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3 Water
Conserving water is not just about reducing use, but also about creating a sustainable future. We believe that a crucial aspect of this is fostering a culture of responsible water management. This is why we put an emphasis on water conservation in our facilities planning, as it aligns with our commitment to promoting a more sustainable world.
Our conversion and labelling facility, also known as CALF, has a hot water recovery tank which reuses water heated from the ghee process to use for cleaning
Low-flow faucets and toilets
Reducing waste is not just about the act of recycling, but also about creating a sustainable future. We put a strong emphasis on reuse in our facilities planning, as it aligns with our commitment to promoting a more sustainable world. Our ultimate goal is to lead by example with nature-based, responsible waste management.
Base board made of ash cut down due to emerald ash borer
Composting on-site – 8-10 tons per year
Conference room tables are made from recycled wood
Carpet and furniture vendors are carbonneutral companies dedicated to cradle-tograve recycling
5Indoor Air Quality
Air quality in our workplaces is essential for the health and wellbeing of employees, farmers, and our community. Air quality has long been extremely important to us. That’s why we’ve included indoor air quality as one of the key components of sustainability in our buildings. Some features our employees and visitors enjoy include:
No VOC paint and carpet
UV lights in air handling units
High-quality filters well beyond the required spec