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Media and Communications
The Australia Orienteer remains the key communication tool of Orienteering Australia (OA). An increasing number of members are choosing to receive the Australian Orienteer in digital form. Digital publishing has also highlighted Australian orienteering across the globe, with an Increasing international readership. Back-copies of the Australian Orienteer have also been completed and are available online at https:// issuu.com/orienteeringaustralia
Work has continued on utilising the wealth of information available in Eventor for statistical reporting. Ian Rathbone (Tasmania) spent substantial time in making this information readily available via https:// reporting.orienteering.asn.au/ There are a range of reports available (see opposite) to make managing members and reporting on statistics a whole lot easier. Orienteering Australia is happy to provide access to this site for state administrators - please email eventor@ orienteering.asn.au for more details.
The value of the reporting web site is only as good as the information available in Eventor. Orienteering Australia wants to be able to generate participation statistics and other reports “at the click of a button” however this is currently not possible because results from many events are not being loaded into Eventor. Eventor will not replace the “complex” scoring systems Implemented by some states for various series, however loading basic results (participant name, class, club, score and/or time) into Eventor will facilitate more accurate reporting, and should be of benefit to all States as and when they are required to gather Information for their own reporting needs or for including with funding submissions. Maps are a fundamental element of our sport. A licence for Omaps (https://www.omaps.net/au) has been in place since 2018 however there has been limited uptake outside Queensland, metro Sydney and Bendigo as shown in the overview map opposite.
Once again, OA is requesting states and clubs to upload basic information about existing maps. We acknowledge that some states have an existing map database/repository however, we are requesting some basic information be entered into Omaps to provide a comprehensive picture of our map assets. This will have multiple benefits Including better utilisation of maps and potentially provide the basis for grant applications. Anyone can log into Omaps with the Eventor user details and similar security access provisions are in place to limit what can be viewed/downloaded.
A revamp of the OA web site begun with the establishment of a Web Working Group (WWG). It is anticipated that the new site will be released prior to the 2020 Australian Championships in Tasmania.
The ongoing help of Shane Jenkins (web site), Jack Dowling (EWG) and Ian Rathbone (EWG) is gratefully acknowledged in helping to keep things on track.
Craig Fuererherdt
former Director, Media and Communications