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Controller and Coach Accreditation
See full report for all summary tables - https://issuu.com/orienteeringaustralia/docs/2020_orienteering_australia_annual_report
Accreditation of Controllers
The next phase of the transition to maintaining controller accreditation data in RevSport, is to give State/ Territory associations the ability to administer their accredited controller database in 2021.
The number of female controllers in 2020 increased by 10% on 2019, and male controllers by 5% over the same period.
NSW had the greatest increase in controllers with +30%, and QLD +19%.
The total number of accredited controllers is up by more than 8% on the 2019 totals.
Accreditation of Coaches
The next phase of the transition to maintaining coach accreditation data in RevSport, is to give State/Territory associations the ability to administer their accredited coach database in 2021.
The number of Level 1 - Level 3 female coaches increased by more than 10% in 2020, and with the number of male Level 1 - Level 3 coaches decreasing by a similar amount, we now have more female coaches than men in Level 1 - Level 3.
Queensland Level 1 - Level 3 coach numbers were up by 26% in 2020, Tasmania down by 57%, but Australia-wide the same as in 2019 at 100.
Level 0 coaches numbers plateaued in a COVID 2020 with a reduced number of teacher workshops in NSW carrying through to a 12% fall in Level 0 numbers in NSW.