Orchid Issue 4 2020

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ISSUE 4 / 2020


letter from the editor Gustav Klimt once said, ‘Art is a line around your thoughts’, and this year in Orchid, we have seen threads of stories being told through various posters, comics, caricatures, and paintings. This year’s Orchid is not only special because it shows that students have not let the ‘new normal’ limit their creativity, but also because we have received artworks from all batches in school, whether it be from art students and non-art students, or from seniors and juniors. Such active participation is what has propelled the magazine to reach greater heights with the display of such flabbergasting, thought provoking artworks and designs. Despite the lack of art supplies at homes, students have filled the void in lack of medium with digital experimentation. With the digital medium becoming the new ‘in’ today, we observe a sharp rise in visionary digital artworks in Orchid. I hope that these works of art inspire the inner artist within you! Remember art is not restricted to a canvas with paints! Happy Viewing!

Anushcka Joshi


contents 3 > Issue 4.1 . Founders ’ 2019 Special 13 > Issue 4.2 . Lockdown Special 23 > Issue 4.3 . Coronicons ’ Presentation 33 > Issue 4.4 . Unlock begins 43 > Issue 4.5 . Ar tists across Borders 57 > Issue 4.6 . Colour in Theor y 67 > Issue 4.7 . Srijanyam Special 73 > Issue 4.8 . International Bamboo Festival Special 83 > Issue 4.9 . Ar t & Produc t Showcase 89 > Issue 4.10 . Design Showcase

the crew

The creatives printed are the students’ ideation and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Assam Valley School . Designer-in-Chief: Anushcka Joshi . Art and Design Crew: Nilasha Bhimsaria, Adrija Das, Sourav Khodal, Tanisha Bhadra, Baristha Gogoi . Front Cover Artwork by Anushcka Joshi . Published by: The Headmaster, The Assam Valley School . Faculty Advisor: Priyanka Joshi . Website: www.assamvalleyschool.com . Email: orchid@assamvalleyschool.com


Produced by Craft, Design & Technology Centre, AVS

Is sue 4.1 . Founder s’ 2019 Special 3

Founders’ 2019 Art Exhibition The life size paintings based on the indigenous theme were the main attraction of the Art exhibition during Founders’ celebrations. The central installation depicted the flora and fauna of Assam. The mediums used in the artworks were in acrylic, water and oil colours.

Opposite page: Top L to R: Ananya Singh, Lydia Timungpi, Tamanna Ahmed, Anushcka Joshi 2nd Row L to R: Sushmita Modi, Lydia, Anushcka Joshi 3rd Row L to R: Saifi Raheek, Lydia, Shanmen Riddi, Ananya Singh Bottom L to R: Akinali Ayami, Bonolakshmi Brahma, Shanmen, Bonolakshmi Brahma 4


Founders’ 2019 Craft Design & Technology Exhibition The oudoor part of the CDT exhibition schowcased Chandava 24, a canopy symbolizing the myriad colours that AVS has filled in the lives of innumerous students for the past 24 years. The exhibition displayed the work done by the students in woodcarving, thread art, Shibori clamp resist dyeing, macrame, screen printing, decoupage, aircraft model making, cartooning and caricatures, bamboo craft, mandala art, game design and crochet.



THE 24 GUARDIANS The 24 guardians bamboo outdoor installation symbolized 24 years of safety and security provided by the school to its students; the guardians who have always protected and nurtured their students. Bamboo personified in varied expressions!


3D Aircraft Model Crafting Workshop

A 3D aircraft wood model making workshop was conducted by Mr. U.K. Majumdar, a wood model making specialist, in the CDT Center from 20th Sep to 9th Oct, 2019. Students were taught how to shape wood using various tools to create beautiful vintage aircraft models. The aircrafts made were the Sopwith Camel, the Fokker Triplane from World War I, the Supermarine Spitfire and the Mescherschmitt BF109 from World War II. There was also the Cessna Skyhawk, a commercial plane used today, in private companies.

Above: Supermarine Spitfire, Sopwith Camel, Cessna 172 Skyhawk 9



2 3

by Anushcka Joshi

by Adrija Das

by Anushcka Joshi


4 5

by Adrija Das


by Nilasha Bhimsaria

by Nilasha Bhimsaria





11 12

GUESS WHO Contest Rules: Find the correct match for the six caricatures on Pg 10 with the six caricatures on Pg 11, and guess the names of the characters on both the pages. The winner will have his/her caricature in the next issue of ORCHID. 11

COMIC STRIPS of the month by Adrija Das

Winner of

ANSWERS for 10 and 11

GUESS WHO ISSUE 3.6 Saptarishi Acharjee

1 Shibu Sharma

14 Ayushman Khurana 2 Pooja Jain 10 Sonam Kapoor 11 Subhash 3 Tushar Bhardwaj Chandra Bose 4 Sachindra Singh

13 Rahul Gandhi

5 Taufique Alam

15 Gabbar Singh

6 Priyanka Joshi

9 Taylor Swift


Caricature by Nilasha Bhimsaria

Is sue 4.2 . Lockdown Special



lockdown 3.0


Left column, top to bottom: Aditya Gargo, Class 7. Angelica Saikia,Class 10. Right column: Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Opposite page: Left column, top to bottom: Harshi Kashyap, Class 10. Pratiksha Das, Class 7. Harshi Kashyap, Class 10. Right Column, top to bottom: Akhinali Ayemi, Class 12. Sushmita Modi, Class 12. Priyasha Sarma, Class 8. 14


The Cartoonist’s storyboard during the coronic times

Top row, L to R: Adrija Das,Class 11 Middle row, L to R: Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Bottom row, L to R: Hriday Chokhani, Class 8. Adrija Das,Class 11.


Product Showcase avs designers at work for reduce , recycle , reuse during lockdown

1. Process: I glued the jute rope on neck and bottom of the bottle with the help of a glue-gun. With a roller stick I rolled the play dough flat on the table. Using a knife I cut the dough in the shapes of leaves and after that I made designs on the leaves. I, then, used the flower impression to make flowers from the dough. With small pieces of dough, I made stem of the flower and small round pollen for the flower. The stem, flower and leaves were stuck to the bottle. After that, the flower was painted red with a brush. The bottle was painted green with a brush. The finished product was left in the sun to dry. 2. Use: Besides being a decorative piece and a flower holder, the bottle can be used a candle holder, an incense stick holder and to store liquid like juice. 3. My brand name is “O”. The “O” is the first letter of my grandfather’s name. Inside the “O” are two smaller rings. In Naga culture, each ring represents one generation. The three mean I am the third generation. The symbol “O” stands for oneness and unity. “O” also is a sign of positivity. 4. Costing: The cost of the Organic Passion Fruit juice has been put at Rupees 177.20p. I think it is reasonable because organic products have health benefits. Also fruits like passion fruit are seasonal and highly valued. 5. Lessons learnt: I learned that with waste materials you can reuse and recycle to make beautiful and useful products if you are creative. COSTING OF CRAFT PRODUCT

Imchalong Longchari, Class 7 1. Materials: Empty wine bottle, rope, tissue rolls and colour to paint the tissue. 2. Tools: Scissors, chart paper, paint brush and fevicol. 3. Process: a) Take an empty bottle, apply glue or fevicol below the neck of the bottle till the bottom of the bottle. Take a sheet of tissue rolls and paste them on the bottle covering well. Keep aside and let the glue dry well. b) Take a brush paint and colour the tissue of your choice, here I have chosen black colour. Put aside and let it dry completely. c) Once the colour is dried, take a rope and start rolling them from top of the bottle neck till it reaches the glued tissue paper and cut off the remaining rope leaving about 1 or 2 inches of the rope below as a stem. d) Take a piece of tissue, roll them with hands into a ball. Dip your fingers into the water and wet the tissue balls to give them a nice round look. Keep aside and let dry for few minutes. Place the tissue balls with the help of fevicol on the bottle in the shape of grapes accordingly. e) Draw some grape leaf patterns on a coloured chart and cut out the leaves with scissors. Once it is cut nicely paste them over the stem or the extra rope we left on the bottle. f) Take a chart paper cut out some piece to label and price the product. 4. Use: The decorated bottle can be used as Incense stand, to store dry lentils and can also be used as a decorative piece. 5. Brand: I have given the product name as ‘Handcrafts’ since it is hand crafted and made the tag round and simple for all to understand the price. 6. Learning: With this exercise I learnt how to make waste product into a useful product. It also helped me understand how to label the prices of products.

Chenmai Chang, Class 7

c ra ft i n g

d e s i g n costing b ra n d i n g

Sl. No.

Particular of Cost


Rate Per Unit in INR

Size/Quantity Estimated Used Cost in INR


Used Bottle





Jute Rope


3 meters


Play Dough





NO Chemicals











Glue Gun









Paint Brush
















Packaging Cost






Making Cost





15% Overhead for maintenance of tools and machinery depreciation

15% of total material cost (Serial No 1)



Transportation/Vehicle/Petrol 5% of total material cost (Serial No 1)



Production Cost




Organic Passion Fruit Juice



Brand Value



Total Cost


Aatreyee Neog, Class 7

Anushka Somani, Class 8

Krishang Choudhary, Class 8

Prapti Borah, Class 7

Taveine Sha, Class 7

Dhruv Prithani, Class 7 17

Art Showcase

during lockdown by artist aviators

Anticlockwise from top right corner: Monsum Chutia, Class 6. Leyi Lego, Class 12. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Ananya Singh, Class 12. Dhwani Deorah, Class 9. Shreeya Elangbam, Class 9. Monsum Chutia, Class 6. Harshi Kashyap, Class 10. Kedimen Jamir, Class 10. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Opposite page: Anticlockwise from top left corner: Baristha Gogoi, Class 11. Imna Jamir, Class 12. Baristha Gogoi, Class 11. Zeenat Ullah, Class 12. Lydia Timungpi, Class 12. Anvita Dey, Class 9.




British Council International School Award (ISA) Project pre - corona creative collaboration

The ISA project collaboration involved students from classes 5 to 8 of The Assam Valley School and students of grade 5 & 6 of Bednarska Primary School, Warsaw, Poland. An exhibition was held in the school on 13th March 2020, showcasing how both the schools shared their work inspired from the Art & Crafts of North East India: Assam, and the day to day school activity in polish culture and lifestyle. The departments of Art, Craft Design & Technology (CDT), Geography & History at AVS put together the project work for AVS.


Visit us at www.assamvalleyschool.com . https://www.facebook.com/assamvalleyschool . https://www.instagram.com/assamvalley/ Design & layout by Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8


The Assam Valley School

Is sue 4.3 . Cor oni cons’ Pr es entation



during lockdown 3.0



Next page: Left column, top to bottom: Nilay Dhakal, Class 12. Karun Thapa, Class 11. Right column: Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi, Class 11 24

Top to bottom: Left column: Eloziini Senachena, Class 11. Baristha Gogoi, Class 11. Middle Column: Takhe Reela, Class 11. Zeenat Ullah, Class 12 . Ananya Singh, Class 12. Right Column: Abhinav Agarwal, Class 8. Kashyap Tiwari, Class 7. Saifi Raheek, Class 10. Harshi Kashyap, Class 10.


Top row, L to R: Leyi Lego, Class 12. Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8. Bottom row, L to R: Nihal Jajodia,Class 8. Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Next page: Top to bottom: Sourav Khodal, Class 11. Sampurnam Sarkar, Class 8. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi, Class 11 26

The Cartoonist’s storyboard C 2020 featuring


Clockwise L to R: Nihal Agarwal, Class 8. Mehal Todi, Class 8. Pratiti Barua, Class 8. Anya Sarkar, Class 7. Aita Thoudam, Class 8. Atulya Kashyap, Class 8. 27

Art Showcase

thoroughly washed in colour by artist aviators

Anticlockwise from top right corner: Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Dhawani Deorah, Class 9. Ikalu Ahozhe, Class 6. Hirumani Das, Class 8. Anvita Dey, Class 9. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi, Class 11 Next page: Clockwise from top left corner: Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Dechen Sangay, Class 11. Ikalu Ahozhe, Class 6. Archit Phukan, Class 6. 28


Guess Karo Na ! M ovie


2 30

releases in

C orona K aal



ARTWORKS BY Top to bottom: Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11, Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8 Previous page: Top to bottom: Adrija Das, Class 11, Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Coronicon by Hiya more, Class 8 See answers on next page 31

CRAFt Showcase coronic creativit y

Anticlockwise from top right : Sivdatta Thangiam, Class 6, GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS Rishita Choudhury, Class 7, Siddhant Singh, Class 6, Khushal Pg 30, Top to bottom: Sholay, 3 Idiots. Thounaogam, Class 6, Archit Phukan, Class 6, Purvi, Class Pg 31, Top to bottom: Damini, Jurassic Park 7, Siddhant Singh, Class 6, Krishiv Agarwal, Class 8, Bhuvi Tibrewala, Class 8, Krishna Agarwal, Class 8. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi, Class 11 32

Is sue 4.4 . Unlock begins 33

POSTER CORNER Top row, L to R: Saksham Benjamin, Class 7. Pratham Hawelia, Class 7. Anvita Dey, Class 9 Bottom row, L to R: Kriya Modi, Class 9. Dhritisha Narayan, Class 8, Harshita Das, Class 8





Top row, L to R: Dhwani Deorah, Class 9. Laringdi, Class 9. Bottom, L to R: Dhwani, Class 9. Kashvi Kejriwal, Class 9. Ahaan Sarawgil, Class 7. Top row, L to R: Aayat Hazarika, Class 8. Remeeya Ti Top row, L to R: Dhwani Deorah, Class 9. Aakansha Kumar, Class 8 35


Top row, L to R: Aayat Hazarika, Class 8. Remeeya Mithi, Class 8. Pratiti Barua, Class 8 Bottom row, L to R: Aakriti Chaliha, Class 8. Mehal Todi, Class 8, Shivangi Barua, Class 8


The Cartoonist’s storyboard featuring

C orosaurs 2020

Bottom row, L to R: Dhwani Patgiri, Class 8. Mehal Todi, Class 8, Neev Kejriwal, Class 7 37

Art Showcase

thoroughly washed in colour by artist aviators

Clockwise top L: Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Ayan Saikia, Class 6. Sushmita Modi, Class 12. Ananya Singh, Class 8. Ayan Saikia, Class 6. Takhe Reela Class 11. Harshi Kashyap, Class 10. Shyamal Dastidar, Class 6. Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. 38

Sculpture By Nilay Dhakal, Class 12

take off to corosphere


Guess Karo Na !

P olitical L eaders


C orona K aal @ A ndaaz A pna A pna

1 2


3 40



ARTWORKS BY Top to bottom: Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Previous page: Anticlockwise Top R: Saurav Khodal, Class 11. Baristha Gogoi, Class 11. Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Adrija Das, Class 11. Coronicon by Hiya more, Class 8


See answers on next page 41

Product Showcase coronic creativity

Anticlockwise from top R : Pratiti Barua, Class 8. Sampurnam Sarkar, Class 8. Dritisha Narayan, Class 7. Rihansh Jalan, Class 7. Hanggoulal Haokip, Class 7. Hitesh Rithia, Class 7. Harshita Das, Class 7. Hanggoulal Haokip, Class 7. Nihal Agarwal, Class 8. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi.


GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS Pg 40: Anticlockwise Top R: Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Boris Johnson. Narendra Modi. Pg 41: Shinzo Abe, Imran Khan.

Is sue 4.5 . Ar ti sts acr os s Bor der s 43


The Assam Valley School participated in the Round Square Collaborative Art Project called ‘Art and Artists across the Borders’ organised by Sai International School, Bhubaneshwar. Along with Team Avs, The Doon School, Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Sai International School and Mayo College Girls School were part of Group 1 for this project. In total, about 26 schools participated in this project work. Eight students from AVS participated in this project. It was an enriching and informative experience for the budding artists from our school, as they learnt about the various techniques and ideologies of the famous artists from around the world.




A chievements

Nilay Dhakal got the best Corona warrior certificate of appreciation for the National Online Art exhibition by Soul and Spirit Art society.

The Cartoonist’s storyboard C ovomics 2020

Left to Right: Baishali Saha, Class 8. Adrija Das, Class 11. 48

POSTER CORNER Left to Right: Sampurnam Sarkar, Class 8. Mahiya Khemani, Class 8 Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Next Page: Top to bottom: Left to Right: Aakansha Kumar, Class 8. Anikaith Joshi, Class 8. Shirin Jaiswal, Class 7. Norzin Lhamu , class 8.





Art Showcase

thoroughly washed in colour by artist aviators

Anticlockwise R to L: Manalisa Narzary, Class 10. Saifi Raheek, Class 10. Hardik Agarwal, Class 7. Krishalaj Hazarika, Class 8. 51

Clockwise L to R: Tanisha Surana, Class 10. Sourav Khodal, Class 11. Tanisha Surana, Class 10. Sudeepta Gogoi, Class 8. Next Page: Clockwise: Tanisha Surana, Class 10. Imchalong Longchari, Class 7. Aditya Gargo, Class 7. Sudeepta Gogoi, Class 8. Tanisha Surana, Class 10. 52


Guess Karo Na ! M ovie

releases in

C orona K aal

1 3


2 4



7 ARTWORKS BY Top to bottom, L to R: 5) Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. 6) Harshi Kashyap, Class 10. 7) Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. 8) Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Previous page: Top to bottom, L to R: 1) Manalisa Narzary, Class 10, 2) Adrija Das, Class 11, 3) Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. 4) Angelica Saikia, Class 10. See answers on next page



Product Showcase coronic creativity

Anticlockwise from top R : Purvi Kejriwal, Class 7. Baishali Saha, Class 8. Praveka Kasera, Class 8. Rajnish Sharma, Class 8. Anuran Pal, Class 8. Anikaith Joshi, Class 8. Priyasha Sarma, Class 8. Mohak Kejriwal, Class 8. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi.


GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS Pg 54: 1) Dwayn Johnson, 2) Tiger Shroff, 3) Tom Holland, 4) Daniel Radcliffe. Pg 55: 5) Aamir Khan, 6) Robert Downey Jr., 7) Karan Johar, 8) Rajinikanth.

Is sue 4.6 . Colour in Theor y 57




Top to bottom: : L to R: Sampurnam Sarkar, Class 8. Krishna Agarwal, Class 8. Shuhail Ahmed, Class 8. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Next Page: Top to bottom: L to R: Siddhi Gupta, 8. Yash Agarwal , class 8. Ahsash Agarwal, Class 7. Himanshu Goenka, Class 8. Ishika Das, Class 7. Hriday Chokhani, Ckass 8. Neil Kashyap, Class 8. Dhruv Prithani, Class 8.



Top to bottom: L to R: Rajjyoti Talukdar, Class 8. Tejash Jain, Class 8. Himanshu Goenka, Class 8. Kashyap Tiwari, Class7. Urvee Rathi, Class 7. Zaheen Shah, Class 7.


Art Showcase

thoroughly washed in colour by artist aviators

Anticlockwise R to L: Manalisa Narzary, Class 10. Saifi Raheek, Class 10. Hardik Agarwal, Class 7. Krishalaj Hazarika, Class 8. Top to bottom: L to R: Kuhu Bakliwal, Class 11. Archit Phukan, Class 6. Jivitesh Agarwala, Class 6. Shirin Jaiswal, Class 7. Nilasha Bhimsaria , class 11.


Top to bottom: L to R: Anushcka Joshi, Class

11. Thejose Epao, Class 9. Tanisha Surana, Class 10. Nilay Dhakal, Class 12. Nilasha Bhimsaria , class 11. Tanisha Surana, Class 10.


The Son of Man by Rene’ Magritte repainted in complementary colours

The Ninth Wave by Ivan Aivazovsky repainted in complementary colours

The Son of Man is a self - portrait by Belgian surrealist René Magritte that was painted in 1964. In this painting an inexplicable green apple hovers before the subjects face, blocking his features from view. The artist intends to convey that everything we see hides some other thing, yet we still want to see what is hidden by what we see. I chose this painting because this painting tells us that each person has hidden depths , while appearing perfectly ordinary on the outside , each one of us has secrets and problems that we don’t share going through our daily life. Analysis: Line- The original son of man utilized basic line structure. Rene Magritte used the element of line to create the man within the painting. Colour - Magritte uses a dominance of cool colours, such as grays and blues, creating a depressing scene. Emphasis- The contrast of red and green is apparent in the man’s tie and the apple, which make them the center of attention. The space in the background draws attention to the man and the apple. Asymmetrical balance- The painting appears almost symmetrical at first glance, but if we look closely we notice some slight differences between the two halves. by Manalisa Narzary, Class 10.

Painted in 1850. I chose the artwork ‘The Ninth Wave’ by Ivan Aivazovsky because of its ability to describe the situation like a beautiful piece of music with smooth strokes of oil paint on a canvas. The title of the painting refers to an old sailing expression that the ninth wave is the last, largest and most deadly wave in a series, at which point the cycle begins again. According to my analysis, this painting is in analogous colour scheme, in warm colours of the sun. The waves in the painting are dynamic due to the diagonal movement of the sea waves. The painting has two almost equal parts the calm yet expessive dawn sky, and the dangerous, howling sea. Geometric shapes has been used in this painting for the ship wreck and to figure out the clinging humans. by Saifi Raheek, Class 10. 63

Guess Karo Na ! never give up ! fight karo na till the end !

Stop googling Selena Gomez when you want to see my picture

No. 1 DJoker



3 4

2 A big boy needs a big Bat

I'm the knightmare for the RCB fans...

ARTWORKS BY Top to bottom, L to R: 1) Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. 2) Anushcka Joshi, Ckass 11. 3) & 4) Sourav Khodal, Class 11. Next Page: Top to bottom, L to R: 5) Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. 6) Manalisa Narzary, Class 10. 7) Baristha Gogoi, Class 11. 8) Sourav Khodal, Class 11. 9) Saifi Raheek, Class 10. 10) Adrija Das, Class 11.




There is no pressure when you are making a dream come true

9 7 8 Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard

I am the best footballer !

You know where I am gonna hit you with this bat?

10 The unlucky and cool captain kiwi See answers on next page 65

Design! identify karo na

Sliding Trolley bags

The sliding glass door opener is an innovative version of a door knob and is hands free. Due to the pandemic that is going on, countless lives are being lost to the coronavirus. Scientists have said that the virus can settle on stationary objects for a maximum of three hours. So the virus spreads to the person who touches these objects within that time. The virus can easily spread through a simple door knob because every person that has to pass through a door needs to come in contact with the door knob. Thus, a hands free door knob is a simple and innovative way to prevent being infected by a contaminated door knob in a hospital or in public spaces.

Compact and convertible table

The Convercycle is a bicycle which can convert and expand into a cargo bike to carry up to 60 kg weight. Its powered by using an electronic motor and a removable battery. It takes only 3 seconds to convert and can speed up to 15 mph. The Convercycle was released in August 2019 and the cycle has two different versions the standard and the electrical version, the standard version costs about USD1364 and the electrical version costs about USD 1990.

Top to bottom : Design Case Studies by: Rishita Choudhury, Class 8. Kedimen Jamir, Class 10. Aditya Gargo, Class 7. Nuhang Chamling, Class 8. Coronicon by Anushcka Joshi.


GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS Pg 64: 1) Serena Williams, 2) Novak Djokovic, 3) Andre Russel, 4) Chris Gayle. Pg 65: 5) Neymar Jr, 6) Stephen Curry, 7) Christiano Ronaldo, 8) Yuvraj Singh, 9) Kevin Durant, 10) Kane Williamson..


Is sue 4.7 . Sr ijanyam Special 67


SRIJANYAM 4.0 UNLOCKING CREATIVITY IN THE NEW NORMAL The Assam Valley School celebrated it’s Silver Jubilee with the 4th edition of ‘Srijanyam’ Art & Design Fest on a virtual platform, this year. The theme for the fest was ‘Unlocking Creativity in the New Normal’—visual expressions for the difficult decisions coming up as we plan to return to fulltime activity—a ‘new normal’ in the near future amidst the struggle to contain the current COVID-19 pandemic. To collaborate on unlocking creativity in the new normal, an era post the COVID onslaught on society, 41 schools participated in the fest this year sharing their expressions in myriad visual forms, for a new paradigm, a new way of life. Along with the host school, the participating schools were: • BCRM Public School,Vidyagram,Bahal • Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani • Chittagong Grammar School, Bangladesh • Daly College, Indore • The Doon School, Dehradun • The Emerald Heights International School, Indore • G. D. Birla Memorial School, Ranikhet • Genesis Global School, Noida • Indian School, Al Ghubra, Muscat • Indus Valley World School, Kolkata • Kerala Public School, Kadma • The Lawrence School, Lovedale • Legacy School, Bangalore • L K Singhania Education Centre, Gotan • Mayo College, Ajmer • Miles Bronson Residential School, Borjhar • Mayo College Girls’ School, Ajmer • MGD Girls’ School, Jaipur • Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata • Modern School, Barakhamba Road, Delhi • Pinegrove School, Dharampur • Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls’ Public School, Jodhpur


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sainik School Balachadi, Jamnagar The Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal The Scindia School, Gwalior South City International School, Kolkata Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior Sunbeam School, Ballia Sunbeam English School, Bhagwanpur Sunbeam School Lahartara, Varanasi Sunbeam Suncity, Varanasi Sunbeam School, Varuna Tashi Namgyal Academy, Gangtok The Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet The Mann School, Delhi Unison World School, Dehradun Vidya Devi Jindal School, Hissar Welham Boys’ School, Dehradun Welham Girls’ School, Dehradun Yadavindra Public School, Mohali

The participation categories in Srijanyam were: • Portrait • Poster Design • Digital Illustration • Cartoon or Caricature • Digital Imaging with Photoshop Sr. • Digital Imaging with Photoshop Jr. • Photography Sr. • Photography Jr.


POSTER DESIGN movie poster for a survival movie of action or comedy genre

1 st

escherism Anushcka Joshi, The Assam Valley School

1 st

Nilasha Bhimsaria, The Assam Valley School, Balipara This poster has been inspired by the movie ‘The Revenant’ which is a survival movie of action. The drawing in the poster portrays one of the most distinct scenes which brought a twist in this movie. I have used water colour as the medium and I have made it opaque in the form of applied art. I have added a self-made quotation and a title for the movie along with different names of the cast to add a little humor.


‘ wildlife 1 st


sightings ’— nature reclaiming the earth Anushcka Joshi, The Assam Valley School, Balipara


This illustration depicts me amidst my visualization of nature and wildlife I saw since the lockdown—the beautiful orchids and other fauna, the vibrant hues of the butterflies, the partridges hopping on wrought iron benches, the energetic elephant herds and the occasional rhino that came in close proximity to us humans. I am extremely blessed to stay in a sylvan countryside where nature blooms.

The metamorphosis of the Tessa-fly MC Escher experimented a lot with the concept of tessellation and I have tried to show Escher’s division of the plane by transforming the 2D tessellation that I created on the laptop monitor into a 3D butterfly, called ‘Tessafly’ in flight which hovers around the laptop and returns back in the 2D tessellation, thus moving from the plane of the nonliving to the living world and back. I took the butterfly as the main subject because I was inspired by Escher’s concept of metamorphosis of one shape turning into something completely different — into tessellation, then butterfly and back.

DIGITAL IMAGING JR surrealism Anikaith Anant Joshi, The Assam Valley School

1 st

coup in birdistan The image captures a surreal story in which the ‘traitor’ birds have been melted into coconuts and the ‘Gangster birds’ have hijacked the iPhone and overthrown the Magpie rule. Now they have set their eyes on something higher...... This image is a blend of 4 photographs shot by me. Made on Adobe Photoshop., I have edited several birds into the shapes of coconuts, added a hand holding a phone, a bird staring from the edge (nicknamed gangster bird), another bird sitting on the phone and many more blurred (in post) birds in the background.




1 st

Yashraj Agarwal, The Assam Valley School

Mahita Jindal, The Assam Valley School

3 rd




Anikaith Anant Joshi, The Assam Valley School


This image was taken in our lush green backyard during lockdown. It captures the free spirit of life as my sister flings a few weeds, the priceless expression on her face encapsulating the greatest gift nature has bestowed upon us.


Temenuga Hristova is a visual artist from Shumen, Bulgaria. She has worked in the fields of painting and printmaking and art education. She has participated in international exhibitions in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Armenia, Lithuania, Russia, Egypt, Morocco, China, USA, Canada, Australia, Argentina and Mexico. She is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists Graphic section and International Association of Art, UNESCO. She has been an active art educator, conducting art workshops and classes around the globe. She


has judged many regional, national and international art competitions for children. In 2020, she was granted with the Special award in the National Conference about Ecological education in Bulgaria. Shaunauk Sokey is an animator and illustrator, from Guwahati, Assam. He specialises in handdrawn character design animation. He is currently directing and producing a short film on the manelephant conflict in Assam. Apart from working as a freelance artist/designer, he worked as a content creator, writer and animator at Toonz Animation and

as a designer at Nest Design India, Green Hub and North East Network. As a storyteller, Shaunauk wants to share the plethora of rich indigenous culture and folk stories of various regions of India with the rest of the world in the form of animated films. Allen Shaw is a Berlin based Indian artist/illustrator and storyteller. His life revolves around travelling and collecting stories from different parts of the world in his sketchbooks, for him it has become a way of life. He graduated from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, with a specialization in Animation film making. He is also into “Creative Activism”, this he does through graphics and cartoons. Argha Sengupta is an Associate Professor of Animation Cinema, at the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata. During his career of 21 years, he has worked as the Creative Director with Maya Digital Studios and International TV programmes and Bollywood films of repute. He has worked on several international projects for clients like Nickelodeon UK, BBC, Visionscape Interactive USA, Disney and Tigarhare Studios USA and for Indian channels like Star, Zee, Sahara, Set Max, NEO sports, UTV, and Prime Channel. Rashmi Ravi Bhardwaj is from Jaipur and has an industry experience of 29 years in design. She now enjoys teaching and sharing her learning! Being an artist at heart, she takes painting classes as well for all age groups, at her studio and at NID, Ahmedabad. She believes in living life with power, freedom and full self expression. "One Act of Random Kindness" daily, makes her happy and going. Manisha Chawda is a Textile Designer and an artist based in San Fransisco, California. She has a deep interest in the handloom traditions of India, specifically IKATs. She runs a brand called 'Neeli Titlee' in collaboration with the Ikat weavers of Odisha. She likes painting, reading, meditating and gardening in her spare time. Anurag Rana is the CEO at Threye Interactive, an award winning computer gaming company. An alumni of Rashtriya Indian Military College and Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; Anurag was awarded the Gold Medal for most outstanding performance at IIT-Kpr. His gaming company focusses on creativity and quality as a hallmark in his output. His game 'Guardians of the Skies' was awarded the best game award by Microsoft in 2015. His studio has produced more than 10 games in recent years. Divya Bahukhandi is a designer and an artist based in Melbourne, Australia. She is a design consultant for leading lifestyle and fashion brands across the globe. She has presented her work and conducted workshops at international forums. Her watercolours and mixed media artworks are represented in multiple art galleries across Australia.

Shalini Singh is a designer specialising in brand strategy and communication design with 20 years of work experience around the world. She has founded two design firms and worked as a Design Director at Ray and Keshavan (Brand Union) and as a consultant brand designer far a US based company. A visiting faculty at National Institute of Design (NID), NIFT, Indian Institute of Art and Design, her recent projects have been on India specific to deliver glocal, socio-culturally pertinent communication design solutions to multinationals like Samsung, Whirlpool and Medela. Rachana Damani is professionally a graphic designer from Virginia, USA. She is also a prolific watercoloor artist and sketcher. She draws inspiration from the world around her, be it nature, architecture, still life, urban settings or people. She practises and teaches regularly from her studio based in Virginia, USA. She has also exhibited her work in many Art galleries. Jansher Aidan Bakhshi is a Product Designer and founder of 1xperience Studios. An alumnus of the National Institute of Design, Jansher started his career in Pforzheim Germany and has specialised in the design of watches and wearable technology. He has worked with Titan Watches and designed the 2050 Watch Concept for Tata’s 150th Year Anniversary Celebration. Anita Tripathi is a New York based Textile designer. She designs home furnishings for the American and European markets using software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and U4ia. She has worked with London Fog, Waterford and Marcus in NYC. Her interests include art, travel, architecture, cooking and gardening. Himangshu Lahkar is a Photographer and a Graphic Designer and an expert in 3D Lighting art. He is the Media Consultant to the Government of Assam and Hon. General Secretary of the Photography Club of Assam. He is a regular contributor to various stock photography sites like Shutterstock and Getty Images. He has worked as the lead photographer of more than 50 government and private sector projects. Ratnajit Chaudhury is a professional photograher. His work is exhibited in more than 50 countries through salon photography and other contests. He has judged many national and international photography contests. He has won awards like the WPAI Bronze in 2019 and WPAI Silver in 2020 from the Wildlife Photography Association of India. Vivek Raj Singh is a cinematographer and a photographer. He works for Riverlight Pictures, Mumbai. He is also associated with magazines like Art & Deal, Better Photography, Black & Gold (Bombay Gymkhana's monthly), Confluence (Birla Sun Life Asset Management’s quarterly inhouse magazine), Mid-Day and Mumbai Mirror Newspaper and Time Out Mumbai.


art showcase

See answers on last page


Top to bottom, L to R: Monsum Chutia, Class 6. Nihal Jajodia, Class 8. Aditya Agarwal, Class 8. Monsum Chutia, Class 6.


Is sue 4.8 . Inter national Bamboo Festival Special 73




To celebrate the 11th World Bamboo Day on 18th September 2020, the South Asia Bamboo Foundation (SABF), The Assam Valley School (AVS) and National Institute of Design (NID) collaborated to organize various college and school competitions for the International Bamboo Festival 2020 on a virtual platform, this year. The theme for this event was 'Bamboo for Sustainable Development'. The International Bamboo Festival School Contests were for schools and individual students across the globe, from Grades 6 to 12. Two online school competitions were being held as a part of this festival—International 'Comic Strip Contest' related to bamboo folktales and 'Photography Contest’ on the theme ‘culture of using bamboo in our homes and our lifestyle’ to promote bamboo awareness for sustainable development among school children. There were a total of 214 entries from India, Taiwan, Bhutan, UAE and South Korea.

Artwork by: Eloziini Senachena, Class 11. Next Page, Top to Bottom: Pratiti Barua, Class 8, Sampurnam Sarkar, Class 8, Ssara Jha, Class 9.


Achievements post lockdown


past borders

International Bamboo Festival- 18th September 2020 Karun Thapa got 1st position, Anushcka Joshi got 2nd position and Bonolakshmi Brahma and Nilasha Bhimsaria got 3rd position in Comic Strip Contest, Senior Category. Luqmaan Ahmed got 3rd position in Photography Contest, Senior Category. Anikaith Anant Joshi got 2nd position in Photography Contest, Junior Category.

1 st Karun Thapa, Class 11 75

2 nd Anushcka Joshi, Class 11

3 rd Bonolakshmi Brahma, Class 12 Comic Part 1


3 rd Bonolakshmi Brahma, Class 12 Comic Part 2

3 rd Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11

3 rd ‘THE MAKER & THE MATERIAL’ By Luqmaan Ahmed, Class 11

2 nd ‘ME, MYSELF & TEA GALORE’ By Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8


‘SPECTRUM 2020’ All India Art & Craft Competition- 13th September 2020 Hosted by Unison World School, Dehradun: Hrishiraj Sureka, Deep Kanoi, Dhrupad Kumar Chaudhary- Runners up in Lithographics 2.0 Nilasha Bhimsaria- Runners up in Drawing through the Window (Senior Category) Anikaith Anant Joshi- Runners up in Battle of Shutters

2 nd Hrishiraj Sureka, Deep Kanoi, Dhrupad Kumar Chaudhary, Class 12 lithographics 2.0

2 nd Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11 drawing through the window

2 nd

Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8 Battle of Shutters


Meraki Visual Arts Fest 2020- 3rd September 2020 Hosted by Welham Girls' School, Dehradun

1 st

around the world

Baristha Gogoi, Class 11 in Digital Art

"Maitree 2020" Cultural fest- 9th AUGUST 2020 Hosted by Modern High School for Girls, Kolkata

1 st


Hrishi Raj Sureka, Deep Kanoi and Dhrupad Kumar Choudhury, Class 12 in 'Zoomin' mood board on the theme House of Aphrodite, Percy Jackson

2 nd

peerless assam Anushcka Joshi, Class 11 in Digital Art

Guess Karo Na ! 1

i see , you see , we all see !


3 4

ARTWORKS BY Top to bottom, L to R: 1) Sourav Khodal, Class 11. 2) Baristha Gogoi, Ckass 11. 3) Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. 4) Harshi Kashyap, Class 10. 5) Manalisa Narzary, Class 10. Next Page: Top to bottom, L to R: 6) Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. 7) Adrija Das


See answers on page 14 81



Principles of Design identify karo na

Artwork by, L to R: Indrani Phukan, Class 12. Dechen Sangay Bhutia, Class 11. GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS Pg 81: 1) Donald Trump, 2) Xing Ping, 3) Jair Bolsonaro, 4) Donald Trump, 5) Xing Ping. Pg 82: 6) Vladimir Putin, 7) Narendra Modi.


balance or contrast

Is sue 4.9 . Ar t & Pr oduct Showcas e

cartoon CORNER


THE DESIGNERLY WAYS OF THE NEW COROSPHERE - PRESENT AND POST LIFE Artworks by, Top to Bottom, L to R: Adrija Das, Class 11. Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. Karun Thapa, Class 11. Adrija Das, Class 11. Anuran Paul, Class 8.


Milestone 2020- 8th october 2020: Organised by St. George's College Mussoorie. Anushcka Joshi of Class 11 & Anikaith Anant Joshi of Class 8 got 3rd position in Psychedelia, Graphic Designing. Hrishi Raj Sureka & Parthiv Gargo of Class 12, Bornam Bora, Anushka Barua, Aditi Thekedath, Gora Gunte & Shriyansh Sharma of Class 11 got 1st position in Reverso, Videography. Nilasha Bhimsaria of Class 11 got 3rd position in Canvasaza, Art.


Guess Karo Na ! world leaders



from the past and the present







L to R: 5 & 6 - Sourav Khodal, Class 11. Previous Page: Top to bottom, L to R: 1- Adrija Das, Class 11. 2 - Sourav Khodal, Class 11. 3 Tanisha Bhadra, Class 11. 4 - Nilay Dhakal, Class 12.


Art Showcase by artist aviators

Bottom L to R: Ahona Chowdhury, Class 7. Baristha Gogoi, Class 11


Product Showcase aviator creations

A working 'Charkha' prototype on the right, made by: Nihal Jajodia, Class 8

Products by, Top to Bottom: Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Sourav Khodal, Class 11. Gumin Bote Dai, Class 6.


GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS Pg 86: 1) Barack Obama, 2) Narendra Modi, 3) Jacinda Arden, 4) Malala Yousafzai. Pg 87: 5) Nelson Mandela, 6) Abraham Lincoln.

Is sue 4.10. Cr aft & Desi gn Showcas e


CORO express 2020

Artworks by, Top to Bottom, L to R: Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Dayanita Das, Class 6. 90

Art Showcase by artist aviators

Artworks by, Top to Bottom, L to R: Raseen Mohsina Shah, Class 11. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. Archit Phukan, Class 6. Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. 91

Guess Karo Na ! world leaders

2 1



Artwork by, Top to Bottom, L to R: Baristha Gogoi, Class 11. Anushcka Joshi, Class 11. Adrija Das, Class 11. Nilasha Bhimsaria, Class 11. GUESS KARO NA ANSWERS 1) Donald Trump, 2) Justin Trudeau, 3) Nitish Kumar, 4) Kamala Harris.



Craft & Design Showcase aviator creations

Artworks by, Top to Bottom, L to R: Kapil Dey, Class 5. Priyanka Narzary, Class 5. Adrika Dey, Class 5. Rithwik Tibrewal, Class 6. Ikalu Ahozhe, Class 6. Dayanita Das, Class 6. Adrika Dey, Class 5. Krishna Agarwal, Class 8. Mainow Goyary, Class 6. Dweepanneeta Nath, Class 5. 93

Principles of Design contrast



Visualization complete the drawing inside the square

Compositions by, Top to Bottom, L to R: PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: Pratiksha Choudhury, Class 9. Luqmaan Ahmed, Class 11. Saumya Agarwal, Class 9. Yashvi Modi, Class 8. Anoushka Singh, Class 8. Swadheen Banerjee, Class 7. Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8. Donensangla Chang, Class 8. Jiya Agarwal, Class 11, Julie Elangbam, Class 9. Krithartha Kaushik, Class 8. Lavanya Garodia, Class 8, Rajnish Sharma, Class 8. Richa Basaiwmoit, Class 9. Denchen Sangay, Class 11. Kashmira Sigchi, Class 11. Madhurjya Madhab, Class 7. Temjenkar Kichu, Class 7. Kasak Ladha, Class 7. Aayat Hazarika, Class 8. VISUALIZATION: Krithartha Kaushik, Class 8. Krithartha Kaushik, Class 8. Vini Khekiye Chophi, Class 7. Harshita Das, Class 7. Shambhavi Jindal, Class 7. Shambhavi Jindal, Class 7. Kashyap Tiwari, Class 7. Shambhavi Jindal, Class 7. Kashyap Tiwari, Class 7. ARTWORKS BY (Below): Luqmaan Ahmed, Class 11. Anvita Dey, Class 9.



Achievements Melange Art Festival organised by Mayo College Girl's School, Ajmer, in November 2020 Artworks by, Top to Bottom, L to R: Thejazer Linyu of Class 12 secured First Position in Digital Image Manipulation category, Sourav Khodal of Class 11 secured Second Position in Portrait, Anushcka Joshi of Class 11secured Second Position in Poster Making in retro style.


Achievement Sony World Photography Awards, Youth competition, November 2020

Theme: People Title: Lockdown Expression By Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8

My sister, when it rained all through the day... The expression on her face represents the burden of the Covid lockdown, traces of rain on the window signifying that nature is larger than all of us and the onus is on us humans to decide how we live on this planet. Anikaith's photo was shortlisted amongst the global top ten for the Sony World Youth Photography Awards.

Visual Arts INTER HOUSE COMPETITION RESULTS Inter-House Visual Arts Competiton was the first online Inter House at AVS concluding on 15th June 2020. The event briefing was done on 30th May 2020 and the entries were submitted by 15th June 2020. The work was of high quality and impressive, with a total of 76 entries from all brother-sister houses across 5 categories in Art and Design. The results are:

Kopili-Dhansiri- 2nd Jinari-Manas- 3rd Winners of Inter-house Art Junior Cup: SubansiriNamdang Jinari-Manas- 2nd Kopili-Dhansiri- 3rd

Winners of Inter-house Art Senior Cup: Kopili-Dhansiri Jinari-Manas- 2nd Winners of Inter-house Design Junior Cup : SubansiriSubansiri-Namdang- 3rd Namdang. Jinari-Manas- 2nd Winners of Design Senior Cup: Subansiri-Namdang Kopili-Dhansiri- 3rd 96


Art Competition senior school

Painting in Mixed media on the theme— Take less, give more 1 st

Zainab Khan, Class 11

2 nd

3 rd

Leyi Lego, Class 12

Shubhdeep Dasgupta, Class 11

It takes only love and care to get yourself a friend for life. A friend for whom it does not matter how rich you are or what your gender is. A friend who will not leave your side regardless of your condition. A friend who requires the minimum amount of love from you and in return can be much more than an animal or any other human in your life. This shows that ndthe greatest thing in life is not any material, rather it’s something which we cannot see or touch, we can only feel it - love.

Pen & Ink Drawing of AVS Infrastructure 1 st


Ananya Singh, Class 12

3 rd

Lydia Timungpi, Class 12

Lydia Timungpi, Class 12



Hrishi Raj Sureka yearbook cover

Design senior school


“A good School will produce a good student, a good student a good citizen and a good citizen will produce a good country.” - Founder of The Assam Valley School, Late Mr. B.M. Khaitan

Norzin Lhamu, Class 8

3 rd


Silver Jubilee

YEARBOOK 2019-20










Silver Jubilee YEARBOOK 2019-20


P.O. & TO. Balipara, Dist.Sonitpur, Asom-784 101, India. Telephone:: +91 9678074320, 21, 23, 24 & 25 www.assamvalleyschool.com


95 - 2020


Comic Strip junior school

1 st

Myinthy Manchey, Class 6

2 nd

Anikaith Anant Joshi, Class 8


1 st

Anushcka Joshi


3 rd

Aryaman Chaudhary & Anushcka Joshi


95 - 2020


Design for recycle



junior school

1 st

Anikaith Anant Joshi

Himanshu Goenka

2 nd

3 rd

Urvashi Bora


Lost Wax Metal Casting

by tapan barui , sculpture teacher , art department STEP 1: Making the portrait in Clay Modelling

STEP 4: Waxing layer by layer

STEP 7: Creating channels on the surface of the wax casting body outside

STEP 2: Transfer in Fiberglass

STEP 3: Piece Mould making

STEP 5: Creating channels on the surface of the wax casting body inside

STEP 6: Finishing the wax casting

STEP 8: Brick dust and plaster of paris

STEP 10: Preparation of Dewaxing STEP 9: Dewaxing and Metal casting

STEP 11: Metal pouring and Casting

STEP 12: Making a layer of Acid Patina


www.assamvalleyschool.com The Assam Valley School, Balipara-784101, Asom, India

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