Criw Celf 2015

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oriel myrddin gallery 2012–15

criw celf carmarthenshire oriel myrddin gallery

criw celf sir gaerfyrddin oriel myrddin gallery

The Criw Celf project offers a year of art master classes for Carmarthenshire school children aged 9–11 who have a passion and flair for art.

Mae prosiect Criw Celf yn cynnig blwyddyn o ddosbarthiadau meistr mewn celf i blant o ysgolion Sir Gâr sy’n 9–11 oed ac sy’n frwd dros gelf ac yn dangos dawn.

Participants experience up to six gallery exhibitions over the year. They develop their art skills through artist-led workshops and are introduced to a broad range of artistic practises.

Caiff y plant profi hyd at chwech o arddangosfeydd yn yr oriel yn ystod y flwyddyn. Datblygant eu sgiliau celfyddydol drwy weithdai dan arweiniad artistiaid a chânt eu cyflwyno i amrediad eang o ymarferion celfyddydol.

Criw Celf 2012–2015 was commissioned and funded by the Arts Council of Wales.

Comisiynwyd a noddwyd Criw Celf 2012–2015 gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

“it introduces “mae’n eu cyflwyno them to new ways i ffyrdd newydd o of seeing and weld a meddwl, ac thinking, and to i ddulliau gweithio the ways in which artistiaid.” artists work.” Kathryn Campbell Dodd Kathryn Campbell Dodd Artist


“the value of the criw celf project is in the seriousness of its intent. it genuinely values its participants and gives them a rich exposure to a range of art practices, artists and the contemporary arts landscape.” Kathryn Campbell Dodd Artist

“gwerth prosiect criw celf yw difrifoldeb ei fwriad. mae’n rhoi gwerth go iawn ar y plant sy’n cymryd rhan ac yn rhoi cyfle cyfoethog iddynt brofi amrediad o ymarferion celf, artistiaid a sefyllfa’r celfyddydau heddiw.” Kathryn Campbell Dodd Artist

what we do Criw Celf children learn a range of 2D and 3D making skills: animation, drawing in wire, ceramics, felt making, installation, metalwork, printmaking and more. All these processes encourage each child to find their own creative voice in order to interpret the world around them. The 12-month programme offers each child a depth of experience that nurtures thoughtful reflection, enthusiasm and self-confidence.


Bydd plant y Criw Celf yn dysgu amrediad o sgiliau creu 2D a 3D: animeiddio, tynnu llun â gwifren, cerameg, gwaith ffelt, gosodwaith, gwaith metel, gwneud printiau a mwy. Mae’r holl brosesau hyn yn annog pob plentyn i ganfod ei lais creadigol ei hun er mwyn dehongli’r byd o’i gwmpas/chwmpas. Bydd y rhaglen 12 mis yn cynnig dyfnder profiad i bob plentyn gan feithrin myfyrdod, brwdfrydedd a hunanhyder.

pip woolf lead artist

“As an artist, my ambition to create each mark is governed by the development of closer and closer attention. Over the duration of Criw Celf I have experienced the same level of engagement among the young people, parents and supporting artists. “Drawing alongside Criw Celf participants has been a privilege for me. It has created opportunities for me to experience different ways of seeing and articulating the world, engendering curiosity and extended thinking.“

pip woolf artist arweiniol

“Fel artist, rheolir fy awydd i greu marciau di-ben-draw wrth imi ddatblygu sylw manylach a manylach. Dros gyfnod Criw Celf rwyf wedi profi’r un lefel o ymroddiad ymysg y bobl ifanc, eu rhieni a’r artistiaid fu’n cefnogi. “Mae arlunio gyda phlant y Criw Celf bob amser wedi bod yn fraint i mi. Mae wedi creu cyfleon imi brofi gwahanol ffyrdd o weld a dehongli’r byd, gan hybu chwilfrydedd a meddwl estynedig.”

“once we begin “unwaith y drawing with other dechreuwn ni people it compels dynnu llun gyda a concentration phobl eraill mae’n which brings us ein gorfodi i all alongside each ganolbwyntio, sy’n other and into a dod â ni i gyd at ein space of focus. the gilydd ac i fan lle mae energy changes and angen ffocws. mae’r is maintained by the egni’n newid ac yn process of drawing.” cael ei gynnal drwy’r broses dynnu llun.” Pip Woolf Lead Artist 2013–15

Pip Woolf Artist Arweiniol 2013–15

“it has done a lot of things for me. it has really changed the way i draw. criw celf has given me courage to say yes my drawings are really, really good.” Katie Participant

“mae wedi gwneud llawer o bethau i mi. mae wir wedi newid y ffordd rwy’n tynnu llun. mae’r criw celf wedi rhoi’r hyder imi ddweud, ydyn, mae fy lluniau i’n dda iawn, iawn.” Katie Cyfranogwr

drawing Our intention is to embed drawing firmly within the project. Everyone is encouraged to draw: parents, children, gallery staff – even the bus driver. A culture of drawing emerges where the children gravitate to drawing as a means of relating to and enquiring about the world around them.

tynnu llun Ein bwriad yw gwreiddio tynnu llun yn gadarn o fewn y prosiect. Anogir pawb i dynnu llun: rhieni, plant, staff yr oriel – hyd yn oed gyrrwr y bws. Bydd diwylliant o dynnu llun yn dod i’r wyneb, a’r plant yn troi at dynnu llun fel modd o ymateb i’r byd o’u cwmpas ac ymholi yn ei gylch.

play and exploration We work responsively with the children, tailoring to the dynamics and character of each group. Our trips and collaborative groupwork are opportunities to play, explore and bond. Trips have included Carmarthen School of Art, National Botanic Gardens of Wales and St Fagans National History Museum. Group workshops with Kirsty Claxton and Mary Sikkel have challenged the children to find creative and playful approaches to problemsolving which are valuable, transferable skills for life.

chwarae ac archwilio Gweithiwn drwy ymateb i’r plant, gan deilwra’r gwaith i ddynameg a chymeriad pob grŵp. Mae ein teithiau a’n gwaith grŵp cydweithiol yn cynnig cyfle i chwarae, archwilio a ffurfio perthynas. Teithiwyd i lefydd fel Ysgol Gelf Caerfyrddin, y Gerddi Botaneg Cenedlaethol ac Amgueddfa Werin Sain Ffagan. Cynhaliwyd gweithdai grŵp gyda Kirsty Claxton a Mary Sikkel gan herio’r plant i ganfod dulliau creadigol a chwareus o ddatrys problemau, sy’n sgiliau gwerthfawr y gellir eu cymhwyso i fywyd.

“play has a “mae chwarae’n great value werthfawr for children dros ben i blant and artists, ac artistiaid, allowing a wrth ganiatáu moment to ennyd i edrych look sideways ar y byd o ongl at the world.” arall.” Seren Stacey Project Co-ordinator

Seren Stacey Cydgysylltydd Prosiect

“i would like to show all my artwork off, because i made it!” Callum Participant

“fe hoffwn i ddangos fy ngwaith celf i gyd, achos fi wnaeth e!” Callum Cyfranogwr

sharing the journey The end of year exhibition reflects the entire journey – showing the process of art making, as well as final pieces. Each exhibition is treated with the same professional approach as all other Oriel Myrddin Gallery exhibitions, and the children participate in that process with the gallery’s curator Meg Anthony. The gallery signposts next steps for these young people to continue to pursue their interest in art through education, art clubs and further projects.

rhannu’r daith Mae arddangosfa diwedd y flwyddyn yn adlewyrchu’r daith yn ei chyfanrwydd – gan ddangos proses creu’r gelfyddyd, yn ogystal â’r darnau terfynol. Caiff pob arddangosfa yr un parch proffesiynol â holl arddangosfeydd eraill Oriel Myrddin, a bydd y plant yn cyfranogi yn y broses honno gyda churadur yr oriel Meg Anthony. Bydd yr oriel yn dangos y camau nesaf i’r bobl ifanc hyn gael parhau i ddilyn eu diddordeb mewn celf drwy addysg, clybiau celf a prosiectau eraill.


“i come away inspired after each session. the children are not constrained by adults’ perceptions of how to create art. they produce work that is honest and original.” Claire Spencer, Artist “the children’s work has encouraged me to look at my own work with renewed enthusiasm and a fresh perspective.” Jacob Buckland, Artist

edrych yn ôl

“dof o bob sesiwn wedi fy ysbrydoli. nid yw’r plant wedi’u cyfyngu gan ragdybiaethau oedolion ynghylch sut i greu celfyddyd. maen nhw’n cynhyrchu gwaith sy’n onest ac yn wreiddiol.” Claire Spencer, Artist “mae gwaith y plant wedi fy annog i edrych ar fy ngwaith fy hun gyda brwdfrydedd newydd a phersbectif ffres.” Jacob Buckland, Artist

“i thought you could only use paint “roeddwn i’n meddwl mai dim ond paent a and pencils for art, but now i know phensiliau y gallech chi eu defnyddio i wneud you can use plants and metal.” celf, ond rwy’n gwybod nawr y gallwch chi ddefnyddio planhigion a metel.” Callum, Participant Callum, Cyfranogwr “i’ve had a wide opportunity to show my style of art.” “rwy’ wedi cael cyfle eang i ddangos fy arddull gelfyddydol.” Alfie, Participant Alfie, Cyfranogwr “i wanted to be an artist and i wanted “roeddwn i eisiau bod yn artist ac eisiau gweld to see how real artists work.” sut mae artistiaid go iawn yn gweithio.” Holly, Participant Holly, Cyfranogwr

“it has been “mae wedi bod amazing and i’ve yn anhygoel ac really enjoyed rwy’ wir wedi it, and i’m glad mwynau, ac that i was rwy’n falch y picked for it.” ces i fy newis ar ei gyfer.” Vinnie Participant

thanks to: all the criw celf children the criw celf artists

Vinnie Cyfranogwr

diolch i: holl blant y criw celf artistiaid y criw celf

ivan black, georgia bowles, jacob buckland, kathryn campbell dodd, kirsty claxton, toby downing, julia griffiths jones, angharad pearce jones, daniel trivedy, mary sikkel, claire spencer, seren stacey, joanne sutton, jacob whittaker, alan williams, britta winkler, pip woolf sophie hadaway and the school teachers of carmarthenshire who nominated the children

sophie hadaway ac athrawon ysgol sir gaerfyrddin a enwebodd y plant

Oriel Myrddin Gallery Church Lane / Lôn y Llan, Carmarthen / Caerfyrddin 01267 222775 •

Cyhoeddwyd gan / Published by Oriel Myrddin Gallery, 2015 • Ffotograffau gan / Photographs by Oriel Myrddin Gallery • Dylunio gan / Design by Heidi Baker

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