Beginners workout book

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Build the new you.

This book is dedicated to my loving parents Steve and Moranda who have given me the foundation for who I am today. They began taking their health more seriously and it inspired me to write this book.


Copyright 2016 "The Transformation" by Steve Dansby. All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


Table of Contents Section One: The Introduction..................................7 Section Two: Nutrition...............................................8 Section Three: Misconceptions about Fitness..........10 Section Four: Meal Planning.....................................14 Section Five: 'FitLife' Best Practices.........................17 Section Six: How do I start?......................................19 Section Seven: Starting Your Workout......................20 Section Eight: Starting your Nutritional Planning.......20 Section Nine: Starting your Accountability.................21 Section Ten: Sample Workouts and Journal.............22 Section Eleven: Recording Your Results...................26 Section Twelve: Conclusion.......................................27


About the Author Stevenson Dansby is a player development specialist and a certified personal trainer from Houston, Texas. He is a former high school state champion as well as all­state basketball player. Steve has college experience as well as experience training basketball players internationally. He has also conducted training with professional athletes (basketball players). He has experience playing and training professional European league players, high school players, and Division I players. His techniques are a blend of strength and conditioning, skill training as well as mental training. He has chosen to write this book to stress the importance of strength and conditioning for the common man/woman. The overall health and wellness of people is a lifetime passion of his.


Acknowledgements I’d like to acknowledge the following people for their contributions to developing some of the content in this book. James E. Earl – CPT (Co­Owner Ready Heroes Fitness Camp) Instagram: @i_am_a_ready_hero15 Benjamin Patterson – (BJP Fitness) Instagram: @thereal_bjpatterson I appreciate the time you both took to assist on this project.


Section One Title: The Introduction This is an instructional booklet to help you to achieve the physical transformation that you are looking for. The main thing that I want to achieve is to introduce you to a lifestyle that can be maintained on a daily basis. I would like to gradually shift you into the right direction. My goal here is not only to help you build muscle or lose weight but to be able to give you information that can alter your permanent habits. I want you to maintain the progress you gain and continue to look and feel your best. I want to assure you that once you persist and see the results as well as the benefits from a health perspective, you will no longer want go back to the old detrimental health and fitness habits. Whether you are trying to get into shape for health concerns, or you'd just like to look better and live healthier the information in this booklet is an excellent tool to get you started immediately.


Section Two Title: Nutrition Ready to hit the weights? Ready to get out there and run? Ready to take on those fitness contests? Great! However, I would encourage you to review our nutrition segment very carefully. I cannot stress enough the importance of nutrition in conjunction with your fitness program. This is the quickest way to see results. You cannot do the exercises while ignoring the nutrition, it will only lead to frustration. YOU MUST FOCUS ON NUTRITION JUST AS YOU FOCUS ON THE WORKOUTS. This is a major key in your transformation. Even if you are taking supplements your eating still needs to be clean for the best results. We will focus on how to do that further in Section 4 dealing with meal prepping. How do I start to apply Good Nutritional Habits? Good nutritional habits have to be conditioned in our minds. We have to be able to make smart food choices almost unconsciously. Think about what we do when we wake up in the morning. We don’t have to think about whether we will wash our face or brush our teeth. This is something that we do automatically by force of habit. We want to get to the point to where we make good food choices just the same.


The first thing that you want to do is focus on one area of nutrition that you would like to improve. For example, you may decide to give up soda. Work on drinking absolutely no soda for 30 days. Next move on to 60 days. What you will notice is that you no longer crave it after a while. Do not try to cut everything bad out of your diet at once. I would suggest that you only pick 2 bad habits to get rid of to start with. Once you have conquered those (in 60 days), then you will add the next 2. After about 2­3 months you will begin to see the difference because of what you allow into your body. Pick your 2 foods that you will give up first (example: fried food, soda): ___________________________ ___________________________



Recommended Detox and Digestive Product:

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Recommended Nutrition and Weight Loss Program

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Recommended Healthy Superfood Snacks!

SUNFLOWER SEED BUTTER: Fiber, nutrients, and brain healthy fats! PEA PROTEIN: The best source of natural protein on earth! DATES: Digestive aid with 50% more potassium than bananas! CACAO NIBS: Antioxidants, Flavonoids, improved mood, heart health! CHIA POWDER: Another Super-food with massive amounts of nutrients! ALMONDS: Nutrients and brain healthy fats! WHEATGRASS: Too many to narrow it down! Click the ingredients page. COCONUT NECTAR & NON GMO CORN FIBER: Prebiotic fibers to feed your Natural Probiotics (major digestive aids)! CINNAMON: Digestive aid and a great natural anti-inflammatory! MORE HERE


Section Three Misconceptions about Fitness, Weight Lifting and Cardio Let’s talk briefly about the importance of lifting along with cardio. The term 'toned' is a slang used by fitness enthusiasts to describe muscle tone. What does this mean? It means we need to develop muscle in order to increase a 'toned' look. Cardio is great for burning fat but it is important that we build and develop our muscles. Lifting and/or resistance training is essential for forming and increasing muscle. This is often referred to as 'gains', short for muscle gains. Lifting 3­4 times a week is a great start. Always find a way to incorporate cardio into your workouts as well. You can choose a variety of things based on your goals. Sprinting, Hill running, jogging, walking, playing basketball, baseball, swimming, etc are all great forms of cardio and should be utilized frequently. It’s very important that men and women incorporate weight lifting and cardio together for a well­rounded fitness regimen.


Weight lifting can be very effective but it’s very important to make sure that you research. Make sure that you know how the weights and weight machines that you will be using work or that you have a certified personal trainer explain to you the correct way to use them. Without the proper instruction, you risk injuring yourself and slowing down your journey to the fit lifestyle that you want. Cardio can be done in a variety of ways. Of course there is always your traditional running method but also there is organized sports leagues, sprinting, swimming, skating, mud running, etc. The key is to pick an activity that you do well and be consistent. Cardio is not meant to be a substitute for either resistance or weight training. The mixture of the two is what will allow you to start seeing results. Supplements Work…If you do When people begin to lift weights, it is common for them to purchase supplements as they begin to workout. However, it’s essential for you to realize that all supplements are not the same. There are tons of great supplements out there on the market as we speak. There are a lot that are effective however remember that SUPPLEMENTS CAN ONLY WORK WHEN YOU DO!


We must utilize proper nutrition and a solid fitness routine in order to get the most out of our supplements. These products are not intended as a stand­alone remedy. All aspects of fitness must be utilized in order to get the most out of your supplements. It is also a good idea to consult a nutritionist or a trainer and have them recommend a supplement that may be better suited to your fitness goals. Be wise about the health of your body. If we do not educate ourselves on the products and which ones are appropriate for our fitness goals, we will only be wasting time and money. Myth: It is One­Size Fits All We must understand that fitness principles remain constant but everyone's fitness journey will not be the same. We all come in different shapes and sizes. Some of how our fitness is achieved is through genetics and some is through work ethic. There are 3 different body types that most people tend to fall into Endomorph, Mesomorph and an Ectomorph. It is important that we guide our nutrition around our body type, height and weight. Our metabolisms are often very different but the key is understanding your body and figuring out what works best for you. 12

Understand that it may take 60 days for you to see results and another person 30 days. What we all have been consuming for years is different. Also, all of our bodies are on different levels. Some people are nutrient deficient, some are dehydrated, some just consume too many calories, etc. You can be certain that if you remain consistent then the work will pay off.


Section Four Meal Planning I can’t put it anymore plainly; you will not be successful in your goals if you do not meal prep!!!! Without meal prepping you will consistently make poor food choices and stall your goals. Set aside a day on the weekend, to prep all your meals for the week. If you need to prep breakfast and dinner because you’re on the go, by all means do so. The key is making the time! Meal Frequency Eating 4­6 small meals spread about 2 ½­4 hours apart is important to your success in building muscle or losing fat. This doesn’t mean that you have to sit down at the table and eat a meal. You simply have to take in the proper amount of nutrients. Plan ahead. If you’re going to be in meetings or running errands all day, make a couple of shakes the night before or put a scoop or two of protein powder in a shaker bottle and add water when you’re ready to drink.


Meal Order The order of the meals isn’t as important as the content. If you don’t have time to eat food for breakfast and prefer to "eat on the go", drink a shake for your breakfast. If you like to eat food after training instead of a shake, eat your food. Again, the crucial factor is eating the right food types and adequate amount of calories and nutrients within the day. Food Portion If you have a scale and can weigh your food, that’s fine, it’s optimal but it’s not essential. There are many food options out there now that make dieting and portioning a lot easier. Tyson Chicken Tenderloins make getting the right amount of chicken without a scale super easy. They’re about 2 oz per strip. If you need 6 oz, just grab 3 cooked tenders. If you like lean beef, buy a 2 lb package of meat. When you are ready to cook it, score the meat into 4 equal parts with your hand and pull off your 8 oz burgers. Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice bags are a lifesaving invention for dieters. With about 2 cups per bag, all you have to do is eat half of a bag for 1 cup. If you like to have potatoes instead of rice, get some baby red potatoes. Each small potato is about 3 oz a piece. Cook up a small bag. Grab 2 potatoes for a 6 oz serving.


Don’t be afraid of canned veggies if you don’t have access to fresh veggies. Yes, they are generally higher in sodium, but you don’t have to worry about that (if you are concerned about the sodium, buy low sodium). Good old canned green beans are a staple for many dieters. Eat about one half can with each meal to up your veggie count for the day. These are just a few examples of how easy dieting can be. Why make it tougher on yourself than it needs to be? Diet Length "This is plain and simple... you should follow a diet (series of new habits) as long as it’s working. This may be 6 weeks, or it may be 12 weeks or longer. One of the worst mistakes people make is to want to change a diet while it is still working. Give the diet and your body time to work. Don’t give up on it too soon. The goal is always to eat as much and as clean as you can to put on muscle. If you keep your diet clean while consuming a lot of calories you will minimize fat gain." ­James Earl, Hero For Hire Fitness, Ready Heroes Fitness


Section Five Fitness Life Style Best Practices Rest The importance of proper rest cannot be overlooked. I cannot stress enough how important that rest days are and after a long enough period a rest week. It is very important that we get a good night’s sleep (6­8 hours) of quality sleep. Your body needs to recover in order for you to continue to benefit from your fitness regimen. Never taking a day off sets the body up for a breakdown and will risk injury. This can also suppress our immune system causing us to become more susceptible to getting sick. Rest is essential to your fitness routine. Flexibility ­ Stretching The importance of flexibility is also vital. It is important that you stretch your muscles to prevent injury and also to gain strength. Always incorporate stretching before and after your workouts. Be habitual about this. Injuries can halt your workouts and stall your progress and not to mention cause pain. There is an old adage that says that a long muscle is a strong muscle and there is some truth to that. For athletes, flexibility will provide a great advantage for them but even for everyday people who are looking to improve their health this provides a great advantage. One thing to remember when stretching is that it is often a good idea to warm up the muscles in order to get an effective stretch. A light jog in place for a minute will often suffice. 17

You may begin your stretching routine after that. Yoga is often a great option as well and there are many great classes. Hydration It is essential that you make a habit of drinking water and staying hydrated on a daily basis. This is essential for muscle growth and also will help you naturally flush out bacteria from your body. Water is also great for your joints. After a workout, joint repair is expedited by proper hydration. Another drawback of not being hydrated is that the mind often interprets this as hunger and this can cause you to be hungrier than normal. This will lead to over eating. Most of our major organs require an adequate amount of water to function properly so again I cannot stress how important water will be to living a healthy fit lifestyle.


Section Six How do I Start? The first thing that you want to do is establish a routine to stick with. This is crucial to your success in your fitness goals. You will need to figure out what days and times are best for you to workout. This will be key as you will not want the workout to compromise other priorities you have. You will need to sacrifice an hr or so of leisure time. You will need to make sure you have adequate shoes at least for you to begin working out with. Don't worry you can always add other needed workout clothing as the weeks’ pass. The next thing you will need to do is find a time to go grocery shopping for the proper foods for you to meal plan with. I would recommend going through your house and getting rid of foods that will tempt you and cause you to break good eating habits. We have provided a sample list of groceries that are suitable for meal planning but these are not the end all­ be all. Make sure that you have a journal or workout log that you keep with you to track your workouts. This will help you stay on track and act as a guideline. The last thing they I highly recommend that you do is that you take a beginning photo of yourself as you get started. As time passes by you will continue to take progress pictures (these are important).


Section Seven Starting your Workout Focus on core, cardio, lower body, upper body and endurance. You will have a 1­3 week phase, 4­6 week phase and a 6­9 week phase The workout will get a bit tougher as time moves along Section Eight Starting your Nutrition Meal Planning: You need to pick a day and time that you would like to dedicate to preparing your meals. Time: _______________ Day: _______________ Grocery Shopping: You need to pick a day and time that you would like to grocery shop. Never grocery shop when you are hungry. Label Reading: You need to understand how to read Nutrition Facts on labels. Look for High Sodium and High sugar content and avoid these like the plague.


Section Nine Start your Accountability Take progress pictures the moment you begin this journey. Write down your goal immediately: ______________ __________________________________________ DO NOT CONTINUE FORWARD UNTIL YOU HAVE WRITTEN YOUR GOAL DOWN. List obstacles that you may face: ____________________ ____________________ Find an accountability partner. List their name(s): ________________ ________________


Section Ten Sample Workouts Below: Upper Body Workout 3 Sets of 10 each



The sets and reps in these workouts are only an example. I do recommend a minimum of 3 sets per exercise for best results.


Journal ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 25

Section Eleven: Recording Your Before and After Results Print out this Page. Place a Picture of Yourself Before:

Place a Picture of Yourself After 9 Weeks:


Section Twelve: The Conclusion In conclusion, these are all steps you can apply to your life to attain a healthy lifestyle and shed some pounds. This is not theory these are the exact principles that I learned and applied to my life in order to get myself in much better shape. The thing to remember is that these things have to become habits for you. Remember that heart disease is the number one killer in America. Getting your health in control is the best way to improve heart issues. Make sure to get a yearly physical and stay informed on the status of your health. Be responsible to yourself and your loved ones. Take care of your body, you only get one.


Recommended Supplements and Foods: B12 Energy Bar Snacks Organifi Green Juice FatDiminisher


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