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Welcome: Convention and Marconi Gala Chair
guglIelmO marcOnI award & BIennIal natIOnal cOnventIOn chaIrS Welcome
Tony Bisceglia Anderson
National Financial Secretary Co-Chair, Guglielmo Marconi Award Committee
Joseph A. Russo
National Past President Co-Chair, Guglielmo Marconi Award Committee

Welcome to the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America’s 57th Biennial National Convention and the Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala. In keeping with a long-standing tradition, we gather here in convention as leaders and delegates to call upon the principles of our beloved Order—Liberty, Equality, Fraternity—to guide us in making decisions that will steer the course of the organization over the next two years.
We are a national organization, our members and supporters stretching coast to coast and north to south. Although we are unified through our common Italian ancestry, our experiences with our heritage and OSDIA vary. This convention provides the opportunity to share stories, exchange ideas, and forge new friendships that will facilitate working together as brothers and sisters.
Tonight we conclude our convention with a wonderful banquet—the Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala—during which we proudly present OSDIA’s highest honor. Named for the Italian inventor of wireless telegraphy, the Guglielmo Marconi Award is given to an individual who has made important contributions to the United States, exemplifying the ideals of the Order.
This year we honor Gary Sinise, an Italian American who is known not only for his prestigious acting career, but also for his support of U.S. military veterans through his Gary Sinise Foundation. We are proud to say that our Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) has supported his foundation with substantial donations on two separate occasions and that the SIF presented him with its Award for Courage and Patriotism at its Annual National Education and Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala in 2012.
We are proud of Gary’s past accomplishments, look forward to his future accomplishments, and are pleased to honor him tonight at this dinner which formally ends our 57th Biennial Convention.
Enjoy the evening!