3 minute read
Foundation Focus
The Foundation Focus
By Joseph Sciame, President
For this issue of our well-respected Italian America magazine, I would like to share a few thoughts about the scholarship support that the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) offers and its importance in a society that stresses higher education. I do this as a former practicing financial aid administrator in higher education for half of my career, and who once attained the highest position as chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), an organization of over 10,000 advisors in the field at that time.
Yes, we of the OSDIA have come a long way from the time of our grandparents and great-grandparents in 1905, when they worried about such things as the mortuary needs of the citizenry, as well as the orphans and widows. One can only imagine those days, for they were told the streets were paved with gold, but soon learned that there were no such streets and, unpaved as they were, that they were the ones who would pave them.
Today, however, we are “pavers” so to speak of another type of gold, in that education is something that can never be taken away from the person and does not devalue. We of OSDIA have definitely evolved from concerns of mortuary needs to a time when our dollars can be expended for higher education.
To that end, I, with the help of so many others at the Grand Lodge and Local Lodge levels, commenced a study to estimate the amount of annual scholarship support—in total—given at the national, state, and local levels of the OSDIA. For it is something remarkable just how much of a difference our Order and its members make in the lives of our Italian-American students.
To date, we have learned that well over $650,000 in scholarships was awarded this past year. Such an extraordinary annual amount is a testament to how our support for higher education has grown through the decades.
At the national level, it was in the early 1990s that the Supreme Lodge was only able to come up with a small amount of $10,000, which was then matched by Grand Lodges to raise a total of $20,000. Today, we can proudly say that at the 2021 Sons of Italy Foundation’s National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala, we awarded $100,000 to some very worthy students! And not to be outdone, OSDIA’s Grand Lodges and Local Lodges have awarded well over a half million dollars to students in their states, cities, and towns.
As I conclude this message of hope and solidarity in our mission, we create what National Past President Peter R. Zuzolo would remind me of: SYNERGY. The sum of our parts is greater than any one of us! To that end, each one of YOU is a part of that success and heritage. We have helped our fellow Italian Americans since 1905 and now that help is in the form of higher education support.
Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarships
Apply Now!
Every year, The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) awards 10-15 scholarships that assist outstanding Italian-American students with their college and graduate studies. Grants awarded are up to $20,000 per student.
Each applicant will receive a one-year At-Large Membership to the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, which includes a one-year subscription to Italian America magazine.
Scholarship recipients will get special recognition at the SIF’s 33rd Annual National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala next May.
Scholarship information and application can be found on: www.osia.org For questions or assistance, contact scholarships@osia.org