November 8-9, 2013
Oregon Oregon
Afterschool Conference
Health, Safety & Nutrition in Afterschool
Chemeketa Community College 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE Salem, Oregon 97309
Register Now @!
Friday Sessions 12:30pm Registration
Increasing STEM Engagement for Girls: Strategies & Resources - Nimisha Ghosh Roy, Pacific Northwest Girls Collaborative Project Explore a variety of national programs and strategies effectively engaging girls in fun, inspiring STEM activities across multiple disciplines and settings. Learn about resources, engage in hands-on activities and experience curricula from the National Girls Collaborative Project, SciGirlsTM and The FabFems Project. Leave with professional development tools and opportunities for your staff as well as ready-to-implement strategies and curricula. CKC: Set Two LEC Who Wants to Give You Money? - Susan Howlett, National Girls Collaborative Project Discover 20 sources of sustainable funding you may not have approached before, and learn how easy it is to keep them supporting you year after year. You’ll leave with clearly identified prospects, and the specific things they want, all of which are blessedly simple to deliver. This interactive session promises illuminating stories, hands-on examples, immediate application to your own organization, and chocolate! CKC: Set One PM Bringing the OEIB Equity Lens into Practical Application - Helen Visarraga, The Center for Intercultural Innovation and Dr. Doris McEwen, Oregon Education Investment Board Equity and Diversity is an important and complex concept that must be integrated in all education services in Oregon. In this session, we will explore personal beliefs and become familiar with Oregon’s OEIB Equity Lens and what it means for working with families and children from Oregon’s diverse cultural communities. Through thoughtful activities that will build competencies for working with cultural communities you can expect to have an opportunity to explore your own personal beliefs about race and equity and apply the insights learned about yourself and Oregon’s OEIB Equity Lens into your work with families and children. This session will have fun interactive activities that will help you learn how other participants view the topic of race and equity. Bring your own cultural knowledge to share with others in this great opportunity to view your work through a Lens of Equity. CKC: Set Two DI Accommodations for Children and Youth with Autism and Behavior Support Techniques - Dr. Mary Shea, Kids Included Together This two-part session will equip professionals with strategies to facilitate inclusion for children with autism spectrum disorders and address common assumptions about autism, and how to provide environmental and interpersonal accommodations. In the second part participants will explore strategies for addressing challenging behavior in all children with discussions including how to identify influences on behavior, define behavior problems, and develop plans to teach skills. The session concludes with a discussion of appropriate behavior support tools. CKC: Set Two SN 503-689-1656
Health, Safety & Nutrition in Afterschool Saturday Conference At a Glance Session Two
Session One 10am-12pm
Where Everyone Belongs Dr. Mary Shea, KIT SN Rm: 9-111
Set Your Board on Fire Susan Howlett, National Girls Colloborative PM Rm: 5-257
SciGirls®Live Healthy: HandsOn Activities to Engage Girls in STEM Nimisha Ghosh Roy, Pacific NW Girls Collaborative Project LEC Rm: 8-206
Creating Learning Opportunities With Proficiency-based Practices
Kyle Cole, OSU PPLD Rm: 5-259
Engaging Families Leads to Success for All Mia Jackson, Foundation for Family Science & Engineering LEC Rm: 5-249
Get Your Lips Smackin’ Over These Snackins Dustin Melton & Chris Bosak, ODE-Child Nutition Program & Crista Hawkins, Oregon Dairy Council HSN Rm: 8-204
GROW TASTE LEARN! Brenda Knobloch & Chelsey Thomsen, Salem Keizer Education Foundation (Double Session) HSN Rm: 8-206
Linking Philosophy and Activities Through Outcomes Tammy Marino, Phoenix Solutions PM Rm: 9-111
Together We Prepare
Diane Smith, Business Education Compact PM Rm: 5-259
Carol Mitchell & Susan Thompson, Red Cross, HSN Rm: 5-257
Positive Behavior Supports
Physical Fitness, Peer Tutoring & an iPad? Tools to Educate Students with Autism
Liz Caravaca, Phoenix Solutions UGB Rm: 9-115
Philosophy of Engagement
Kiley Tyler, OSU Rm: 8-210
Ian Mouser, My Voice Music LEC Rm: 8-210
Screening Applicants for Effectiveness (SAFE)
Learning to Defend Myself is Learning to Take Care of Myself!
Meghan Ferns & Sarah Tollefson, Oregon Mentors (Double Session) PM Rm: 9-115
Carolyne Haycraft, GirlStrength HSN Rm: 8-212
Integrating Arts with Literacy Leilani Larsen Esping, Consultant LEC Rm: 8-112 Oregon Registry CKC Key
D - Diversity FCS - Families, Community Systems HSN - Health, Safety & Nutrition HGD - Human Growth & Development LEC - Learning Environments & Curriculum PPLD - Personal, Professional & Leadership Development PM - Program Management SN - Special Needs UGB - Understanding & Guiding Behavior
Risk Deprivation: Are Children Allowed Enough Risk in Play to Support Healthy Development? Louise Bensen, Consultant UGB Rm: 8-216
Using Role Models to Engage Girls in STEM Nimisha Ghosh Roy, Pacific NW Girls Collaborative Project LEC Rm: 8-212
Rick Sherman, ODE - USDA HSN Rm: 5-249
Lunch, Displays & Networking
Opening Session
Registration, Coffee and Pastries
How to Implement a School Garden at Your Afterschool Program
Creating Safer Youth Programs Through “Culture of Responsibility” (CoR) Principles
Jamie Davis & Jeremy Green, OSU Extension, 4-H & Youth Development Faculty HGD Rm: 8-204
An Intentional Approach to the Healthy Growth and Development of Youth
Session Three
FIRST Robotics, a project-based engineering challenge, for K-8th grade Cathy Swider, Stephanie Brown, FIRST Lego Robotics - ORTOP & Cristian Curiel, 4H LEC Rm: 5-259
Let’s Get Fit Krina Lemons, SKEF & USTA Pacific Northwest LEC Rm: 8-204
Getting your Hands On, Arms and Mind Around STEM! Jo Oshiro, OPAS LEC Rm: 8-210
GROW TASTE LEARN! Brenda Knobloch & Chelsey Thomsen, Salem Keizer Education Foundation (Double Session) HSN Rm: 8-206
Making Homework Work in Afterschool Leilani Larsen Esping, Consultant LEC Rm: 8-112
Modifying, and Adapting Physical Activity for Youth with Disabilities Jennifer Taylor, OSU SN Rm: 9-111
On Connecting After School Programs to the School Day: A Principal’s Perspective Dr. Dorie Vickery, Consultant FCS Rm: 5-257
Screening Applicants for Effectiveness (SAFE) Meghan Ferns & Sarah Tollefson, Oregon Mentors (Double Session) PM Rm: 9-115
Risk Deprivation: Are Children Allowed Enough Risk in Play to Support Healthy Development? Louise Bensen, Consultant (Double Session) UGB Rm: 8-216
Successful Environmental Service Learning Projects with SOLVE Quinton Bauer, SOLVE LEC Rm: 5-249
Traveling Circuits Teaching Computer Science Without Fear Kiki Prottsman, Thinkersmith Rm: 8-212
Saturday Sessions Session One
An Intentional Approach to the Healthy Growth and Development of Youth - Jamie Davis & Jeremy Green, OSU Extension, 4-H & Youth Development Faculty To promote positive and healthy youth development, intentional strategies in youth work programming are essential for youth to gain core competencies needed to be defined as “thriving.” Participants in this workshop will gain competencies and skill sets needed to develop and promote youth programming aimed at the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development of youth ranging in age from 5-18. CKC: Set Two HGD How to Implement a School Garden at Your Afterschool Program - Rick Sherman, Oregon Department of Education - USDA Did you know that Oregon has over 400 school gardens? What about afterschool programs? How can they participate in gardens? Find ways to implement a learning garden system that teaches children about gardens and makes the connection with good nutrition by eating healthy fruits and vegetables. Learn about best practices by other programs in the State. CKC: Set One HSN Integrating Arts with Literacy - Leilani Larsen Esping, Consultant How do you make a book come alive….integrate it with art! This interactive session will include hands on activities such as Harold’s Purple Crayon, Ish…and other fantastic literature/art activities. You will discover fun, adventure, art and literacy and creative ways to infuse them into your curriculum! CKC: Set Two LEC Learning to Defend Myself is Learning to Take Care of Myself! - Carolyne Haycraft & Lisa Ernst, GirlStrength Taking a self-defense class can be more than just kicking and punching! Research reveals that a holistic approach to staying safe can increase confidence, communication skills and be life transforming for participants. This interactive workshop is designed for teachers who work with students ages 10-14 and covers strategies and techniques used in the GirlStrength curriculum. CKC: Set One HSN Philosophy of Engagement - Ian Mouser, My Voice Music What does it take to create experiences that engage youth in meaningful ways? What skills do older teens possess that we are not leveraging or challenging as program leaders? During this session participants will be asked to accomplish hands on tasks as a group that simulate an afterschool music group experience as we try to answer these questions. CKC: Set One LEC Positive Behavior Supports - Liz Caravaca, Phoenix Solutions Positive behavior interventions and supports, or PBIS, is an effective tool for guiding and managing challenging behaviors in your program. In this session we will explore the concepts of PBIS and discuss ways you can integrate PBIS strategies to support all the children and youth in CKC: Set Two (Pending) UGB Creating Learning Opportunities With Proficiency-based Practices - Diane Smith, Business Education Compact Learning should NOT be limited to the classroom. Experiences, activities, internships, and workrelated responsibilities all promote and offer learning. Did you also know that they can generate high school credit? Proficiency-based practices make this possible. This session provides a brief overview of proficiency and examples of how after-school programs can create credit-bearing learning options for high school students. CKC: Set One PM SciGirls®Live Healthy: Hands-On Activities to Engage Girls in STEM - Nimisha Ghosh Roy, Pacific Northwest Girls Collaborative Project Learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities focusing on health and nutrition; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM. Leave with ready-to-implement strategies and curricula integrating inquiry-based science instruction with a commitment to gender equity, based on the PBS television series, SciGirlsTM. CKC: Set One LEC 503-689-1656
Set Your Board on Fire - Susan Howlett, National Girls Collaborative You need your board to be strategic governors, compelling ambassadors, and powerful fundraisers, but they’re not all stepping up to those roles on your behalf. Find out what’s in their way, and how to remove the barriers that are keeping them from optimal leadership. You’ll leave this interactive session with practical, no-cost solutions to problems that have plagued you for years! CKC: Set One PM Where Everyone Belongs - Dr. Mary Shea, Kids Included Together This workshop will introduce the rational for and the benefits of promoting and ensuring meaningful opportunities for children and youth with disabilities to participate in afterschool programs and expanded learning environments. Participants will be challenged to reflect on whether or not their afterschool programs are intentionally and strategically reaching out to children with disabilities and their families, while providing appropriate accommodations and supports. They will be introduced to a paradigm change in ways we look at disability as another form of human difference and will leave reflecting on where their staff and programs are on a developmental continuum of inclusion and hopefully will leave feeling empowered and enthusiastic about creating and sustaining inclusive out-of-school time programs. CKC: Set Two SN
Session Two Creating Safer Youth Programs Through “Culture of Responsibility” (CoR) Principles Kyle Cole, OSU, Precollege Programs In the wake of the Penn State sex abuse scandal, universities across the country are reexamining their youth program policies. Oregon State University has culled safety best-practices and focused on creating a “culture of resonsibility” (CoR) rather than a proscriptive list of policies. This workshop will examine the “CoR Principles” for creating a comprehensively safe youth program. CKC: Set One PM Engaging Families Leads to Success for All - Mia Jackson, Foundation for Family Science & Engineering There are powerful benefits to engaging parents as active participants in their child’s educational experiences. However, implementing effective family engagement efforts can be a challenge in the afterschool program setting. Learn about research-based strategies and discover effective resources that can help you increase parent involovement in your program and encourage and support families to get engaged and stay engaged in their child’s education. CKC: Set One FCS Get Your Lips Smackin’ Over These Snackins - Dustin Melton, Chris Bosak, ODE-Child Nutrition Program & Crista Hawkins, Oregon Dairy Council Participants will learn how to create healthy, kid-friendly snacks in the Afterschool environment. The presentation will focus on the nutritional differences within each food group, how to spice up the traditional snacks served in Afterschool programs, and a review of fun, interactive nutrition resources. CKC: Set One HSN GROW TASTE LEARN! (Double Session) - Brenda Knobloch & Chelsey Thomsen, SKEF Cultivate your interest and feed your passion for afterschool learning gardens. Take a field trip to Oregon’s only K-12 school garden continuum project featuring an aquaponics greenhouse and dig into the connections between nutrition, edible landscaping, environmental stewardship, career and technical education and academic achievement goals. CKC: Set One HSN/LEC Linking Philosophy and Activities Through Outcomes - Tammy Marino, Consultant, OregonASK Let’s start at outcomes! What do you want the children and youth in your program to be able to know or do? How does your program philosophy and activities reinforce this? What are outcomes? Outcomes are different than outputs, or the activities that you do to accomplish your outcomes. In this session we will untangle outcomes from activities and discuss ways to integrate these two concepts with the philosophy of your program! CKC: Set One PM 503-689-1656
Together We Prepare - Carol Mitchell & Susan Thompson, Red Cross Is your school or program prepared for emergency? If you’re like most of us, the answer is no, you’re not as prepared as you would like to be. It can be difficult to know where to begin – and where to go from there. Join the Red Cross Disaster Preparedness team as they discuss strategies and resources for preparing your program for an emergency. CKC: Set One HSN Risk Deprivation: Are Children Allowed Enough Risk in Play to Support Healthy Development? (Double Session) - Louise Bensen, Consultant Are children kept too safe to support healthy development? Participants will examine risky play and its developmental importance. We will then explore the many obvious and not-so-obvious factors that interfere with providing healthy risk taking opportunities. What is our role in both risk deprivation and its rectification? CKC: Set Two UGB Screening Applicants for Effectiveness (SAFE) (Double Session) - Meghan Ferns & Sarah Tollefson, Oregon Mentors During this training we review crtiical content designed to assist youth serving programs in strengthening their volunteer screening practices to ensure a commitment to child safety. We’ll explore why programs should turn away some volunteers, and what tools programs possess to decide if a volunteer should be allowed to work with children as a representative of your agency. CKC: Set One PM Using Role Models to Engage Girls in STEM - Nimisha Ghosh Roy, Pacific Northwest Girls Collaborative Project Learn how to recruit role models and integrate them successfully into your programs for maximum impact on girls’ engagement in STEM. Leveraging the extensive network of the National Girls Collaborative Project, the FabFems Project is a national, online directory of women STEM role models and a gateway to additional resources on effectively integrating role models into girl-serving STEM programs. CKC: Set One PM Physical Fitness, Peer Tutoring & an iPad? Tools to Educate Students with Autism Kiley Tyler - OSU - School of Biological & Population Health Services Currently 1 in 50 school-aged children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (autism). Given the atypical patterns of behavior and social engagement a creative and engaging method of education and communication is often needed. This presentation will demonstrate how to utilize peer tutoring, iPad applications, and health-related physical fitness to include physical activity-based programming in after-school programs. CKC: Set One SN
Session Three FIRST Robotics, a Project-based Engineering Challenge for K-8th grade - Cathy Swider, Stephanie Brown, FIRST Lego Robotics - ORTOP & Cristian Curiel, 4-H This school year over 4,000 Oregon students on over 500 teams are creative thinkers and problem solvers, using math and communication skills to solve real world problems in FIRST LEGO League and Junior FIRST LEGO League. Robots, LEGO, and Fun are all part of this successful project based learning experience. Learn if FIRST is a good fit for your afterschool program. CKC: Set One LEC Let’s Get Fit - Krina Lemons, SKEF & Matthew Warren, USTA This “get up and move” session is designed to demonstrate how to effectively add a fitness compenent to your afterschool and summer program. Learn about the 5210 Challenge, see how exciting tennis in afterschool can be and talk with fellow programs about strengthening your program with health and fitness. CKC: Set One LEC Getting your Hands On, Arms and Mind Around STEM! - Jo Oshiro, OPAS What is STEM? What is scientific inquiry? Why should I learn about engineering? New to STEM and looking for answers? Join our STEM experts in an engaging session that will introduce you to science, technology, math, and engineering (STEM) concepts and how to foster it in your program. CKC: Set One LEC 503-689-1656
GROW TASTE LEARN! (Double Session) - Brenda Knobloch & Chelsey Thomsen, SKEF Cultivate your interest and feed your passion for afterschool learning gardens. Take a field trip to Oregon’s only K-12 school garden continuum project featuring an aquaponics greenhouse and dig into the connections between nutrition, edible landscaping, environmental stewardship, career and technical education and academic achievement goals. CKC: Set One HSN/LEC Making Homework Work in Afterschool - Leilani Larsen Esping, Consultant Does the thought of homework after school make you groan? Create an inviting and engaging homework environment that is responsive to individual student needs, encourages communication between teachers, parents, students, and staff and promotes effective learning habits. We will explore strategies for lightening the homework load with a special focus on literacy and math. CKC: Set One LEC Modifying, and Adapting Physical Activity for Youth with Disabilities - Jennifer Taylor, Oregon State University In this session participants will get a better understanding for some of the challenges youth with disabilities face in regards to physical activity, learning new motor skills, and being active. This session will also provide participants with tools they can use in their programs to appropriately modify and adapt activities for youth with various disabilities (including autism, ADD/ADHD, and learning disabilities). CKC: Set One SN On Connecting After School Programs to the School Day: A Principal’s Perspective Dr. Dorie Vickery, Consultant Connection to the regular school day is critical for student learning. In this session attendees will explore how after school programs can connect to the regular school day, impacting a child’s social/emotional and academic growth. Topics include communication, student safety, curriculum alignment, and tutoring strategies. CKC: Set Two PM Risk Deprivation: Are Children Allowed Enough Risk in Play to Support Healthy Development? (Double Session)- Louise Bensen, Consultant Are children kept too safe to support healthy development? Participants will examine risky play and its developmental importance. We will then explore the many obvious and not-so-obvious factors that interfere with providing healthy risk taking opportunities. What is our role in both risk deprivation and its rectification? CKC: Set Two UGB Screening Applicants for Effectiveness (SAFE) (Double Session) - Meghan Ferns & Sarah Tollefson, Oregon Mentors During this training we review critiical content designed to assist youth serving programs in strengthening their volunteer screening practices to ensure a commitment to child safety. We’ll explore why programs should turn away some volunteers, and what tools programs possess to decide if a volunteer should be allowed to work with children as a representative of your agency. CKC: Set One PM Successful Environmental Service Learning Projects with SOLVE - Quinton Bauer, SOLVE Are you looking for ways to energize your curriculum? Are you interested in Service Learning as a teaching and learning stategy? Do you aspire to make more connections between your classroom and the field? SOLVE staff will provide an overview of environmental service-learning, ideas for and examples of partnerships with local community resources, and examples of service-learning instructional strategies. CKC: Set One LEC Traveling Circuits Teaching Computer Science Without Fear - Kiki Prottsman, Thinkersmith Traveling Circuits is an innovative new curriculum that allows any instructor to teach the basics of computer science and computational thinking without the need for advanced preparation and intimidating assignments. Using games, and arts & crafts, instructors will get a hands on lesson in computer science foundations such as variables, functions, programs and algorithms. CKC: Set One LEC 503-689-1656
“How To Register” Please visit and click on “Register Now!” You will be given the option of paying using your Paypal account, a credit card through Paypal, or by check. Please contact us if your organization requires an invoice. *Note: Programs registering more than a couple members of your staff, please contact lynn. to discuss streamlining the registration process.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
OAC Friday $50
OAC Saturday $85
Take $5 off on every extra registration after 5!
A la carte $135
Registration Opens Aug. 1st.
Both Days Non-member $120 Savings: $15
Both Days Member $100 Savings: $35
to learn about saving on this training and others by becoming a member of OregonASK!
OASK Membership $70
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Conference Special Become a member now, save $35 on conference fees AND receive these other discounts: • Discounted professional development opportunities including webinars with national and local trainers, hybrid online/webinar courses, and regional trainings! Ex: Supervisor Academy Member Savings = $50! Both days Quality Program Series Savings = $25/module! • Quarterly Print Publications - “Afterschool Today” • Monthly issues of National E-News hrs • OregonASK’s monthly newsletter - AFTERZONE Registry • Bi-annual “Members Only” meeting. Credit! • Insurance Benefits: professional liability, disability, and life opportunities. • “Breaking News” - Members only!
=10 503-689-1656
Betty Gray Early Childhood Development Endowment Fund Do you work for a licensed program? Attend the conference for less with a Betty Gray Scholarship! Please read the following details closely. You MUST be at Step 3 or higher on the Oregon Registry and work for an Oregon Child Care Division licensed (Certified or Registered) program and be accepted into the scholarship program to be eligible for a scholarship for this conference. Click for the Application for Community Based Training* Scholarship Support. You must submit this application and be approved to recieve a scholarship.
Cost Breakdown Both Days: OASK/NAA Member: $100 - $60 scholarship = $40 balance
$120 - $60 scholarship = $60 balance
For more information on The Registry and scholarships, call: The Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education; 503-725-8535 or toll free 1-877-725-8535 or Email: You can also visit their website at: Click on Oregon Statewide Scholarship Program for more information about the scholarship process. Once you are approved and receive your scholarship eligibility letter, you can request a registration scholarship of $45 if you are attending Saturday’s conference and $60 if you’re attending both Friday and Saturday! Please send a copy of your eligibility letter to OregonASK: PO Box 2826, Salem, Oregon 97308 Or scan and email to You are responsible to pay the remaining balance of your total fees. Please do not register before you’ve sent your scholarship letter to us and have received confirmation because you will need your scholarship “code,” to access your discounted rate at registration! We will be working diligently to keep the turn around time as short as possible and appreciate your patience! Thank you!
Logistics Registration Check In: Registration will open in Building 6, in Auditorium foyer, at 8:00am. A complimentary light breakfast, coffee and tea will also be served. Please enjoy your food in the lobby area or in the courtyard outside as food is not allowed inside the auditorium. Please do feel free to bring your COVERED drink into the auditorium for the kick off! Don’t forget to take it with you! Lodging: BEST WESTERN Pacific Highway Inn 4646 Portland Road Northeast, Salem, OR 97305 Ph: 1 800-568-8520 Visit and search for Pacific Highway Inn for best rates. Display Tables We are welcoming a variety display tables to the conference this year, as well as showcasing partner organizations. Display hours are from 8:00am-3:00pm. Be sure to visit the exhibitors to put your name their FREE drawing box! Prizes will be drawn during lunch. Prizes must be picked up by 3:00pm. Vaccinations: The Oregon Immunization Program will be providing the flu and Tdap vaccines during the conference this year. Please check for more information during morning registration to find out where they will be located. Evaluations Please help us continue to improve the Oregon Afterschool Conference by providing feedback about your experience. Session Evaluations: Please take a brief moment to fill out a very short session evaluation after each of your sessions, and turn them in to the room host. Overall Conference Evaluation: Please take time to fill out an overall conference evaluation, enclosed in your folder, or online - for your chance to win a free 2013 conference registration! Social Media Like us at, follow @oregonask and use #2013OAC to partcipate in the conversation at this conference! Give us great feedback, talk to your friends about what brilliant thing you just heard in a session, and share what you’ve learned over the day. Cell Phones Please be respectful of session presenters by keeping your cell phone silenced during sessions. Nametags: Please help us by recycling your name tags in the boxes provided at the end of the day. 503-689-1656
Directions to Chemeketa Community College: From I-5 South, Take exit 258, towards North Salem. Turn left onto Portland Rd. NE. Turn Right on to Ward Dr. NE. Follow Ward Dr. for appox. 1 mile. Turn Right onto 45th Ave. NE. Turn right again, into the “Purple Lot.” From I-5 North, Take exit 258 for State 99E N. Turn right onto Portland Rd. NE. Turn Right on to Ward Dr. NE. Follow Ward Dr. for appox. 1 mile. Turn Right onto 45th Ave. NE. Turn right again, into the “Purple Lot.” Conference Registration will be held in Building 6 - Auditorium.
To Ward Dr. 503-689-1656