ölïhect¡ ons June 2or3
The evolution of business
Volume {,
i¡ti coMPAIvY PRoFTLE im
in Orangeville
of fresh, clean water made Orangev¡lle the ideal location for early settlers to put down roots and establish farms. ln turn, these p¡oneers Rich, fertile land and an abundance
provided the foundation for orangeville's first wave of manufacturers as mills, tapping ¡nto a strong water supply, emerged to service the needs of the farmers. This ¡nit¡al wave of industry led to opportun¡ties for even more new businesses as taverns, hotels and reta¡l locations began to develop around the rnills. The arrival of rail service to Orangev¡lle in '1871 created a dependable form of transportation for moving goods and significantly increased the capac¡ty for businesses in Town. The lumber industry expanded dur¡ng th¡s period and as ¡nnovation developed, mills were able to process material at a higher rate of speed. By the turn of the 20th century, however, the timber supply in the area began to decline and as a result, some manufactur¡ng industr¡es left Orangeville. The loss of jobs and subsequent number of supporting businesses in decline in population resulted in the closure of Orangeville as well.
Town off¡c¡als realized the importance of manufacturing to the future prosperity of the community and began to offer incentives to manufacturers to establ¡sh their businesses in Orangeville. These incentives spurred a second wave of manufacturing and resurrected the suffering Town. For example, Town Council provided financial assistance wh¡ch persuaded John M. Dods to relocate Dod's Kn¡tt¡ng Mill from Alton to Orangeville in 19]3. The Town's ¡nvestment in the business proved to be a w¡se decision. Dod's Knitting Mill went on to w¡n several war-time supply contracts and was widely recogn¡zed as one of the most successful businesses and largest employers in Orangeville until it closed in 1957. Today, Orangeville is a vibrant community that fealures a growing professional services sector, a thriving creat¡ve cluster, and a steady manufactur¡ng sector supported by a varied commercial base. lnvestments in the downtown core and the Town's tourism generators have contr¡buted to a growing tourist dest¡nation. W¡th a healthy and diversified business environment, the outlook for the continued evolution of Orangeville remains strong. Happy 150th Orangevlllel
rG is
in Orangeville" In a tribute to the economic impact and social benefits of the tourism sector in the local commun¡ty, Councillor Sylvia
Bradley proclaimed the week of June 10 - 16 as Tour¡sm Week in Orangev¡lle. With a dedicated tourism webs¡te ¡n place and a new V¡sitor lnformation Centre open for business, the Town continues to undertake initiat¡veS to support the growth of the tourism sector locally. Part¡c¡pating in the proclamat¡on
were Councillor Sylvia Bradley (centre) along with Visitor Services staff Mary Crozier, Marsha Grant, Susan Reynolds, and Ceneral Manager Marilyn Logan.
The Orangeville
Farrners' Market With the onslaught of Sprin& through the hot hazy days of Summer and into the crisp Fall, the Orangeville Farmers'Market is a bustling hive of act¡vity. Located outside of Town Hall in beautiful downtown Orangeville, the market prov¡des locally grown produce, unique crafts, fresh bakecf goods, and more. The f¡rst Farmers' Market in Orangev¡lle was founded in 1876 w¡th the construction of Orangeville Town Hall and market. As the only legal place to sell meat In town from 1876 to 1890, the market was an ¡mportant economic part of the community and evidence of this function can be seen today in the large stone steer heads that decorate the window lintels of the old market wing at Town Hall. The Orangeville Farmers' Market was re-established in 1991 by the Town of Orangeville under the leadership of then-Councillor and local business owner Janice Gooding. Mindful of the downtown as the orig¡nal market place, the goal was to cÍeate a place for res¡dents and vis¡tors to connect with the¡r local growers and producers while also creat¡ng a destinat¡on to help revitalize the downtown. W¡th a great deal of commitment and hard work, Ms. Cooding's efforts have paid off and the Orangeville Farmers' Market has grown steadily through the past 22 years. Today, the Orangeville Business lmprovement Area manages the market and this season has 53 registered vendors, with 30 of them registered for lhe full season. Each week the Orangeville Farmers'Market draws in 30005000 people eager to find the freshest local foods, discover unique
artisanal crafts, meet their local farmers, and interact wlth . neighbours.
The Orangev¡lle Farmers' Market continues to fulf¡ll the goals established for it back in 1991. Rain or shine, from early May untll late October, the market is a hub of activity each Saturday and contr¡butes to the local economy. Farmers continue to sell meats, produce, and baked goods while residents and visitors continue to make the market a destination - shopping at the market and local downtown businesses, partic¡pating in the variety of Market activities featured throughout the season, and connecting w¡th friends and neighbours. Att htstorictmag€5
coutl5y of Duffeñn County Museum ond Archtvs
Connect with Business. Connecl with
eville Farmers' Market
until October
. Saturdays, I
a.m. to
Railway boosting econ orny for nlore than a centrrry
wonderftrl opportunlty to support our focal farmers. Be sure to v¡sit on June 15 as the Farmers' Market pays trlbute to Orangeville's 150th birthday, featuring a hlstorical dlsplay and Orangevllle 150 souvenlrs avallable for sale.
Many defining moments have conlributed to the development of Orangevllle, however, one of the
Canada Day Celebrations.July r, 6 p.*. to rO:!O p.m.
construction of the ra¡f line. ln 1868, the Tcronto, Crey and Bruce Railway began lo examine bullding a train line lnto OrAngeville. With advocacy from the community, the company moved fowvard w¡th its plans and on April 20, 1871, the first train rolled ¡nto Orangevllle. Regular service commenced September 18,1871 with two
Organized by the Rotary Cfub of Orangeville Hlghlandt Orangevllle's Canada Day celebratlon and flreworks will be held at the Alder Street Recreation Centre and feature a flreworks display at 10 p.m. Be sure to come early to take part ln the family act¡v¡ties and get a prime spot for lhe entertalnment, showcasing some great local tafent.
Historical l{alking Tours . June 15 at ro a.m., 6 at IO:!O a.m., Ii:!O p.m., 2:3O p.m., and g:!O p.m, Meet at the circle ln front of Town Hall and participate in a 45-60 m¡nute
walklng tour featurlng Orangeville's many significant archltectural structures and the storles behlnd them.
"' Friends of Island Lake
Fishing Derby.July 6 and
release event features a licensefree weekend and camp¡ng is available. For more detalls and to reglster, vlslt
The O¡angevllle Rotary Club's annual Ribfest will feature six lntemational rlbbers competlng for prlzes and your taste buds. Wlth additlonal food
and craft vendorg a beer tenL face palntlng, a mldway, and llve music throughout the weekend, there ls enterta¡nment and excitement for every age group. Admlsslon ls ffeg however donatlons to Rotary are appreclated and help support the club's many community pfojects.
established, incfuding
hotelt inns and tavems eager to
Almost 130 years later, in 2000, the rail line was ï:; purchased by the Town of Orangeville through the Orangev¡lle Railway Development Corporation to help connect local industries with the CPR
providing a reliable link to all
major Can-Am corridors.
Operated by Cando Contracting
exceptionaf culsine. insplred by the bounty of the season. Participating restaurants wlll offer speclal menus at 'prix flxe' rates. Visit
the end of the Toronto, Crey and Bruce's fìrst year of operation in town, Orangeville's population doubled to nearly 2000 residents. This rapid growth spurred business development as many new ventures were serve employees and passengers of the rail llne.
Orangeville Rotary Ribfest.July Ig to 2r
Doors Open. August
trains a day canylng passengers and fre¡ght from Orangeville to Toronto. From the time the f¡rst railway survey was done in 1863 to
Join more than 300 anglers casting their rods wlth a chance to win some of lhe f4800 avallaþle ln cash and prizes. Thls tweday catch and
SurnmerFeast 2OI3 . August Ig to September Thls event prov¡des a great opportunlty for diners to
most s¡gn¡f¡cant events was the
and 18
Take advantage of thls rare opportunity to see behlnd the closed doors
faclllties. Locatlons partlclpating in this year's event are Orangeville bwn Hafl, the Orangev¡lle Public Library WestminsteÌ Unlted Church, St. Mark's Anglican Chu¡ch, and there wlll be a free herltage walking tour taklng place in downtown Orangev¡lle. Vlslt www.oft ¡ngevll
of public
Limited, freight service runs twice weekly. ln 2004, the Town expanded its partnersh¡p with Cando to establ¡sh the Credit Valley Explorer tour train and build a signlficant tourism generator. Each year approxi-
mately 12,000 visitors,
from outside of the
climb aboard the CVE to ride the rails and take in the scenic H¡lls of Headwaters region.
Orangeville's rgoth Birthday Bash - July 6
!g Armstrong Street, Orangeville Great opportunity
: -
own/lease successful 258-seat restaurant
(I.L.B.O licensed) in the historical¡y rebuilt'Old Train Station' right in the heart of downtown Orangeville. Located in the Central Business
Dlstrlct, thls 6000 sq. ft. building with sunny çutdoor patios is curentfy home to a sushi restaurant but has many permitted uses. ,.: Most chattels are included. Building available for sale at $989,000 ,:.and business for $15O000. Leaslng opportun¡ties also available.
,,..¡tease contact Kari Clar( Realtor, R-E/MAX Real Êstate Centre lnc., iffiBus. 519-942-8111.
to help Orangeville celebrate its sesqu¡centenniall From a free breakfast and lunch to a kid's zone, heritage walking tours, art exhibi! uniquê projection show, theatrical p=roductions of the birth of Orangevllle, and concerts, the Blrthday Don't miss this opportunity
Bash promises someth¡ng
for all
ages. Vislt for details.
Young entreprener¡rs launch their ventrres
Historically, small business has always been dr¡v¡ng force in the local economy. This yeafs Summer Company part¡cipants demonstrate that
the spir¡t of entrepreneurship remains strong ¡n our region. Supported through a partnership between the Province of Ontar¡o and the Orangeville Area Small Business Enterprise Centre, our hard working and mot¡vated sludents wlll each receive up lo $3000 and mentorship throughout the summer to start and run lhelr own summer companies. Contact the Orangev¡lle Area SBEC to l¡nd out how you can suppoft theml