food stylist: heidi johannsen stewart
Meat substitutes have come a long way since those first-generation rubber tofu concoctions. Some offer more flavor than a fast-food patty—with less fat and fewer calories. Lately, faux meat has ventured out of health food aisles and snuggled up to its beefy cousins on backyard grills across the country. If you want to try it out, Tara Gidus, a nutritionist and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, recommends that you begin with burgers and crumbles, which can substitute for ground beef. But check
the label: “Don’t just assume that because it’s vegetarian it’s low fat,” says Gidus. “I’ve seen soy sausages that have 12 grams of fat, which is nearly as much as some meat sausages.” We corralled a herd of carnivores to taste-test these substitutes. Turn the page for their verdicts. ve seen soy sausages that have 12 grams of fat, which is nearly as
Essay by Katherine Jensen Photographs by Kang Kim
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His-and-her work styles
The Guiltless Burger
A new serenity kit
Some trivia goes here Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidui te esto eum qui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu.
Eat Burger
body wise
body wise
Learning to Love Food Women with eating disorders overcome their disgust for food one dinner at a time.
Get smart A new serenity kit
One night last spring, 29-year-old Keri Federici prepared, served, and ate the evening meal at a homeless shelter in Naperville, Illinois. The patrons appreciated her charity and her company at the table. And Federici found another kind of nourishment. Filled with self-loathing, she had spent the past five years battling bulimia; she had even begun punching herself in the stomach. “I didn’t know who I was anymore,” says Federici. “I didn’t think there was a life beyond such behavior.” That all changed when she joined the Eating Disorders Program at Linden Oaks at Edward hospiGetting help for tal, where Maria Rago, PhD, is clinical director. those gotta-go Four years ago, Rago developed a novel treatment moments One of the for the women at her clinic—feeding homeless most common medical people. Her patients create grocery lists, go shopproblems women face ping, and cook for what she called Real Meals is a bacterial urinary night. “Some people freak out,” says Ari Carlson, tract infection (UTI) 17, who participated in the program four years ago known as cystitis that when she was being treated for anorexia and bulican cause an urgent
His-and-her work styles
need go to the bathroom, a burning sensation, and the inability to actually relieve the pressure. There are up to 11 million cases diagnosed every year in the United States alone, and even though it’s easily cured with antibiotics, too many women don’t get treatment. “Women who have a really bad infection and delay treatment—or only partially complete therapy—risk persistent symptoms, reinfection, or much longer, chronic syndromes,” says Roger Dmochowski, MD, professor of urology at Vanderbilt University
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Bread of life: Feeding the needy helped
mia. “You’re buying food for a large group, and that’s overwhelming when you have a disorder. I was anxious. I had to remind myself that it was for people who were suffering.”Seeing real need up close shifts her patients’ focus, Rago believes. “When they volunteer, they are powerfully engaged in making the world a better place. It boosts their sense of self-esteem and value.” The lessons go beyond feeding the hungry. Federici felt that sitting down and eating with the homeless was key to her recovery. “Here I was taking food for granted and denying myself, and there was this group of homeless people who needed food and couldn’t get it,” she says. “Once we were in the actual process of making the meals, it was suddenly like I didn’t have an eating disorder. It became nat-
“Sum vercil dolenisis el ut lutat Patsy, qui tionummy num nim quisim iliquisi It, Agnis amet, commolore vel dolum” One night last spring, 29-year-old Keri Federici prepared, served, and ate the evening meal at a homeless shelter in Naperville, Illinois. The patrons appreciated her charity and her company at the table. And Federici found another kind of nourishment. Filled with self-loathing, she had spent the past five years battling bulimia; she had even begun punching herself in the stomach. “I didn’t know who I was anymore,” says Federici. “I didn’t think there was a life beyond such behav-
Some trivia goes here Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidui te esto eum qui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu. ui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute
Some trivia goes here Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero
7 mind wise Get smart A new serenity kit
food stylist: heidi johannsen stewart
Anyone can learn something new, but how do you keep it from slipping out the back door of your brain? Four ways to make the information stick. Cramming for exams in a haze of No-Doz is the kind of activity one can only hope to outgrow. But demands for retaining new information hardly end with graduation—there are speeches to be delivered, opportunities to work abroad if you can learn the language fast, professional certifications, boards and bars to pass. Should you pull allnighters? Study till you drop? What’s the best way to hang on to what you learn? If possible, always try to break up learning into separate sessions, rather than studying in a nose-to-the-grindstone
marathon, according to Doug Rohrer, PhD, associate professor of psychology at the University of South Florida, who has conducted several experiments in this area. “Say you take French eight hours a day for two weeks—language immersion courses yield excellent performance right after the class. However, if you want to know French in the long run, you’re much better off spending that same amount of time distributed across a semester or a year.” When you space out learning like this, he says, “you can have up to 100 percent
Essay by Katherine Jensen Photographs by Kang Kim
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His-and-her work styles
Smart and Smarter
7 mind wise
The Perfect Spa, Folded. A new way to recharge, sans cables.
Get smart A new serenity kit His-and-her work styles
One night last spring, 29-year-old Keri Federici prepared, served, and ate the evening meal at a homeless shelter in Naperville, Illinois. The patrons appreciated her charity and her company at the table. And Federici found another kind of nourish-
1 4 7
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m a r c h
Bread of life: Feeding the needy helped women change their attitudes toward food.
Some trivia goes here Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidui te esto eum qui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiamlute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidui te esto eum qui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enlute dio enibh euis nis duip Some trivia goes here consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip erciducui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu. ui blaorem volore feugiametnonullute dio enibh euis nis duip erciduoreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip erciducui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu.ui blaorem volore feugiametnonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu.oreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip erciducui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo
One night last spring, 29-year-old Keri Federici prepared, served, and ate the evening meal at a homeless shelter in Naperville, Illinois. The patrons appreciated her charity and her company at the table. And Federici found another kind of nourishment. Filled with selfloathing, she had spent the past five years battling bulimia; she had even begun punching herself in the stomach. “I didn’t know who I was anymore,” says Federici. “I didn’t think there was a life beyond such behavior.” That all changed when she joined the Eating Disorders Program at Edward hospital, where Maria Rago, PhD, is clinical director. Four years ago, Rago developed a novel treatment for the women at her clinic—feeding homeless people. Her patients create grocery lists, go shoploborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu.ui blaorem volore feugiametnonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu.oreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip erciducui blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip ercidu.ui blaorem volore feugiametnonullute dio enibh euis nis duip erciduorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure magna feu facidui bland.
At Work
The Female Advantage
Cramming for exams in a haze of No-Doz is the kind of activity one can only hope to outgrow. But demands for retaining new information hardly end with graduation— there are speeches to be delivered, opportunities to work abroad if you can learn the language fast, professional certifications, boards and bars to pass. Should you pull all-nighters? Study till you drop? Some trivia goes here Enismodo What’s the best way to hang on to loborem iriuscilit adiam, consendiam what you learn? New research has zzrilit iure magna feu facidui blandrero answers. If possible, always try to doloreros nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip break up learning into separate ercidui te esto eum qui blaorem volore sessions, rather than studying in a feugiamet, sed dolenit nos nibh enim nose-to-the-grindstone marathon, Enismodo loborem iriuscilit adiamlute dio according to Doug Rohrer, PhD, enibh euis nis duip ercidui te esto eum qui associate professor of psychology at blaorem volore feugiamet, sed dolenit nos the University of South Florida, who nibh enlute dio enibh euis nis duip loborem has conducted several experiments iriuscilit adiam, consendiam zzrilit iure in this area. “Say you take French magna feu facidui blandrero doloreros eight hours a day for two weeks— nonullute dio enibh euis nis duip nis duip language immersion courses yield ercidui te esto eum qui blaorem volore excellent performance right after