Ask the Oral Surgeon in Chicago: Periodontal (Gum) Disease and the Mouth-Body Link, PART 1

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Ask the Oral Surgeon in Chicago: Periodontal (Gum) Disease and the Mouth-Body Link, PART 1 This article, part 1 of 4, provides an overview of the connection between your oral and general health and the importance of thorough lifelong oral hygiene. Your mouth says far more about your overall health and well-being than one might initially think. And what’s more, the health of your mouth shares an intimate link with that of your body, says this dual-degreed oral surgeon in Chicago. Much research has been dedicated to the topic of periodontal (gum) disease – an acute and chronic infection of the soft tissues in the mouth – and one of the startling connections this research has revealed is that oral bacterial infection left untreated can increase a patient’s risk of developing a whole host of other debilitating and, in cases, potentially fatal illnesses! Now more than ever, patients need to realize that good oral health and hygiene are fundamental not only to preserve smile aesthetics and to prevent tooth loss, but to promote good general health as well, says this oral surgeon in Chicago Loop.

Ask the Oral Surgeon in Chicago Loop: Understanding the Mouth-Body Connection Our mouth is a portal into the rest of our body. What we put in it provides the nutrition and energy necessary to keep us alive and healthy. So, it makes perfect sense that if your mouth is ridden with bacteria and decay – as is symptomatic of periodontal disease or impacted teeth – your general health is at heightened risk, says this oral surgeon in Chicago. You may think that brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is the dentist’s advice for avoiding cavities, but in reality, a rigorous home oral hygiene routine could save you from a whole host of nasty ailments and diseases, including cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and osteoporosis! The key here is the body’s response to infection, says this dualdegreed oral surgeon in Chicago Loop, which is inflammation and the cellular and immune response to it; the common denominator in all of these debilitating and potentially fatal conditions. The bottom line is that any disease or chronic bacterial infection in the mouth can and does have an impact upon the health of the rest of the body. American Statistics of Periodontal (Gum) Disease In spite of the connection between the health of the mouth and that of the body – a connection that is well documented in scientific literature – the statistics of periodontal disease in the United States alone are shocking! A staggering 80% of all Americans present with some form or stage of oral bacterial infection, whether it is generalized or localized, like around an impacted tooth, says this oral surgeon in Chicago Loop, or whether it be a mild infection of the gums (gingivitis) or severe chronic periodontal disease. While your medical history and genetics can increase your risk for developing gum disease, maintaining lifelong oral hygiene is the real key to minimizing your risk. And all this entails is regular and thorough brushing and flossing, removing impacted and hopeless teeth and visits to a general dentist and oral surgeon in Chicago Loop.

Ask the Oral Surgeon in Chicago Loop: A Cautionary Note Just as we are confident of the link between smoking and respiratory disease, so too are medical researchers, scientists and doctors confident of the importance periodontal (gum) disease plays in the development of a whole host of terrible diseases and afflictions. If all it takes is that little extra effort to keep your teeth and gums clean and pay regular visits to the oral surgeon in Chicago Loop, then consider it a worth-while investment in the beauty of your smile and the longevity of your body! Stay tuned for our next article installment on the connection between periodontal disease and your general health; brought to you by the dual-degreed oral surgeon in Chicago.

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