This article describes what the All-on-4 implant protocol is and how it enables patients to receive a complete set of non-removable teeth in as little as a single day. In 1993, European implantologist Paulo Malo, in collaboration with one of the world’s leading dental implant manufacturers, Nobel Biocare, innovated a dental implant technique that would go on to revolutionize the way implant dentists and oral surgeons approached edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near-edentulous patients. The technique, the All on 4 in Chicago Loop, enables patients to receive a full set of immediately functional, highly aesthetic and non-removable teeth in as little as a single day, almost always without the need for bone grafting surgery beforehand. In order to appreciate what an incredible leap forward in dental and medical science the All on 4 in Chicago is, we shall be taking a closer look at how this innovative dental implant protocol works. The All on 4 in Chicago Loop: How it Works The All on 4 in Chicago is a surgical protocol for the placement of dental implants in patients that have either already lost all of their teeth to decay, periodontal (gum) disease, or who are on the verge of becoming edentulous. The protocol consists of the affixing of a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge, which resembles an entire upper or lower arch of teeth, to four dental implants, hence the name “All-on-4�.
Through the careful positioning and precise angulation of these four implants, this dualdegreed oral surgeon is able to: 1. Provide ample support for the dental bridge, so that it can remain permanently affixed in the mouth. 2. Avoid damage to vital structures, such as the nerve canal in the lower jaw and sinus cavity in the upper jaw. 3. Achieve all of this, almost always without the need for bone grafting beforehand; a painful and expensive surgery that is frequently necessary in patients that have been living without teeth, or with removable dentures, for a long period of time. By avoiding the need for bone grafting surgery, which requires months of healing before the jaw is ready to receive implants; the All on 4 in Chicago Loop can be completed in a single surgery, in a single day! In other words, the All on 4 in Chicago Loop makes it possible for patients to walk into the dental implant facility in the morning without a single natural pearly white left in their mouths, and walk out again in the afternoon with a complete set of beautiful, non-removable and fully functional teeth! It’s no wonder the All on 4 in Chicago has been described at one of the biggest breakthroughs in dental science in recent decades. The All on 4 in Chicago Loop: A Final Note In addition to the great number and variety of benefits the All on 4 in Chicago boasts over the more conventional teeth replacement technologies, such as removable dentures, it also costs substantially less than traditional dental implant techniques combined with bone grafting. In fact, the All on 4 in Chicago affords patients substantial savings on oral rehabilitation! Don’t compromise on your quality of life when this sophisticated and long term solution awaits you.