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Executive Matters
Kay Grzadka
My first four months in the position of Executive Officer for Orienteering Australia have been busy and the time has passed very quickly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support, encouragement and patience as I continue to learn the ropes.
Board Meeting, Dubbo
The Board of Orienteering Australia met recently in Dubbo during the very successful Junior World Orienteering Championships carnival. Orienteering Australia’s newly appointed officers, Rob Preston (Manager, High Performance) and Bert Elson (Manager, Coaching & Officiating Development), were welcomed to the meeting. Their positions were created as a result of the restructure of the Head Coach position, formerly occupied by Tom Quayle. The following matters are currently under action by the Board and were discussed at the meeting: • Arranging the provision of public liability insurance for directors and officers of Orienteering Australia; • Changing the Constitution and Member Protection policy as foreshadowed in the previous edition of The Australian
Orienteer; • Developing guidelines for the distribution of functions across national, state and club levels when holding major orienteering events; • Continuing discussion with the International Orienteering
Federation over the World Cup qualification process; • Preparing a discussion paper for the Annual Conference on continuing Orienteering Australia’s support for the position of Vice President, International Orienteering Federation; • Upgrading the Orienteering Australia website in general and in particular: posting the 2008 National Fixtures List; furthering the capabilities of the Results database; and developing an adventure racing portal; • Documenting strategies for the reporting of injuries and other incidents to the national body by State associations, and for the resolution of conflict; • Preparing a submission to the International Conference on
Orienteering Mapping being held in Kiev during the World
Orienteering Championships; • Developing guidelines for organising major orienteering carnivals; • Assessing and updating the Sponsorship policy and the
Junior Sports policy; • Planning for the sponsorship and promotion of the 2008 season and teams; • Defining the criteria for selection into the ACT Academy of
Sport squad; • Assisting State Associations to develop plans for improving National Orienteering League development and participation; • Seeking Council approval for the 2008 Mountain Bike
Orienteering National League events; and • Preparing for the Australia – New Zealand Challenge being held as part of the Oceania Championships to be held around Canberra in October. Preparation includes the provision of uniform tops and badges.
Annual Conference
The Board is also preparing various other items and papers for the Annual Conference which will be held at the Australian National University on the first weekend in December. A major item for this year’s conference is the re-appointment of the coaching panel.