Main Ingredient - January February 2018

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Plant-Based Movement


also in this issue What’s Hot in 2018 Dining with the Dogs Menu Labeling Mayhem

Sheree Walters, Cornbread Café, Eugene - 1

2 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2018 Main Ingredient is published six times a year by the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA), 8565 SW Salish Lane, Suite 120, Wilsonville, Oregon, 97070, 503.682.4422, 800.462.0619. Articles address issues, programs, news and trends important to Oregon’s foodservice and lodging industry. To learn more visit

JOIN ORLA TODAY To become a member of the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association, please contact Jennifer Starr, or 503.682.4422.

SUBMISSIONS For submission guidelines or other editorial input, please contact Lori Little at


ADVERTISING Please support the advertisers herein; they have made this publication possible. For information on advertising opportunities, please contact Mt. Angel Publishing. MAGGIE PATE MT. ANGEL PUBLISHING, INC. 541.968.3544 |

PUBLISHER Jason Brandt, President & CEO, ORLA EDITOR 
 Lori Little, ORLA DESIGN
 Heidi Janke, ORLA

Features 16

Buggsi Patel, Vice Chair, BHG Hotels Jerry Scott, Secretary, Elmer’s Restaurants, Dani Rosendahl, Treasurer, On Deck Sports Bar & Grill Vijay Patel, A-1 Hospitality, Immediate Past Chair


Zach Poole, Chair, Pig ‘N Pancake


Chris Bebo, Provenance Hotels Richard Boyles, InnSight Hotel Management Group

To Save You Money

Creating Inclusive Menus for a Growing Consumer Segment

| What’s Hot 2018

Culinary Forecast

John Barofsky, La Perla Pizzeria / Beppe & Gianni’s Trattoria

4 | President's Letter Our Goals for 2018?




Chefs Are Responding to Guests’ Trends in Their Own Lifestyles.

Vickie Irish, Shari’s Restaurant Group Steven Johnson, Vip’s Industries Eli Katkin, Brickroom​ Masudur Khan, Seaside Lodging LLC Matt Lowe, Jordan Ramis Attorneys at Law ​Bobbie McDonald, Sysco Tom O’Shea, Sunriver Resort

22 | Giving Thanks to Your Hourly Workers Creating a Positive Environment of Respect for Valued Employees

25 | Dining With The Dogs The Law Regarding Service Animals 27 | News Bites

Treva Gambs, Gamberetti’s Italian Restaurant Wray Hutchinson, Buffalo Wild Wings

New Features Punctuate Changes to Northwest Food Show.

and Public Places

Emma Dye, Crisp Terry Goldman, Canopy by Hilton Portland, Pearl District

21 | NW Food Show to Headline Celebrity Chef New Name, New Venue, and

Government Affairs 7 | Advocacy Update Local and Federal Issues

Information From Around the Industry

29 | Member Solutions

ORLA Cost-Saving Programs

Impacting the Restaurant Industry

11 | Menu Labeling Mayhem

Will it Finally Happen? And Are You Compliant?

Harish Patel, Hampton Inn & Suites Komal (Tina) Patel - Ex Officio Board Member, ALKO Hotels Michael Rowan, Deschutes Brewery & Public House ​Randy Xavier, Food Services of America - 3


Our Goals for 2018? To Save You Money.


s costs continue to escalate for the restaurant industry, we realize here at Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA) that our responsibility to identify operational savings for you is more important than ever. Our goals surrounding engagement, advocacy, education, and service remain, but our top priority in 2018 will be focusing on providing access to our members to savings programs they would otherwise miss out on. The team at ORLA believes this to be our fundamental duty in 2018 and beyond. We believe we have started out on the right foot with our brand new, built from scratch SAIF group program for Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Right out of the gate ORLA members who qualify receive an additional 10 percent discount on their annual workers’ compensation premium. The new program for ORLA members applies to both current SAIF customers and prospective customers. If you’re currently an ORLA member but not a SAIF customer, you’ll need to contact your agent or SAIF directly at 888.598.5880 to see if you qualify and ask for an ORLA Group quote. If you’re already an ORLA member and a SAIF customer, you’ll want to contact your agent or SAIF directly to see if you qualify and ask to be submitted to the ORLA Group. Our new group program at SAIF is our number one savings priority for members as we move through 2018. We will maintain our laser-like focus on this front to make sure we are adequately communicating to the industry about this program’s importance for you, our members. But our work in building group savings programs doesn’t stop there. Here at ORLA, we intend to launch additional programs that save you money in other cost centers within your operation as well. We see labor, food, and your insurance/ utility/lease buckets as the major expenses influencing your path to stronger profitability. SAIF helps with the latter but what about the major cost centers related to labor and food? During 2018, you will see ORLA move forward with the exploration of new innovative programs that can assist with food cost rebates and employee turnover. We’re excited about what possibilities may be in store and we look forward to sharing more as we continue the vetting process. As we continue working diligently on our group savings programs to kick off a new year we hope you’ll do the same by taking a hard look at everything in place for you right now. ORLA has some amazing Endorsed Service Providers and Hospitality Hub partners that can assist you right now in saving money. If you have a New Year’s Resolution, add a full review of ORLA’s cost-saving programs to your list. It could directly impact your profitability goals for 2018. Learn more at


4 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018


Get an additional



SAIF WORKERS’ COMP PREMIUMS FOR ORLA MEMBERS* * For ORLA members who meet SAIF’s underwriting requirement. Contact your agent or SAIF at 888.598.5880 to see if you qualify!

ORLA MEMBERS: Contact your agent and ask for an ORLA Group quote, or contact SAIF directly at 888.598.5880. EXISTING SAIF CUSTOMERS: Ask your agent or contact SAIF directly at 888.598.5880 for an ORLA Group quote. NOT A MEMBER? Contact ORLA at or call 800.462.0619. - 5


8 Presenting Sponsor:

SAVE THE DATE! Feb. 21, 2018 | Salem

Make a difference in Oregon by joining key ORLA staff and board members at the Taste Oregon Legislative reception, a unique opportunity to kick off the Legislative Session and meet the Legislators who decide laws that impact hospitality businesses.

RSVP Early to Engage for the Industry’s Future | Jennifer Starr at | 503.682.4422

Beer Sponsor:



From Tip Pooling to Taxes, ORLA’s on the Front Line Defending the Industry

NATIONAL ISSUES A Win Towards Tip Pooling On December 4 the Department of Labor (DOL) began the process of undoing a controversial Obama Administration regulation on tip pooling. The 2011 tip pooling regulation prohibits employers who do not take a tip credit from setting up tip pooling arrangements where servers share tips with back-of-the-house staff. The DOL asked for comments on its proposal by February 5, 2018. “We applaud the Department of Labor’s review,” said Angelo Amador, executive director of the National Restaurant Association’s Restaurant Law Center. “We look forward to submitting comments from the restaurant industry on the new rulemaking.” Watch for updates from ORLA on the progress of this important issue. Visit to submit your comments or concerns by February 5.

As argued in our tip pooling case from earlier this year, which we are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to consider, we believe the Obama Administration incorrectly interpreted the statute when it applied tip credit rules to employers who don’t take a tip credit. We support the move to rescind the regulation.

appoint its conferees, but this incident shows that tax reform is still a work in progress.

Final Stages of Tax Reform Tax reform continues to progress after the Senate passed its tax bill on December 2, 2017. The House and Senate must now work to overcome the differences between their competing visions of tax reform by appointing select members to a conference committee who will work to produce a final bill.

• In the midst of debating tax reform, as of this writing, Congress is also struggling to reach a consensus on how to fund the government before it shuts down December 8. Conservatives in the House are pressuring their leadership to maintain current funding levels until December 30, while many Democrats are demanding concessions on immigration in exchange for their votes. This level of disagreement over such an important issue could potentially impact the tax reform timeline and outcome.

Recent developments and next steps: • Typically, appointing conferees is noncontroversial, but the House Freedom Caucus nearly derailed the process to protest a separate issue related to the funding of the federal government. The House ultimately did

• Formal negotiations to produce an identical bill will begin when the Senate appoints its conferees. However, behind-the-scenes negotiations between the two chambers have already begun. We will continue to keep you updated as we track next steps. - 7

STATE ISSUES Legislative Short Session Starts February 5th The Oregon Legislature will convene on Monday, February 5 in a “short” session lasting 35 days. Although these sessions were originally intended to take care of critical and time-sensitive matters relating to the budget or legislative fixes, in recent years they have addressed larger issues such as minimum wage. Depending on the outcome of the January ballot initiative vote on Oregon healthcare insurance premiums, the Legislature may be looking to fill a budgetary hole of several hundred million dollars. If not, there has been talk of “cap and trade” being a point of discussion with bills being introduced. For ORLA and our members, we look to hold the line on regulations affecting

8 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

restaurants and lodging operators and defend the hospitality industry against further laws that would harm our ability to take care of employees and customers. Oregon Leadership Summit Focuses on Technology ORLA recently attended the 15th Annual Leadership Summit at the Oregon Convention Center where the focus was on jobs and technology. From computer algorithms that can help predict financial markets to burger-flipping robots, the future of Oregon’s workforce appears tied to advances in technology and how humans interact with that technology. Even as Oregon’s strong economy continues to grow and add jobs at a faster rate on average than the rest of the country, there is concern for the future of the workforce, especially in the hospitality industry.

A study by the Portland Business Alliance concluded the following: • 144,200 = No. of Oregon jobs in 2016 at high-risk of automation in the Accommodation and Food Service industry. • 93 = Percentage of Oregon jobs at high-risk of automation in the Food Preparation and Serving Related occupation in 2016. For the full report, including detailed data, history and the complete policy agenda visit: The good news is, the fastest growing job sector according to one futurist is “Other.” As we continue to make advances in automation, robotics and technology, jobs we previously couldn’t have even thought of are being created. A good example of

this is ATM machines in banking. When they were first introduced, many worried it would mean the end of human bank tellers. Instead, it has meant new jobs in ATM manufacturing and repair while bank tellers still have their jobs. LOCAL ISSUES Mayor Ted Wheeler Designates Pedestrian Use Zones in Downtown Portland Following a public letter from Tim Boyle, CEO of Columbia Sportswear and several meetings with ORLA, our members and other businesses, Mayor Ted Wheeler wants to designate eight new blocks of downtown sidewalks as Pedestrian Use Zones, which would prohibit anyone from sitting or lying down on those sidewalks. The designation means the sidewalks are only for pedestrians, defined as people who are walking or using a mobility device, between

7 a.m. and 9 p.m. There are already several Pedestrian Use Zones in use in Portland.

Prohibition on Polystyrene (PSF) Uses: • No person shall package, sell, or serve food or beverages in any PSF container.

During meetings with the Mayor and other city officials including the Chief of Police, business owners shared concerns about security for those who live, work, and shop downtown. Multiple business owners have described threats or break-ins at their locations.

• No person shall package, sell, provide, or carry bait in any PSF container. • No person shall sell or provide PSF containers. • No person shall possess, use, carry, or improperly dispose of any PSF container in any public space, or upon or adjacent to any body of water. Bodies of water include but are not limited to rivers, creeks, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and the Pacific Ocean.

Mayor Wheeler is also directing the police bureau to introduce walking patrols in those zones. Florence Bans Polystyrene Foam Containers The Florence City Council voted on November 20, 2017, to ban polystyrene foam containers in the City. Polystyrene food and beverage containers are not recyclable locally, and have been identified as a major trash contributor found at beach cleanups.

For the complete ordinance, visit ORLA’s website at | GREG ASTLEY, OREGON RESTAURANT & LODGING ASSOCIATION

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Marcus Oliver

Miss Delta Restaurant, Portland

“In an industry that is fast paced and ever changing, it’s really nice to have a trusted source for information and support that can help us make informed decisions.”

JOIN NOW! With strength in members comes a stronger voice for the industry. To learn how being a part of ORLA can help you, contact or call 800.462.0619. 10 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

Menu Labeling Mayhem

Will it Finally Happen? And Are You Compliant?


he menu board-labeling journey has been a long time in the making with Multnomah County, and Oregon State implementing some of the first state and municipal labeling policies and laws nearly a decade ago. Oregon’s progressiveness inspired other thought leaders to prioritize nutrition information accessibility in restaurants and covered establishments. Many state and local municipalities across the nation followed suit, and more than 30 new policies were introduced over the next several years. In 2011, when the Affordable Care Act amended the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to require national menu labeling rules, the nation’s restaurant industry felt a collective and immense relief because the changes came with the promise of consistency and a compliance grace period while the rules were being developed. Three years later, in December 2014, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) released the Menu Labeling Final Rule, requiring restaurants and similar retail establishments with 20 or more units nationwide to make calorie and nutrition information available at all locations across the United States (and U.S. Territories). With the original Federal compliance date scheduled for December 1, 2016, many establishments worked hard to comply – and many were prepared when the deadline was delayed for six months until May 5, 2017. Come May, restaurateurs readied themselves and their staff to launch when the announcement was made to delay enforcement another year to the current deadline of May 7, 2018. WHY ALL THE DELAYS? From font sizes to fiber values, restaurant and other food service owners and operators have expressed concern about the ambiguity and rigidity of the requirements. Hundreds of comments and questions were submitted to the FDA seeking clarity about how the

requirements relate to unique company needs. Among other topics, specific concerns were illuminated regarding the applicability of the rules to marketing materials like signage and billboards. Other comments discussed potential challenges of the implementation for buffets, grab-and-go foods, self-service items and alcohol. After consideration of the public comments, the FDA released a supplementary draft guidance document in November 2017 with the objective to address concerns and provide answers to help operators comply with menu labeling obligations. WHAT ARE THE OBLIGATIONS? Menu labeling is more than just printing calories on menus and self-service foods. Here are the five must-dos for menu labeling: 1. Provide calorie information on menus, menu boards, and self-service foods for all standard menu items. Calories are also required on all digital menus that include (1) the name of the menu item, (2) the price, and (3) the option for a consumer to place an order. 2. Provide nutrition information for all standard menu items. The information includes: calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, cholesterol, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, total sugars, and protein. Information can be provided via brochure, handout, poster, or an electronic kiosk. 3. Include a statement on menus and menu boards notifying consumers of available nutrition information. ‘‘Additional nutrition information available upon request.” 4. Include a statement on menus and menu boards reminding consumers of their daily calorie needs. “A 2,000 calorie daily diet is used as the basis for general nutrition advice; however, individual calorie needs may vary.” 5. Prepare for enforcement. If a citation is issued, establishments will be expected

to provide documentation showing that, (1) a reasonable basis was determined for calculating nutrition information, and that (2) reasonable steps were taken at the store level to assemble the menu item according to operational procedures. HAS THE TIME FINALLY COME? With one-third of calories being consumed away from home, restaurant foods are becoming staples in consumers’ lives. The Commissioner of the Food & Drug Administration, Scott Gottlieb, M.D., has publicly emphasized the administration’s commitment to menu labeling and the compliance date of May 7, 2018. He has underscored the importance of accessibility to accurate and reliable nutrition information when eating away-from-home foods—an important step in improving the health of Americans and reducing disease. Will May 7, 2018 be the deadline? All signs point to yes. If your company has not taken steps to be compliant, now is the time to start reviewing your processes, analyzing your menu items, and ensuring your customer-facing materials display the correct information in a compliant way. For full details on the supplemental draft guidance: Menu Labeling: Supplemental Guidance for Industry, visit the FDA website at | MIKE SIEMINSKI, RDN, ELISHA DAIGNEAULT, RDN, BECKI HOLMES, MS, RDN, CONSULTANTS AT FOODWIT

Foodwit, a new ORLA member, is a regulatory and scientific consulting company headquartered in Portland, OR. Foodwit offers outsourced services for the consumer packaged food, beverage, and restaurant industries including research and development support, compliance program development and menu labeling compliance. For more information, visit or email: - 11


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What’s Hot 2018 CULINARY FORECAST Chefs Are Responding to Guests’ Trends in Their Own Lifestyles.



eals in Mason jars are out, avocado toast hangs on and veggie-centric meals are in, according to our annual “What’s Hot” report. Expect to see more locally produced and sourced ingredients, including housemade condiments, farm-branded items and locally distilled spirits. Global flavors will dominate kids’ meals, condiments, breakfast and everything in between in 2018. The annual What’s Hot report is produced by the National Restaurant Association after surveying nearly 700 professional chefs — members of the American Culinary Federation — on which food, cuisine, beverages and culinary themes will be hot trends on restaurant menus in the year ahead. ORLA members can log in to to access the full report in the Resource Library of the Members Only section.

TOP 10 NATIONAL CONCEPT TRENDS 1. Hyper-local sourcing 2. Chef-driven fast-casual concepts 3. Natural ingredients/clean menus 4. Food waste reduction 5. Veggie-centric/vegetable forward 6. Environmental sustainability 7. Locally sourced meat and seafood 8. Locally sourced produce 9. Simplicity/back to basics 10. Farm/estate branded items

1. New cuts of meat 2. House-made condiments 3. Street food-inspired dishes 4. Ethnic-inspired breakfast items 5. Sustainable seafood 6. Healthful kids' meals 7. Vegetable carb substitute 8. Uncommon herbs 9. Authentic ethnic cuisine 10. Ethnic spices 11. Peruvian cuisine 12. House-made/artisan pickles 13. Heritage breed meats 14. Thai-rolled ice ceam 15. African flavors 16. Ethnic inspired kids’ dishes 17. Doughnuts/non-traditional filling 18. Gourmet items in kids’ meals 19. Ethnic condiments 20. Ancient grains - 13

BREAKFAST/ BRUNCH 1. Ethnic-inspired breakfast items 2. Avocado toast 3. Traditional ethnic breakfast items 4. Overnight oats 5. Breakfast hash



• • • • • • • • •

• Artisan cheese • Heirloom fruit and vegetables • House-made charcuterie • House-made/artisan ice cream • House-made sausage • Meal kits • Nutrition • Protein-rich grains/seeds • Savory desserts • Whole grain items in kids’ meals

Doughnuts/non-traditional filling Ethnic-inspired kids’ dishes Farm/estate-branded items Heritage-breed meats Peruvian cuisine Thai-rolled ice cream Uncommon herbs Vegetable carb substitutes Veggie-centric/vegetable forward

Just Because It’s Not Trendy Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Popular TOP 10 PERENNIAL FAVORITES 1. Shellfish 2. Barbecue 3. Bacon 6. Comfort foods 4. Gelato 5. Hand-made pasta 7. Breakfast burritos/tacos 8. Mediterranean flavors 9. Juice/milk in kids’ meals 10. Breakfast

14 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

CONDIMENTS AND ACCOUTREMENTS 1. House-made condiments 2. Ethnic spices 3. House-made pickles 4. Ethnic condiments 5. Protein-rich grains/seeds


1. Hyper-local 2. Natural ingredients/clean menus 3. Veggie-centric/vegetable forward 4. Environmental sustainability 5. Locally sourced meat and seafood


1. Street food-inspired dishes 2. Vegetable carb substitutes 3. House-made charcuterie 4. Seafood charcuterie 5. Amuse-bouche/ bite size appetizers


1. Authentic ethnic cuisine 2. Peruvian cuisine 3. African cuisine 4. Fillipino cuisine 5. Ethnic fusion cuisine


1. Uncommon herbs 2. Hybrid fruits/vegetables 3. Heirloom fruits and vegetables 4. Exotic fruit 5. Superfruit


1. New cuts of meat 2. Sustainable seafood 3. Heritage-breed meats 4. Plant-based burgers 5. House-made sausage




1. Culinary cocktails (e.g. savory, fresh ingredients, herb-infused) 2. Locally produced spirits/wine/ beer 3. Craft/artisan spirits 4. Onsite barrel-aged drinks 5. Regional signature cocktails

1. Chef-driven fast-casual concepts 2. Food waste reduction 3. Meal kits 4. Small-plate menus 5. Commissaries

1. Healthful kids’ meals 2. Ethnic inspired kids’ dishes 3. Gourmet items in kids’ meals 4. Whole grain items in kids’ meals 5. Grilled items in kids’ meals


1. House-made/artisan soft drinks 2. Cold-brew coffee 3. Gourmet lemonade 4. Locally/house roasted coffee 5. Specialty iced tea


1. Ancient grains 2. Non-wheat noodles/pasta 3. Farro 4. Black/forbidden rice 5. Hand-made pasta

6. 7. 8. 9.


1. Thai-rolled ice cream 2. Donuts with non-traditional filling 3. Artisan/House-made ice cream 4. Savory desserts 5. Smoked dessert ingredients

Food-beer pairings House-brewed beer Food-liquor/cocktail pairings Non-traditional liquors (e.g. soju/sochu, cachaca, pisco) 10. Organic beer/wine/spirits 11. Wine on tap/draft wine 12. Spicy cocktails 13. Growlers/crowlers 14. Anise-flavored cocktails 15. Egg-whites in cocktails

YESTERDAY’S NEWS 1. Meals in Mason jars 2. Offal 3. Bitter melon 4. Algae 5. Spiralized vegetables 6. Pumpkin spice 7. Flavored popcorn 8. Egg-white omelets/sandwiches 9. Fried chickpeas 10. Black/forbidden rice - 15

CORNBREAD CAFE: Chicken fried tempeh, split and grilled biscuit, smothered in seitan sausage cashew gravy, homefries



16 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

If you feel like more customers are asking you about vegetarian, pescatarian or vegan menu items, you’re not alone. A growing number of Americans are eschewing animal products in favor of plant-based proteins and vegetablefocused dishes. There are three main reasons the interest in plant-based foods is increasing. One is that people are concerned about the way animals are treated in slaughterhouses and factory farms. “A lot of the rising awareness is coming from social media,” said MacKenzie DeVito, owner of No Bones Beach Club, a vegan restaurant that focuses on coastal cuisine and has locations in Portland and Seattle, who also counts herself as an ethical vegan. “People have access to the videos of what’s going on in slaughterhouses, and once you see that you can’t unsee that.” Along the same lines, more consumers are giving up or decreasing the amount of meat they eat because of environmental concerns. The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization reported that the livestock industry accounts for 18 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. “People are realizing that eating so much meat is not a sustainable practice,” said Sheree Walters, owner of Cornbread Café, a vegan comfort food restaurant in Eugene. Another reason consumers are switching to plant-based foods is concern about their health. “As more people have to go for these triple and quadruple bypasses, they’re realizing this isn’t just a right of passage to getting older,” said Walters. “A lot of these health problems are due to very heavy animal consumption. There’s concern about the antibiotics in meat and other problems.”

Whatever the reason, this massive movement toward a more plant-based diet is something restaurants can’t ignore. “When I started this business three years ago, two percent of the population were plant-based consumers,” said DeVito. “Now they’re saying it’s six percent.” She points out that many people who aren’t vegetarian or vegan are still trying to consume less meat for the reasons listed above. In addition, “there’s always someone in a group who is glutenfree or vegan or has a food allergy, and people choose where to go based on where everyone can eat,” she said. That’s relevant whether it’s friends meeting for dinner or companies hosting parties. By not having any options for non-meat eaters, restaurants are potentially missing out on a big wedge of consumers. Peter Platt, founder and family owner of Portland’s Andina, which serves Peruvian food, has found this to be true. When the restaurant opened they offered vegetarian and non-vegetarian menus (they’ve since merged them into one). “People love it,” he said. “They’ll say things like, ‘It’s so nice to have all these vegetarian and vegan options. I can bring my wife or business partner or brother who might have otherwise felt excluded.’”

“There’s always someone in a group who is glutenfree or vegan or has a food allergy, and people choose where to go based on where everyone can eat,” -MacKenzie DeVito, No Bones Beach Club

There are other ways the plant-based trend can positively affect a restaurant’s bottom line. “Rising food costs in the meat industry would be a really good reason for people to get more vegetarian and vegan items on their menus,” said DeVito. “You can make a much higher profit margin by taking a vegetable and doing something really unique - 17

with it. There’s also less waste. A lot of restaurants end up throwing away their food because the meat and dairy goes bad. We hardly have any waste at our restaurant.”


ANDINA: Fried yuca, salsa verde Left: Quinoa con Verduras, Below: Hongos Saltados

Restaurants do have options to adjust their menus and better serve the growing meat-free population. A good place to start is offering some vegetarian or vegan options as a nightly special. “Try things out and see what sticks,” Platt said. The most popular dishes can be permanently added to the menu later on. While vegetarians and vegans will appreciate main courses with some type of protein, don’t feel compelled to make a big investment in meat substitutes. “We notice that a lot of people who come into the restaurant don’t want fake meat,” said DeVito. Instead, focus on making plant-based foods such as beans, lentils, mushrooms, tofu and tempeh taste amazing. “I’m an advocate for whole proteins like amaranth and quinoa,” said Platt. “They’re complete proteins that provide all of your amino acids, so you don’t need to eat meat. There’s always a soil alternative.” That being said, it may be easier to adapt certain menu items if you put “meat” crumbles in a sauce or veggie burgers on the grill. The number of good options for this is growing all the time. “Before even two years ago we didn’t have great options for cheese, and the meat substitutes were really bad,” said DeVito. “But these Beyond Burgers you can get now are really good. A few years ago Field Roast started carrying a cheese product called Chao Cheese, and it’s delicious.” Sometimes swapping out one or two ingredients in dishes can make a menu friendlier to vegans – without changing the products customers know and love. Walters uses potato salad as an example. “There are 18 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

“I’m an advocate for whole proteins like amaranth and quinoa. They’re complete proteins that provide all of your amino acids, so you don’t need to eat meat. There’s always a soil alternative.”


-Peter Platt, Andina

so many brands of vegan mayonnaise on the market,” she said. “It’s mayonnaise, it just doesn’t have eggs in it, but it tastes the same and looks the same.”

Certain ethnic restaurants may find they have a good story to tell when they add plant-based foods. “We looked at it as being very culturally relevant because we are a South American Peruvian restaurant

“I would love to see restaurants making more items that are vegan that you can add meat and dairy to and you pay more,” said Walters. “Do that rather than asking the vegan to take out the meat and cheese and pay the same.” -Sheree Walters, Cornbread Café

Bex, vegan baker at Cornbread Cafe

CORNBREAD CAFE: Vegan cupcakes; Left: Omelet with Daiya cheddar; Bottom Left: “Sammy I Ammy” Eggfu, seitan sausage, Daiya cheddar

Changes in the way dishes are presented on the menu can also make a restaurant seem vegan-friendly. “I would love to see restaurants making more items that are vegan that you can add meat and dairy to and you pay more,” said Walters. “Do that rather than asking the vegan to take out the meat and cheese and pay the same.” Vegan desserts can be a good way to add animal-free items to the menu, Walters said. Baked goods can be as rich and tasty as their dairy-infused counterparts, and they’re less expensive and relatively easy to make. If you’re simply looking to add more vegetables to the menu, sides are the way to go, Platt said. “Offer seasonal farm-to-table dishes that are harvested from a handful of partner farms. It’s an easier fit to an already-established menu. It allows for easier rotation and gives you the ability to track sales to see what customers like. There are so many small and medium-sized farms in the area that would love to partner with any restaurant around this approach.” A service called FoodHub can help restaurateurs find local farms willing to work with them. Whatever route you choose, don’t feel like you need to go it alone. Walters recently began offering consulting services for restaurants looking to make their menus more vegan-friendly, and there are other people who can do the same. You can also go straight to the source. “Reach out to some vegans and talk to them and find out what they’re looking for,” DeVito said.

and a lot of the traditional preparations are naturally vegetarian, vegan and glutenfree,” said Platt. “It’s a fairly old and distinguished culinary tradition that’s very similar to the peasant traditions of Europe

in the sense that these cultures cultivated a lot of crops over the centuries, and they did it in an environment where they weren’t eating a lot of meat.”

If you don’t know of any friends or acquaintances that fit that category, see if you can find a vegan Facebook group and solicit their feedback. The added benefit of doing this is that once you’ve created a menu with vegan considerations, you can share your menu and let the group know your restaurant is now eager to serve them. | SOPHIA MCDONALD - 19



Guest Service Gold Tourism: Oregon Edition This course features seven principles of guest service delivery, illustrated through real stories of challenge and experience told by Oregon employees. Applicable to all hospitality-related organizations and their associates! View the introductory video at

PRINCIPLES AND LOCATIONS 1. RECOVERY: Turn it around (Food Service/Attraction: Theory Restaurant at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) 2. PERSONALIZATION: Provide an individualized experience (Resort/Outdoor Recreation: Timberline Lodge & Ski Area) 3. KNOWLEDGE: Be in the know (Transportation Shuttle: Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel) 4. PASSION: Inspire others (Winery: St. Josef’s Winery) 5. COMMITMENT: Be all in (Public Facility: Portland International Airport) 6. INCLUSION: Include everyone (Public Facility: Oregon Convention Center) 7. PERSONALITY: Be yourself (Information: Travel Oregon Welcome Center) LODGING VERSION

Guest Service Gold Golden Opportunities This course is lodging-centric with real examples told by hotel employees from across the nation (does not contain Oregon references). and features the same seven principles of customer engagement. Visit for more details.


Online access for either version at for only $30 (regularly $58-$78). If you need more than ten access codes at a time, please call Sue Smith at ORLA at 503.682.4422.

IN-PERSON TRAINING In-person training packages begin at $1,000, which includes the instructor and 10 course packages. Depending on distance, travel expenses may be extra. Additional participants (up to 24 total) can be accommodated in one session. Each participant, after 10, needs their own workbook and test; the cost per additional person is $30+ $5 shipping. To request an instructor to teach at your location, visit or call us at 800.462.0619. 20 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

NW Food Show to Headline Celebrity Chef New Name, New Venue, and New Features Punctuate Changes To Northwest Food Show


he Northwest Food Show, presented by the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA), is thrilled to announce celebrity chef Rick Bayless will be speaking at the 2018 Show to be held at the Portland Expo Center, April 22nd and 23rd. The Show is free to industry members who register online at by April 21, 2018. Celebrity Headliners Most people know Rick Bayless from winning the title of Bravo’s Top Chef Masters, beating out the French and Italian with his authentic Mexican cuisine. Chef Bayless’ highly rated Public Television series, Mexico – One Plate At A Time, is broadcast coast-to-coast and has earned him multiple Daytime Emmy nominations for Best Culinary Host. In addition to his success as an author and television personality, Chef Bayless owns several award-winning restaurants. Bayless will be joined by a few of Portland’s own James Beard Award winning chefs, Andy Ricker from Pok Pok, and Greg Denton and Gabrielle Quinonez Denton of Ox, will all be part of a new cooking presentation at this year’s Show.

New Face and Features With more than 70 years in managing and promoting consumer and trade shows, O’Loughlin Trade Shows was tapped by ORLA for all management responsibilities for the Northwest Food Show, formerly called “The Northwest Foodservice Show.” Show manager, Jeff Swenson commented, “Our sales and marketing team is working closely with ORLA to bring a number of new features, exhibitors, ideas and personalities to the Northwest Food Show starting with our move to the Portland Expo Center.” A range of manufacturers, food suppliers, spirits and beverage, construction, food distributors and specialty goods companies are already on board as exhibitors for the Show in April. “The Northwest Food Show is the largest food industry show in the northwest”, Swenson continued, “It’s important we showcase uniquely northwest products and companies and deliver a show that embraces the entire food industry including restaurants, cafeterias, caterers, lounges, school and government foodservice needs.” The mix of seminar speakers, demonstrations, exhibits and industry experts selected for the show are designed to reach all corners of the regional food industry. | O’LOUGHLIN TRADE SHOWS

About O’Loughlin Trade Shows owns some of the largest consumer shows in the United States including the Pacific Northwest Sportsmen’s Show held in Portland, Oregon and the Seattle Flower & Garden Show. O’Loughlin Trade Shows is based in Beaverton, Oregon with a second sales office in Tacoma, Washington. Jeff Swenson, The Northwest Food Show Manager, can be reached at 253.756.2121 or by email at For Show details including exhibitor information,

Rick Bayless, Frontera Grill - 21

Giving Thanks to Your Hourly Workers Creating a Positive Environment of Respect for Valued Employees


orking an hourly job is “more challenging and requires more focus and experience than meets the eye,” said Jim Monroe, Chief People & Customer Officer of Snagajob. And we couldn’t agree more. While we think every day should be Employee Appreciation Day, we’re keeping the celebration going by sharing our lessons learned from working a shift in an hourly worker’s shoes. 1. Create a culture of appreciation Lead by example. Positive energy and meaningful recognition is contagious. Get on the floor with your employees, so you have a true understanding of their jobs and what’s praise-worthy. Regular interaction with them is important. If employees don’t feel you truly understand their contributions, your recognition efforts won’t have the same effect. 2. Crowdsource feedback Don’t just let recognition come from the top down. Ask your employees’ peers to weigh in, and let them be the ones to recognize achievement and reward it. Your employees’ coworkers are the ones on the ground level, seeing the ins and 22 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

outs of what a day is really like. Plus, peer-to-peer acknowledgment works wonders for morale and teamwork. One of our customers, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, even has locations that call “Thank You” meetings. The name says it all. Coworkers gather for a short amount of time each month just to give each other shout-outs in front of one another. Sometimes, saying thank you in a group setting means more than any kind of tangible reward. 3. Be creative Speaking of rewards, get creative with the way you express gratitude. A bonus doesn’t always do the trick for your employees. Maybe it’s a half-day off to spend with their families, a handwritten thank you note or a fun, team-oriented outing. Ask employees what kind of rewards they would value. Give them a reason to go above and beyond. Rewarding team members in a way that goes deeper than their pockets, creates a mind-body connection that will encourage them to continually do great work.

4. Don’t overthink it Getting creative with your employee recognition efforts doesn’t mean your program has to be elaborate. What you want to avoid is creating a system that is too complicated for everyone to be involved and that isn’t too time-consuming that it deters from productivity. Having employee appreciation efforts in place in general is far more important than having a “system” in place. 5. Remember the R.I.S.E. formula Making recognition Regular, Immediate, Specific and Encouraging is the basic formula for any great employee appreciation program. It may sound obvious, but these are the fundamentals for ensuring that on-the-spot feedback is valuable. The desire to feel appreciated is part of human nature. When the need is understood and fulfilled in the workplace, you’re creating a positive environment, where employees feel respected, valued and motivated to excel. And who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? | JENNY LEWANDOWSKI, SNAGAJOB | PEOPLEMATTER

Support ORLA’s Education Foundation with the Purchase of an Oregon Vacation Adventure Package Raffle Ticket! OREGON VACATION ADVENTURE RAFFLE: Win a fabulous triple-destination vacation package including a two-night stay at each of three beautiful properties* in Oregon! Certificates can be used separately.


TETHEROW LODGES (Bend): Foursome of golf plus two nights’ lodging at Tetherow Lodges. This award-winning resort boasts a top-rated 18-hole golf course, golf and fitness academy, a 50-room boutique hotel, new fitness center, pool, and two restaurants.

COLUMBIA CLIFF VILLAS HOTEL (Columbia Gorge): Stay in a Euro-King room on this beautiful property located 200’ above the majestic Columbia River, and adjacent to the amenities and romantic manicured gardens of the historic Columbia Gorge Hotel & Spa in Hood River. CLARION INN SURFRIDER RESORT (Depoe Bay): Enjoy breathtaking ocean views from this beachfront property. The Surfrider offers a variety of restaurants and popular attractions including Yaquina Head Lighthouse and the Oregon Coast Aquarium.


You could be the lucky winner of the Oregon Adventure Package (valued at $1,298), and even if you don’t win the raffle, you are a champion for the Foundation with this tax-deductible donation!

TICKETS: Go to to purchase raffle tickets for $100 each. Tickets available through 1/22/18 (or until all 50 are sold). The drawing will take place on 1/25/18 and the winner will be notified by phone. Gift certificates to these locations, which can be used separately, are together valued at $1,298. PROCEEDS: Raffle proceeds benefit ORLA’s Education Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit that supports workforce development programs for the hospitality industry. If you don’t win the prize, your purchase may be tax deductible, please check with your accountant. * Certificates are based on availability, have no cash value, and have certain restrictions. Columbia Cliff Villas Hotel certificate is valid Sunday-Wednesday and expires June 1, 2018; Clarion Inn Surfrider Resort includes two certificates (each for a one night stay), excludes dates in July and August, and expires Sept. 19, 2018; Tetherow Lodges includes a foursome of golf valid any day (a Forecaddie is required and is not included), not valid during holidays periods and expires 10/31/18.

Purchase Tickets Today at: - 23

Title Sponsor:



Salem Convention Center


the annual competition and experience student chefs in action!


to spend a few hours supporting our industry’s stars of tomorrow.


culinary and management skills and provide constructive feedback.


your local high school students and lend a hand.


to the Oregon ProStart program and support our future culinary stars.


Wendy Popkin, executive director, ORLA Education Foundation to learn how you can make a difference. 503.682.4422 |

24 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

Dining With The Dogs

The Law Regarding Service Animals and Public Places


here was a story in the news recently about a dog chasing a cat. Why was that newsworthy? Because it was a service dog attending a showing of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “Cats” with its owner, and the cat in question was one of the shows characters (which, if you’re not familiar with the show, was a person dressed as a cat, not an actual cat). Hilarity probably ensued, to the embarrassment of the dog’s owner. That story reminded me of an issue that sometimes vexes restaurateurs and other business owners – how to deal with customers who make questionable claims that an animal is a service animal, and insist on bringing it onto the premises. This article summarizes the legal rights and responsibilities of customers and business owners in those situations. Businesses are, of course, free to be more accommodating than the law requires. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Oregon’s equivalent law requires “places of public accommodation” (including hotels, inns, restaurants, bars, and other establishments serving food or drink) to allow persons with disabilities to bring “service animals” onto the premises. Contrary to popular belief, though, every animal does not qualify as a service animal just because the customer says so. First, the ADA currently limits the types of animals that can qualify as service animals to dogs and miniature horses. Oregon’s law is also limited to those two types of animals unless

and until administrative rules are enacted that expand the definition to include other animals. Other states’ laws may vary, but, in Oregon, those are the only two animals that qualify as service animals. Second, the animal needs to be individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the individual with a disability. This includes physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disabilities. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. Examples of specific tasks the animal can be trained to perform include, among other things: • pulling a wheelchair • alerting a person to sights or sounds • assisting with balance or navigation • assisting a person with a seizure • retrieving dropped items • pressing buttons • reminding a person to take medication and • helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors. Providing general emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship does not qualify. This means that emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not considered “service animals” under the ADA unless the animal - 25

is also trained to perform some other specific task related to the individual’s disability. The law does not require a license, jacket, tag, or other means to identify an animal as a service animal. Nor does it require medical verification or a prescription.

The business can also require that the service animal be kept on a leash, harness, or other tether unless the individual is unable to hold a tether because of a disability or its use would interfere with the animal’s safe and effective performance of work or tasks. Even then, the service animal must still be kept under control by some other means, such as voice commands.

When confronted with a situation where an individual wants to bring a claimed service animal onto the premises, the business can only ask the following two questions of the individual:

The owner is responsible for the care and feeding of the service animal. The business does not need to provide food or water for the animal, or clean up after it. That is the responsibility of the owner.

1. Is the animal required because of a disability? This is a yes or no question. The individual cannot be asked to specify their disability or provide medical verification.

If a service animal is excluded, the business must still give the individual the opportunity to obtain goods, services, and accommodations without having the service animal on the premises. | SHANE P. SWILLEY, PARTNER, COSGRAVE VERGEER KESTER LLP

2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform? The individual cannot be asked to have the animal demonstrate the work or task, nor can they be required to provide documentation or proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal. These questions should not be asked if the answers are obvious from the nature of the disability or the nature of the task or work being performed. For example, the questions may not be asked if the animal is observed guiding an individual who is blind or has low vision, pulling a person’s wheelchair, or providing assistance with stability or balance to an individual with an observable mobility disability. The business needs to take the individual at their word, and allow the service animal on the premises, if the individual answers “yes” to the first question and states a specific task or type of work the animal has been trained to perform. The individual cannot be charged a fee to bring a service animal onto the premises; even a pet fee charged to other customers, because service animals are not “pets.” If the service or assistance animal causes damage, then the owner can be charged for the damage so long as the business normally charges other customers for the damage they (or their pets) cause. Unruly and disruptive animals need not be accommodated. The owner is responsible for supervising and controlling the service animal. The animal must also be housebroken. If the animal behaves in an unacceptable or threatening way and the handler does not control the animal, then the business can ask that the animal be removed from the premises. For example, a service dog that repeatedly barks or growls at other customers, destroys property, climbs on the furniture unnecessarily, makes a mess on the carpet, or chases an employee (even one dressed like a cat), could be excluded from the premises if the individual cannot or will not control the dog. 26 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

RESOURCES ORLA has a number of compliance information and resources for the hospitality industry. Visit ORLA’s website to access ADA regulations and downloadable posters. • Oregon/ADA “Sorry, pets are not allowed” Poster • U.S. Department of Justice, ADA Requirements for Service Animals • Disability Rights Oregon, Service Laws in Oregon



Information from around the industry OSHA Reporting Requirement Notice With the recent update of the NAICS 2017 classification, many eating facilities that were categorized under the NAICS 722511 were reclassified under a more specific NAICS which are not listed on Oregon OSHA’s Table 1 for Exempt Industries for purposes of recording and reporting. What this means is that if you were previously exempt from recording and reporting illnesses and injuries to Oregon OSHA, you are still exempt. It is important to note, this exemption does not apply to reporting fatalities, catastrophes, and accidents to Oregon OSHA. More information can be found online regarding this requirement at

OregonSaves Retirement Rollout November 15, 2017 was the deadline for employers with 100 or more employees in Oregon to either register to facilitate OregonSaves or certify that they are exempt from the program. If an employer missed the deadline, they should reach out to the OregonSaves Client Service team at 844.661.1256 or All employers, no matter how many employees they have, will need to facilitate the State’s program for their employees if they don’t offer a qualified retirement plan. However, OregonSaves is scheduled to roll out in phases, starting with large employers. The registration deadline for the next group of employers (with 50-99 employees) is May 15, 2018. Visit for more information.

Responsible Gambling Training for Hospitality Employees For industry members offering Oregon’s Video Lottery, Responsible Gambling training by the Oregon Lottery helps restaurants maintain a positive business environment by promoting healthy habits among customers who patronize their business. Employees who complete this free training are showing prospective employers that they care about the health of the customers that patronize their business. The Oregon Lottery has made this training accessible online at retailers/training/orla, or visit ORLA’s website at to access this and other industry-specific training.

WELCOME | ORLA would like to welcome these new members from October and November 2017 • 4 Daughter’s Irish Pub, Medford

• First Burger, Albany

• The M. Maletis Company, Portland

• Parrot Hospitality, Roseburg

• Aislelabs, Toronto ON

• The Flying Squirrel Tavern, Eugene

• Mackey’s Steakhouse & Pub, Ontario

• Premier NW Insurance, Oregon City

• Anchor Bar, Portland

• Foodwit, Portland

• Mix Sweet Shop, Ashland

• Salmon Run Golf, Brookings

• Best Western Premier Peppertree, Bend • Fulton House B&B, Portland

• Moreland Ale House, Portland

• Sky High Brewing, Corvallis

• Big Wave Cafe, Manzanita

• GNSA, Portland

• Motel 6, Sutherlin

• Boomer’s Place, Hines

• Guardian Tree, Portland

• Motel 6, Canby

• Spring Ridge at Charbonneau, Wilsonville

• Broder Ost, Hood River

• Hart Insurance, Medford

• Next Level Media, Corvallis

• Springhill Suites by Marriott, Portland

• Brown & Brown Northwest, Bend

• HOODZ of Clackamas, Portland

• Noi, Bend

• The Suttle Lodge and Boathouse, Sisters

• Buttercloud Bakery & Cafe, Medford

• HotSchedules, Austin, TX

• Nosh Eatery, Florence

• Three Sisters Inn & Suites, Bend

• Chefstable, Portland

• Inn at Lincoln City

• Oceanside Diner, Harbor

• Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce

• Clarion Hotel Portland Airport

• Jackalope Lounge, Eugene

• Oregon City Brewing, Oregon City

• Tomaselli’s Pastry Mill & Café, Elkton

• Clarion Inn Surfrider Resort, Depoe Bay • Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya, Portland

• Palomar LLC, Portland

• Visit Tillamook Coast

• Clarke’s Restaurant, Lake Oswego

• Kla-Mo-Ya Casino, Chiloquin

• Papa Murphy’s Pizza, Newport

• Ward Insurance, Eugene

• Cornbread Cafe, Eugene

• KMR Investments, LLC, Springfield

• Creswell Bakery, Creswell

• Lakeside Bar & Grill, Portland

• The Daily in the Pearl, Portland

• Little Lois Cafe, Salem

• Del Rey Cafe & Loft, Winchester

• The Lodge at Detroit Lake, Detroit

• E BarGrill, Redmond

• Lucky Panda Deli, Hillsboro

NOT YET AN ORLA MEMBER? Give us a call or email to discuss membership or sign up online now! 800.462.0619 | - 27




(Formerly the Northwest Foodservice Show)






APRIL 22-23, 2018 •





28 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018





Membership in ORLA means being a part of the only organization in the state devoted to protecting and promoting the interests of the hospitality industry. Contact us for questions; let us know what issues are affecting your business and how we can help. We have your back!

Cost-Saving Programs

Your association is dedicated to helping members operate with greater ease, efficiency and savings. Member participants save millions of dollars each year by using ORLA’s Endorsed Service Providers. For more information, visit


announce its new partnership with SAIF, Oregon’s not-for-profit workers’ compensation insurance company. ORLA members who meet the group eligibility requirements can receive an additional 10% discount on the plan. Contact your agent or SAIF at 888.598.5880 to see if you qualify.



STEVEN SCARDINA Regional Representative 503.718.1495 JOEL POMERANTZ Regional Representative 541.517.3791





KIM LEIGHTY Regional Representative 503.510.9036 MARLA McCOLLY Director of Business Development 503.428.8694 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS CONTACTS:




Visit to view additional member-exclusive offers from allied members aimed at improving your bottom line.


JASON BRANDT President & CEO 503.302.5060 GREG ASTLEY Director of Government Affairs 503.851.1330 GLENDA HAMSTREET Executive Coordinator Government Affairs 971.224.1509 - 29

March / April 2018 edition March / April sales end 2018 edition January 25. sales end January 25.

March / April 2018 edition sales end March / April January 25. 2018 edition sales end January 25.

Put your message in the. Put your message in the. hands of the right people. Put your message Put your messagein in the. the. hands of the right people. Contact Maggie Pate • 541-968-3544 • hands of the rightpeople. people. hands of the right Contact Maggie Pate • 541-968-3544 • Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.

Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.

Contact Maggie Pate • 541-968-3544 •

Contact Maggie Pate • 541-968-3544 •

Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.

Mt. Angel Publishing, Inc.

Help your managers protect against foodborne illness outbreaks. ORLA's ServSafe Manager Certification course meets the “Demonstration of Knowledge” and “Person in Charge” requirements of the Oregon Food Code.

ORLA's ServSafe®

MANAGER CERTIFICATION COURSE Give your business, your brand and your customers the best protection possible. 30 - Main Ingredient - Jan / Feb 2018

View Class Schedule and Register Online


for State-Mandated Certifications



ONLY $18 • • • • •

Stop and start anytime on same device OLCC approved, valid 5 years statewide Resources to help guide you Take the training on your computer or tablet Just $18 for the course

ONLY $9 • • • • •

Stop and start anytime Valid for 3 years statewide Print your card from your computer Just $9 for the course and test Pay when you pass

The only training that directly supports our industry!


Enter to win an overnight stay on the coast! Go online to or and click the “Enter to Win” link to complete the entry form for the Getaway promotion. The first drawing for this promotion will be held 1/31/18. Two winners, selected randomly, will be notified by email. Winners will enjoy an overnight stay in an oceanfront Whale Watcher room at the Overleaf Lodge & Spa (some exclusions may apply). No purchase necessary; valid email address required. Must be 18 years or older; public sector employees are not eligible. Visit for details. | - 31 Choose the only training that supports you right back! • Tear out this sheet and post for your employees.

Your restaurant is unique. Your coverage should be, too. As the #1

preferred business Insurer,* Liberty Mutual Insurance listens

carefully to your needs and helps ensure you’re covered for them. For over 30 years, we’ve partnered with the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA) to offer industryspecific programs for restaurants. Plus, we offer an exclusive Property, Auto, and Liability Safety Group Dividend Program to qualifying members of ORLA.** To learn more, talk to your independent agent/broker or visit

32 - Main Ingredient

*Based on 2016 survey of business insurance buyers on preference of national carriers sold via independent agents. **Dividend evaluation occurs annually; dividends are not guaranteed. 2017 /Liberty Mutual Insurance. Insurance underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., Boston, MA, or its affiliates or subsidiaries. -© Jan Feb 2018

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