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What Should You Do To Stay Happy? Does your mood affect the kind of songs that you are prepared to listen to? Plenty of folks find that when they are happy they are drawn to songs with a similar vibe rather than the more sullen songs. When we are happy we want to stay happy and find things that make us happy. Perhaps you hadn't noticed this before but you probably skip past all those sad songs you usually like when you're in a good mood. You go straight to the more cheerful ones and let them play at full blast on your music setup. It feels more natural to do when all is well in life. You don't even have to think about any of the problems that would normally bother you when you are in such a good mood. You'll just want to sing a happy song perhaps one of the songs on here and keep your spirits in a joyful state. If you know anyone that is always cheerful it is worth exploring what kind of songs they normally listen to. Do they normally sing songs with a happy vibe or not? You'll probably find the songs they sing are usually the happy sort! That is probably why they are always happy. This can be worth remembering anytime that you're feeling upset about something that has happened in your life. You might feel like listening to sad song after sad song. It's fine to listen to sad songs they can be reassuring but don't listen to so many that they bring you down any more. Perhaps try for a happy song and see what it does for your mood. Sometimes it works wonders and will surprise you! Think about the kinds of songs that you normally sing when you're in a happy mood and make a note of them. Then put them all together and play them all one day and see how good you feel afterwards. You'll want to do it all the time. You'll wonder what "the blues" are when you're feeling so good. It's good that such good feelings are so easily accessible and simple things can make you really happy. A little song to listen to and to hum along with is good for your health and happiness. In fact if you think of the things that you enjoy the most there is a good chance that music is a big part of them. Do you enjoy going to the movies? Music is a constant in the movies isn't it? Or how about dancing? Music is also playing anytime you dance. The fact is music makes people feel good and happy which is probably why it is practised all around the world. Find a place in the world where people don't know what music is! While music is made for all sorts of moods, it is the happier ones that naturally make people feel happy. If you want a few good examples of good songs like these then visit this site and you should find some that you like. It will not be long before you are humming or singing loads of these songs after you've heard them and end up in a joyous mood for the day. Not only are songs good when you're feeling happy, but also if you want to feel happy too.

It should be added to the list of things you should do every day for your health such as eating 5 pieces of fruit or vegetables and drinking 8 glasses of water. It's one of the things in life that can make you feel good and happy pretty much straight away after you've taken it.

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