roberts


MYDC Recipe & Christmas Craft


8 Ways To Put Christ Back Into Christmas

Oral Roberts

Vol. 9, No. 3, 2016. Copyright © by Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association. No part may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. Your copy of MIRACLES© is made possible by seed-faith offerings to Oral Roberts Ministries. No subscription price. MIRACLES© is electronically published by Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, P.O. Box 2187, Tulsa, OK 74102-2187. For more information, call (918) 495-7777, or contact us on the Internet at www.oralroberts.com.



Greatest Gift ever Given BY RICHARD ROBERTS



Jesus came for a specific purpose

very year on Christmas, I read aloud with my family the passage in Luke chapter 2 that tells of the birth of Jesus. And it reminds me of what I think may be the greatest scripture in the Bible, John 3:16—For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, knowing that He came for a specific purpose. For this purpose the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). We know that Jesus came for a reason. He is the reason for the season. He’s the reason that we celebrate this day. Yes, we give presents at this time of year. But God gave us the greatest present. He gave us the greatest gift of all, the gift of His Son. We give gifts because God gave first. I was reading a story about a reporter who was out on the street, and he was interviewing people about Christmas. He asked one lady, “What happened on Christmas day?” The lady responded, “Isn’t that the day that Jesus guy died?” And I thought to myself, that’s what some people think. They think that Christmas is not what God intended it to be. But Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that He might take on our sin and shame… so that He might take on our sicknesses and our diseases… so that He might carry on His life, His ministry, and then go to a cross to cut a new covenant in His shed blood for the remission of sin, and to have His back bloodied and striped that we might be healed. Now we celebrate His birth, His death, His resurrection, His sending the power of the Holy Spirit, all through Christmas and Easter. But also, Christmas is a celebration for the entire year. It’s a celebration for our whole life. We celebrate what He did for us because of what it means to us, and what we can do and be a blessing to other people because of what He did. You see, a lot of people think that Jesus is here to condemn you. But the whole premise of Jesus coming

to this earth was so that you might believe on Him and live eternally with God the Father through Him.

This is the reason that makes Christmas a time to celebrate. Through His finished work on the Cross… through His death, burial, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father, we now have Jesus as our healer, our deliverer, and our Savior.

Jesus Can Be in Your Heart Right Now You may not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Or perhaps you do, but you may have strayed from Him. If that’s you, pray this simple prayer in faith to invite Him into your heart right now… Lord Jesus, I believe You died on the Cross to pay the price for sin. I believe You are the way to heaven and the source of everlasting life. Come into my heart now and make me a new person. Cleanse me, forgive me, and help me to live for You from this day forward. Thank You for saving me! Amen.

And Now, I Want to Pray for You Father, in the name of Jesus, we give You praise and honor as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God’s only Son. And now, as I pray over you… I rebuke any and all attacks of the devil against you. I take authority over anything from the devil that has tried to come against you, and I bind it and I rebuke it right now. I pray for the saving, healing, delivering power of God to touch you in every area of your life. I pray that you may know that Jesus sacrificed His life so you might have abundant, eternal and everlasting life. I pray that you would know who you are in Him — that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, that you were made only a little bit lower than the angels, and that as the Bible tells us, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. And greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. I pray over you, and I expect a miracle, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

To request your own CD copy of Richard reading the Christmas story followed by peaceful instrumental Christmas music, click here. 5

Abundant Life BOOKSTORE

Christmas gifts that are FULL of life… Our online store is filled with timeless treasures based on God’s Word to help you share the Good News that Jesus saves, heals, delivers and restores with those you love. Visit our bookstore today to browse our selection and order Christmas gifts that give LIFE and life more abundantly (John 10:10).

click here

ONLINE BOOKSTORE Place your order by December 11 to receive it in time for Christmas. 6

connections letters and comments from friends and partners

The Abundant Life Prayer Group is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you would like prayer, contact us anytime at 918-495-7777

I Am Healed, Praise God! “I watched the School of Miracles on the Roku app, specifically The Healing Ministry of Jesus, session 2. During the prayer at the end, the Holy Ghost healed my sacroiliac joint. The pain dissipated as I began to pray for people in my family who are sick and diseased. I am overjoyed about the healing power of God!”

—Kelesha from Mississippi Click here to check out our free online classes at The School of Miracles.

Healed of Osteoarthritis “In January 2016, during a Saturday weekly live phone call, Richard gave a word of knowledge from God that someone was being healed of pains in the lower hip area. I never called or wrote in regarding this issue. Within a couple of weeks, the pain I used to experience in that area was completely gone. Praise God!”

—Sheila from Connecticut

The Easiest Repair Job the Mechanic Ever Had I have been watching past episodes of Make Your Day Count with Lindsay on Roku and saw the one where she prayed over her car when it wouldn’t start. I have not been able to open my hood on the car for months. I went in today to have the cable replaced. I prayed that God would open the hood for the mechanic, and that he would have no problems. The mechanic got it open by the same latch that didn’t work. Also, the two hour job took only 45 minutes. He said it was the easiest work he has ever done. —Christine from Michigan Click here to watch the Make Your Day Count archives. Click here to download our Miracles Television app on iTunes. Android users click here. Click here for more info on our Roku channel. Richard delivered a powerful message to the people of Edmonton during the Miracle Tour to Canada. Lives were changed, many people were healed and the anointing of God filled the room. Check out our events calendar here to see Richard's next tour dates.

Partners love sharing their good news on Facebook! In 1996 my husband left me and our four children. I was so depressed I decided to end my life. I took a handful of drugs with vodka, kissed my kids goodbye, turned on TV…and The Place for Miracles was on. I began to listen to Richard and when he said God is the God of a second chance, I prayed with him and gave my life to Jesus. And now I have been an ordained minister for ten years. —Linda via Facebook

To listen to Richard’s weekly calls, dial 1-302-202-1106 and use conference code 863036 on Saturdays 11 p.m. ET, 10 p.m. CT, 8 p.m. PT (4 a.m. GMT Sundays). Long distance rates may apply.

Watch Richard's live message on Facebook on Christmas morning at 7 AM Eastern (6 AM Central, 4 AM Pacific). Click here to like our Facebook page. 7

THESE ONLINE CLASSES ARE CHANGING LIVES! More than 38,000 students in 100 countries have studied our growing list of FREE online classes to learn more about God’s Word and help them live successfully for the Lord. We’re hearing from students about the miracles, answers to prayers, and life-changing moments they’re experiencing as a result of these classes. So…What are you waiting for? Enroll FREE at som.oralroberts.com TODAY and choose a course to enroll in as our gift to you. Study at your own pace on your own schedule, and start learning powerful biblical truths that can change your life. Our newest course, The Book of Acts, is now online!

Click here to enroll today! som.oralroberts.com 8

Niger School Update

School administrator, Danette Childs, with happy children in Niamey, Niger.

To Our Partners, A Very Big

Thank You!

Because of our partners and those like you who have given in faith and prayed for the Oral Roberts Ministries outreaches, the new Christian school we are building in Niger now has the first phase of the new school building open for classes! It’s been a long process due to the government approval requirements and construction delays, but the new facilities are now

Exterior view of the new building, including new bathrooms.

open and there are currently 70 students! There are plans to expand as the rest of the classrooms are finished. There is still work to be done, but the children in and near Niamey, Niger, are able to study practical skills needed to succeed in life, as well as hear about the Good News of Jesus. Be anticipating more exciting news!

One of 7 classes, including kindergarten and primary grades 1–5. 9

Staying in


Secret Place


He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” —Psalm 91:1–2


salm 91 is a beautiful passage of Scripture, showing what we might call the all-encompassing protection that God makes known to His children. According to this Psalm, His protection is available to us morning, noon, and night, in sickness and health, in good times, in challenging times, no matter what we may be facing. I believe the Word of God makes it clear that we can always call on Him; we can always apply His Word according to the faith in our heart.


Now, I personally find it such a relief to know, without a doubt, that the Lord desires to keep my family and me under His shadow or spiritual covering. But I want to draw your attention to something important that I believe we are called to do if we want to take part in what God has for us in Psalm 91. We have a part to play if we want to tap into the Word available to us, according to these verses. And we can see what our responsibility is by breaking down a few of the words in Psalm 91:1–2.

Abiding in God’s Presence First of all, I believe that if we want to have the Almighty God’s protective power working for ourselves and our loved ones, then we need to pay attention to His instruction to abide under His shadow. So, let’s consider this question: What does it mean to abide in Him?

storm, because we’re connected to His protective power according to the Bible. We can trust in Him completely, as we abide in Him according to His Word: The Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one (2 Thessalonians 3:3). I believe that the Lord desires to be our refuge and our strong tower. Psalm 46:1 days, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. That’s an important promise because the world seems to be full of trouble. In fact, in John 16:33 Jesus says, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” How important it can be these days to be connected to the One who has overcome the troubles of this world. I encourage you to make that choice to connect with God every day, as often as it comes to mind. Open your life to God’s Word and His promises to care for you, and I believe you can begin to see situations turn around for your good!

Well, the word abide means to “live in, remain, and find rest and peace.” That leads me to believe that abiding in the Lord isn’t something we do on a My Prayer for You This Christmas casual basis, once in a while, half-heartedly. Rather, I pray throughout this Christmas season that the I believe it is something Oral Roberts Ministries that we diligently, is a blessing to you. I pray fervently choose to do When we trust in the Lord, for you to be ministered every day. to through the Abundant

“ have confidence”

In the face of we in Life Prayer Group, The difficult people, Place for Miracles TV confusing situations, program, the School of Him—we can have peace stressful emotions, evil Miracles, our letters, this reports, financial distress, in the midst of any storm, magazine, and our other or any of the other issues outreaches. of life that can get us because we’re connected And I pray for you to overwhelmed, I believe be at peace this Christmas. it’s important to decide to His protective power Remember, Jesus is not daily to remain in faith, only the reason for the according to the Bible. planted firmly in what season, but His name God’s Word says to means Prince of Peace… us. And as we stay put And the word peace means in God's presence by continuing to pray, praise, nothing missing, nothing broken. He is not the worship, speak His Word, believe His Word, release prince of confusion or despair. He is the Prince of our faith and expect a miracle over our situation, He Peace, nothing missing, nothing broken. can cover us with His protective shadow, covering Jesus said in John 14:27, “My peace I leave you. us like a shade that keeps us safe from the burning My peace I give to you. Not the kind of peace that the sun in the heat of summer. world has, but a supernatural, spiritual peace.” Jesus Trusting in Our Faithful God doesn’t just have peace; He IS peace. So I pray for the peace that passes our human understanding — Second, I believe Psalm 91 points out the the peace that is found in Jesus — to be with you safekeeping that we can rest in as we trust God and not only today, but throughout the entire Christmas declare His promises as a confession of our faith. season, and on into the New Year, and in every day When we trust in the Lord, we “have confidence” of your life. Amen. in Him—we can have peace in the midst of any This devotional is from Lindsay's book Read & Pray & Then Obey. Click here to order a copy.


in the

MYDC kitchen

Delicious & Creative tips to help spruce up your home for the holidays!

ial MYDC ec sp is th y jo en u I hope yo holiday issue. es cl a ir M r ou to insert es and crafts (and p ci re l a n io it d d a Find website here. You r ou on ) re o m ch mu ram online, g ro p C D Y M e th can watch oku channel, R r ou on r o e, er h anytime nÂŽ. Miracles Televisio essed Christmas bl a e v a h u yo t a I pray th y Day Count for er v E e k a M d n a season the Lord! - Lindsay

Easy Coconut Cake Here's a coconut cake that's perfect for the busy days ahead. This recipe is quick and easy to make, yet tastes as if you spent hours in the kitchen!

Ingredients: 1 box of butter-flavored yellow cake mix 1 can of sweetened condensed milk 1 (8 oz.) container of refrigerated whipped topping 1 can of cream of coconut 1 bag of shredded coconut

Directions: Bake the cake as directed on the box. Using a fork, poke a lot of holes in the cake while it is still hot. Pour cream of coconut on top of the cake; repeat with sweetened condensed milk. Put the cake in the refrigerator. When the cake is thoroughly chilled, frost the cake with the whipped topping, then sprinkle shredded coconut on the whipped topping. Keep refrigerated.

Christmas Crafts to make at home!

Placemat Pillows You will need: 2 seasonal placemats (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.) Fabric glue Polyester pillow stuffing

Directions: 1. Run a bead of fabric glue around the edge of the back side of the placemat, leaving about a 4" gap with no glue.

2. Place the back side of the other placemat on top of the first placemat, pressing the edges together firmly. Allow to dry.

3. Using the 4" gap opening, stuff the pillow with polyester stuffing, making the pillow as soft or as firm as you desire.

4. Close the opening with fabric glue, or use a hot glue gun. You will need to place pressure on the opening for several minutes until the glue is set. You can use clothespins to hold it. (Warning: use caution with hot glue gun. Heated glue can get very hot!) These easy-to-make custom pillows are great for your own use or make wonderful inexpensive gifts for friends!



Ways You Can Put

Christ Back Into



Are you tired of the way Christmas is being overcommercialized? Do you protest the mad pace we follow in making Christmas merely a gift-exchange celebration? Would you like to see Christ put back into Christmas, and would you like to help do it? If you feel as deeply moved about this as I do, then you can join me in making this year the best Christmas possible by doing these eight things:



Remember what Christmas Day commemorates.

blood for your sins, rise from the dead, ascend back to Heaven, sit on God’s right hand and give life and spiritual gifts to man. Yes, Christmas is a birthday—it is the birth of something new for you.

On Christmas, over 2,000 years ago, a baby was born. Not just a baby, for he was the Christ-child. Mark this baby well, Christmas is Take a for one day these a birthday—it moment to little hands will lift is the birth of think of a mother. empires off their something new hinges, change the A woman gave for you. course of history, birth to Jesus. God meet Satan face-to-face chose a woman to be and defeat him, shed His the mother of the humanity



of His only begotten Son and, in that single choice, lifted women to a new position among mankind. Angels attended Mary before His birth and at His birth. Christmas is a reminder that angels are everywhere.


Go to your mirror and take a look at yourself.

Like me perhaps, you can see things in your mirror that you like and dislike, but that is not the point. When you look at yourself, remember one thing — Christmas is extremely personal. If you had been the only one in the whole world, Jesus Christ of Nazareth would have come into the world to save you. God thought you were worth His Son. Christmas should mean something special to you because it reminds you that to God you are worth more than you think.


only begotten Son. If the infinite God has such faith in us, surely we can have faith in Him.


Remember you are not alone in this world.

There is no indication that God’s Christmas angels were

It is the day, supreme in history, when Father God believed in humanity strongly enough to give us His only begotten Son.

Think thoughts of faith instead of thoughts of fear.

Yes, we face troubles in this world. But Christmas is a time of hope, love, and faith. Consider what the angels said at that first Christmas: And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10–12). It is good to have faith every day of the year, but Christmas is a special time for faith. It is the day, supreme in history, when Father God believed in humanity strongly enough to give us His

ever recalled from earth. As far as we know, these angels are still hovering over humankind saying, “On earth peace, good will toward men.” I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt, angels are on this earth: The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them (Psalm 34:7). Christmas is a special time for you to think about the angels God has sent to watch over you. This indicates that you are not alone.


Take a new look at God.

God is not against you. He has good will toward you. What

better way could He prove this than by giving us a baby that first Christmas? A baby! How sweet and innocent, how tender and precious. The Babe of Bethlehem is God’s way of saying to you, “I love you.”


Reach for a new wisdom that you can find only in Jesus.

A new star shone that first Christmas night. From the far corners of the earth, men who studied the stars—wise men, the Bible calls them— saw it. They were filled with awe, for this was a star of royalty. A King is born. The wise men followed that star until they reached the Babe at Bethlehem. And when they saw the Christ-child, they immediately knew He was the end of their search for ultimate wisdom. The wise men bowed, gave, worshiped, dreamed and returned to their own country another way. This is the ultimate wisdom that truly makes one wise, spiritually speaking, finding Jesus and taking a new way of life.


Give the greatest Christmas gift of all—give yourself to Jesus.

Somehow we have gotten it into our minds that Christmas is a material thing, a day to give toys to our children and other gifts to loved ones and friends, a day to visit and eat and drink. Is this all Christmas means to us? Isn’t Christmas more than a day, or an event, or a family celebration? Isn’t it a time, above all, for giving yourself to Jesus?


Lindsay and I thank God for His continuing work through this ministry. And we thank YOU for your faithful support, prayers and giving to help His kingdom move forward on all fronts. God has been so faithful to the Oral Roberts Ministries this year. We have ministered around the world… Fellow believers have come alongside to translate our ministry resources into other languages… And the Greater Works Tablets (click here for more information) for pastors in underdeveloped nations is continuing to move ahead. Together, we are taking the good news that Jesus can save, heal and deliver those in need. As we prepare to close out 2016 and enter 2017, we want to reach even more people around the world for Jesus. We want to see people set free for His glory. And we need your help. Remember, as you pray and as you sow seed into this ministry, to stand in faith with us for the “greater works we shall do” in the name of Jesus, according to John 14:12. Your endof-year gift will help us to enter 2017 strong so that we can do more and reach more people for Christ! We are praying for you and your loved ones to be blessed and to increase in every area— spirit, soul and body, in Jesus’ name! — PS. Anything you give by December 31 will count toward your 2016 giving for US and Canada tax purposes. Click here to give a special year-end gift!

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