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March 25-28 SnowE 2005 (Aust. 3-Days) Jindabyne, NSW www.ozeaster2005.com April 23 AUS Middle-distance Champs, Rylstone, NSW April 16-17 British Championships, Newquay, Cornwall, UK April 29-May 3 Surrey 5-O (in conjunction with World Cup), Surrey, UK www.wcup2005.org.uk July 1-5 Pilsner MTB-O 5-Days Plzen, Czech Republic July 2-9 5 Giorni-Valle di Non (Italian 5 Days) Trentino Italy. www.oripredaia.it July 8-10 Northern Territory Championships Darwin, NT www.topend.nt.orienteering.asn.au July 9-14 France - 5 Days of Aveyron, La Cavalerie, France (30min N of Montpelier) www.cdco12.org July 10-15 Fin 5, Eura (near Pori), Finland. www.hiisirasti.fi/fin5 July 11-16 JWOC 2005 Tenero, Switzerland www.asti-ticino.ch/jwoc2005 July 11-16 Swiss 5 Days, Tenero, Switzerland. www.asti-ticino.ch/5days2005 July 14-24 World Games (Orienteering 16 & 17 July), Duisberg, Germany http://www.worldgames-iwga.org/ July 17-22 O-Ringen Smaland, Sweden www.oringen.com July 26-28 Hallen 3-Days Hallen, Sweden July 22-31 WMOC 2005 Edmonton, Canada www.wmoc2005.com www.2005worldmasters.com/ July 31-Aug 6 Scottish 6-Days Royal Deeside, Scotland scottish6days.com/2005/2005index.htm July 31-Aug 7 Japan O Tour Tokyo, Fuji, Kyoto, Japan August 7-14 Forest Festival (on WOC maps), Aichi, Japan www.woc2005.jp August 7-14 WOC 2005 Aichi Prefecture, Japan www.woc2005.jp/ Sept. 5-11 World MTB-O Championships Banska Bystrica, Slovakia www.orienteering.sk/mtbo2005 Sept 19-24 Region 3 (Asia-Pacific) RadiO Champs, Agano City, Japan www.jarl.or.jp/2005r3ardf/ Sept 24-Oct 2 Tassie East Coast Escape inc Tas Champs, Schools Champs & Aust Champs. Hobart to St. Helens www.tasorienteering.asn.au Nov 19-20 AUS MTB-O Champs, Maryborough & Bendigo, Victoria Dec 27-31 Snowy Christmas 5 Days, Jindabyne, NSW April 14-17 Australian 3-Days Castlemaine, Victoria May 7-14 European Championships Otepaa, Estonia www.orienteerumine.ee/EOC2006 July 1-7 WMOC 2006 Wiener Neustadt, Austria www.wmoc06.com/ July 2-7 JWOC 2006 Druskininkai, Lithuania July 9-14 World MTB-O Championships Joensuu, Finland July 15-22 Swiss O Week 2006 Zermatt, Switzerland www.sow2006zermatt.ch July O-Ringen Halsingland, Sweden www.oringen.com July 30-Aug 5 WOC 2006 and Danish WOC Tour 6-Days, Aarhus, Denmark www.woc2006.dk/ 29 Sept-12 Oct Australian Championships Carnival York, Western Australia wa.orienteering.asn.au/auschamps 2006/auschamps2006.html Dec 22-31 APOC 2006, Hong Kong Dec 27-31 Christmas 5 Days, NSW

Call of the West

National O League Events in Western Australia

HEED the Call of the West and come to the NOL events in WA on 7th & 8th May this year. There will be courses available on both days for all orienteers – it’s not just for the elites. Day 1 courses will be ‘enter on the day’ for non-elites, and Day 2 will be a pre-entry Badge event. Friends/partners/spouses/whatever of NOL competitors from other states are particularly welcome.

Day 1 events are near Beverley, about 130km east of Perth, on a new map. The terrain is largely farmland and granite and is similar to the “Gunapin” map used at the Australian 3-Days in 2003. The controller is Carol Brownlie: 08 9446 3457, carolnken@ozemail.com. au

Day 2 events are in the Julimar Forest, west of Toodyay on the area covered by 1984 “Julimar Brook” map. Julimar is being remapped for this event. The terrain is largely gully-spur with a small amount of rock. The runnability is generally good on the slopes and in the valleys. There are areas of slower running on the broad spurs. Day 2 controller is Peter Watson: 08 9291 0367, whiskers@iinet.net.au

Both areas are about 90 minutes drive from Perth. York, about 100km east of Perth, is between the Day 1 and Day 2 venues. Various accommodation options are available, see http://www.yorkwa.com. au/accommodation.htm

Please come, compete and enjoy.

More information on the NOL events is on the OA website.

Please contact the organiser, Sue Dowling (08 9397 6024, soonjak@acslink.net.au) if you have any questions, eg events, fees, badge pre-entry.

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