Why is organic food produce more expensive than conventionally grown fruits

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You must know that organic food is being promoted amongst the consumers even by the government. The keen on efforts of moving towards sustainable development by opting for organic farming is gaining momentum for a while. However, one question that always tends to pop up is why organic food produce is comparatively expensive? Well, here we are going to unlock the answers to this ancient question. 1. More labor is involved - Eliminating the usage of pesticides and chemicals implies more workforce. As more labors are involved in organic farming naturally the cost of production increases. Increased in the cost of production definitely, leads to higher rates which explains why organic seems expensive than conventionally grown food items. 2. Demand and supply gap - Unlike the handful of the population most of us are not even bothered what poison is being dropped in the plate. Even if the supply is raised by the farmers yet the demand remains stagnant which furthermore widens the gap between demand and supply. 3. Cost in transitions - Conventionally grown crops need fertilizers for sustainability, however, cheap fertilizers are used to over heaps of crops which is not the case with organically grown crops. Organically grown crops don't involve pesticides. These crops use natural substances such as compost which is inexpensive to procure but costly to transit (carrying things from one place to another). 4. The idea of crop rotation - Crop rotation is highly encouraged in organic farming. Using this method the consumed nitrogen is restored through cover crops. This implies

that a farmer cannot keep growing cash crops (a crop produced for its commercial value) as it would hamper the quality of the soil. On the contrary, conventional crops can be grown on the vast expanse of land because there the soil health is not the concern.

5. Shipping and handling - Conventionally grown crops are sowed in larger number given the fact that pesticides and chemicals help them in better growth and retention. However, when it comes to organic the amount of produce is small. This leads us to the conclusion that even though same distance has to be covered the conventionally grown ones are transported in larger quantities which suffices the shipping and handling cost. However, when it comes to organic the cost of transportation may not increase but the quantity is small. 6. Certification criteria - When it comes to organic food robust measures of certifications are used. One cannot simply grow and sell organic without obtaining the certificates that are backed by the government. The procedure is time-consuming and also costly. This is not the case with conventionally grown crops. Eating inorganic food for a longer time is an unforgivable invitation sent to the abnormalities and deficiencies. It is agreed that monetarily organic food is expensive however to talk about a broader sense, tell us whether the value of health is too expensive to take care?

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