Orbit Independent Living Successes 20122012
Funding granted to provide day activities for people with learning disabilities in partnership with Heart of England Mencap New scheme - 9 flats for independent living for people recovering from mental health issues opened
Performance Sheltered re-let times reduced by 10 days. 2 new extra care schemes on site – will provide almost 300 rented and shared ownership extra care apartments and is an investment by Orbit of approximately £30 million
Arrears in Midlands halved. Positive move on from supported 96%
Launched dementia café in Midlands winning Naseem Khan Award – more dementia cafes to launch in very sheltered housing in 2013
Our teams made at least VFM/efficiency £60,000 savings between April and September
Customers and team members raised over ÂŁ3,700 for charities
Awarded funding to run a telehealth pilot in Stratford in 2013 working with a local GP surgery – one of the first housing associations to invest in telehealth pilot and research
There is more about us and our work on our website. www.orbitindependentliving.org.uk 8 MP’s visited schemes to learn more about our work – raised our profiles and put customers in contact with MP Dementia Strategy created – will be launched with action plan in 2013