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What Your Peers Are Saying
Meet Some Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association Members
Membership in ORLA means being part of the only organization in the state devoted to protecting and promoting the interests of our industry. It’s all of us together that makes that possible. Get inspired by these peer profiles where members share their thoughts on workforce recruitment and retention. And for a little seasonal fun, we also wanted to know their favorite winter sports to watch and if they will vacation or staycation this year.
Tell Your Peers a Little About You!
If you are a member, and are willing to be profiled here, please email us at info@OregonRLA.org. Also, let us know if there is a question you would like to see your peers answer.
What’s the most asked for employee benefit from your current or potential employees? What's one thing your company does to attract Gen Z employees?
DANIEL YATES Portland Spirit Cruises and Events, Portland
Title: President Started the Company: 1992 Member Since: 2018 Fav winter sport: Football, I am a lifelong Buffalo Bills fan and well versed in disappointment! Vacation or staycation: Maui/New York
What's one thing your company does to attract Gen Z employees?
Gen Z is focused on making money and working less. Control of their own time is extremely important to them.

PERCY BRANDON The Allison Inn & Spa, Newberg
Title: General Manager Joined the Company: 2022 Member Since: 2022 Fav winter sport: Soccer – in particular, the World Cup Vacation or staycation: Vacation – to the warm climate of the desert in So. California with family although we will also have a staycation and explore Oregon too.
What's one thing your company does to attract Gen Z employees?
We offer flexibility, training, opportunities for growth and promotion.
Most requested benefit:
The health and wellness benefits that we offer here.
LISA THOELE & JENNIFER LUNDSTROM Porch Light Vacation Rentals, Newberg
Title: Managing members and co-founders Started the Company: 2020 Member Since: 2022 Fav winter sport: Lisa - basketball; Jen - soccer when available; American football Vacation or staycation: Lisa - vacation; Jen - staycation
Most requested benefit:
The most asked for employee benefit can only be answered in theory, as we currently do not have employees. Schedule flexibility and the opportunity to work from home are two sought-after benefits in the world at-large. Future roles at our company may be able to provide both of those.

KIERRA PHIFER DoorDash, Tacoma, WA
Title: Workforce Development & Business Liaison Joined the Company: 2022 Member Since: 2018 Fav winter sport: Figure Skating Vacation or staycation: Vacation
Most requested benefit:
We've heard directly from our people that flexible work options and clear career pathing are important to them.

SUSAN LANGE My Accounting Team, Portland/Eugene
Title: CEO Started the Company: 2015 Member Since: 2018 Fav winter sport: Hockey and Skiing Vacation or staycation: The Azores

Most requested benefit:
Flexibility. It is the most requested and most appreciated. Employees would give up other benefits for this. It is always imperative to have a good health/dental plan and PTO policy.

HASINA WITTENBERG Oregon Beverage Association, Tigard
Title: Executive Director Joined the Company: 2022 Member Since: 2011 Fav winter sport: NFL Football Vacation or staycation: South African Safari
Most requested benefit:
Flexible time off. As a small company it's important to value employees who are committed to the job by accommodating schedules when possible.

Tell your peers about yourself! Would you like to be profiled in the next issue of Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association magazine? Reach out to Lori Little at LLittle@OregonRLA.org
Not yet a member? By banding together we make Oregon's hospitality industry stronger. Visit OregonRLA.org/membership to see the many benefits of membership and join today!

KEVIN FILIPELLO Bandon Dunes Golf Resort, Bandon
Title: Sr. Director of Hospitality Joined the Company: 2022 Member Since: 2001 Fav winter sport: Cross-Country Ski Racing Vacation or staycation: Glacier National Park
What's one thing your company does to attract Gen Z employees?
Gen Z employees want to be part of something bigger than their job. We support many of the local communities through the Wild Rivers Coast Alliance - the grant making department of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort. We utilize the proceeds of our 5th course Bandon Preserve to award grants that promote a region where healthy ecosystems drive the economy.
Most requested benefit:
We are lucky here at Bandon where our owners have built affordable housing close to the resort that our full-time employees can rent.
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