NELA Gala Journal 2008

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XX Th e S o n s o f I t a l y F o u n d a t i o n

2 0 th A n n i v e r s a r y

N at i o n a l E d u c at i o n & L e a d e r s h i p Awa r d s G a l a

Table of Contents

M ay 2 2 , 2 0 0 8 - Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C .

Greetings from the President of the United States..................................................... 2 Welcome from the SIF Leadership............................................................................... 3 The 2008 SIF NELA Gala Program............................................................................. 4 The 2008 SIF NELA Gala Menu................................................................................... 5 A Milestone Year............................................................................................................. 6 The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) . ........................................................................... 8 Highlights from SIF History.......................................................................................13 The 2008 SIF Humanitarian Alfred Rotondaro......................................................14 The 2008 SIF Excellence in Business Award Michael Petruzzello .....................15 The 2008 SIF Special Award for Global Vision & Philanthropy Steve Wynn....16 The 2008 SIF NELA Award Joseph Plumeri............................................................17 The 2008 National Leadership Grant Recipients ....................................................18 The 2008 SIF Scholarship Donors........................................................................... 21 The SIF Acknowledges ...............................................................................................22 The SIF Board and Committees.................................................................................23 The SIF Staff and Volunteers.......................................................................................24 The Order Sons of Italy in America...........................................................................25 The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice......................................................26 The 2008 SIF NELA Gala Chairman Robert F. Corrao.................................... ....27 SIF National Executive Director & CEO Philip R. Piccigallo...............................27 The 2007 SIF Gala Master of Ceremonies Joe Mantegna.......................................28 Italy’s Ambassador to the United States Giovanni Castellaneta ..........................28 Silent Auction Donors.................................................................................................29 The Celebrity Chefs......................................................................................................30 The Celebrity Chef Expo Tasting Menu....................................................................32 SIF Past Honorees (2007-1989)..................................................................................33 Featured Performer Tony Bennett . ..........................................................................35 About This Evening’s Wines.......................................................................................36 2 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y NE L A




T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n

Welcome XX

From Th e S o n s o f Ita ly F o u n dat i o n L e a d e r s h i p


Alfred A. Affinito, Chairman

Robert A. Messa, President

hat a milestone we have reached this evening as we celebrate the 20th gala of the National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA). We hope and expect this evening’s fund-raising to bring us to $100 million that the Sons of Italy Foundation has given to many worthy causes. These include not only scholarships, but medical research, disaster relief and cultural preservation. It began in 1989 with a simple luncheon honoring the legendary basketball coach Lou Carnesecca and has grown over the past two decades to become one of the most elegant annual events in our nation’s capital. Over the years, the NELA has seen the participation of American presidents, foreign dignitaries and leaders from all sectors of our society. But what sets our gala apart from so many others is that the NELA’s criteria for selecting its honorees are based entirely on excellence and achievement. Popularity and fame are not the standards by which we judge the worthiness of prospective honorees, who must not only be achievers, but also generous with their talents and wealth and willing to “give back” to a nation that has offered them so much opportunity. They have come from business, government, science and law as well as from academia, sports and entertainment. Their career paths may differ but all share a dedication to the pursuit of excellence and the imperative to contribute. Joining our honorees every year are the young Italian Americans who have earned prestigious SIF scholarships. Chosen for their academic performance, school leadership and community volunteerism, thanks to the SIF they have had the opportunity to study at some of America’s finest universities. These young men and women are our best hope for the future. So let us raise a toast to the SIF and its NELA. And as we do, let us also recognize that none of this would have happened without the vision and leadership of the SIF’s CEO and executive director, Dr. Philip R. Piccigallo, who established the NELA so many years ago. Thank you for joining us tonight and for supporting the Sons of Italy Foundation and its worthy causes.

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XX Th e S o n s o f I t a l y F o u n d a t i o n

2 0 th A n n u a l N a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n & L e a d e r s h i p A wa r d s G a l a Thursday, May 22, 2008 National Building Museum Washington, DC



Joe Mantegna Master of Ceremonies

The Star Spangled Banner Fratelli d’Italia

SFC Antonio Giuliano Senior Vocalist and Soloist The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own” The U.S. Army Chorus

THE 2 0 0 8 SI F S C HO L A RSHI P P RESENTA TIONS Remarks/Welcome

Robert F. Corrao, NELA Gala Chairman


The Very Rev. David M. O’Connell President, The Catholic University of America


Robert A. Messa President, Sons of Italy Foundation

Alfred A. Affinito Chairman, Sons of Italy Foundation & National President, Order Sons of Italy in America

2008 Excellence in Business Award

Michael Petruzzello Qorvis Communications

2008 SIF Humanitarian Award

Alfred Rotondaro Italian American Activist

F E A TURE D P ER F OR M ER : T o n y B e n n e tt 2008 SIF NELA Award

Joseph Plumeri Willis Group Holdings

Introduction of Special Award Honoree

John Wilhelm UNITE HERE

2008 Special Award for Global Vision & Philanthropy

Steve Wynn Wynn Resorts, Ltd.

The Sons of Italy Foundation thanks pianist Francesca Hurst who performed during this year’s gala evening. 4

T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n



Hors d’Oeuvres Ahi Tuna Spoon with Cucumber, Wasabi Sauce and Fried Nori Maytag Blue Cheese Stuffed Fig Maryland Crab Cakes with Red Pepper Remoulade

Salad Bibb Lettuce and Endive Salad With Asian Pear, Sun-Dried Cherries, Goat Cheese and Walnuts Champagne Vinaigrette

Entree Pistachio Crusted Sea Bass & Espresso Crusted Beef Tenderloin Creamy Parmesan Polenta, Pencil Asparagus, Carrots, Broccolini, Shallots Pernod Demi

Dessert Hazelnut Daquoise With Crème Anglais and Fresh Berries

Wi n e s Featuring our newly launched Figli d’Italia wines Leone D’Oro Sangiovese Leone D’Oro Pinot Grigio Reserve

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A Milestone Year

B y P h i l i p R . P i c c i g a l l o, SI F N at i o n a l E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r / C EO

his is a milestone year for the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) and its family of

supporters across America. First, the SIF’s single most renowned and respected event,

the National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala, will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Second, with the NELA offering invaluable assistance, the SIF will reach the vaunted level of $100 million in charitable giving. Third, this year will witness the inaugural presentation of an award for Global Vision & Philanthropy. Fourth, and for the fourth time, the iconic Tony Bennett will

grace a NELA Gala with his singular talents, nearly ten years to the date he performed in tribute to Frank Sinatra. And last, with the official countdown well underway, the SIF stands less than seven months from its own 50th anniversary celebration in 2009. NELA’s 20th anniversary is an amazing reality to those of us who shared in its humble beginnings, first as part of a modest luncheon honoring legendary basketball coach Lou Carnesecca, followed the next year as a breakfast tribute to Massachusetts Congressman Silvio O. Conte, in the House Appropriations Committee hearing room. A harbinger of great things to come, we should have realized then, was the attendance by the Appropriations chairman, Congressman Jamie Whitten and five additional members of this very influential congressional committee, and a congratulatory letter by then-President George Herbert Walker Bush delivered and read at the event. Important, powerful and successful people have been attending the NELA ever since. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; presidential candidates Al Gore, Robert Dole, Steven Forbes, and Clinton; Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi; Supreme Court Justices, numerous U.S. Senators and Representatives, Ambassadors, House Speakers, Secretaries of State , FBI Directors, Cabinet Secretaries; corporate heads of Banfi Vintners, IBM, General Motors, UBS, Northwest Airlines, K-Mart, ConAir; American Health Insurance Plans; and America’s leading scientists, labor leaders, and cultural spokespersons. The NELA Gala has raised nearly $17 million toward the towering achievement of $100 million in charitable giving and scholarships. Mind you, this formidable munificence derives from an organization, the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), originally founded 103 years ago with


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


the initial purpose of guaranteeing newly arrived and struggling immigrants a Christian burial for the stately sum of 5 cents per month. So forgive us if we take a moment of sincere pride and gratification, while marveling at this mind-boggling accomplishment: by 2008, the SIF has given some $53 million to medical research and international relief efforts, and some $48 million to scholarships. OSIA’s broader goal in the early days was to help shelter new immigrants against the unrelentingly harsh, demanding, often cruel realities they confronted in the New World. OSIA sought to provide a ‘safe harbor’, so to speak, a networking vessel to assist and facilitate assimilation. Having mostly achieved this larger goal by mid-century, OSIA created a distinct entity, the nonprofit Sons of Italy Foundation. Given the general success of hard working, sociallyconscious Italian Americans, it was now time to give back. The cumulative result of that giving we see tonight. Recognizing these milestone achievements, the SIF recently discerned the need to, once again, revise and extend its institutional mission. It has become clear that, while we savor and luxuriate in the seemingly continuous and seamless technological advances of our current age, the world we live in becomes smaller each day. Instantaneous communication, travel accessibility, 24/7 media, online medical procedures, hitherto unimaginable scientific breakthroughs, nanosecond mentality, space-age products and services everywhere. Living and thriving in this “Closing Circle”, the SIF determined, requires hands-on participation. Hence, the introduction of our new award for Global Vision & Philanthropy, presented this year to a man who truly embodies the concept. Finally, who is more fitting to help us celebrate this remarkable journey than “Mr. Sons of Italy” himself, Tony Bennett, with his fourth visit and a recap of his unforgettable 10th year Sinatra tribute performance? Next year the SIF will mark its 50th anniversary on May 21, 2009, at the National Building Museum. We hope to see you all. As for Tony, we look forward to seeing him at our 30th anniversary. As we know, The Best Is Yet To Come.

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The Sons of Italy Foundation

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) is the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA). Established in 1959, the SIF has given more than $98 million to scholarships, philanthropy, medical research, disaster relief and cultural preservation.


Every year, the SIF gives $100,000 in scholarships to send the nation’s brightest students of Italian heritage to Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and other outstanding institutions.

The SIF looks for young Italian Americans who excel in their studies and are also athletes, musicians and school leaders.


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


Medical Research The SIF supports research to cure Cooley’s anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, birth defects, lupus, arthritis, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Disaster Relief The SIF has given more than $5 million to aid victims of earthquakes, hurricanes and terrorist attacks here and abroad.

C u lt u r a l P r e s e r vat i o n The Garibaldi-Meucci Museum The SIF and OSIA own and support this New York City museum housed in the 19th century Staten Island home of Antonio Meucci, who contributed to the invention of the telephone. The Italian patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi once lived here with Meucci and his family.

The Garibaldi-Meucci Museum is one of only two ethnic museums in the U.S. with landmark status.

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Immigrant History

The SIF has pledged $158,000 to catalogue early Italian American documents, photographs, newspapers, letters, etc. and OSIA archives in the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota.

Special Projects

The SIF has contributed to:

• The restoration of the Statue of Liberty • The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. • The restoration of art objects at the official residence of the U.S. ambassador in Rome • Fund-raising to rebuild Assisi’s historic cathedral and artwork, damaged in the 1997 earthquake.

SIF contributions supported the restoration of the Statue of Liberty

Th e N a t i o n a l

Wo r l d W a r II M e m o r i a l Through the SIF, OSIA members gave $100,000 to establish the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.

N at i on a l L aw E n f or c e m e n t Officers Memorial

Since its inception, the SIF has supported this memorial honoring police officers killed in the line of duty with the largest gift from any non-profit organization not affiliated with law enforcement.

Then-President George Bush and his wife at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. 10

T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


A History of Giving


MEDICAL RESEARCH & SOCIAL SERVICES Alzheimer’s Association American Fund for Dental Health American Italian Cancer Foundation Annette Funicello Fund for Neurological Disorders Arthritis Foundation Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Boys Town of Italy CES Foundation Children’s Inn at NIH Coaches vs. Cancer Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America The Daniel Pitino Children’s Health Foundation Fox Chase Cancer Center Lombardi Cancer Center March of Dimes Michael Bolton Charities For Battered Women Multiple Sclerosis Lupis Foundation & Elizabeth Fund Special Olympics CULTURAL PRESERVATION & THE ARTS

American Italian Historical Association Center for Migration Studies Commission for Social Justice Concordia Language Villages Italian Program Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools FIERI National Garibaldi-Meucci Museum In Italiano language program Istituto Italiano di Cultura Italian Americana Italian American Cultural Center Italian Cultural Society Italian Musicale John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts SIF Patron of the Arts & Culture program U.S. State Department/American Embassy in Rome Washington Revels

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A History of Giving



American Institute for Foreign Study & Academic Year in America exchange programs Bard College The College Board Advanced Placement Program in Italian Dante School for Children Hoop Dreams Italian Studies Chair at California State University John Cabot University Mentoring and Internships Order Sons of Italy in America National Student Summit Seton Hall School of Diplomacy &International Relations The SIF National Leadership Grant Competition DISASTER RELIEF

American Red Cross (Hurricane Andrew relief) Assisi earthquake relief Cassino Memorial Orphanage Rebuilding Catholic Relief Services Ethiopian famine relief Florentine flood relief Katrina Relief Fund Mexican earthquake relief Naples earthquake relief Oklahoma City Bombing SIF/OSIA 911 Disaster Relief Fund Tsunami Relief (Indonesia) OTHER SPECIAL PROJECTS

Arab American Institute Christopher Columbus Catholic Center DC Friends of Ireland Don Orione Home & Madonna Queen National Shrine Ellis Island Foundation Greater Washington Urban League, Inc. Immigration History Research Center The Isaac Hayes Foundation National Football League Players Association National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial National Policy Association National World War II Memorial The Statue of Liberty Restoration Project TF Peace Foundation 12

T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


Highlights from SIF History THE SONS O F ITA L Y F OUN D A TION

1959 Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) established as the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America, the nation’s oldest and biggest organization for men and women of Italian heritage. 1964 Donates $25,000 for flood victims in Belluno, Italy 1966 Donates $200,000 for flood victims in Florence and Venice 1967 Designates March of Dimes as one of its official charities and donates more than $14 million over the next two decades 1968 Raises more than $127,000 for earthquake victims in Sicily 1974 Names Cooley’s Anemia Foundation as an official charity. Has donated more than $3 million since then. 1976 Raises $217,000 for earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy 1981 Donates $3 million in funds and sends medicine and clothing to 97 southern Italian towns devastated by 1980 earthquake. 1985 Contributes to restoration of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty 1987 Donates $30,000 to earthquake victims in Mexico 1989 Holds first National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) event in Washington, DC 1990 Contributes $50,000 to establish the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC 1993 Names the Alzheimer’s Association one of its official charities and donates $1 million over the next 10 years. Pledges another $1 million donation by 2015. 2003 Contributes $66,000 to help establish an Advanced Placement program in Italian 2004 Donates $100,000 to establish a World War II memorial in Washington, DC 2005 Donates $15,000 to the Tsunami Emergency Relieve effort in Asia 2006 Donates $35,000 for Hurricane Katrina Relief 2007 Pledges $100,000 to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City 2008 Donated $75,000 over past three years to the Rienzi Foundation to cure deafness through cochlear implants.

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Alfred Rotondaro, Ph.D 2 0 0 8 SI F H u m a n i t a r i a n A w a r d

S e n ior Fe l l ow, C e n t e r f or A m e r ic an P r o g r e s s PROFILE: • Born and raised in Pittston, Pennsylvania • Holds a B.A. in English & Philosophy from the University of Scranton • Earned an M.A. in English from Creighton University in Nebraska • Holds a Ph.D. in American Civilization from New York University • Worked briefly as a reporter and college instructor before entering the non-profit world • Served as executive director of the York County Community Progress Council • Appointed president of the National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs, where he worked with the legendary civil rights priest, Father Geno Baroni • In 1979, he became the executive director of the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF), a post he held for 21 years until he retired in 2001 • Under his leadership, the NIAF grew from a small local organization to one of the leading advocacy groups for Italian Americans • Currently is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC •

Dr. Rotondaro and his wife, Kathy, live in Alexandria, VA where they raised their two children, Cara and Vincent.

ITALIAN ROOTS: Dr. Rotondaro’s ancestors came from Roggiana Gravina in Calabria at the turn of the 20th century.

“My mother taught me the importance of family, friendship and loyalty. My father, who spent 40 years of suffocating work in the coal mines, taught me that anything can be endured for the sake of the family. My wife and children have taught me that every day brings its joys. I am proud to say that my family was and is essentially “Italian” in their humanity...the essence of being Italian.”


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


Michael Petruzzello

2 0 0 8 SI F A w a r d f o r E x c e l l e n c e i n B u s i n e s s

Fo u n d e r & M a n a g i n g Pa r t n e r , Q o r v i s C o m m u n i c a t i o n s PROFILE: • Born and raised in Fairview, N.J. • Graduate of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. • Began career as with U.S, Chamber of Commerce • Also served as executive vice president of E. Bruce Harrison, a Washington-based public relations firm • Became partner at Bozell, Sawyer Miller, responsible for overall management, marketing and business development • As CEO of Shandwick Public Affairs, the largest agency in North America, managed all 22 offices, 1,200 employees and $175 million in revenue. • In 2000, co-founded with Doug Poretz Qorvis Communications in Washington, D.C., one of the largest independent advertising and public relations firms in the U.S. • Under his leadership, today Qorvis counts among its clients, the Virginia Lottery, Cisco, and Keep America Beautiful, among many others. • He lives with his wife, Wendy and their son, Gage in Washington, DC. ITALIAN ROOTS: Mr. Petruzzello’s ancestor, Avio Illipronti, came from Cortina d’Ampezzo and Napoli in Italy in 1927.

“Like many great men of his time, my grandfather was the embodiment of the American dream. He came to this country as a young boy, alone and penniless. He learned a craft, built a home, raised a family and lived a rich, long life. He taught me the value of hard work and dedication. He instilled in me the importance of character. And, everyday, he showed all of us that family, friends, food, music, joy and laughter are what truly make each day worth living.”

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Steve Wynn

2 0 0 8 SI F S p e c i a l A w a r d f o r G l o b a l V i s i o n & P h i l a n t h r o p y C h a i r m a n a n d C EO , W y n n R e s o r t s L t d . PROFILE: • Born in New Haven, CT • Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. in English Literature • As a college student he took over the reigns of the family’s bingo parlor business in Maryland following the sudden death of his father. • Moved to Las Vegas in 1967 as an investor in and as a slot manager at the Frontier Hotel & Casino. • Beginning in 1973, Mr. Wynn became CEO of the Golden Nugget Casino on Freemont Street and started building hotel rooms and destination resorts that included the expanded Golden Nugget, Mirage, Treasure Island, Bellagio and Wynn Las Vegas in Nevada. He also built properties in other locations, including Beau Rivage in Biloxi, Mississippi and Wynn Macau in the People’s Republic of China. • Mr. Wynn’s passions include skiing, sailing and art collecting. His other extra-curricular and noncommercial activities include participation as a trustee of his alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania and trustee of the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Mr. Wynn has received honorary degrees from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Siena College; The Culinary Institute of America; Johnson & Wales and, most recently, the University of Pennsylvania. • With his wife Elaine, two daughters Kevyn and Gillian and seven grandchildren, the Wynn family is heavily involved in the support of education with a particular focus on children at risk and school dropout prevention in America. ITALIAN ROOTS: Mr. Wynn’s ancestors came from Naples at the turn of the 20th century.

“I believe my passion as a developer springs directly from those Mediterranean and Italian genes that dominate my personality.”


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


Joseph Plumeri

2 0 0 8 SI F N a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n & L e a d e r s h i p A w a r d C h a i r m a n & C EO , W i l l i s G r o u p H o l d i n g s

PROFILE: • Born in Trenton, N.J. • Graduate of The College of William and Mary in Virginia with a major in history. • Attended New York University Law School in New York City. • During a 32-year career at Citicorp, helped mastermind the merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group that created Citigroup. • Served as CEO of Citibanking North America and Chairman/CEO of Travelers Primamerica Financial Services division. • In 2000, joined Willis Group, a leading global insurance broker, as its Chairman and CEO. • Returned Willis to public ownership and has made Client Advocacy and local delivery of global resources key elements of company’s mission. • Under his leadership, Willis has led the brokerage sector in key growth areas. • A sports fan and athlete, he co-owns two New Jersey minor league baseball teams – the Trenton Thunder and the Lakewood BlueClaws. • Has received many honors from St. John’s University, the Boy Scouts of America, The Intrepid Foundation and the Make-A-Wish Foundation, among others. • With wife, Nancy, raised three children and now has two grandchildren. ITALIAN ROOTS: Mr. Plumeri’s ancestors came from Villalba, Sicily. His grandfather was one of the first Italians to migrate to the Trenton, New Jersey area. Joe recently returned to his roots for a visit where he met with many Plumeris who still live in Villalba.

“I grew up in an Italian neighborhood in New Jersey that drew on the special social, family and religious values of the old country—my neighborhood really was a recreation of the town where my grandparents came from. It was later in life that I really appreciated how wonderful that was. My family was proud of their heritage, and as immigrants had to fight for the respect and opportunities they deserved. I learned a lot from that and as a result, I am a proud Son of Italy.”

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The 2008 SIF National Leadership Grant Recipients C HRISTO P H ER PALLAS

The Joseph L. Bracone Memorial Scholarship Hometown: Glastonbury, CT School: London School of Economics • National Merit Scholar

• Was a campus minister and served in Peace Corps (Togo, West Africa) • Earned BA (with Honors) at Grinnell College (Iowa) with major in religious studies • Earned M.Sc. in public policy at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland • Enrolled in doctoral program at the London School of Economics


American University of Rome Scholarship Hometown: Schroon Lake, NY School: American University of Rome • Majoring in communications in the visual media and minoring in international relations • Member of American University of Rome student government • Fund-raises for Reach Out Club, dedicated to helping less fortunate • Amateur photographer and singer

J ERO ME MICHAEL T ULLO Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship

Hometown: Staten Island, NY School: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA • National Merit Scholarship finalist and an AP Scholar • Qualified to compete in the 2008 USA Olympic trials for sailing • Winner of scholastic Awards for creative writing and art work • Raised over $3,000.00 for the Casa Limiar Brazilian orphanage


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n

XX A N T HO N Y F EDERICO CERRO N E Joseph & Elham Cicippio Scholarship

Hometown: Summit, NJ School: University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia, PA • Senior Class President • Member of the Advisory Board and School Club Coordinator for “Operation Smile” • Founder of the Delbarton School GREEN WAVE GREEN environmental club • Member of the Varsity Soccer Team


The Frank D. Privitera Family Scholarship

Hometown: Marion, SC School: Duke University, Durham, NC • Valedictorian Class of 2008 Marion High School • National Merit Scholarship Commended Student • Received the Benjamin N. Duke Scholarship for leadership & service • Captain of Varsity Soccer and Cross-Country teams


The Sons of Italy Foundation Italian Language Scholarship Hometown: Scarsdale, NY School: Rice University, Houston, TX • Recipient of the Bel Canto Performance Award from the Bel Canto Institute in Florence, Italy

• Top ten finalist in the Classical Singer Magazine National High School Voice Competition • Taken Master Classes with Mirella Freni in Rome, Italy and Simon Estes at the Tanglewood Institute in Lenox, MA • Sings the National Anthem at every Rice University home baseball game

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XX DAV I D JOS EP H FI N O CC H I ARO Global Experiences Italian Language and Intern Scholarship Hometown: Athens, GA School: University of Georgia, Athens, GA • Dual major in Finance and International Affairs • Dean’s list for three semesters • Roosevelt Society member at UG • Finance Society member UG


2008 NELA & Joseph Plumeri Scholarship Hometown: Dix Hills, NY School: Duke University, Durham, NC • Graduating First in class at Commack High School with a GPA of 105.09 • Perfect score of 2400 on the SAT examination • International Baccalaureate Diploma candidate • National Honor Society President

Auguri e Buona Fortuna! 20


Sorrento Lingue Study Abroad Scholarship

Hometown: Tonawanda, NY School: Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY • Segment Producer for the PBS program “Our Town” done on hometown of Tonawanda, NY • Amateur radio operator since 2003 • Assist Communications Director for WNYMBA (Western NY Mountain Bike Assoc.) • Concert clarinetist

MICHAEL AN T HO N Y BAUMER The Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship

Hometown: Belleville, IL School: University of Chicago, Chicago, IL • Placed 2nd in the National American Assoc. of Physics Teachers annual Physics Bowl • Eagle Scout and avid backpacker • Volunteers weekly at Karen House, a women and children’s shelter and coordinates an ESL program at St. Cecelia’s Catholic Elementary School • In Jan. 2008, volunteered at a nutrition center for malnourished children in Yoro, Honduras

T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


The 2008 SIF National Leadership Grant Donors The Sons of Italy Foundation Deeply Thanks the SIF Perpetual Scholarship Donors Giulia Besozzi Scholarship

George L. Graziadio/SIF Scholarship

Boncore Family Scholarship

Polo Family Scholarship

Cappellotti Family Scholarship

Frank D. Privitera Scholarship

Carlone Family Scholarship

Henry F. Salvatori Scholarship

Lou Carnesecca Scholarship

Pietro Secchia Scholarship

Esposito Family Scholarship

Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Scholarship

Simone Giuffrida Scholarship

George J. Spatuzza Scholarship

Giovanni Glessi Scholarship

Angelo Tomasso Sr. Scholarship Pearl Tubiolo Scholarship

The SIF thanks the donors of this year’s additional scholarships: American University in Rome/SIF Study Abroad Scholarship The Joseph L. Bracone Memorial Scholarship Joseph and Elham Cicippio Family Scholarship Global Experiences Italian Language & Internship Scholarship The 2008 National Education & Leadership Award Sorrento Lingue Study Abroad Scholarship

The SIF also acknowledges the generous contributions of Anthony J. Baratta William D. Bucci Joseph Di Trapani And Paul S. Polo

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2008 SIF N ELA Acknowledgements The Sons of Italy Foundation expresses its sincere gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their generosity in making the th 20 Annual National Education and Leadership Awards Gala a success. Alitalia John Mariani & Castello Banfi Tony Bennett British Airways Colavita Joe Mantegna The Very Rev. David M. O’Connell Penske Sesto Senso UNITE HERE Very Special Thanks to Robert E. Corrao, Chairman of the 2008 NELA Gala Robert E. Juliano, Robert E. Juliano Associates Additional Thanks to Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. Chuck Conconi, Senior Counselor, Qorvis Communications Mary Ann Esposito Lynn Kessler, Kessler Video Production Salvatore Ferragamo Jack Lucky, Jack H. Lucky Floral Designs Inc. Monumental Affairs Francis Recchuiti Williams/Gerard Productions Max Taylor Photography Diane Vincent, Graphic Design


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


Board and Committees THE SONS O F ITA L Y F OUN D A TION

Board of Trustees

National Executive Director/CEO

Hon. Robert A. Messa President

NELA Gala Chairman

Alfred A. Affinito Chairman

Joseph Di Trapani Vice President Carmelita Bello Recording Secretary Gennaro R. Vuono Financial Secretary Louis C. Ambrosio Treasurer President Emeritus Paul S. Polo Trustees Anthony M. Acchione Angelo R. Bianchi Joseph Cicippio Frank J. De Santis Richard Farina Richard F. Furia Edward Innella Michael S. Polo Philip R. Privitera Albert J. Riccelli, Sr. Vincent Sarno Joanne L. Strollo

Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D.

Robert F. Corrao

2008 SIF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION COMMITTEE Louis F. Cappelli, co-chair Michelle Ment, co-chair Joseph Cicero Joanne L. Strollo 2008 SIF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION CONSULTANTS Mark Lindenmeyer Director of Financial Aid, Loyola College Michelle Arcieri Assistant Director, Office of Student Financial Assistance, George Washington University Maria Wilmeth, Ph.D. Program Manager, U.S. Department of Agriculture Graduate School

Resource Persons Florence Ferullo Kane Joseph La Banca Nancy Di Fiore Quinn Vincent A. Turco

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Staff, Consultants & N ELA Volunteers THE SONS O F ITA L Y F OUN D A TION

NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director/CEO

C ONSU LTA NTS Dan Ashwell Printing


Andrea K. Beach Office Manager

Michael Greto Director of Special Programs

Sylvia F. Cacciato Executive Assistant

Lynn Kessler Video

Kylie Cafiero Director of Communications

Carl Tamburro Event Producer

Alyssa Ciccone Director of Marketing

Max Taylor Photography

Dona De Sanctis, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief Italian America Magazine

Diane Vincent Graphic Design

Margaret O’Rourke Administrative Assistant Luca Plazzogna Coordinator, Italian Affairs

NE L A G A L A Jessica Abeshouse Jennifer Bower Kerrie Chorzempa Diane E. Crespy Robert D’Onofrio Krissy Ellison Kevin Fellin Sarah Gabriele Dave Greksouk Patricia Greksouk Megan Greto Nunzia Hurst Vince Ionata Gina Vitella Lanzetti Ringo Lanzetti Kristen Locatelli Daniel Nabors Laura Paszkiewicz Amy Petrine Joseph Reed Giordana Segneri Ted Skirbunt Chris Terrell Andrea Troutner Rachel Turner Corinne Verzoni Susannah Ware

The Sons of Italy Foundation National Headquarters is in an historic district of Washington, D.C. at the foot of Capitol Hill. 24

T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


The Order Sons of Italy in America The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is the oldest and largest national organization for Italian American men and women in the United States.

Founded in 1905 to help the early Italian immigrants, today OSIA is the nation’s leading Italian American service and advocacy organization, with a grass roots network of more than 700 lodges or chapters coast-to-coast. OSIA works at community, state, national and international levels to promote Italian Americans and their heritage. Its programs include: • Italian America Magazine Published by OSIA, it is the most widely read quarterly in the U.S. for people of Italian heritage. • Adopt-a-School Italian Initiative classes in local schools.

Establishes Italian language

• Passport To Italy OSIA’s travel bureau arranges low-cost group tours to Southern Italy and its cultural patrimony. • Scholarships Provides young Italian Americans with financial support to attend college. • Study Abroad Partnerships Offer opportunities for students and adults to study, live and work in Italy. • the Sons of Italy National Book Club Promotes fiction and nonfiction works by and about Italian Americans. • Activist E-Mail NETWORK Reaches thousands of Italian Americans and others monthly with information on how to fight stereotyping. • the Sons of Italy News Bureau Informs the media about Italian American issues, history and achievements. • Archives Supports historical records on OSIA and on Italian immigration history through a grant to the University of Minnesota.

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The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice

The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice (CSJ) is the anti-defamation arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), the oldest and largest national organization for men and women of Italian descent in the U.S. • The CSJ was founded in 1979 to fight the stereotyping of Italian Americans by the entertainment, advertising, and news industries. It also collaborates with other groups to ensure that people of all races, religions and cultures are treated fairly. • The CSJ monitors the entertainment, advertising and news industries, contacts offending parties by letter and/or telephone and encourages other Italian American organizations, e-mail networks and concerned individuals to take action. • Through its Positive Image Program, the CSJ regularly informs the media and general public about Italian American achievements, contributions, history and culture. • As part of its Positive Image Program, the CSJ conducts research, produces studies, teaching tools, pamphlets, exhibits and other materials on the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans. Sample inventory of CSJ POSITIVE IMAGE materials: • The Medal of Honor exhibit: Italian American war heroes • Free reports on Italian American history, demographics and contributions • How-to kit: “Start Italian in Your School” • Book marks, posters, pamphlets and brochures on Italian Americans The CSJ conducts campaigns at both the community and the national level that support cultural and social issues of importance to Italian Americans. [Legislation, commemorative stamps, Columbus Day/Heritage Month, etc.] To achieve its objectives, the CSJ engages in community and government relations as well as in grassroots campaigns and fund-raising efforts. However, given its non-profit status, the CSJ cannot offer legal advice or assistance in lawsuits.


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n

XX R o b e r t F. C o r r a o

Chairman, 2008 NELA Gala & Gala Journal Robert F. Corrao is chairman and chief executive officer of Sports Impact Inc., a publishing and multimedia corporation. Sports Impact Publishing works directly with all teams of the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League, publishing Courtside and Rinkside magazines. While serving as NELA Gala journal chairman for the past several years, Mr. Corrao has taken on an additional role for the Sons of Italy Foundation as honorary chairman of the NELA Selection Committee. His father was born in Sicily and came to America in 1920. His mother was born here, but her family came from Rome and Naples. Known as the “Little Democrat,” she was the secretary to another famous Italian American, Fiorello LaGuardia. Robert Corrao graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1964 and did graduate work at UCLA and Adelphi University to complete his MBA, after serving in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. In 1970, with the help of Red Auerbach of the Boston Celtics, Robert Corrao started Professional Sports Publications and sold the company in 1983 to form Sports Impact. He and his wife, Peggy, have four children. They have made it a family tradition for each child to spend one year of college studying in Italy.

P h i l i p R . P i c c i g a l l o , P h. D .

National Executive Director & CEO, The Sons of Italy Foundation National Executive Director, Order Sons of Italy in America Since 1988, Dr. Philip Piccigallo has served as national executive director for the Order Sons of Italy in America, the parent organization to both the philanthropic non-profit SIF and its antidefamation arm, the Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice at their national headquarters in Washington, DC. His efforts have led to strong ties between the Italian American community and leaders in government and public policy, including Cabinet members, Congressional delegates, U.S. and foreign diplomats, and the president of the United States. He has represented the concerns and issues of his community at Congressional hearings, diplomatic meetings, White House events and broad international travel, which included meetings with foreign heads of state. Dr. Piccigallo formerly served as executive assistant to the president of the American Federation of Teachers, and the president of the Seafarers International Union (SIU). He was national field director and executive board member of the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO, and served on the Boards of John Cabot University in Rome, and the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation. He also represented the SIU on President Carter’s National Commission on Pension Reform. Born in New York City, Dr. Piccigallo holds a B.A. in economics and an M.A. in economic history from Brooklyn College. He earned a Ph.D. in history and international affairs from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is widely published, including two books on U.S. foreign policy, and numerous articles on education, politics and international affairs. He and his wife, the former Rose Marie Giambrone, have two children and reside in Oakton, Virginia. 2 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y NE L A


XX Joe Mantegna Master of Ceremonies

The career of award-winning character actor, Joe Mantegna encompasses stage, screen and television. He began on Broadway. His theater credits include Working, Speed the Plow and Glengarry Glen Ross, for which he won a Tony Award. Off-Broadway audiences saw him in a number of productions, including Bleacher Bums, which he conceived and co-authored and which was later produced for television, winning him an Emmy. In Hollywood, Mantegna’s impressive feature film credits include Alice, Celebrity, Searching for Bobby Fischer, Bugsy, Baby’s Day Out, and An Eye for An Eye, among many, many others. Including, Mantegna in the sleeper hit movie Uncle Nino. Television also has benefited from his performances in numerous telefilms, including State of Emergency, A Call to Remember, Boy Meets Girl, and The Rat Pack, for which he was nominated for both an Emmy and a Golden Globe Award. He stared in the Emmy Award-nominated and People’s Choice Award-winning television series Joan of Arcadia. This talented actor also has narrated two Academy Award nominated documentaries: Crack U.S.A.: Country Under Siege and Death on the Job. A native of Chicago, he currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Arlene and their daughters, Mia and Gina.

A m b a s s a d o r G i o va n n i C a s t e l l a n e ta

Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta presented his credentials to President Bush in October 2005. He is a career diplomat with the rank of Ambassador. Prior to his current position, he was appointed Foreign Policy Advisor of Prime Minister Amato in 2001 and later confirmed by Prime Minister Berlusconi who designated him also as his personal representative for the G8 summits. From 1998 to 2001, he was Ambassador to Australia and the Pacific islands during the preparation for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. From 1997 until 1998, he headed the Italian assistance program in Albania: in this position he coordinated Italian political and economic efforts in favor of Albania’s reconstruction after the civil war. From 1992 until 1995, he was Ambassador to Iran. In the years of his tenure he faced the challenging relations with one of the most important economic partners of Italy in the critical postKhomeini era. In 1989, Ambassador Castellaneta was appointed Diplomatic Advisor to Treasury Minister Amato. Subsequently, Minister of Foreign Affairs De Michelis designated him as Spokesman and Chief of Press and Communication in a moment of historic events such as the Gulf war, the final days of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany. He held various positions in Rome among which Special Assistant to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Senior Advisor on the Staff of Prime Minister Craxi. Ambassador Castellaneta also served in a number of other posts, including Somalia, Portugal, France, where he was in charge of press and cultural relations, and Geneva, where he served as Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to International Organizations. Ambassador Castellaneta was Vice Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, the leading Italian company in the field of defense industry. With an advanced Degree from the Università “la Sapienza” Law School in Rome, he pursued further specialization in International Legal Affairs and Economics. In 2005, Ambassador Castellaneta was decorated Knight of the Grand Cross, the highest honor of the Republic of Italy. 28

T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


Auction Donors Alan Reed Watercolours Alitalia Al Veluu Suites & Ristorante The Breakers Castello Banfi Christian Dior Ciao Italia Colavita Cruise Ship Holidays, Inc. Delicious Italy Fallon Fine Art Geno Auriemma Giramondo Wine Adventures Gray & Associates Design Il Mulino Italia! Italian Property Jerry Ross Joe Mantegna John Travolta Lavazza/Cap Cup, LLC Le Cirque Lloyd-Meurer Portrait Studios Lou Carnesecca Mia Gemma Micheal Castaldo New York City Opera Nomi Wagner The Palm Restaurant Panorama Italiano Paul Polo The Property Organiser Rachael Ray Ristorante Luigino Sterling Portraits, LLC Tosca Vantage Travel Washington National Opera

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N ELA Gala Celebrity Chefs THE SONS O F ITA L Y F OUN D A TION

These nine chefs from eight of Washington’s most elegant and authentic Italian restaurants have prepared special dishes for the Tasting Reception at the 2008 SIF National Education & Leadership Gala, celebrating its 20th anniversary. ROBERTO DONNA, Executive Chef/Owner, Bebo Trattoria • Born in Turin, Piedmont • Began working in restaurants when he was in first grade • Entered professional cooking school at age 14 • Came to Washington, DC in 1984 to open his flagship and award-winning restaurant, Galileo • Opened Bebo Trattoria in Arlington to offer an authentic Italian family dining experience. Gave it his childhood nickname.

MARY ANN ESPOSITO, Host/Chef, “Ciao Italia” (PBS) • Born in Depew, NY; of Sicilian and Neapolitan descent • Learned cooking from her Italian grandmothers who were professional cooks • Launched “Ciao Italia” in 1989 on PBS. Today it is television’s longest-running cooking show • Author of 10 cookbooks, including her latest, Ciao Italia Slow and Easy MASSIMO FABBRI, Executive Chef, Tosca Restaurant • Born in Monsummano Terme, near Florence • Enrolled in hotel school at age 14 • After working in London, came to Washington, DC in 2001 • As executive chef at Tosca, he brings authentic Tuscan cuisine to DC ENZO FARGIONE, Chef, Teatro Goldoni Restaurant • Born and raised in Turin • Graduated top of class from Culinary Institute of Turin • Came to US in 1986; worked with Roberto Donna, opening 5 restaurants in DC area • Opened Barolo Restaurant on Capitol Hill and this year became chef of Teatro Goldoni


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n

XX ENZO FEBRARO, Chef/Owner, D’Acqua Restaurant • Born and raised in Naples, Italy • Graduated from culinary school at age 16 • Worked in restaurants in France, Germany, Spain, and England • Came to Washington in 1995 where he worked at Cafè Milano and Filomena’s before coming to D’Acqua

CARMINE MARZANO, Chef/Owner, Luigino Restaurant • Born in Calabria but raised in Turin • Trained at the Culinary Institute of Pienerolo • Came to DC and assisted Roberto Donna with Galileo’s for four years • Opened Luigino with wife Deborah Bruzzo in 1993

MICHELE MAZZA, Executive Chef, Il Mulino Restaurant • Born and raised in Torre del Greco, near Naples • Began cooking at age 8 in mother’s kitchen and family’s restaurants • After culinary school, worked on cruise ships for 10 years • Came to U.S. in 1980 and opened numerous restaurants before becoming to Il Mulino

FRANCESCO “CESCO” RICCHI, Chef/Co-Owner, D’Acqua Restaurant • Born and raised in Florence, Italy • Came to Washington in 1989 where he founded I Ricchi, famous for its authentic Tuscan menu • Also opened Cesco Trattoria in Bethesda, listed among the Washington Posts “50 Best Restaurants” • In 2007, opened D’Acqua with partner Enzo Febbraro

ALESSANDRO SCHULTE, Chef, Sesto Senso • Raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan • Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) • Externed at the French Laundry in Napa with Thomas Keller • Assisted legendary chef Gianni Scappin of Bice, Le Madri & Gigi Trattoria • Comes to Sesto Senso from Danny Meyer’s restaurant, The Modern, in NYC

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Celebrity Chef Tasting Reception M ENU

V I P R eception Sesto Senso

T imb a llo

Molded Mascarpone Casserole By Celebrity Chef/TV Host, Mary Ann Esposito Prepared by Ristorante Luigino

R icott a & A s p a r a g u s D u mpling

Ricotta and Asparagus dumpling with creamy marjoram sauce and cherry tomatoes By Tosca

T u n a L ollipop

Black Pepper and anice incrusted tuna loin lollipop By Teatro Goldoni

R a violi P o r cini

Cooked in a champagne cream sauce & black truffles By Il Mulino

P o r c h ett a

Porchetta served with olive tapanade, cipolline agrodolce and crostini di pane By Sesto Senso

C u r e d S a lmon

Cured Salmon served with Pear and Mustard Sauce By D’Acqua

M ini C one s

Puree of Fava Beans with Tuna Tartar By Bebo Trattoria

O lio


A glio

Artisanal Cheese, Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar By Colavita


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n


The SIF Award Recipients: 2007 - 1989 THE SONS O F ITA L Y F OUN D A TION

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) Awards are given annually at the SIF’s Gala Dinner, held every May in Washington, D.C.


Nicholas Donofrio Executive VP, IBM

National Education & Leadership Award (NELA)

Geraldine Ferraro Lifetime Achievement Award Former Congresswoman for Public Service Frank Giordano Humanitarian Award President, Union League of Philadelphia The Rienzi Foundation

Making A Difference Award


John De Gioia Excellence in Academia Award President, Georgetown University Frances Visco Humanitarian Award President, National Breast Cancer Coalition


Charles Gargano Chairman, Empire State Development Corp.

NELA Award

Andy Granatelli Lifetime Achievement Automotive designer, driver & engineer

Michael Rienzi National Education & President & Founder, Rienzi & Sons Leadership Award (NELA)

Richard L. Trumka Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO

Franco Nuschese Excellence in Business President, Georgetown Entertainment Group, LLC


Robert E. Juliano SIF Humanitarian Chairman, Robert E. Juliano Associates

Martin J. Maddaloni Humanitarian Award General President United Association (union)


Joe Mantegna Excellence in Media Award Actor

Dana Gioia National Education & Chairman, National Endowment For the Arts Leadership Award (NELA) Joseph Battipaglia CIO, Ryan Beck & Co.

Business Award

Karen Ignagni Lifetime Achievement in Management President & CEO, America’s Health Insurance Plans Joseph G. Procacci OSIA Centennial Award CEO, Procacci Brothers Sales Corp.


Joseph Grano NELA Award Chairman, UBS Financial Services Silvio Berlusconi International Prime Minister of Italy Leadership Award 2 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y NE L A

Humanitarian Award

Robert Gallo, M.D. AIDS & cancer researcher


John F. Mariani Chairman, Banfi Vintners

NELA Award

NELA Award

Robert A. Georgine Humanitarian Award Chairman, President & CEO ULLICO, Inc. Regis Philbin Lifetime Achievement Award Television Host


Mario Andretti Racing Legend & Business Entrepreneur

NELA Award

Phil Guarascio Crystal Lion Recognition Former Vice President & General Manager North American Marketing & Advertising General Motors Corporation 33



Connie Stevens Actress & Businesswoman

Humanitarian Award

Andrew A. Giancamilli NELA Award Former President & General Merchandise Manager Kmart Corporation Tony Bennett Legendary Entertainer

Humanitarian Award


Joseph E. Antonini President, JEA Enterprises, Inc.


The Honorable Louis J. Freeh NELA Award Senior Vice Chairman Administrative & Legal Affairs, MBNA America, Inc.



Phil Guarascio NELA Award Former Vice President & General Manager North American Marketing & Advertising General Motors Corporation


Frank Sinatra Humanitarian Award Legendary Entertainer, Producer & Philanthropist


Peter F. Secchia NELA Award Chairman,Universal Forest Products, Inc. & Former U.S. Ambassador to Italy Tommy Lasorda Humanitarian Award Vice President/Former Manager LA Dodgers

NELA Award

Annette Funicello Entertainer

NELA Award


Dr. Anthony S. Fauci NELA Award Director, The National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease at the NIH


The Honorable Antonin Scalia U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice


The Honorable Silvio O. Conte The U.S. Congressman [Massachusetts]

NELA Award

NELA Award



Joe Paterno NELA Award Head Football Coach, Pennsylvania State University

Lou Carnesecca NELA Award Head basketball coach (Ret.), St. John’s University

Alfred A. Checchi NELA Award Former Co-Chairman, Northwest Airlines Corporation

Celebrating Excellence Recognizing Achievement 34

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Tony Bennett

Featured Performer

he Sons of Italy Foundation is delighted to welcome back Tony Bennett tonight for his fourth performance at the SIF’s National Education and Leadership Awards Gala. Tony Bennett’s phenomenal career is proof positive of his musical talent and timeless appeal. In 1951, his recordings “Because of You” and “Cold, Cold Heart” topped the charts, catapulting him to national attention. Six decades later, his recent album with contemporary artist k.d. lang, A Wonderful World is a hit with the MTV generation. “Tony Bennett has not just bridged the generation gap,” writes The New York Times, “he has demolished it. He has solidly connected with a younger crowd weaned on rock. And there have been no compromises.”

The awards keep pouring in. His highly acclaimed Tony Bennett: MTV Unplugged spent 35 weeks at the top of the U.S. Jazz chart and won him the 1995 Grammy Award for “Album of the Year,” as well as “Best Traditional Pop Vocal Performance.” And who doesn’t know Tony Bennett’s classic “Rags to Riches,” “Stranger in Paradise,” “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and his signature song, “I Left My Heart in San Francisco.” In 1991, Columbia Records awarded the legendary singer a plaque commemorating the sale of over thirty million records since he first signed with the record label. Not bad for a kid from Queens. He was born Anthony Dominick Benedetto on August 13, 1926. He studied music and art at the High School of Industrial Arts in New York and began his singing career as a tenor until his voice deepened. Bob Hope spotted him, saw his talent and convinced him to change his name to Tony Bennett. A successful audition for Columbia Records producer Mitch Miller in 1950 launched his career. Today, more than a half century later, he is still singing…and painting under the name of Anthony Dominick Benedetto. His paintings have been featured in several art publications and in the collections of Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey and Katie Couric, among others. No broken dreams here!

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About this Evening’s Wines... Th e L e o n e D ’ O r o

Sangiovese & Pinot Grigio


he Leone d’Oro wine served at this evening’s gala is produced exclusively for the Sons of Italy and bears its label.

It marks the first step in the Sons of Italy’s newly launched licensing and branding program. As the Sons of Italy’s first “branded” product, the Leone d’Oro wine will commemorate the Sons of Italy Foundation’s 20th anniversary NELA Gala and its attainment of the $100 million mark in charitable giving. It also represents the first in a soon-to-be-introduced selection of authentic, high-quality, Italian–oriented products that will bear the Figli d’Italia label.


T h e S o n s o f I t al y F o u n da t i o n

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