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Redden Net & Rope is continually working with the latest technologies & materials
Economical Side Netting Machine Applicators
MESH SIZE: 5/8” X 3/4”
3’5” WIDE X 5000 FT. LONG roll weight = 63 lbs.
4’6” WIDE X 5000 FT. LONG roll weight = 84 lbs.
5’8” WIDE X 5000 FT. LONG - most popular roll weight = 105 lbs.
7 ft. WIDE X 5000 FT. LONG roll weight = 125 lbs.
14 ft. WIDE X 5000 FT. LONG roll weight = 250 lbs.
17 ft. WIDE X 5000 FT. LONG roll weight = 320 lbs. important to note some facts:
- A study will be conducted by a world-renowned apple economist.
- The information will be for the examination and discussion by the industry.
- With full information, good decisions can be made by growers and gain the support of packer-marketers for a new, balanced way of doing business that is good for everyone.
- There is no predetermination on a solution; only direction that some form of orderly, disciplined marketing must displace the current, financially unsustainable direction.
While the aim is that everyone comes to the table with an open mind and ideas, there are many who disagree with the general principles of orderly marketing, based on their experience and role in the industry. Some are entrenched and do not wish to discuss any change. The basic level of trust between packing and marketing organizations needs to be improved, and growers need a say. The difficult discussions need to take place, and a balance needs to be achieved that is the best for rescuing the apple sector from its current, unsustainable trajectory.
The three-legged stool
With the new Planting Program and Orderly Apple Marketing, one of the BCFGA priorities remains unaddressed; namely the financial situation of the tree fruit sector after years of adverse weather and market impacts. The BCFGA continues to appeal to the Minister of Agriculture to help the industry in a time of financial stress, as there has been and will continue to be help for other commodities and sectors of the economy that are in dire financial straits. We are simply asking for fairness, based on measurable, real financial stress.
In summary, there is progress on two of the three BCFGA priorities, and further work is needed on all three. If the industry leadership continues to remain focused on improvements, then improvements will come.
#27 12491 No. 2 Road, Richmond, BC, V7E 2G3
Telephone: 604-274-1422 Fax: 604-274-9068
E-mail: mark@redden-net.com https://www.redden-rope.com/vineyard-netting
Order Toll-Free 1-866-233-1422

Glen Lucas, P.Ag. General Manager, BCFGA