Tips to use yogurt for skin

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Tips To Use Yogurt For Skin

Yogurt is one such organic food that is an excellent source of proteins, vitamin, calcium and lactic acid. Lactic acid is the component that is an active ingredient in many of the skin care product; it rejuvenates and revitalizes our skin making it younger and healthier. Yogurt has been used as an organic skin care product since ancient times; it can fight ageing, reduce acne and other skin blemishes and give way to a glowing looking skin.

For Skin


Organic yogurt is known to have excellent skin lightening properties. Use it as a face mask daily for a glowing skin; for more effect add 4-5 drops of lemon or orange juice in 1-2 teaspoons of yogurt. Apply this mixture on your face and keep it for 1520 minutes for an everlasting glow.

As Moisturizer

The creamy texture of yogurt makes it a competent skin moisturizer. To use it as a moisturizer, wash your face and simply apply thick organic yogurt on wet skin . Keep it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. This procedure adopted 2-3 times a week can give you a refreshed and supple skin and also keep it away from various skin problems.

As Scrub

It is one of the most preferred choices as a scrub owing to its moisturizing properties. Along with exfoliating your skin, organic yogurt also keeps it hydrated. To make a natural scrub with yogurt, you just need 1 tablespoon of oats and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Massage this home-made scrub on your face with your fingers in circular motion and get rid of all the dead skin cells and harmful components.

As Acne Cream

Apart from being a good source of lactic acid and other nutrients, organic yogurt also possesses anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. These characteristics help yogurt eliminate acne-causing elements from the skin. For an acne-prevention mask, you have to mix some amount of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder with yogurt. Apply this paste on acne prone areas and keep it for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

As Bleaching Agent

Not many of us know about the skin discoloration attribute of organic yogurt. It has proved to be an extremely effective bleaching agent that has the ability to even out skin discoloration. It has the ability to eliminate all sorts of age spots and sunburn marks owing to its bleaching nature. All you

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