15 minute read
The Golden Route
Thierry Gueorgiou (France) shows us the route he took to defend his Middle-distance World Championship and win again in 2004
ONLY a few hours are left before my start, but since my wake-up, I feel calm and relaxed. My slight nervousness from the previous days has changed into a great serenity. The day is finally here, the day which I have trained for all year. I know exactly what I must do. I also know that I do not have to invent anything. I feel ready, and my self-confidence is high. I start the warm-up 40 minutes before my departure. The rainy weather suits me perfectly.
Even if there are just a few minutes remaining before the biggest challenge of my O-career – to defend last year’s title – I try to remain concentrated on just myself. In this stage of my preparations, nothing is more important than my technique. I try to forget the environment and the stakes. Only a few seconds left. I am standing in front of the desk before my map; once again I remember that I must make my map-reading simple.
Leg 1: For me, the first control is always very important. The key to a good race is hidden in its opening part. I try to start with very good speed and with a solid map-reading tempo, because I know that it will be almost impossible to change any kind of “wrong” attitude during the race. The visibility is very good in this part. The first big contours are really remarkable and easy to reach. Then I am waiting for the small, wet ditch which is very visible between the two hills. From there, I use mostly hilltops for navigation, in order to be able to apply my good speed without technical risk. I punch the first control, I am feeling good, and my legs are light. Leg 2: When I am punching the first control, everything has already been prepared for the second control. I let myself be guided by the big hill in the middle of the leg. I do not slow down while approaching the post, using the small hills which securely lead to the second control.
Leg 5: The way to the next control is difficult in this very broken terrain. In the first part of the leg, I keep a general direction with my compass. Then, in the second part, I try to use the rocky surface. The
LEG 1 1. Näsman (SWE) 3.11 2. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.01 3. Omeltchenko (UKN) +.03 Overall 1. Näsman (SWE) 3.11 2. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.01 3. Omeltchenko (UKN) +.03 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 2/+0.01 2. Novikov (RUS) 9/+0.16 3. Nordberg (NOR) 9/+0.16 Gueorgiou Leg place 2 Time 3.12 Best time -0.01 Leg 2 1. Novikov (RUS) .49 2. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.02 2. Haldin (FIN) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 4.03 2. Näsman (SWE) +.01 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.09 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 4th +.13 3. Nordberg (NOR) 6th +.16 Gueorgiou Leg place 2 Time .51 Best time -0.02
Leg 3 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1.34 1. Sirmais (LAT) +.00 3. Olsson (SWE) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 5.37 2. Näsman (SWE) +.05 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.19 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 4th +.23 3. Nordberg (NOR) 6th +.25 Gueorgiou Leg place 1 Time 1.34 Best time .00
Leg 4 1. Huovila (FIN) .51 2. Omeltchenko (UKN) +.02 3. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.03 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 6.31 2. Näsman (SWE) +.10 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.24 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 4th +.27 3. Nordberg (NOR) 5th +.28 Gueorgiou Leg place 3 Time .54 Best time -.03
Leg 5 1. Novikov (RUS) 2.24 2. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.01 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 8.56 2. Näsman (SWE) +.11 3. Novikov (RUS) +.26 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.26 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.29 Gueorgiou Leg place 2 Time 2.25 Best time -.01
Leg 3: On this leg, I probably have the best feelings with the map and terrain. I immediately make a good selection, running on the highest part of the area, using hard-and-fast rocky surfaces instead of wet and soft marshes. I let myself be guided by the contour-line to the final slope where the control is located. After climbing up onto the slope, I try to look as far as possible and see the small hill in the circle, which is some 70 meters ahead of me, in order to avoid any extra map-reading.
Leg 4: No difficulty until I reach the large, open marsh. Meanwhile, I try to prepare the final part of this leg, which initially looks difficult and tricky. I hover between the idea of taking the time to read all the small details in the final part of the leg (with the risk of wasting a lot of time), or just passing the area (and maybe also the re-entrant where the control is located) with a light voluntary left error and at full speed. Even if the forest is rather dense here, I decide to choose the second option. First, I reach the highest point on the final hill and then try to cross directly to the reentrant. I find the control without any problems.
control is quite easy, being surrounded by small hills and in terrain with good visibility. Now looking back at this leg, I can see the more-left selection. What Jarkko Huovila did (FIN – 2:40 – in blue) was really clever, as it was based on big and remarkable terrain features.
Leg 6: My first fight with dark forest. I use my compass more often, but it is very automatic. I try to reach the small path as fast as possible. The flag is visible right from the path bend.
Leg 7: I use the white band as a guide towards the small path. I go for quite a straight selection. The forest is very open here, and it is very easy to use the big hills for navigation. Then, I use the long nose and hill with the small cliff as the last collecting feature.
Leg 8: I prepared this choice during the previous leg. I quickly forget the straight option, which does not use any path. I believe it is always important to have some easier periods, where you can refresh your neurons a little, even in the Middle-distance ... There are two route-choices around the top. I choose the left one and use the small path, which I leave as late as possible in order to get close to the 8th control. I try to be very aggressive in the first part of the route, in the low vegetation. Then I use the small path and run with a very high pace. I wait until the last moment before I go up onto the top where the control is located. I reach the spot where I think the control should be, but there’s nothing ... Some slight doubt ... I’m however sure of myself. I find the control slightly further to the right. I lose some 5 secs here. Leg 10: I reach the track as fast as possible. Then, I hesitate over the option to take. Normally in Middle-distance, I try to use a selection very close to the red line. Often it pays back, at least it never is very penalizing. But, I do not want to risk getting trapped in the low vegetation area under the red line. I use the track as long as possible, but I still leave it too early. In the last metres, the map is very difficult to read (low vegetation and detailed). However, the terrain is much simpler. The control is located on the second big hill. No need to read the map carefully too early. The boulder between these two hills gives me enough information about my exact position. I purposely go up a little bit more on the right side and then follow the small hills which lead me to the control.
Leg 11: Again a relatively long leg. But this time there is no routechoice. The key is right feature-selection in order to have fast progression. In the first part of the route, the visibility varies from very good to relatively poor. I use the first big hill with the small open marsh at the foot as the first important point. This top is very remarkable, and I can see that, during the end of race, we will cross this area again. So, I try to record its characteristics to use later. I see Mats Haldin in the open area. I decide not to waste time with map-reading, and raise my head to see the vegetation boundary along which I guided in the first part of the leg. The last metres to the control are no problem – the open forest and different hills give it away.
Leg 12: I control the direction with my compass. For the first time in the race, I find some paths made by competitors who started earlier, which I use. I try to see the field through the trees as soon as possible.
Leg 6 1. Huovila (FIN) .53 2. Novikov (RUS) +.01 3. Näsman (SWE) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 9.52 2. Näsman (SWE) +.10 3. Novikov (RUS) +.24 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.24 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.31 Gueorgiou Leg place 4 Time .56 Best time -.03
Leg 7 1. Novikov (RUS) 2.10 2. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.01 2. Ikonen (FIN) +.01 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 12.03 2. Näsman (SWE) +.21 3. Novikov (RUS) +.23 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.23 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.40 Gueorgiou Leg place 2 Time 2.11 Best time -.01
Leg 8 1. Wingstedt (SWE) 2.55 1. Sirmais (LAT) +.00 3. Hott Johansen (NOR) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 15.01 2. Näsman (SWE) +.31 3. Novikov (RUS) +.36 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.23 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.40 Gueorgiou Leg place 4 Time 2.58 Best time -.03
Leg 9: It is very important to change rhythm quickly on this kind of short leg. There is no technical difficulty, so any, even the slightest, relaxation would immediately have cost me some few seconds. The open marsh close to the control is very easy to see. When I’m punching, I see another competitor leaving the control.
Leg 9 1. Ikonen (FIN) .42 2. Hott Johansen (NOR) +.01 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 15.46 2. Näsman (SWE) +.36 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.37 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 4th +.43 3. Nordberg (NOR) 5th +.53 Gueorgiou Leg place 4 Time .45 Best time -.03
Leg 10 1. Nordberg (NOR) 2.42 2. Hott Johansen (NOR) +.02 3. Novikov (RUS) +.04 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 18.38 2. Näsman (SWE) +.33 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.37 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.37 3. Nordberg (NOR) 5th +.43 Gueorgiou Leg place 8 Time 2.52 Best time -.10
Leg 11 1. Wingstedt (SWE) 2.12 2. Pasquasy (BLG) +.01 3. Olsson (SWE) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 20.56 2. Wingstedt (SWE) +.31 3. Novikov (RUS) +.37 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.37 3. Nordberg (NOR) 5th +.43 Gueorgiou Leg place 7 Time 2.18 Best time -.06
Leg 12 1. Wingstedt (SWE) 1.07 2. Ikonen (FIN) +.01 2. Sirmais (LAT) +.01 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 22.06 2. Wingstedt (SWE) +.28 3. Novikov (RUS) +.36 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.36 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.39 Gueorgiou Leg place 6 Time 1.10 Best time -.03
Leg 13: The spectator-control. The risk is always very high of losing concentration at such moments. I think the part of the course after the spectator-control must be approached as the first control – with 110 % concentration and a positive attitude – as if it were a totally new race which has just begun. I hear Damien Renard shouting that I am in the lead, but I know nothing exact about how large my lead is … but I know it must be tight. Control 13 is not so difficult, and the slope helps a lot.
Leg 13 1. Haldin (FIN) .38 2. Novikov (RUS) +.01 =3. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 22.46 2. Wingstedt (SWE) +.28 3. Novikov (RUS) +.35 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 3rd +.35 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.39 Gueorgiou Leg place =3 Time .40 Best time -.02
Leg 14: Probably the worst leg for me, even though I do not make any major mistakes. However, some hesitations, in combination with not very relevant route-selection and also tired legs, give me a “not so good” time. I lose some seconds immediately after punching the 13th when I try to locate my position with precision – something which I do not manage to do anyway and which is not really necessary in this part. I am probably less lucid and apply my technique less well. But then, I start again to use the big features, such as the marsh and hills. The vegetation boundary and cliff in the slope are quite remarkable. On the flatter area, I use my compass. I do not try to find the control in a direct way. I reach the top of the hill which, for me, constitutes the control. Now the flag no longer is 40 cm x 40 cm large but becomes as huge as 40 m x 40 m, which makes it appreciably easier to find. From the top of the hill I can see the control.
Leg 14 1. Hott Johansen (NOR) 2.40 2. Haldin (FIN) +.02 3. Novikov (RUS) +.05 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 25.45 2. Novikov (RUS) +.21 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.25 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 2nd +.21 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.34 Gueorgiou Leg place 17 Time 2.59 Best time -.19
Leg 15: Quite a straight selection. I prefer to cross the marsh which, although wet, offers better runnability than the open area. From the cliff, I follow the contour to the control flag. Mats Haldin, whom I have not seen since leaving the 13th control, punches a few metres in front of me.
Leg 15 1. Hott Johansen (NOR) 2.20 2. Renard (FRA) +.01 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.03 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 28.10 2. Novikov (RUS) +.23 3. Wingstedt (SWE) +.27 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 2nd +.23 3. Nordberg (NOR) 4th +.32 Gueorgiou Leg place 5 Time 2.25 Best time -.05
Leg 16: In the first part, I try to reach the highest point of the area without following my progression with precision. Once in the open area, it is very difficult to locate properly, but I try to see the big hill which I used during the leg to the 11th control. It helps me in determining my precise location. I very well understand that the 16th control is the kind of decisive control where you can lose the whole race. For this reason, I want to leave the open area knowing exactly where I am. For this reason, I make the small turn to the vegetation boundary. Then I use my compass very carefully. Once on the path, I do not want to take any risks. I try to fix my exact position with the small hill. The extra 90° turn costs me a few seconds, but gives me much safety. In these moments, when the finish is so close that it is already possible to hear the speaker, it is difficult to keep a clear mind, cold blood, and make the right choice.
Leg 16 1. Novikov (RUS) 2.00 2. Näsman (SWE) +.01 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.05 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 30.19 2. Novikov (RUS) +.14 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.28 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 2nd +.14 3. Nordberg (NOR) 3rd +.28 Gueorgiou Leg place 9 Time 2.09 Best time -.09
Leg 17: Now, I know that the technical difficulties are over, but I try to remain concentrated, so as not to lose any extra seconds.
Leg 17 1. Ikonen (FIN) 1.02 2. Nordberg (NOR) +.01 3. Merz (SUI) +.02 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 31.24 2. Novikov (RUS) +.17 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.26 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 2nd +.17 3. Nordberg (NOR) 3rd +.26 Gueorgiou Leg place 5 Time 1.05 Best time -.03
Leg 18: For the last time, I look at my compass and make sure I leave the control in the right direction. Now, I can hear the speaker very well: “He will defend his title from last year, that’s for sure …” Good news!!! Even if my tiredness is high, I understand that my dream will become reality.
Leg 18 1. Nordberg (NOR) .45 2. Gueorgiou (FRA) +.01 2. Haldin (FIN) +.01 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 32.10 2. Novikov (RUS) +.18 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.25 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 1st 0.00 2. Novikov (RUS) 2nd +.18 3. Nordberg (NOR) 3rd +.25 Gueorgiou Leg place 2 Time .46 Best time -.01
Finish 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) .35 1. Wingstedt (SWE) +.00 3. Olssen (SWE) +.01 Overall 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 32.45 2. Novikov (RUS) +.22 3. Nordberg (NOR) +.27 Medalists 1. Gueorgiou (FRA) 32.45 2. Novikov (RUS) 33.07 3. Nordberg (NOR) 33.12 Gueorgiou Leg place 1 Time .35 Best time .00
Finish: Only few metres left, and the feeling is incredibly nice. I do not touch the ground anymore. These last metres completely contrast with the way in which I tried to approach this race. The key was to remain concentrated on my technique, to forget the environment and the stakes. During the race my emotions were completely evacuated. The finishing line is crossed; my goal is reached. Even if I would never have acknowledged it, 2nd place would have been a disappointment. But I did it!