Welcome to Orangewood Church, PCA
Welcome to Orangewood! I am so excited to have you worshipping with us this morning! I hope you found our worship authentic and meaningful. At Orangewood, our desire is to help people know and Senior Pastor Jeff Jakes and his wife, Katie. feel the love found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to share the good news of what God has done for our world through Christ, inspiring others to live in His light and on mission for this purpose. Enclosed is information introducing you to Orangewood. I hope this will be helpful and will answer questions you may have about our church. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our ministries and how you can get connected here at Orangewood. You will find additional information about our ministries, events and more on our website at May God’s grace, mercy, and peace be with you!
Jeff Jakes Senior Pastor
Becoming a Member at Orangewood Thinking about joining a church? Learn more about our Orangewood family!
If you are interested in making Orangewood your church family we would be delighted to get to know you better and have you learn more about us. Orangewood Church has been part of the fabric of Maitland since 1976. Come learn more about our history, our core values, ministries and how we impact our community through participating in our Discovering Orangewood class. Discovering Orangewood is a class offered throughout the year that provides a time to learn more about the church, the church family, and the privileges and responsibilities of membership. Anyone can attend this class without any obligation to join the church, however all those interested in church membership must complete this class. To receive more information about the next Discovering Orangewood session and/or to sign up for the next Discovering Orangewood class, please contact Rose Marie Wallace, Discovering Orangewood coordinator, at or visit 3
Worship is a primary focus of our church. God made us and redeemed us so that we might “glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.” In worship, the church in heaven and the church on earth converge in celebrating Christ’s triumph over sin and Satan, over death and hell. God commands us to worship through everything we do, but leaves special room for praising Him through the proclamation of the Word, sacraments, song and other artistic efforts.
Toddlers through kindergarten celebrate Christ with songs and stories in the children’s wings for the entire church service. First through fourth graders sit with the entire congregation for the first part of the service and then are dismissed to continue worshipping in their own children’s church called OKids Worship. All other ages are included with the entire congregation in worship.
During the worship service, nursery is provided for newborns and toddlers, and there are children’s church programs for two-year-olds through fourth grade.
Join us in praising and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ at our 9:00am and 10:45am worship services.
Sunday Mornings
In addition to our worship services, Orangewood provides an adult education program entitled “The Discovering Series.” The Discovering Series is designed for instructing, training and equipping followers to be on mission for Christ. Each fall and winter semester, Orangewood offers a variety of Discovering classes which are interactive and informative. Participants are encouraged to use the tools taught in these classes to reach out to others, continuing a cycle of mentoring and discipling that goes beyond the classroom. Visit for more information. While Discovering classes are in session, classes are offered for the children and students of participating adults. A class is provided for 1st through 5th grade in room 157, and middle and high school students are invited to the space. Since the Discovering classes are held during the 10:45am Worship service, families are encouraged to participate together in worship during the 9:00am service.
Sundays, between the 9:00am and 10:45am services, we invite you to step onto our patio and grab coffee and donuts! The patio is located off the hallway between the sanctuary and the Children’s Hallway/nursery. The patio is a place to connect with members of Orangewood, inquire about our various ministry opportunities or just relax with friends. We welcome the opportunity to get to know you on our patio!
Small Group Ministry Community Groups Life. Together.
Community Groups are vibrant small gatherings of members and guest who meet weekly in area homes to encourage one another, while strengthening their journey with Christ. Community Groups offer a meaningful way to connect with fellow believers, and allow our hearts to be transformed by God’s grace. Community Groups are formed twice a year, in January and September. All groups include elements of fellowship, worship, discussion, prayer and service. Community Groups are sermon-based with weekly discussion questions posted on the back of Sunday’s bulletin and online at cgquestions. Community Groups meet at various times on almost every day of the week in the surrounding communities. They are designed for adults and will have the resources to organize childcare in a way that best fits each group.
To join a Community Group, sign up in the foyer on Open House Sundays. You can also search groups at any time online at www. Here you can find additional pertinent information about each group, email the facilitator with questions or join a group. For more information, contact Larry Shingler, Director of Small Group Ministries, at lshingler@
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Men’s Ministry Orangewood’s ongoing men’s ministry, Band of Brothers, meets Thursdays from 6:30-7:30am. Led by Pastor Joe Creech. They study issues that are relevant to men living in our culture.
All men are welcome to join this group at any time on Thursday mornings in the Upper Room (260) for breakfast starting at 6:15am.
Band of Brothers exists to unleash men to be all that God calls them to be, authentically living free, loving God and others. For more information about our men’s ministry, contact Joe Creech at
Join us on Thursday mornings 6:30am. Out by 7:30am sharp!
God pursues us in our restlessness, receives us in our sinfulness, holds us in our brokenness and frees us from our lovelessness. -Scotty Smith
Women’s Ministry The purpose of Orangewood’s Women’s Ministry is to encourage and equip women to grow in their love for God, His Word and with others. Within our Women’s Ministries, there are opportunities to get involved with Bible studies, prayer groups, missions, the Take Them A Meal program and a variety of service projects.
Childcare is provided for the 9:30am study. For more information about our women’s ministry, contact Kaye Morningstar by email at
There are two Bible studies offered each year, one in the fall and spring. They are open to all women at any time. The study meets on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:45am and 9:30-11:00am so that women can pick the time that works best for their schedule. 7
Children’s Ministry
Nursery and Children’s Church is provided during both services with consistent, trained workers and a rotating crew of Orangewood members. OKids Worship and Backstage are for our older children to learn and grow in an environment created just for them!
Babies to 3 years
All ages will be together for a large group time of worship with live singers and vibrant Bible teaching, then split into grade specific small groups with a consistent leader for discussion questions and Bible memory work. OKids Worship does not meet on the fifth Sunday as an opportunity to ease the transition into adult worship.
Nursery is provided for infants through 3-year-olds throughout both services. Their time is filled with singing, play, crafts, snacks, a Bible time, and is staffed by consistent, trained workers and a rotating crew of Orangewood members. Contact Marie Cardinali for information at
1st-4th Grade
Fifth and sixth graders are invited to a Sunday night program from 5:306:30pm called “Backstage.” As part of attending Backstage, 5th graders are invited to take part in the unique opportunity to be helpers during OKids Worship on Sunday mornings for the Pre-K & Kindergarten younger children. By doing this, our The Children’s Church for Pre-K and 5th-6th graders will learn service Kindergarten begins with a gathering and worship as part of their Sunday time for lively singing and memory morning experience. work, and then splits into two groups for If you have any questions, comments, Bible teaching and games and activities concerns or praises, contact our Director that reinforce the theme of the lesson. of Children’s Ministries Maggie Moore OKids Worship is Orangewood’s children’s church program for 1st-4th graders during both services. Beginning worship with their families and the congregation, children are dismissed mid-way through to the OKids Theater. 8
Campus Ministry Orangewood Campus Ministry exists to provide space for students to experience Christ through prayer, community, teaching and worship. With separate activities for middle and high school students, Jesus’ grace is presented as the means to transform brokenness into life.
Orange Crush Orange Crush is for 7th-8th graders Sundays from 5:30-6:30pm in the space!
SABBATH SABBATH is for high school students and meets on Sunday night, from 7:00-8:30pm in the space! You are not going to want to miss this time of fellowship, worship and digging into God’s word together.
be loved. be open. be free. 9
Scripture shows that God loves the entire world and uses His people as agents to love others and focus on their needs. Orangewood wants to act as salt and light in our own communities and around the world where there is no church to serve the community. We are seeking to proclaim Christ around the world by building strategic partnerships with gifted nationals from many regions.
love of Christ to people of the world. Generally, more than 150 people representing Orangewood go on trips to Mexico, Honduras, the Middle East, Greece and Japan each year.
The Word of God tells us that “we are fellow workers together with God” (I Cor. 3:9). What a humbling and awesome task we have as Christians to be used to help advance His Kingdom on earth. As we hold hands with partners around the world, in total dependence upon the Currently, we financially and grace of the Lord Jesus, we desire to prayerfully support 60 missionaries see His church established and built. . and ministries serving Christ in a . all for His glory! variety of ways including church planting, ministering to the poor, This is accomplished through prayer theological education, meeting medical and financial support, as well as and educational needs, and more. service to our missionaries by sending groups to do medical and We build long-term relationships dental work, construction, teaching with our partners in other countries and serving in any way possible. If as Orangewood members spend time you are interested in a short-term trip, on short-term trips by using their contact Pastor Joe Creech at jcreech@ gifts and skills in communicating the “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 10
Counseling Orangewood wants to reach out and help meet the spiritual, emotional and mental health needs of those within and outside of the church community who struggle with challenges that lead to hopelessness. Orangewood recommends two options that provide access to Christian counselors who can help sort through personal and life challenges. Individual, marital or family counseling is available with three sessions at no cost through our Member Care Counselor Louise Holzhauer.
Louise Holzhauer M.A., LMHC, MH#11269 Orangewood Member Care Counselor (Offices at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church) 4917 Eli Street Orlando, FL 32804 (407) 619-2556
Additionally, Journeys Counseling Center, a private practice with close ties to the church, provides individual, couples, family, and group counseling to adults and children. Contact Journeys for more information, rates or to make an appointment: The Journeys Counseling Center Debbie Mauger, M.A., LMHC, MH#8763 Dan Marcone, M.A., LMHC #10990 668 N. Orlando Ave. Ste. #208 Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 951-8829
Ministry Partners
Orangewood is committed to ministries in our community. We desire to share God’s love, becoming the “salt and light” that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:16.
Hope for the Homeless Hope for the Homeless is led by Orangewood members who are passionate about serving the homeless of Orlando. Donate seasonal clothes, personal items, financial support and more to those in need. Through these merciful acts, the love of Christ is proclaimed through the hands of Orangewood volunteers.
Keeping Up Keeping UP, a ministry of Redeeming Light Center Church in Eatonville, is an alternative education program for students from Orange County Public Schools who are under short-term suspension. Our endeavor is not only to have students keep up with their assignments, but to build self-esteem and character guidance in subjects such as anger management, conflict resolution, and peer mediation. Visit for more information.
True Life Choice True Life Choice (TLC Women’s Center) has provided the hope of Christ to moms with unexpected pregnancies in Central Florida for 30 years. Volunteers help by empowering women to choose life, making donations or praying for this ministry and those it serves. Visit to learn more.
Restore Hope Orlando Restore Hope Orlando exists to help raise up a generation of people in the area of Holden Heights who are spiritually, physically, intellectually and emotionally equipped to use their God-given abilities to bring about a positive change in their families and community. Our mission, One Child, One Family, One Community, is ever present in our after school program that includes the teaching about Christ, reading, math and sciences. For more details visit
Sons of Christ Mentoring Ministry
Sons of Christ Mentoring Ministry serves our church’s boys ages 10-18 who need a big brother figure in their lives for advice, wisdom and just fun guy stuff. We are honored to come alongside these young men to provide a friend to those who need one.
The Jobs Partnership The Jobs Partnership of Florida transforms the lives of people who are chronically under-employed by meeting theirs needs head on - empowering, encouraging and elevating their workplace attitudes and abilities. As the centerpiece of the Jobs Partnership, Life & Work is a 12-week job training program available to men and women who are stalled in their lives, their jobs, or both. Led by community leaders, the program does more than teach participants how to write resumes and interview for jobs, it helps them develop a sense of hope based upon their understanding of God’s purpose for their lives, both professionally and personally.
Child Evangelism Fellowship Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization, dedicated to seeing every child reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, discipled and established in a local church. Its Good News Club and 5-Day Club ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers. These fast-paced, one-hour programs are designed to bring the Gospel to children on their level in their environment. Visit for more information.
Orlando Children’s Church The Orlando Children’s Church (OCC) is a citywide bus ministry dedicated to reaching undeserved youth in greater Orlando through physical nourishment, spiritual renewal and loving relationships. OCC reaches Central Florida children in the poorest and most blighted areas with the gospel of Jesus Christ every single week. Learn more by visiting
Family First Partnership Family First Partnership is a multi-denominational group that supports a food bank which distributes to five public schools in Seminole County. Approximately 10lbs of food is sent home with 181 students each weekend. This effort is a year round commitment supported by First Baptist of Altamonte, Asbury United Methodist, First Baptist of Longwood, Orangewood Christian School and Orangewood Church, PCA, and serves Altamonte and Lake Orienta Elementary, Rock Lake and Milwee Middle and Lyman High.
Helping Hands This ministry serves our church’s elderly, widowed and divorced members who are overwhelmed with the upkeep of their yard and home. We provide light yard work and clean up, minor home maintenance, painting and various other minor projects. Our purpose is to be a light of hope for our church members in need of a little extra love and support. For more information visit
MCP Maitland Community Preschool In 2007, the Lord led Orangewood to start a preschool as a support to our surrounding community. At Maitland Community Preschool (MCP) all children are welcome and seen as uniquely created by God.
experience the awe and wonder of God’s world through a variety of developmentally appropriate, handson activities.
The mission of MCP is to lead our children to know God and His Maitland Community Preschool world by providing The purpose of @ ORANGEWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH a solid foundation our preschool for life and learning. is to help children grow spiritually, Our vision is that each child who intellectually, socially, emotionally, attends MCP will grow spiritually, and physically. We believe parents intellectually, emotionally, socially and should be the primary teachers of physically. their children and fulfill our role in As Maitland Community Preschool is supporting and encouraging parents a ministry of Orangewood Church, in the nurture and training of their it supports the Children’s Ministries children. At MCP, we believe that mission and vision statements of children learn best in a loving, teaching children to: caring environment where they may Know God Know God’s Word Understand God’s grace through Christ Jesus Worship God in spirit and truth Share Christ with others both near and far Gain a Biblical world and life view 14
OCS Orangewood Christian School More than thirty years ago, the people of Orangewood Church had a vision to glorify God by providing an excellent education for children. This vision was for children of believers to be mentored and taught academics, technology, fine arts and athletics from a reformed, Christian perspective, empowering them to discover and develop their unique gifts and talents, to enjoy life, to transform culture, and to honor God. That vision became Orangewood Christian School (OCS). With nearly 700 students enrolled each year, it is our prayer that every single student will be used by Christ to transform the world for his Kingdom, both here and beyond the walls of Orangewood. OCS students are challenged to make an impact on the world for Christ through service and missions, and all students participate in community service activities. OCS offers an excellent academic program with advanced and college level courses. The OCS curriculum offers enrichment opportunities in art, instrumental & vocal music, drama, foreign languages, technology, video production, clubs, and over 33 team sports. Most importantly, every subject is taught from a Biblical perspective. Whether they teach math, science, English, or history, OCS teachers help their students understand the subject from a Christian world view. All students take Bible classes as a part of their OCS coursework. The teachers also show their students how to apply the Bible to all aspects of their lives as they encourage them to develop strong personal faith and character. 15
Church Map The Space
Campus Ministry
OKids Theater Fellowship Halls
Tower Entrance
l Bathrooms u Info Kiosk n Nursery Check In
Church Offices
The Patio
Orangewood Church, PCA 1300 W. Maitland Boulevard Maitland, FL 32751
Grass Parking Entrance Note: The Upper Room (260) is located on the second floor, above the nursery.