We have been hearing about brown rice and white rice repeatedly but little is known about Organic black rice. Known for its health benefits, organic black rice marks its origin in China. In the ancient times, only Royal families of China were allowed to eat it since it was rare and nutritious. Hence, it is also known as “forbidden rice” since it was forbidden for the masses.
So, how is Organic Black Rice helpful to you? 1.
Loaded with Anti-Oxidants – The Organic Black rice is loaded with AntiOxidants that helps in combating with free radicals. These free radicals are usually responsible for diseases like cancer. Hence it is best to eat ample of Organic black rice.
Dietaryfibersinload – Dietary fibers are responsible for the smooth digestion of food. The unprocessed black rice is eaten along the bran which adds insoluble bulk to your body. This further generates the feeling of fullness. Issues like irritable bowel syndrome are easily sorted with the organic black rice.
Fordiabeticpatients – Organic Black rice is low on sugar content which makes it ideal for diabetic patients. Moreover, it aids in keeping the blood sugar level constant.
Bestforweightloss – In case your weight loss woes still haunts you then switch to the organic black rice soon. It has low-calorie content which enables you to manage your weight pretty well. Additionally, it also contains carbohydrate that would keep you energetic for rest of the day.
Fights the inflammation – When there is inflammation in the body the black bran rice helps in dealing with the inflammation. Eating considerable amount of organic black rice would help in getting rid of the inflammation.
The health of your lives – Being a responsible organ for converting the food into nutrients, the liver plays a key role. Organic black rice helps in taking care of your liver. Since it is high in anti-oxidants it takes care of the liver.
Cognitive Boost – Organic Black rice aids in boosting the memory. Consuming considerable amount of organic black rice helps in giving the boost to the memory. Oxidative stress contributes to memory impairment, however, being rich in anti-oxidants the organic black rice helps in coping up with this problem.
Organic Black Rice carries innumerous such health benefits. In the times of cooking, it takes longer than usual. However, soaking it before cooking for 2-3 hours conserves the cooking time. Rest of the cooking steps remains similar to that of white rice.
You can order the organic black rice online through We deliver good quality grocery items at your doorstep. Under stringent quality control measures, The Organic Garden manages to deliver a variety of grocery items with the finest quality.