Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment 2012-2013 brochure

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2012-2013 Concerts

Meet our audience This year our brochure stars real-life members of our audience. No models, no fakes, the real thing. They’ve shown us that not all audiences are the same. Turn to page 21 to find out more‌

2012–2013 Concerts at southbank centre S u n day 3 0 S eptemb er 2012 Roya l F esti val Hall

Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: Three eras of divas H a y d n Symphony No.85 in B flat, La Reine

Dei tuoi figli la madre from Medée Dance of the Furies and Dance of the Blessed Spirits from Orfeo ed Euridice G l u c k O malheureuse Iphigénie from Iphigénie en Tauride Be r l i o z Je vais mourir, adieu , fière cité from Les Troyens B i z et Symphony in C

S u n day 2 Dec emb er 2012 Pu rc ell Room at Qu een E lizab eth Hall 10.30a m an d 2pm

Fr i day 8 M a rc h 2 0 1 3 Qu een El i za b e th H a l l

Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: Study Day

Che r u b i n i


Tu esday 11 Dec emb er 2012 Royal Fe stival Hall

S i r R o ge r N o r r i ngt o n

H an d e l Messiah J u l i a D o y l e soprano T i m M ea d counter tenor J o hn M a r k A i n s l e y tenor M atthe w B r o o k bass R o b e r t H o w a r th director Ch o i r o f the E n l i ghtenment


A nna Cate r i na A nt o na c c i


Th u rs day 2 5 Octob er 2012 Q u e e n E l i za b eth Hall

A touch of brass Mozart Mozart

E flat

Symphony No.36 in C, Linz Horn Concerto No.4 in

Serenade No.9 in D, Posthorn M a r ga r et Fa u l t l e s s director R o ge r M o ntg o me r y horn Mozart

Th u r sday 8 N ovemb er 2012 Q u e e n E l i za b eth Hall

Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: French Exchange Dramatic scenes from P u r c e l l Dido and Aeneas Ramea u Hippolyte et Aricie Cha r p ent i e r Medée And orchestral music by d eLa l an d e , Ramea u and


Wedn e sday 9 Jan uary 2013 Royal Fe stival Hall

Creation H ay d n

The Creation


S c h o l a Cant o r u m o f O x f o r d

Tu esday 29 Jan uary 2013 Royal Fe stival Hall

By Jupiter, that’s the last of Mozart! M o z a r t Symphony No.39 M o z a r t Symphony No.40 M o z a r t Symphony No.41, Jupiter S i r S i m o n Ratt l e conductor

F r i day 8 Feb ruary 2013 Qu een Elizab eth Hall 6.30pm an d 8.30pm

Four Seasons

Purcell J o nathan C o hen director Sa r ah C o nn o l l y mezzo-soprano

V i va l d i The Four Seasons K at i De b r et z en i director/violin H en r i Og u i ke choreographer

Th u rsday 2 2 N ovemb er 2012 Q u e e n E l i za b eth Hall

Mon day 25 Feb ruary 2013 Qu een Elizab eth Hall

A Saint, a Priest and a Great Bear

Mozart’s Eroica

Ode for St Cecilia’s Day (Hail, Bright Cecilia) H an d e l Zadok the Priest H an d e l Dixit Dominus J o hn B u tt director



S o l o i s t s f r o m the Ch o i r o f the E n l i ghtenment

Overture, Idomeneo O smania! O furie! O disperata Elektra! from Idomeneo Beeth o ven Overture, Leonore No.3 Beeth o ven Abscheulicher, wo eislt du hin– Komm, Hoffnung, lass den letzten Stern from Fidelio We b e r Ocean! Thou mighty Monster from Oberon S c h u mann Symphony No.2 in C M a r i n A l s o p conductor E mma Be l l soprano Mozart Mozart

Mon day 3 J u n e 2 0 1 3 Royal Fe sti va l H a l l

Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: A Tribute to Lorraine Hunt Lieberson

Overture to Giulio Cesare L’angue offeso mai riposa from Giulio Cesare H an d e l Ah! Whither should we fly… As with rosy steps the morn from Theodora H an d e l Concerto Grosso in B minor Op.6 No.12 H an d e l Where shall I fly? from Hercules H an d e l Overture to Theodora H an d e l Lord, to Thee each night and day from Theodora H an d e l Dopo notte from Ariodante H an d e l Concerto Grosso in B flat Op. 3 No.2 H an d e l Svegliatevi nel core from Giulio Cesare W i l l i am Ch r i s t i e director H an d e l H an d e l

A d am F i s c he r conductor S o p h i e Bevan soprano A n d r e w K enne d y tenor A n d r e w F o s te r - W i l l i am s

Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: Curtain raisers and high drama

St é p han i e d ’ O u s t r a c


A nna Ste p han y mezzo-soprano Renata P o k u p i Ć mezzo-soprano

Piano Concerto No.9 in E flat, K271 H a y d n Symphony No.98 in B flat M o z a r t Piano Concerto No.24 in C minor, K491 A n d r Á s S c h i f f piano /director



Introducing the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment We know that when it comes to choosing a concert, there are a lot of other orchestras in London you could go to; and of course a lot of good reasons to just stay at home. So why choose the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment? Well, apart from our rather enticing name we reckon it comes down to three things: Originality, Freshness and Zest. So, Originality: the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (oae) play on original instruments (or copies of them) and in styles appropriate to the age of the music. So you get to hear what Mozart or Beethoven actually intended (or pretty close) rather than a modern version. Freshness: the oae isn’t a full time Orchestra. We’re not playing 365 days a year and we don’t play Beethoven’s fifth symphony every other month. This means that when we do, we’re really excited and fired up about it. We like to think that this comes across.

P r i n c i pa l A rti sts : Sir Mark Elder Iván F i s c he r Vladimir Jurowski S i r S i m o n Ratt l e E m e r itus Co n ductor s: F r an s B r ü ggen S i r R o ge r N o r r i ngt o n


orchestraoftheageofenlightenment theoae

N e w s i m p l e t i c ket p r i c e s th i s s ea s o n

plus free programmes at every event.

Lastly, Zest: this is the X factor. We actually love what we do. How often do you see an Orchestra smile on stage? We do. We’re passionate about our music and want you to be too. So there you have it. Originality, Freshness and Zest. The last two make us sound a bit like a gin and tonic. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing. See you at a concert soon!


Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers C eleb r ati ng wom e n i n musi c a n d o p e r a

There’s something about the female voice, and in particular the operatic voice. Whether it’s hitting you at full pelt or something more tender, it has the capacity to move, astound, thrill and raise those hairs on the back of your neck… Over the years, composers have stepped up to the mark and written some truly astounding music and roles (as the series title suggests) for female characters. This series celebrates not only the music and roles but also the singers – culminating in a tribute to Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, one of the greatest of all mezzo-sopranos, with whom the OAE worked closely, and whose music-making inspired this whole series. Throughout the series discover some of the greatest singers of today, together with some of the brightest emerging talent, and then put it all into context with our study day. Qu eens, H eroi n e s a n d L a dyk i l l e rs

30 September: Three eras of divas 8 November: French exchange 2 December: Study day 8 March: Curtain raisers & high drama 3 June: A tribute to Lorraine Hunt Lieberson


Q u e e ns, H e ro i n es a n d L a dyk i l l e rs: Stu dy Day

Sunday 2 December 2012 Purcell Room at Queen Elizabeth Hall, 10.30am & 2pm

Our study day this year gives you more background and insight into the Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers series. 10.30am Session

Our day starts off with a look at how women have been portrayed through literature and music, before moving on to focus on female operatic performers. We’ll explore why men sometimes took on female roles, and the rise of women as international stars and icons. 2pm Session

The afternoon session starts by looking at female characters in opera, comparing and contrasting different composers’ takes on these characters – with examples including Dido and Medea. We’ll conclude the day with a performance from an up and coming young artist, who’ll champion their own personal favourite Queen, Heroine or Ladykiller. T i c ket s

£12 per session £6 concession £4 full time students Book both parts of the day and save 15%

Concert 1: Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: Three eras of divas —

Anna Caterina Antonacci

Sunday 30 September 2012, Royal Festival Hall 7pm Star soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci joins us for this concert that opens both our 2012−2013 concert season and the Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers series. She sings three arias spanning three different musical eras, including an aria by Cherubini made famous by Maria Callas, and a touching yet powerful aria by Berlioz. Also in the programme is Gluck’s viscerally thrilling Dance of the Furies and Bizet’s fresh and uninhibited Symphony in C. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission.

An introduction to our 2012−2013 Southbank Centre concerts and the Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers series, with players from the OAE. TH E AFTER SH OW

Join artists after the concert for an informal discussion and Q+A.

H a y d n Symphony No.85 in B flat,

La Reine

Che r u b i n i Dei tuoi figli la madre

from Medée G l u c k Dance of the Furies and Dance

of the Blessed Spirits from Orfeo ed Euridice G l u c k O malheureuse Iphigénie from Iphigénie en Tauride Be r l i o z Je vais mourir, adieu, fière cité from Les Troyens B i z et Symphony in C — S i r R o ge r N o r r i ngt o n

conductor A nna Cate r i na A nt o na c c i

soprano Concert finishes at approximately 8.45pm, including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. — B o o k t w o E vent s an d s ave 1 5 % ( s ee p age 1 8 ) T i c ket s 0844 847 9922 o n l i ne southbankcentre.co.uk/oae m o r e In f o oae.co.uk Want t o take u s h o me ?

Visit our shop at oae.co.uk/shop to buy a CD or OAE souvenir. 5

Concert 2: A touch of brass — Thursday 25 October 2012 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 7pm Margaret Faultless, one of our four leaders, directs this all-Mozart programme. The concert starts with Mozart’s Linz Symphony, which despite being written in only a matter of days, is a graceful, thoughtful work with an unusually lively, skipping last movement. Mozart’s Posthorn Serenade is socalled as one movement features a valveless horn, the same type that was used in Mozart’s day to signal the arrival of the postal coach. The centrepiece of the evening is Mozart’s lyrical fourth Horn Concerto, featuring thrilling fanfares and brilliant dialogue between the solo instrument and orchestra. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. Getting Down to Brass Tacks - Andy Watts, Principal Bassoon,discusses posthorns, hunting horns, sackbutts, clarino, hand-stopping, beer, harmonics, bandstands, and possibly tonight’s concert, with players from the OAE brass section.

Margaret Faultless

M o z a r t Symphony No.36 in C, Linz M o z a r t Horn Concerto No.4 in E flat M o z a r t Serenade No.9 in D, Posthorn

— M a r ga r et Fa u l t l e s s director R o ge r M o ntg o me r y horn

Concert finishes at approximately 8.45pm, including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. — B o o k t w o E vent s an d s ave 1 5 % ( s ee p age 1 8 ) T i c ket s 0844 847 9922 o n l i ne southbankcentre.co.uk/oae m o r e In f o oae.co.uk F u l l t i me s t u d ent ?

Join our student scheme, Attitude, for reduced price tickets. Visit oae.co.uk/attitude


Concert 3: Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: French Exchange —

Sarah Connolly

Thursday 8 November 2012 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 7pm The Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers series continues with a programme that features the best of English and French Baroque and which demonstrates how French musical styles became fashionable in England too. The programme includes music from French masters Lully and Rameau, which we defy you not to nod your head or tap your foot to. Also included is the devastating lament from the Purcell’s mini operatic masterpiece, Dido and Aeneas. Fast rising star Jonathan Cohen conducts and the world-renowned mezzo-soprano (and regular OAE collaborator) Sarah Connolly is the soloist. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. Journalist and critic Edward Seckerson talks to Sarah Connolly. —

Dramatic scenes from P u r c e l l Dido & Aeneas
 Ramea u Hippolyte et Aricie
 Cha r p ent i e r Medée Orchestral music by DeLaLan d e Ramea u Purcell

— J o nathan C o hen director Sa r ah C o nn o l l y mezzo-soprano

Concert finishes at approximately 9pm, including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night.


Join artists after the concert for an informal discussion and Q+A.


Concert 4: A Saint, a Priest and a Great Bear — Thursday 22 November 2012 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 7pm

John Butt

This joyous, celebratory concert contains some of the best-loved Baroque choral music in the repertoire. Purcell’s bright and sparkling Ode for St Cecilia’s Day starts the evening off and is followed by Handel’s extraordinarily powerful anthem, Zadok the Priest. The concert ends with more music from Handel (apparently nicknamed ‘The Great Bear’ by Londoners) with his glorious piece for five vocal soloists and orchestra.

P u r c e l l Ode for St Cecilia’s Day

OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. Joyous Voices – start your evening with some uplifting sounds.

(Hail, Bright Cecilia) H an d e l Zadok the Priest H an d e l Dixit Dominus

— J o hn B u tt director S o l o i s t s f r o m the Ch o i r o f the E n l i ghtenment

Concert finishes at approximately 8.45pm, including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. — B o o k t w o E vent s an d s ave 1 5 % ( s ee p age 1 8 ) T i c ket s 0844 847 9922 o n l i ne southbankcentre.co.uk/oae m o r e In f o oae.co.uk N e w s j u nk i e ?

Our blog at oae.co.uk/blog is updated almost daily.


Concert 5: Messiah — Tuesday 11 December 2012 Royal Festival Hall, 7pm Today, we often take it for granted that musicians perform classical music from all ages – from Monteverdi right up to the present day, but that wasn’t always the case. In the past, music was much more disposable (dare we say it, a little like some of today’s pop music); things were performed, became briefly popular and then disappeared. However, London became one of the first places to look back at the history of music, when Handel’s glorious Messiah was revived in 1784, ensuring the work its legendary, iconic status. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. A short performance by young musicians from the Ann & Peter Law OAE Experience scheme.

Robert Howarth

H an d e l Messiah

— R o b e r t H o w a r th director J u l i a D o y l e soprano T i m M ea d counter-tenor J o hn M a r k A i n s l e y tenor M atthe w B r o o k bass Ch o i r o f the E n l i ghtenment

Concert finishes at approximately 9.20pm, including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night.


Concert 6: Creation — Wednesday 9 January 2013 Royal Festival Hall, 7pm Haydn’s oratorio The Creation is not only one of the composer’s most popular pieces, but is also one of the most vividly descriptive pieces of classical music there is. Each aspect of the story is brilliantly brought to life by Haydn’s expressive music – you can really hear the black emptiness before the First Day, the lion leaping, and experience the heat of the sun as it rises – and the added contrast and texture of period instruments only adds to the effect. A wonderful way to start the new year. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. A look at the vivid musical descriptions in The Creation with Richard Wigmore – is it ‘programme music’ before its time? — TH E AFTER SH OW

Join artists after the concert for an informal discussion and Q+A.

Adam Fischer

H a y d n The Creation

(sung in German) — A d am F i s c he r conductor Soloists include S o p h i e Bevan soprano A n d r e w K enne d y tenor A n d r e w F o s te r W i l l i am s

baritone S c h o l a Cant o r u m of Oxford

Concert finishes at approximately 9.10pm, including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. — B o o k t w o E vent s an d s ave 1 5 % ( s ee p age 1 8 ) T i c ket s 0844 847 9922 o n l i ne southbankcentre.co.uk/oae m o r e In f o oae.co.uk


Concert 7: By Jupiter, that’s the last of Mozart! — Tuesday 29 January 2013 Royal Festival Hall, 7pm

Sir Simon Rattle

Our Principal Artist Sir Simon Rattle joins us for the final concert of a major European tour to conduct Mozart’s last three symphonies. Although written in relatively quick succession, these three works offer great contrasts. Symphony No.39 is full of wide, flowing melodies, whilst Symphony No.40 plumbs emotional depths and is perhaps one of the most tragic pieces that Mozart penned. Conversely, his last Symphony, No.41 Jupiter, rounds the evening off in an explosion of sheer joy, energy and exuberance.

M o z a r t Symphony No.39 M o z a r t Symphony No.40 M o z a r t Symphony No.41, Jupiter

OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. A detailed look at Mozart’s last three symphonies with Professor Julian Rushton.

— S i r S i m o n Ratt l e conductor

Concert finishes at approximately 9pm including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. Sold out concert?

There are always day seats released at 12 noon.


Concerts 8 & 9: Four Seasons — Friday 8 February 2013 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 6.30pm & 8.30pm Vivaldi’s legendary Four Seasons are given a fresh twist in this major new collaboration between the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and renowned choreographer Henri Oguike, fusing period performance with contemporary choreography. A unique event, not to be missed.

V i va l d i The Four Seasons

Please note there is no OAE Extras pre-concert event tonight.

Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night.

— K at i De b r et z en i director/violin H en r i Og u i ke choreographer

Performances last 50 minutes with no interval.

Fav o u r i te s eat s ?

Make sure you secure them with priority booking – see page 20.


Concert 10: Mozart’s Eroica — Monday 25 February 2013 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 7pm Tonight’s concert sees a pair of Mozart’s greatest piano concertos being performed by one of the world’s most acclaimed pianists, András Schiff. The Ninth Piano Concerto was dubbed ‘Mozart’s Eroica’ by none other than Albert Einstein, and the work contains a sublime and tender middle movement contained by two feisty outer movements. Piano Concerto No.24 is perhaps better known and builds out of a spectacularly moody and muscular opening. The evening’s filling in the musical sandwich is one of Haydn’s typically fresh and zesty symphonies, though again dark menacing undertones can be heard underneath the bright melodies. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission.

New horizons - new ensembles. Join players from our partnership with the Mayor of London's Fund for Young Musicians.

András Schiff

M o z a r t Piano Concerto No.9

in E flat, K271 H a y d n Symphony No.98 in B flat M o z a r t Piano Concerto No.24

in C minor, K491 — A n d r á s S c h i f f piano/conductor

Concert finishes at approximately 8.50pm including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. — B o o k t w o E vent s an d s ave 1 5 % ( s ee p age 1 8 ) T i c ket s 0844 847 9922 o n l i ne southbankcentre.co.uk/oae m o r e In f o oae.co.uk Sold out concert?

Follow us on Twitter @theoae to find out when more seats go on sale.


Concert 11: Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: Curtain raisers and high drama

Marin Alsop

— Friday 8 March 2013 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 7pm Concerts don’t get much more dramatic than this. The evening begins with Mozart’s Idomeneo Overture which builds from a brooding start to a heady climax before subsiding to where it began. It’s the perfect curtain-raiser for a series of dramatic arias written for the female voice. Schumann’s Second Symphony is perhaps his leastknown, but it has been hailed as the composer’s most complete vision for the orchestra and contains some hugely powerful music – not least in the blazing final movement. This concert is part of the Royal Philharmonic Society’s 2013 Bicentenary Celebrations OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. As part of the Royal Philharmonic Society’s anniversary celebrations, we look at how Schumann’s Symphony No.2 came to be commissioned by them and also at the musical scene in London at the time.

M o z a r t Overture, Idomeneo M o z a r t O smania! O furie! O disperata

Elektra! from Idomeneo Beeth o ven Overture, Leonore No.3 Beeth o ven Abscheulicher, wo eislt du

hin – Komm, Hoffnung, lass den letzten Stern from Fidelio We b e r Ocean! Thou mighty Monster from Oberon S c h u man Symphony No.2 in C — M a r i n A l s o p conductor E mma Be l l soprano Concert finishes at approximately 8.50pm including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. — B o o k t w o E vent s an d s ave 1 5 % ( s ee p age 1 8 ) T i c ket s 0844 847 9922 o n l i ne southbankcentre.co.uk/oae m o r e In f o oae.co.uk B u r n i ng q u e s t i o n s ?

Put them to artists at our free Aftershow events.


Concert 12: Queens, Heroines and Ladykillers: A Tribute to Lorraine Hunt Lieberson

William Christie

— Monday 3 June 2013 Royal Festival Hall, 7pm Lorraine Hunt Lieberson was one of the foremost mezzo-sopranos of our time, and an artist the OAE worked with regularly, most notably at Glyndebourne and on CD. Tonight’s tribute to her sees three great vocalists take to the Royal Festival Hall stage to sing some of Handel’s most dramatic and emotionally intense arias, interspersed with some of his gutsy orchestra music, all directed by renowned baroque specialist William Christie. A very special way to end the OAE’s concert season. OAE Extras at 5.45pm. Free Admission. A look back at the life and career of Lorraine Hunt Lieberson.

H an d e l Overture to Giulio Cesare H an d e l L’angue offeso mai riposa from

Giulio Cesare H an d e l Ah! Whither should we fly…As

with rosy steps the morn from Theodora H an d e l Concerto Grosso in B minor

Op.6 No.12 H an d e l Where shall I fly?

from Hercules H an d e l Overture to Theodora H an d e l Lord, to Thee each night and

day from Theodora H an d e l Dopo notte from Ariodante H an d e l Concerto Grosso in B flat

Op.3 No.2 H an d e l Svegliatevi nel core

from Giulio Cesare — W i l l i am Ch r i s t i e director St é p han i e d ’ O u s t r a c , A nna Ste p han y , Renata P o k u p i Ć mezzo-sopranos

Concert finishes at approximately 8.50pm including interval. Download your free programme at oae.co.uk/programmes or collect a free copy on the night. Special Occasion?

Try a Premium Box Seat – great views, privacy, and a glass of wine! 15

OAE Extras Through our OAE Extras programme you can learn more about the music, instruments, composers and what we believe makes our performances unique. At most concerts there’s a FREE pre-concert talk or performance and, in addition, several concerts also feature an informal Aftershow event, featuring a relaxed discussion and Q+A with artists out in the bar after the concert. Our ever-popular study day is on 2 December, with the focus this year being on our Queens, Heroines & Ladykillers series. Our informal Insight Club series also returns (details below), which aims to give you an even closer look at the music and Orchestra in a convivial atmosphere. OAE Extras events offer a great opportunity to find out more about the music and Orchestra. Many of them don’t require any musical knowledge in order to enjoy them, so if you’re new to classical music then look out for this symbol:

Insight Club Our popular Insight Club series returns for another year of informal, enlightening and entertaining events. Each event lasts 2 hours (with a break) and gives you a chance to find out more about an aspect of our music in the company of musicians, scholars and broadcasters. — Sunday 13 January 2013, 2pm Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall Dan c i ng v i va l d i Dr Melissa Blanco Borelli, lecturer in Dance Studies at the University of Surrey, talks to choreographer Henri Oguike about his upcoming collaboration with us. — Saturday 6 April 2013, 2pm Level 5 Function Room at Royal Festival Hall T he m y s t i c a l m u s i c o f the M ag i c F l u te In this session, led by astrologer and OAE enthusiast Shelley von Strunckel, we examine a piece of OAE’s core operatic repertoire – Mozart’s Magic Flute – taking a particularly close look at its more mystical elements.


T i c ket s

£10 per session £5 concessions (limited availability) £4 full time students Book both events and save 20% Tickets include a tea/coffee and pastry. Book Now

0844 847 9922 southbankcentre.co.uk/oae (Transaction fee applies)

OAE Tots —

Sunday 4 November 2012 at 10am & 11.30am Sunday 17 March 2013 at 10am & 11.30am Saturday 13 April 2013 at 10am & 11.30am Our concerts for the very youngest of music lovers return to Southbank Centre following a totally sold-out first event last season. These lively and fun sessions are recommended for those aged 2-6 and their friends and families. Children aged less than 2 are welcome and do not need a ticket, providing they can sit on your lap! All events take place in the Purcell Room at Queen Elizabeth Hall and last 45 minutes.

T i c ket s

ÂŁ9 adults ÂŁ1 tots Book Now

0844 847 9922 southbankcentre.co.uk/oae (Transaction fee applies)


Booking & Information B y te l e p h o ne 0844 847 9922 (7 days a week 9am – 8pm) £2.75 transaction fee applies for phone, fax and postal bookings, £1.75 for online bookings. On l i ne

southbankcentre.co.uk /oae

Southbank Centre Ticket Office, London se1 8xx

By post to

By fa x

020 7921 0607

at Southbank Centre (no transaction fee)

In p e r s o n

Book tickets for children under 18 for just £2.50, anywhere in the hall. We particularly recommend The Works (page 20) concerts for those aged 11 and up. Ch i l d r en f o r £ 2 . 5 0 !

G r o u p B o o k i ng s We offer a generous 20% discount for groups of 10 or more, with flexible reservation and payment options, plus your group gets a mention in the programme! For further information or to make a group booking, please call the oae on 020 7239 9374 or email info@oae.co.uk. Group bookings are subject to availability.

50% off (limited availability – jobseekers allowance, income support, 16 and unders, appropriate cards will be checked on admission and discounts cannot be combined). Full time students should join our special Attitude scheme to get £4 tickets – visit oae.co.uk/attitude.


M u l t i - Save O f f e r s

Book 2-8 events and save 15% Book 9-11 events and save 20% Book 12-13 events and save 25%, plus receive an invitation to a special wine reception. Multi-Save offers not available on oae Tots. This year Premium Seats priced at £60 are available for all concerts in the Royal Festival Hall and at £50 for 8 November and 25 February concerts in the Queen Elizabeth Hall. These are the very best seats in the hall, with excellent views and acoustics. Please note that Multi-Save offers do not apply.

P r em i u m Seat s

P r em i u m B o x Seat s Make your night really special by booking Premium Box Seats. Priced at £60 and only available at Royal Festival Hall concerts, these seats offer you the exclusivity of a box, plus the ticket price includes an interval wine reception. Boxes seat 4 and seats are sold individually. Details of the reception will be left on your seat on the night. Multi-Save offers do not apply.

A wide range of eating, drinking and shopping options are available at Southbank Centre.

E at i ng an d D r i nk i ng

D i r e c t i o n s The Royal Festival Hall and Queen Elizabeth Hall are part of Southbank Centre, on the South bank of the River Thames.

Waterloo, (Northern, Jubilee, Bakerloo, Waterloo and City lines) and Embankment (District, Circle, Northern and Bakerloo lines).   Waterloo, Waterloo East and Charing Cross.

To be eligible for discounted tickets, patrons with a disability should join Southbank Centre’s free Access List. For a form or further information please call 0844 857 9910, email accesslist@southbankcentre.co.uk, or visit southbankcentre.co.uk/access.


Car Parking. Southbank Centre Car Parks – Belvedere Road and Hayward Gallery are both open 7am-1am. Programmes are available free for all audience members. Pick a copy up on the night or download a copy in advance from oae.co.uk/programmes.

F r ee p r o g r amme s

A number of seats will go on sale at 12 noon on the day of a concert, giving you the opportunity to purchase tickets for a performance, even if it has otherwise sold out: Royal Festival Hall concerts – 40 seats at £9; Queen Elizabeth Hall concerts – 20 seats at £9.

Da y Seat s

These seats are sold on a first come first served basis. 18

Text ‘OAE’ plus your email address to 81025 to join our mailing list.

ma i l i ng l i s t

Ticket Pricing & Seating Plans Royal Festival Hall Balcony

£60 £38

Rear Stalls £22 Front Stalls



Side Stalls Stage Area Choir Stalls

Queen Elizabeth Hall

£38 Rear Stalls

£22 £9

Platform Lift Front Stalls Platform Lift

Platform Lift

Stage Area

£50 premium seats available for selected dates in the Queen Elizabeth Hall.


Th e N i g ht Sh i ft

Attitu de

Our very popular late-night series continues. The hourlong concerts usually start at 10pm and are presented from the stage, and feature live music and DJs in the bar before and after. oae.co.uk/thenightshift

The OAE’s student scheme, Attitude, continues to be incredibly popular, with over 4,000 students now signed up to the mailing list.

Th e Wo r ks Our new series, The Works, continues into a second year. Each The Works event gives you a chance to be given a friendly and expert guided tour to one or two pieces of music, a bit like a museum audio guide. The 8pm start gives you a chance to have a relaxed dinner before, plus there’s jazz in the bar from 7pm and opportunities to meet musicians too. oae.co.uk/theworks Tu esday 6 Nov e m b e r 2 0 1 2 M o z a r t ’ s Symphony No.36, Linz, and Horn

Concerto No.4 Tu esday 26 M a rc h 2 0 1 3 P E R G OL E SI Stabat Mater

The scheme is free to join and gives students access to discounted tickets and special events, with the occasional free beer thrown in! We are also always looking for Attitude representatives to promote the scheme and the Orchestra across London’s universities and colleges. To find out more visit: oae.co.uk/attitude

Fr i en d s Get to know us better by becoming an OAE Friend! Your support will enable us to continue to promote a lively and varied programme of events and concerts over the season, and as a Friend we will enable you to become more closely involved in the life of the Orchestra with opportunities to meet OAE players and staff. Membership of the Friends starts at just £50 a year, or alternatively you can join the Priority Bookers mailing list for £15 per year. Simply call the OAE office on 020 7239 9382 or visit oae.co.uk/friends


F eatu r e d i n th is b ro c h u r e

Sponsors & Su p p o rte rs

A concert is nothing without an audience, so this year we decided to feature members of our audience alongside our musicians in this brochure. We were particularly on the look out for audience members with what we termed a ‘strong look’ so that we could celebrate the diversity of the audience for the OAE, proving that classical music really is enjoyed by all walks of life. Find out more about the photoshoot and everyone featured at oae.co.uk/blog


Front Cover: Susann, Rhys, Jay, Melissa and Pascha Inside Front Cover: David, Chi-chi Nwanoku MBE, (Double Bass) P2 Susann, Steven Devine (Keyboards) P5 Nimneh P6 Nimneh, Roger Montgomery (Horn) P7 Jennifer P8 Greg, Debbie Diamond (Violin) P9 Melissa, Cecelia Bruggemeyer (Double Bass) P10 Gurpal, Jonathan Rees (Cello) P11 Greg, Annette Isserlis (Viola) P12 Rhys, Catherine Ford (Violin) P13 Laura, Hannah, Sue Addison (Trombone) P15 Jay, Jan Schlapp (Viola) P17 Ella, Martin Kelly (Viola) Inside Back Cover: Scott, Henrietta Wayne (Violin) Rear Cover: Sofia, Ella and David

M aj o r s p o n s o r s

Ambrose Appelbe Solicitors American Express Services Europe Ltd Apax Partners Lubbock Fine Chartered Accountants Parabola Land Lazard CORPOR A T E P A T RO N S

Roger Neill Swan Turton Lindt Macfarlanes BUSI N E SS CLUB M E M B E RS

Green & Fortune Lubbock Fine Chartered Accountants Parabola Land I N DI V IDU A L BUSI N E SS CLUB M E M B E R s

Stephen & Angela Jordan Stephen Moss (The Guardian) For more information on supporting the OAE please contact Clare Norburn at clare.norburn@oae.co.uk or 020 7239 9382. oae.co.uk Registered Charity No.295329 Registered Company No.2040312 All information was correct when this brochure went to press. The oae reserves the right to make changes to the published programme where necessary. Brochure text: William Norris


Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

D e si g n & A rt Di r ection

K i ngs Pl ac e, 9 0 Yo r k Way Lon don, N1 9AG

M a j o r S p o nso r

— —

020 7239 9370 020 7239 9399 em ai l info@oae.co.uk webs ite oae.co.uk m ai li ng li st Text ‘OAE’ plus your email address to 81025 to join our mailing list — orchestraoftheageofenlightenment telephon e fax


harrisonandco.com Photo g r a p hy


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