Should Abortions Be Legal Essay

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Should Abortion Be Legal?

Abortion Should Be Legal if Justified


Is a fetus actually a "person" with full moral standing? Not that a fetus doesn't matter, but is a fetus a person with a right to life over an existing person with full moral standing? I do not believe that it is, but I do not believe it is morally permissible or should even be legal in all cases to receive an abortion. A fetus may not be a person with full moral standing, but it is a potential person with a potential right to life. An abortion is only morally permissible and should be legal if it is justified significantly by reasons such as the child has a severe defect that would cause illness and a short painful life, rape, or to save the mother's life. A fetus at any stage ofpregnancy does not have the significant moral right over a woman making the woman to carry the fetus to term if her reasoning is justified. It should be legal for a woman to receive an abortion at any stage of pregnancy only if justified. A woman is a person with full moral standing who's right over her body, including the right to defend one 's body, outweighs the right of a potential person's right to life.

Under What Circumstances Should Abortion Be Legal/Illegal? My argument is influenced and borrows from the work of Marry Anne Warren's "On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion", but differs as she argues that it morally permissible in all cases for a woman to have an abortion where I believe it is permissible only if significantly

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Should Abortions Be Legal?

Around the world about 26–53 million induced abortions occur every year (Ikeanyi). Through legal means in countries that allow abortions or through illegal means in countries where abortions are not allowed, women everywhere are finding ways to terminate their pregnancy. Although the question of whether abortions should be legal or not is a very complicated questions, there are clear and definite reasons as to why it should be legal. Women should have the choice to end theirpregnancy because sometimes the baby can be born with birth defects, because women would just find a way to have the abortion illegally, and because it is the choice of the women. First, with today's technology doctors are able to solve the problem of knowing if a child will be born with a birth defect or a fetal anomaly. However, even with the technology to tell if the child will be born with a defect, this still provides a problem for the family as they have to choose whether to keep or end the pregnancy. Although, "termination of pregnancy when abnormalities are present is unlike any other form of loss and it is a relatively rare event," it has nonetheless happened and has demanded families to make a difficult but necessary choice (Coleman) The choice to end a pregnancy is not an easy act and can have serious detrimental effects on the mother afterward. For example, when a mother is told "they are carrying a child with Down syndrome, 92% choose abortion," because they believe it is the best for the

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Should Abortion be legal? People don't like to touch this topic, because it reaches different levels. Some history about abortion; "prior to the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Roe v. Wade, and throughout a large portion of America's history, states have vastly encumbered women's right to an abortion". Abortion was Legal in 1973 Supreme Court Decision. The Court held that "the abortion decision in all its aspects is inherently, and primarily, a medical decision, and basic responsibility for it must rest with the physician. "While recognizing states' interests in regulating abortions, Roe pre–vented states from creating laws that barred abortions during the first two trimesters of pregnancy. For wide nation; does the world feel that the government has control and has secrets? The government wants to decrease the population, so of course the government agrees with preventing life." A U.S. study onworld population growth stated that no country has reduced its population without resorting to abortion." "The UNFPA has been implicated in China 's coercive abortion population control policies." " Developing countries have been provided with abortion services but not funds for basic health care." So does the world think the government cares about the people of United States? There are different views from our U.S Citizens starting off with people with religions. "Metaphysics is an area of philosophy that deals with questions having to do with the

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Should Abortion Be Legal Essay

In this world where abortion has been discussed to a high extent, it would seem that there would be a definite answer on the ethicality of abortion. It would also seem that through the increase of scientific research through the years, there would be a solution to the question: when does life begin? However this is not the case, especially when religion is brought into the picture. In the religion of Buddhism, it is "believe[d] that abortion at any time is a killing and unwholesome action because 'a being waiting to be born' transmits his or her own kammic energy to be born as a new person" (Maguire, 2003). In this sense, the energy would not be transmitted to the body that it was supposed to encompass, therefore the fetus is more content... rape)," it may be permitted (Islam and Abortion, 2009; Alamri, 2011). Throughout the course of my research, I have made an effort to explore the rules and values of these various religions to develop a strong sense of how these religions view the ethical topic of abortion. All religions believe that the "killing" of any human being is wrong (life is sacred) – but abortion is not necessarily considered killing if the fetus is not yet considered a human being. The inconsistency and confidences between religious views on abortion is what keeps the debate alive. It is time that we understand all religions view human life as sacred and that the abortion debate exists only in one valid and important area: when life begins. Future discussions about abortion must include this information for the debate to be ethical. The Buddhist religion believes abortion is wrong because it is considered murder and goes against their beliefs by preventing a rebirth. The religion emphasizes one to "achieve a state of consciousness known as enlightenment" in which one goes through many lives, rather rebirths, to achieve this (Timothy & Olsen, 2005). Buddhism is based on collective concerns as for their beliefs

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Be Legal?
Should Abortion

Should abortions be legal? Abortions have been a big issue since the Roe v Wade case. There have been a lot of disagreements between the Pro–life supporters and the pro–choice supporters. Pro–life supporters feel like abortions deter murder, while pro–choice supporters believe that the women should be able to make their own decisions. I am a part of the pro–life supporters because I feel like abortions are wrong for several of reasons. Why should women get an abortion if there are other choices for them to choose from?

There are a lot of other options for women to consider other than having an abortion. The National Center for health statistics at the centers for disease control and prevention stated, "The percentage of infants given up in the United States declined from 9 percent of those born before 1973 to 1 percent of those born between 1996 and 2002" ( Wendy Koch stated, "As a result of the lack of women putting their children up for adoption, the number of US infants have dropped tremendously from 90,000 in 1971 to 18,000 in 2007" ( Woman should just give up their child for adoption if they do not want to keep it. There is no reason for women to kill an innocent human being if they could just give their baby to someone who cannot have children. I feel like adoptions would be the better option, because abortions deter murder. Abortions deter murder. John Dougherty said, "Abortion is murder because life begins at conception." He also said that

Abortions Be Legal?
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Introduction Abortion is a debatable question that has been argued over a long period of time. The controversy of abortion has caused or may cause deaths and several violent conflicts between, should abortion be legal or illegal. Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed worldwide also known as elective termination of pregnancy (History,2016). Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother's womb. This procedure can be done almost anyone from the mother herself to back alley, most common, abortion clinics. More than 40% of all women will end a pregnancy by abortion and remains common in the US. But the questions is should abortion be legal or illegal? History Abortion is a preparation for the termination of a pregnancy, which known since ancient times. There have been various methods used to perform an abortion of pregnancy, including the administration of abortifacient herbs, the use of sharpened implements, the application of abdominal pressure, and other techniques. Abortion was meant to control traditional child–bearing role. Previously, the United States, followed the common law of England permitted abortions before the fetus "quickened."(Lowen,2016) Quickening is a term used to describe the mother 's first sensation of the fetus moving in her uterus. Different cultures, women were helping each other to abort a pregnancy. Within the prehistoric days, until the late 1800s, women therapists in

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Should Abortion Be Legal Or Illegal? Essay

Should Abortion Be Legal?

2 November 2015

Should Abortion be Legal

Among all the issues that have been fought for or against in the United States, abortion may be one of the most popular issues that Americans are passionate about. Abortion is defined as the removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Thousands of abortions take place every single day, and yet public opinion remains at a standstill as to whether or notabortion is ethical. Everyone holds different opinions on abortion. The proponents believe that it is the women's private right to determine the future of the baby in her body. On the other hand, the opponents think a woman does not have the right to decide whether the person that she gives birth should live or die. They believe that life begins at conception. In fact, a person's stance on the issue is often determined by how he views the fetus: a part of the mother's body or as a human being. I am an opponent, and I believe abortion is murder. Also, abortion should not be legal because it harms women's health, affects intimate relationship, and women do not have the right to decide the baby's right to live or die. A 2003 article, which gathers several experts' studies in the Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, shows that induced abortion also increases the risk of Placenta Previa by 50 percent and doubles the risk of pre–term birth in later pregnancies. Placenta Previa means when the placenta Get

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Discussing abortion can be an extremely controversial topic, which brings out strong opinions on whether or not it should be illegal. "The U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973" (emedicinehealth). Abortion is a widely discussed topic throughout the American society, some people find it to be a good thing, and others find it to be a bad thing, and lastly some people find there to be pros and cons of abortion.

As Americans, we have the choice of who to marry and where to live, so we should have the option of whether or not we want an abortion. The Court deemed abortion a fundamental right under the United States Constitution, thereby subjecting all laws attempting to restrict it to the standard of strict scrutiny.(RoevWade) As you can see in the Roe v Wade court case, the justices found that having an abortion is a constitutional right. Pro–choice abortion allows women to choose how to abort an unwanted child. Regardless of the moral and religious implications, every woman should investigate how each procedure is done, what side effects are normal or abnormal, and what complications may arise due to having an abortion. One of the many ways you can start the process of abortion is to take the morning after pill, which prevents that the pregnancy from continuing. Or there is the option to have a Dilation and extraction, which then a surgery takes place. Having the right of Pro–choice, therefore, gives abortion the act of terminating a human

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Should Abortion Be Legal?

Abortion is an issue that is increasingly becoming more widely accepted, approved and even encouraged. This is an issue that must be addressed by the Christian church in America and across the global. Not only does abortion kill millions of unborn children each year, it also speaks to the heart problems of selfishness, conceit, and hopelessness that characterize so many people in the church, country and world. This is a problem that cannot be ignored. It is wrong on many levels and it is the duty of Christians to stand up and speak up for those who have no voice and mothers who feel that they have no hope. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website, 699,202 legal abortions were reported in 2012, the most recent statistics available on the site. That means that for every 1,000 babies born alive, 210 babies were aborted. Women in their twenties accounted for most abortions performed in 2012, most likely due to the fact that they felt too young or unprepared to raise a child. Perhaps the most depressing statistics to read on abortions are the reasons that they occur. A survey conducted of 1,209 abortion patients in 2004 reveals that nearly 73% of women who have abortions said that having a child would interfere with their education, career, or plans. 48% said that they did want to raise a child as a single mother or that they were having relationship issues. Others cited reasons such as not having proper finances to raise a child or that they were not

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Should Abortion Be Legal? Essay

When one hears the word 'abortion' a lot of emotions and mixed feelings come to mind. Abortion has been and always will be a topic of heated debate. Whether one is 'pro–choice' or 'pro–life' can depend on many different factors. One's upbringing and religious views play a major role when it comes to supporting abortion or not. There are many reasons that a woman could be getting an abortion therefore people should not be quick to judge. If a woman feels like her life or the child's life will not be suitable for survival, then she should be respected for her decision. A woman is responsible for her own body and the actions that occur to her own body. Therefore, abortion should be solely a woman's choice. A person can chose to get more content...

I believe that all the reasons above are just reasons one would get an abortion. If one cannot afford a child and does not have enough time to give the child enough love and attention, a child should not be brought into that type of environment in the first place. These reasons should be taken into consideration when one is judging another about their decision to get an abortion. Another argument that is brought up a lot is that if a woman makes the decision to participate in sexual intercourse then she should pay the consequences that could possibly arise from it. Sex is a completely normal act of nature that no one should be punished by. Although there are many precautions one can take to avoid problems such as an unexpected pregnancy, accidents happen and no one is ever one hundred percent protected. Abortion is a last resort for those not prepared or suitable to raise a child. Certain people may argue that everyone has a 'right to life' but when it comes to determining what is considered a human it is difficult because there are many factors to ponder. The right to life concept is one I strongly agree with, however I do not believe that a newly conceived fetus is considered a human.

"Thus it is clear that that even though a seven– or eight month fetus has features which make it apt to arouse... Nevertheless it seems safe to say that is not fully conscious, in the way that an infant of a few months is, and that it can not reason, or communicate... does not engage in

Should Abortion Be Legal?
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Should abortions be legal? Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to abortions. According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, an abortion is, "the termination of a pregnancy after followed by a death of the embryo or fetus as an expulsion of a human fetus during the first twelve weeks of gestation–miscarriage. Abortions are a topic which most people will not agree upon. A lot of people do not believe in abortions, while other people support them. Some people say that abortion is murder, and some people say that they are a fundamental right. There are a lot of reasons why people do not believe in abortions, or reasons why they support them. Pro– supporters might say that an abortion is murder. Randy Hultgren, a US house representative, stated in an article that 55 million unborn kids have lost their lives. He said that if people believe in abortions then they might as well think that they are disposable (Hultgren Randy). People might come to a conclusion that this is murder because a lot of innocent human beings are being killed. Pro–life supporters believe that an unborn child should have the rights as their mother, while pro–choice supporters feel that women should be able to do what they want with their body. Pro–life supporters believe that abortions cause serious health problems. A 2008 peer reviewed study published in the Scandinavian Journal found that many women who have had an abortion are very depressed. 154 percent of females are more likely to engage in

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Abortions Be Legal?

"No one has the right to choose what is wrong". When Abraham Lincoln said this, he was making a strong point towards people making decision for themselves and not others. It's a strange truth that no matter how persuaded we might be of our own perfection; the understanding that others disagree with us causes a failure to argue the case convincingly. If a woman is pregnant, she is allowed to do what she wants to do with her body. No family member, friend, or doctor will provide for her baby because it's not his or hers. It is the mother decision to decide if she is ready and competent to raise a child. Abortion should be legal due to the fact, it reduces crimes, acknowledges women to have a right, and it more content...

The second reason why abortion should be legal is the significance that abortion is a private matter and, without doubt, a matter of choice of every single woman in the United States. If we violate the right to chose which is the 14th Amendment, then why do we call the civilization we are living in, a free constitutional society? The Ninth Amendment states that the "enumeration of certain rights shall not be constructed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people" (Linder 2004). This right authorize the right to women, if they come to an agreement, to obtain an abortion, until the of the first trimester. Abortions only deals with one's individual subjective life and is not supposed to have anything to do with the governmental authorization. Many people struggle to force their opinions on others and critic them for their actions. Not matter what anyone suspect or assumes, the laws enunciate for themselves. It is a woman's authority to privacy to control her own body of producing a baby. Another reason why abortion should be legal is because the parent(s) may live in poverty and/or unable take care of the child. Mothers having too many children mainly promote much of the poverty found throughout the world. In the article Abortion in the Lives of Women Struggling Financially presents statistics of the abortion rate among women living below the federal poverty amount. "Over the last few decades, Get more content

Be Legal?
Should Abortion

Should Abortion be Legal?

Introduction One of the most sustained debates over time has been whether to legalize or not to legalize abortion. While some individuals remain hostile towards any move to legalize abortion, others citing a wide range of reasons strongly support the legalization of the same. In my opinion, abortion remains inherently wrong and there can never exist any justification whatsoever to warrant its legalization. Why Abortion should not be Legal To begin with, whichever way one looks at it, abortion essentially concerns itself with the premature termination of the life of a living being. In fact, there are those who equate abortion to murder. According to Naden (2007), pro–life arguments postulate that "a human being begins at the moment of conception." If life does indeed start at conception, the author is of the opinion that apart from being considered immoral, abortion should also be regarded as murder as it results in the termination of human life. It is important to note that based on the evidence presented by a wide range of biological and scientific writings, the formation of a human being takes place at the time of conception. Indeed, the baby can be considered a living being right from the time of conception all the way to the time of birth and beyond. With that in mind, terminating the life of any unborn child after conception amounts to murder. In such a case, abortion should remain illegal, just like murder is. Secondly, legalizing abortion would amount to

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A topic that is still under much debate is whether or not women should have the right to an abortion. This is a constitutional right that all women must have in order for everyone to have true equal rights. The two sides of this debate argue whether or not the fetus is "alive," whether abortion is ever necessary, and whether or not the procedure has negative consequences. While the "pro–life" side focuses mostly on the interpretation of the definition of life, "pro–choice" advocates stress the importance of women's rights. A woman should always have control over her body without having to give a reason. To understand the pro–choice perspective, one must first know that abortion is never promoted by pro–choice supporters, and should always be a last resort. Other contraceptive measures should be taken to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. Abstinence, or not having sex altogether, although the least plausible, is the most effective. There are severalbirth control options such as the birth control pill, condoms, injections, and IUDs, but there are flaws in these methods; a woman can still get pregnant while using some form of birth control. According to the American Pregnancy Association, failure rates among various birth control methods range from zero to twenty percent. Sex education is another way to prevent unprotected sex. Knowing about the ways to keep an unplanned pregnancy from happening is ideal, but not everyone is properly educated on such matters. Currently, only

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Be Legal?
Should Abortion

Almost half the pregnancies every year are unintentional, and about four in every ten pregnancies are ended by abortion. A lot of people can find pros to having abortions, while the same amount of people can find cons. Many researchers have investigated problems with having abortions. Due to all the laws that are currently being put in place everywhere, abortions are expected to decline, but some people still do not understand the dangers to them. Abortion should be considered illegal in the United States due to the understanding that technically it is murder; therefore, laws such as Roe vs Wade should be repealed indefinitely.

One of the most unseen reasons to why abortion should be illegal is that abortion is murder. The definition of murder is unlawfully killing of a human being. If people do not see abortion as killing an innocent child, then they do not know the stages of pregnancy. The text states, "The unborn baby's heart starts beating at 20 days and the brain gives off brainwaves at 40 days" (Mull 5). Most pregnancies do not get realized before twenty days, meaning if the abortion is anywhere after twenty days, that should be a bell in someone's head that they are taking the life of unborn, heart beating child. Even before twenty days, life has already started. The text states, "At two weeks pregnancy, the "fetus" can move alone. By four weeks the child has limbs, muscle tissue, a heart and heartbeat. Ears, eyes, and small hands are visible by the fifth week.

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Be Legal? Essay
Should Abortion

Even though many people have negative opinions on abortions, legal abortion is a necessity women should have access to because women who do not have access to an abortion can experience more stress than if she was able to have one and many women need to have abortions for unwanted pregnancies or due to concern for the mother's and/or baby 's health. In 1972, the Roe v. Wade supreme court case legalizeabortion nationwide, but since then states have passed laws to restrict the availability of abortions. In some states they now require counseling and waiting periods before you can receive an abortion. Legal abortion is a safe procedure and has less risk of complications. Many clinics, including planned parenthood, are opened around more content...

Without the insurance to help cover the price, which can be up to 1500 dollars, it makes it hard for these women to get them. These laws are made to make abortions safer for women, but most are making it harder to obtain an abortion and make the women wait longer for the procedure.

A few state require women to have conseling about the negative mental effects abortions can have on women even though "research consistently shows that abortion is a safe medical procedure and that the overwhelming majority of women who get abortions feel it was the right decision for them and do not experience negative psychological reactions after the fact"(Abortion). Studies have shown women who do not have access to an abortion because of laws and restrictions that may exist in their state can experience more stress than if they could have one. The extra stress could be from trying to recessive the procedure, the pressure of society's judgement, or because of the reason they want to receive the abortion. Most women choose to have an abortion because the pregnancy interferes with work or school, they do not have the money for a baby, or because they do not want to be a single parent. Women, especially women with these reasons, who are denied an abortion experience more anxiety, lower self–esteem, and less life satisfaction. There is no studies that prove there are negative mental and emotional side effect from getting an

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Should Abortion Be Legal?

Abortion Should Be Legal

Should Abortion Be Legal In The U.S....

The topic of abortion is quite a controversial one, many people are both for and against the motion: "Should abortion be legal in the U.S.?". The main arguments for this topic are "You are taking a child's life when aborting." but others may say "Women deserve the right to their own health decisions." Many people are also in the grey spot with this topic, many believe under certain circumstances such as medical complications, that abortion should be legal.According to Truthout abortion has existed for nearly four thousand years (About 1983 bc), Instructions for an abortion even appear in the Bible. In Numbers 5:11–31, God is said to tell Moses about "The Test for an Unfaithful Wife", a drink given to a woman accused by her husband of unfaithfulness. Any unfaithful woman would miscarry the unborn fetus and any faithful woman would be left unharmed. In the 1600s enslaved women would take measures to abort fetuses. This happened in a time when women were commonly raped by slave owners. Colonial women often conducted the abortions, using the savin from the juniper bush, pennyroyal, tansy, ergot, and seneca snakeroot to terminate pregnancies. In the US women have been terminating pregnancies since colonists first arrived here. Abortion was first outlawed in connecticut in 1821, the first state to outlaw abortion. By 1910 every state, kentucky included had outlawed abortion. By the late 1920s, about 15,000 women a year died from

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Abortion is one of the most controversial topics of all times. It has caused countless deaths and several violent confrontations between the two separate parties of opinion. The fight between pro–life and pro–choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because, despite what several people may believe, abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is the matter of a personal opinion, where, each side can say with certainty that the other one is wrong.

The question remains, should abortion be legal? Though some may disagree on this point, the fact is that legalized abortion is the only way to protect the lives of women around the world. If you look into American history to see the results of prohibiting abortions to women, you will see that no abortion means more women dead. The violence, which occurs today because of the pro–choice/pro–life conflicts is minimal in comparison to the thousands of hopeless women who turned to illegal abortions either self–inflicted or preformed by the backroom "professionals" which resulted in infection, massive blood loss, and death. It is now since the abortion is legal better for women, because they have a place to go to where abortions can be performed in a clean environment and with minimum risks. The legalization of abortion is the only choice, no matter what side one takes in the debate. Women will try to do what they think is necessary to live as they wish, no matter what the risks are. In order to live as she chooses a

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Be Legal? Essay
Should Abortion

Through every choice in life, there is a decision that must follow. Abortion is a woman's individual choice; therefore, must be a legal part in todays society. Individual rights have an outstanding role in the controversial topic, on whether abortion should become legal in the United States . The individual rights for abortion show rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As well, women should be able to have the choice to choose to have an abortion for several important reasons. The right to make these decisions should lie in the hands of the "mother" to make decisions concerning their own to make decisions concerning their own bodies. In addition, women should be given the choice to have an abortion if they are too more content...

Bringing unwanted children into this world, with the means of improper care and love is restraining the pursuit of happiness in these children.

If us as humans don't have the ability to give a child a healthy life; then the point to bring them into this world is not useful and causes lots more problems that should have never erupted in the first place. Should an individual have the obligation to go through a nine month pregnancy, or go through childbirth, or the mental stress of raising or giving away the child? The individual rights a women has are not only for herself, but the child relying on her to live. One of the woman's most basic freedoms is the right to control her own body and to determine if she bears a child. Only she can determine whether she is emotional, physical, and economic ready at any given time to have and raise a child.(Chicago Women's Liberation Union) While the common good for abortion is in a recent study, US Supreme Court found that women have better mental health when they have abortion as an option. It also means children are born and raised by parents who wants them and that young teens have a chance to educate themselves and become parents when they are ready. People often think an abortion is a terrible thing, a choice for those irresponsible teenagers that get pregnant while lots of more stressful arguments go into abortion. Thinking of such a

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Should Be Legal Essay

I grew up in a Christian family, so my opinion on abortion is very based on the Bible, which I entirely believe to be the ultimate source for knowledge and insight. I believe that abortion is murder, and that under no circumstances should it be legal, permissible or justified. Abortion is a topic that is affecting society strongly at the time, as it has been for decades. Many people believe that abortion should be legal if the mother chooses to have one, or that it should only be legal in the case of incest or rape. Other people believe that it is never acceptable and should be banned everywhere in the world. I believe it is always wrong and murder, and should never be allowed. The pain it causes the mother and the fetus and the fact that it is morally and Biblically wrong cause me to be pro–life. Roe. v. Wade if what comes first to my mind when I think of the boom of abortion. Although illegal abortions were performed for hundreds of years, they were exponentially more frowned upon than they are today. It was considered as a serious crime in many cultures, and doctors abided by the Hippocratic Oath, which states: "I will not give a woman a pessary to produce an abortion." Plato is known, however, for believing that abortions were acceptable and better than birthing a baby to be left for dead. People realized that at the time of conception, when the ovum is fertilized, life begins. This caused abortion to be illegal and frowned upon, even though they

Should Abortion Be Legal?
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