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Positive Communication Habits with Your Baby ll babies cry—some more than others—and it can be distressing for new parents. Meeting your baby’s A words could have on your baby—especially when repeated over-and-over again. How would you feel if someone said this to you? Would it help you feel calm? by Parenting Now! your baby, you can always hold them, rub their back, and say, “I know, I know.” In this moment, you are sending the message that “I’m on your side.” needs isn’t always easy, especially when you’re As a loving parent, pay attention to Your words are like magic in helping your not sure what’s wrong. In these moments, you how you use words and get into positive baby cope with difficult situations and these may find yourself responding to your baby communication habits that help you and your caring words and actions will help you feel with frustration or anger: “Are you hungry? baby feel good. You could say things like, “I better too. Best of all, caring words and caring Are you cold? What’s wrong with you???” am sorry you are sad. I wish I knew what was actions help your baby feel confident that the But the words you use to communicate wrong.” In this conversation, you are viewing world is a safe and nurturing place. And that with your child matter, and shape the way your baby’s upsets as normal. It’s a message confidence leads to healthy development. you and your baby bond. Choosing, in difficult that soothes both you and your baby. moments, to use positive language that A message like, “I am so sorry your tummy soothes both you and baby go a long way in hurts,” says “it’s the gas that’s the problem, building a healthy relationship between you not you.” You could try rubbing your baby’s and your child. belly and saying, “Is that better?” This message says, “I care about you.” If your baby Respond with Concern Rather than is crying because they are cold, you could say, To learn more about infant development, sign up Frustration “Let’s wrap up in another blanket and get you for Parenting Now!’s Incredible INFANTs program, Imagine your baby is crying and you say: warm.” This message says, “I’m trying to make which meets virtually on Zoom every other week for 10 sessions. The next Incredible INFANTs “What’s wrong with you? Nothing I do is you feel better.” program starts on October 21. Call 541-434-4343 ever good enough!” Consider the effect these Even when you’re not sure what is upsetting or email enroll@parentingnow.org to register.