October 2012
Volume 1 Superfood: Eat More Avocados Guacamole lovers, rejoice! It turns out that not only is avocado super delicious, but you can enjoy your avocado without the guilt thanks to its mix of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
“I have been to Cara Cara several times and have never been disappointed. Drinks are generous; the Sangria is delicious!”
Open Table Diner 9/3/2012
It’s time to book your Holiday Party Call us to discuss your needs
Vote for Caracara for Best Mexican Restaurant on Long Island On bestof.longisland press.com
354 Main Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-777-CARA (2272) Ph 516-777-8199 Fax www.caracaramex.com
Catering for all occasions
In August Caracara Mexican Grill launched a unique program that rewards you for continuing to patronize us. For every dollar you spend, you earn cash back in the form of a Reward Check. It is absolutely FREE! So during your next visit don’t forget to sign up. Muchas Gracias!
You probably already knew that avocado was a great source of vitamin E, but did you know that because it’s so rich in antioxidants and the good-for-you type of fat, it’s also an anti-aging powerhouse? Studies have shown that the minerals in avocado even help you better absorb other nutrients, like beta carotene. They also contain a sugar called D-manno-heptulose that helps your skin produce collagen, which can prevent wrinkles.
Researchers have found that consuming avocado bolsters cells’ power centers against harmful free radicals. Atmospheric oxygen facilitated the evolution and complexity of terrestrial organisms, including human beings, because it allowed nutrients to be used more efficiently by those organisms, which in turn were able to generate more energy.
AVION TEQUILA DINNER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 7PM Four Course Dinner With Matching Avion Tequila Cocktails & Expressions Call To Reserve
What Does an Avocado Contain? Contains Lutein (a carotenoid along with Vitamin E), Magnesium, and monounsaturated (healthy) fats. Avocado helps fight cancer of the mouth, breast, and prostate, and improves skin tone. It also improves absorption of nutrients in other foods.Women with increased intake of lutein in their diets have been shown to have lower rates of breast cancer ( Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Vena JE et al: Premenopausal breast cancer risk and intake of vegetables, fruits, and related nutrients. J Natl Cancer Inst 1996; 88(6):340-348. ) Lutein is also found in high quantities in kale, brocolli and spinach. Continued on page 2
Mexican Glossary
Featuring Mitch Merl Avion State Manager Will give a brief discussion on Avion Tequila
Cuitlacoche Cuitlacoche -Often spelled Huitlacoche. A Mexican delicacy. Intensely black and mushroomlike. Used as a filling for antojitos or an ingredient in soups. Very earthy flavor.
Voting starts October 1 Muchas Gracias!
Caracara Mexican Grill
Guest Loyalty Card
Guacamole Avion Margarita ***** Butternut Squash & Apple Chipotle Soup Avion Blanco ***** Choice of Pecan Chipotle Crusted Fish of Day with mashed potatoes & coconut chipotle salsa or Pan Seared Duck Breast with Tequila Tropical Fruit Glaze Served with roasted fingerling potatoes Avion Reposado ***** Pumpkin Flan With cinnamon sugar carrot straws over caramel Avion Anejo 49.95 per person Tax and Gratuity not included
Inside this issue Superfood: Eat More Avocados ................................. 1 Avion Tequila Dinner ................................................. 1 Superfood: Eat More Avocados Cont’d ..................... 2 ................................................................................... 2 Recipe of the Month................................................... 2 Meet Our Staff ........................................................... 3 What’s New ................................................................ 3 Don Julio & Avion Tequila ......................................... 4 Upcoming Events ...................................................... 4 Daily Specials ........................................................... 4
There is no love sincerer than the love of food. -George Bernard Shaw
Superfood: Cont’d Cont’d from page 1
Superfood: Eat More Avocados Phytochemicals (plant chemicals) are defined as bioactive nonnutrient plant compounds in fruits, vegetables, grains, and other plant foods that have been linked to reducing the risk of major chronic diseases including cancer. Carotenoids: beta carotene, alpha carotene, zeaxanthin shown to inhibit the growth of prostate, breast and head and neck (oral) cancers. Vitamin E: is an antioxidant. Its role in cancer prevention is ambiguous due to several conflicting studies. Research suggests that the Vitamin E found in its natural form in foods such as avocados is indeed protective, while synthetic Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate) supplements do not show this protective effect. The Nurses Health Study studied 83,234 women at baseline and sought to assess the incidence of breast cancer during a 14-year follow-up. The study showed that pre-menopausal women with a family history of breast cancer who consumed the highest quantity of vitamin E enjoyed a 43 percent reduction in breast cancer incidence compared to only a 16 percent risk reduction for women without a family history of breast cancer. The data indicates that some of the vitamin E compounds in food may account for the dramatic reductions in breast cancer incidence when dietary intake levels of vitamin E are measured. Cont’d
Glutathione: Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant. When liver glutathione levels rise, the liver is able to more effectively detoxify the body and protect the cells from oxidative stress. Whey protein also increases the glutathioine levels of healthy cells while decreasing the glutathione levels of cancer cells. Oleic Acid: Avocados are also a source of fiber and oleic acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat. Oleic acid helps to lower unhealthy LDL plaque forming cholesterol. Increasing healthy dietary fats. Lowering cholesterol and body fat not only lead to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease but also lead to reduced inflammation and reduced cancer risk. Oleic acid, the primary fat in avocados has been shown to offer significant protection against breast cancer. Women eating a diet rich in oleic acid have shown decreased rates of breast cancer. Oleic acid is also found in olives, olive oil, walnuts, almonds and pine nuts. It might sound a little bit strange to talk about “healthy fat,” but there are differences between the type of fat you find in an avocado versus the fat in something like cheese or french fries. Unlike the saturated fats that you find in animal products and fried foods, avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats, which help protect you from heart disease, and their fiber content can help fight high cholesterol. Of course, you can eat avocado on its own or mixed into guacamole, but it’s actually a much more versatile ingredient. From Truth Theory.com September 8 Issue/Health
Recipe of the Month Empanadas de Huitlacoche - Huitlacoche is a mushroom, considered a delicacy in Mexico Yield 20 empanadas Corn Masa instant corn masa flour, 2 lbs warm water, 3 cups salt, 1 tblsp Baking Powder (Royal), 1 tsp Method Place all ingredients into blender Mix well Roll into 1 oz balls Filling 28 oz cans of huitlacoche, 2 corn on cob, 2 each, slice corn off cob and dice medium spanish onion, 1, diced medium jalapenos, 2, seeded and diced fine Dry epazote, 2 tbls Salt, TT Chihuahua Cheese, 2 Cups Note : Monterey Jack cheese can be substitued for Chihuahua cheese Epazote can be purchased at Whole Foods or Compare Supermarket on Main St in Farmingdale Instant Corn Masa can be purchased at Compare foods
Using a tortilla press with a 8x8 plastic sheet on flat part of press – put masa ball on plastic sheet on press and flatten Put 2 oz of filling in center of flattened corn masa Fold over corn masa so it looks like a half moon (Using plastic wrap) Seal half moon ends of corn masa with your fingers Place on cooking tray lined with parchment paper
Note : If you don’t have a tortilla press you can use a rolling pin to flatten out corn masa balls Method Bake at 350 degrees F for 25-30 mins or until golden brown, If you bake, brush top of empanadas with egg wash You can also fry in a fryer if you have one at home or in a saute pan
Serve with ramekin of sour cream or Creme fraiche You can also substitute corn masa for Disc for Empanadas (may find these at Compare foods in frozen section)
Courtesy of Chef Daniel Mendoza of Caracara Mexican Grill
Buen Provecho! Have a recipe you would like to share send it to caracara@optonline.net
What’s New! Football Games Enjoy NFL Games with Happy Hour Anytime games are on Two new TV’s added Specials on appetizers & drinks
Catering for all occasions Bridal & baby showers, rehearsal dinners, retirement parties, birthdays
Download our new mobile phone app Go to caracaramex.com from your smart phone
Meet our staff “Our biggest asset!” Dimitri Panoussis has worked with us since opening day. We met him over 6 years ago when he applied for a server position in one of our previous restaurants. We wanted Dimitri to help us open Caracara because he knew the concept we were bringing to Farmingdale and he would help us communicate that to our patrons and our staff as well. From day one Dimitri has been a great asset to our operation just by seeing how he interacts with our patrons. He continuously gets guest requests to be seated in his section. In addition to serving, Dimitri also bartends and manages for Caracara when called upon to do so. Please give him a big Yassou - EXCUSE ME, a big HOLA next time you see him. Muchas Gracias!
Don Julio and Avion Tequila
Visit Us Columbus Day Street Fair Weekend!
A few words about two of my favorite tequilas located amongst our vast array of premium tequilas at Caracara, numbering over seventy. Today I will talk about an older and well-established Tequila brand Don Julio, as well as a new brand of Tequila Avion.
Saturday, October 6 – Sunday, October 7
Don Julio: Don Julio González-Frausto Estrada, founder of Don Julio, started distilling tequila at the age of seventeen and refined his craft for over forty years. Originally only offered to his friends, Don Julio quickly gained a respected and well-known reputation. Part of his success was do to the innovative and high quality distilling techniques practiced at his distillery, La Primavera (The springtime). The aroma and taste of the Blanco is very warm with noticeable hints of Agave, fruit, vanilla, caramel, and a little oak. Accompanied by a smooth finish, this tequila is an ideal choice for your next classic margarita on the rocks. Those looking for a bolder drink might consider adding the Don Julio Resposado to their margarita or an after dinner neat pour of the Anejo. Don Julio also makes a high quality Super-Anejo, Don Julio 1942, which has been aged in whiskey barrels for over 3 years and is a personal favorite.
Come enjoy street tacos, corn on the cob and more from our table outside during Annual Street Fair. Use the coupon below for a drink in our Tequila Lounge or any time.
FREE DRINK [Come in and try one of our new cocktails from our new drink list with purchase of appetizer] (cannot combine with other offers)
Location: Caracarara Mexican Grill 354 Main St Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-777-CARA (2272) Ph Expiration date 10/31/12
Tequila Avion: Avion tequila is a newer Brand that has hit the market with the full assortment of Blanco, Resposado, and Anejo tequilas. Avion’s recent feature on the popular show, Entourage, has recently made this tequila commonly asked for. Avion Silver is very clean tasting with a slight alcohol bite as well as hints of Chamomile and black pepper, making it ideal for mixing in a variety of drinks. Avion Reposado has a slight floral and vanilla aroma which rounds out the alcohol bite described above. Avion Anejo is very flavorful, with a pleasant smoky-pineapple aroma. The Anejo is very smooth and mellow with hints of clove like spices and a nice charred aftertaste. On Wednesday October 17th Caracara is excited to host a tequila dinner featuring Avion. Those interested in learning more about Avion Tequila are encouraged to join us for a pleasant evening. Caracara offers tequila flights, three ½ ounce tastings for you to sample a variety of tequilas without breaking the bank! I will be happy to pour you some of my favorites. Gracias, Tom Ratti Don Julio Ricardo, Don. “Tequila: Don Julio.” Tequila.net. 25, March:2007. Kleinman, Geoff “Don Julio Tequila Review.” Drinkspirits.com. 3,Nov:2010. Avion Hoffman, Magie. “Is Avion Tequila good?” Drinks.seriouseats.com. 1,May:2012.
Daily Specials 2 Course Meal for $19.95 Sunday-Tuesday Every Week
Meatless Monday Specials
Upcoming Events
Every Monday for Dinner
Ladies Night & Live Jazz Every Thursday 7-10 pm
Vino Vino at CaraCara
Blue Sun Jazz Dave Parker Jazz & Scott Ross Jazz Check website for dates!
Every Wednesday Half Price Sangria Pitchers and Bottles of Wine with Dinner
Cerveza Sundays
We’re on the web! Visit us at: www.caracaramex.com
Caracara Mexican Grill 516.777.CARA (2272)
“Old School Latin” Saturday, October 6 8:30-11:30
White Chocolate Revue
$2 Bud Drafts $3 Corona Btls & All drafts Two More TV’s added New Bar Menu & Drink Menu
First Time***Mambo Loco
Vote for Caracara for Best Mexican Restaurant on Long Island Go To bestof.longislandpress.com
Voting Starts October st 1 Muchas Gracias!
Saturday, October 27
The Electric Dudes Friday, November 2
********** Avion Tequila Dinner Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4 Course Meal with Avion Tequila Matching Cocktails and Expressions 49.95 Tax & Gratuity Additional
Long Island Restaurant Week th
Sunday, Nov. 4 – Sunday, Nov. 13 3 Course Dinner $24.95 + Tax & Tip Saturday Only until 7 pm Entire Menu w/some upcharges Entire menu available with some upcharges
Dia de Los Muertos Day of Dead Thurs., Nov. 1 & Fri., Nov. 2 Specials Offered both days