Italian America Magazine - Summer 2021

Page 33



From the President’s Desk

By Nancy DiFiore Quinn

Well, I can’t really say that “time flies,” but I find myself at the end of my term of office for the Order Sons and Daughters in Italy in America! Did I really think 40-some odd years ago that I would have reached this pinnacle of success in our beloved Order? No, not really. But here I am completing my term. What a sincere privilege it has been to serve as your leader these past two years. I had a mostly “virtual presidency,” and the only good thing about that is that no one can compare me to other National Past Presidents! Thankfully, my family and I stayed healthy during the pandemic so I was able to do the best possible job in a virtual situation. Our National officers—including our COO Joseph DiTrapani—have helped me through this unusual time. Our office staff is simply the best, and I don’t know what we would do without them. Kudos to SIF President Joseph Sciame for pulling off our first (and hopefully last) virtual NELA Gala. Thanks to our CSJ President Robert Ferrito for keeping us at the forefront of all Italian issues. These are thankless jobs, but not to me. I would just like to mention the editor of our Italian America magazine, Miles Ryan Fisher. What an interesting and current magazine he manages to put together quarterly for us. The information is always current and fascinating. If you did not know much about your Italian heritage, that has certainly changed if you read Italian

America cover to cover. What you are paying in dues to our national organization is equal to the cost of a yearly subscription to our great magazine! I’m looking forward to our next season of Facebook Live interviews. If you haven’t seen all of the first three seasons, just log on to our Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Facebook page and enjoy the wonderful guests. The next season will begin in September. Also, on our Facebook page are pictures and interesting facts about our 2021 scholarship. You will be proud to see such mature and intelligent awardees of our own Italian heritage. If you are reading this and know someone who would like to join our organization, please encourage them to do so. They can join a lodge in your area or join as an “atlarge” member or maybe even start a local lodge if there isn’t one close to home. There is “strength in numbers,” and God knows we need all the strength we can get to deal with today’s world. Well, it is time to say farewell. I look forward to going back to my local lodge and reconnecting with the brothers and sisters who have been my friends for over 40 years! I am confident that the next administration will be planning new and exciting programs for OSDIA. I am proud to have served as the Order’s 37th National President! “I feel like I really don’t need to say goodbye – I just have this feeling like I will see you again soon.”

Sons of Italy Foundation Donates Van to U.S. Coast Guard Veteran This year, the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) proudly presented another donation of $20,000 to Help Our Military Heroes (HOMH)—a non-profit organization dedicated to providing fully equipped, adaptive minivans to our country’s most severely wounded, injured, and ill service men and women who sustained their injuries while on active duty.

This year’s donation marks the seventh time in eight years that the SIF has donated at least $20,000 to HOMH. The donation provided a minivan grant for United States Coast Guard CPT Lucas ‘Luke’ Jackson (ret.), who was injured while on active duty and is now paralyzed. “Thank you to the Sons of Italy Foundation for making it possible to get this Luke with his wife, Ellen.


(continued on next page) SUMMER 2021 31

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