Women’s Coaching Clinic a big success Anthony Scott and Nicki Taws (ACT) In 2004 a series of coaching clinics for women and girls were held in the ACT in conjunction with existing Saturday events. The clinics were funded by a grant from Sport & Recreation ACT. In total, 50 women registered for the clinics, their level of experience ranging from beginners to intermediate standard. The clinics aimed to encourage new participants to the sport in a social, noncompetitive environment, and also to encourage existing participants to improve their skills. Eight experienced female orienteers and coaches assisted at each session, providing advice on navigation and map reading skills. Each session ended with morning tea to provide an opportunity for coaches and participants to chat about their runs, and to meet each other on a social basis. Some typical comments from participants are shown below. Their comments indicated a need for local events that are convenient for beginner and recreational orienteers who are reluctant to drive long distances to events or spend the whole day orienteering. They also demonstrate the advantage to beginners and new club members of having some friendly faces at each event who make them feel welcome, and can provide some coaching advice. • “ I really enjoyed the coaching clinic. I guess I would not have gone to Orienteering again if it wasn't for the clinic. I find it always difficult to turn up alone to groups and events, especially if you are unsure about the skills required. I particularly liked being able to discuss 'the plan of attack' before setting out, to learn to think like a real orienteer.” • “ Having a coach run with me made the event more enjoyable as she made me think about new ways to navigate. It certainly made a favourable impression on me as I have now become a member! Your willingness to have a chat with me at the events has certainly been a big factor in my decision to join as it gave me a sense of "belonging" despite being a newbie.” • “ The clinic has been really useful in terms of giving me tools to understand where I've been going wrong, and how to improve. So overall, it's boosted my confidence and motivated me to keep participating.”
• “ These Orienteering events have the advantage of being held close to the city and as they take place every week there are heaps of opportunities for practice which is (I think) what really helps improving my navigation after knowing the basics. Those handouts on the basics have been very clear and handy for me, also the hints that the coaches gave me during the sessions. I think the idea of organizing the clinic for women and girls periodically is fantastic.” • “ While the lessons gave a great introduction to the basics of Orienteering, it was the one-on-one coaching that, for me, had the biggest impact. Getting techniques and tips directly from elite orienteers was extremely beneficial. The coaching clinic was also a great way for newcomers to get to know some of the other club members. This makes you feel more like a 'real' orienteer and I think will encourage people to keep coming back to events.” • “ I really enjoyed learning a new sport and am excited about being able to mix physical activity with some thinking. As a long term triathlete, Orienteering will be a welcome change from long miles in the pool, on the bike and running.” • “ I thought the way you organised the clinic was excellent. Your individual coaches were delightful; I had the pleasure of Valerie's help for two of the weeks and she was just lovely. The welcome provided to "drop ins" was also great. There was no pressure to "sign up" for any long term commitment, although I'm sure, like me, others will become members of ACT Orienteering and the clubs.” This was the first time Orienteering ACT had run such a program and it’s great success has demonstrated the benefits of holding women and girls coaching clinics every year. The success and enthusiasm of the participants has also encouraged the coaches to continue providing informal support at future Saturday events.
Nicki Taws advising Michelle van der Voort – one of the participants at the Women & Girls Clinic.
Books on orienteering There are a great number of books on all aspects of orienteering. For a list and prices contact: Orienteering Services of Australia 44 Alexandra Parade, Clifton Hill VIC 3068 Phone (03) 9489 9766 Email