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Eugene Montessori School
Educating for a better world since 1962.
A quality Montessori education for children ages 3 through kindergarten. The individualized curriculum includes music, P.E., snacks and a wholesome hot lunch. 541.345.7124 • 2255 Oakmont Way • eugenemontessorischool.com environment. In addition to a solid academic program, students receive instruction in the Performing Arts, Physical Education, Technology and Spanish. Currently accepting applications for the coming 23-24 school year.

Eugene Waldorf School

1350 McLean Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97405
541-683-6951 www.EugeneWaldorf.org
The Eugene Waldorf School is one of over 1,000 Waldorf schools worldwide and has been serving preschool through grade 8 since 1980. Our mission is to educate the whole child for the future, equally engaging body, mind, and spirit. Our teachers foster a love of learning by enlivening the imagination, strengthening the creative will, deepening understanding, and awakening a sense of community. Our academic program integrates the arts, humanities, and sciences.
We strive to help all children develop their unique physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual capacities. This enables each individual to responsibly enter into an ever-changing local and global community with integrity, passion, and freedom.
Ridgeline Montessori School
4500 W. Amazon Drive Eugene, OR 97405
541-681-9662 www.ridgeline.org
Ridgeline Montessori provides an academically rigorous public Montessori education. Students balance their freedom to explore and think for themselves with their responsibility to work and learn within a community.
Educational Resources
Celtic and Classical Harp Lessons

Private studio near UO Campus
Eugene, OR 97403 541-357-6603
Private instruction by conservatory-trained teacher and parent, Mary DeMocker. Safe, inclusive studio with a whole child pedogogial approach. Programs are tailored to each students learning style and musical passions, and include: technique, musicianship, ear-training, performance skills, and quarterly gatherings. All levels and musicial styles welcome! Harp rentals available. Call to schedule a FREE introductory meeting!
Eugene Science Center
2300 Leo Harris Parkway
Eugene, OR 97401
541-682-7888 https://eugenesciencecenter.org/
Visit Eugene Science Center for hands-on exhibits, state of the art planetarium shows, school group field trips, early education programs, and special events. Offering after-school science programs, no-school-day workshops, and camps designed to ignite your child’s curiosity.

Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestras
PO Box 5666
Eugene, OR 97405 541-484-0473 www.esyorchestras.org
ESYO has been a cornerstone of high-quality music education since 1934! We are the only organization offering free and low-cost beginning strings classes to families throughout the area, regardless of socio-economic circumstances. Accessible and affordable, we even provide the instruments! From String Academy classes at elementary schools to first-rate performing orchestras, ESYO gives children and youth a chance to learn, grow, lead and play!

Museum of Natural and Cultural History
1680 E. 15th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97403
541-346-3024 www.mnch.uoregon.edu/
Inspire wonder! The museum is a place for kids of all ages to experience fun, inquiry-based learning in science and social studies. Kids can dig deep into Oregon’s geology, natural history, Native American history, and more. Visit our website to learn more!

Nearby Nature
P.O. Box 3678
Eugene, OR 97403 541-687-9699 https://www.nearbynature.org/
Join us for nature, science, play, exploration, art, and gardening -- all outdoors! Based in Alton Baker Park, Nearby Nature hosts No-School-Day Adventures, the Natural Neighbors After School Program, and the Wonder Keepers Preschool. We also run field trips, school visits, preschool Green Start Play Days, and special events for families. Nearby Nature is a partner in the Network Charter School and teaches classes for middld and high schoolers. Scholarships, membership discounts, and volunteer opportunities are available. Visit our website for current events and program registration.

Oregon Tutor
1144 Gateway Loop, Ste 100 Springfield, OR 97477
541-733-1749 http://www.oregontutor.com/
At Oregon Tutor, we believe oneon-one tutoring greatly enriches the lives of our students. We offer private tutoring to students ranging from kindergarten through college, and beyond! We help students of all ages achieve their academic goals by providing tutors of the highest quality while working at each student’s pace.

The John G. Shedd Institute for the Arts
868 High St. Eugene, OR 97401 541-434-7000 www.theshedd.org
The Shedd Institute offers music, theater arts, and dance instruction with classes, camps, and private instruction for all ages and on most instruments. “Discov- ering Instruments” classes give students a hands-on exploration before choosing one to study. Open to creating classes for home-schoolers to fit curriculum needs. Financial assistance available.
Triple P: The Positive Parenting Program
86 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR, 97401
541-484-1449 parentingnow.org/triple-ppositive-parenting-program/ Triple P, the Positive Parenting Program, is an online parenting course for parents of children ages 2-12. Triple P doesn’t tell you how to parent but gives you strategies you can adapt to your family’s needs. This program is free for all Lane County families. Visit https://parentingnow.org/ triple-p-interest-form/ to sign up! (Triple P esta disponible en español.)
WasteWise Lane County School Resources

3100 E. 17th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97403
541-682-1223 laneountyor.gov/schoolwise
This Lane County Waste Management Division website empowers teachers, students, and parents with sustainability tools and resources to help reduce waste, save money, and take action on climate change.
Whole Earth Nature School
PO Box 5223
Eugene, OR 97405
Whole Earth Nature School mentors students in the outdoors to foster confidence, resilience, and kinship with nature at local parks and outdoor spaces across the Eugene-Springfield area. Our programs teach ancestral wilderness skills such as fire making, shelter building, wild plant identification and harvesting, and much more. We offer weekly school-year daytime programs for students from pre-K through 5th grade, afterschool programs at various elementary schools, and junior high and high school programs with multiple overnight trips to the coastal and cascade ranges. Visit our website for more information and to sign up: www. wholeearth.org