LETTERS The Australian Orienteer welcomes letters. Preference will be given to letters which are concise and which make positive points. The editor reserves the right to edit letters, particularly ones which are longer than 300 words.
Water on Courses A recent article in The Australian Orienteer promoted a decision by Bayside Kangaroos to ask competitors to carry their own water around the course. I wanted to take the time to clarify Orienteering Australia’s position on the provision of water on courses. Our competition rules, as they have always done, include a clause requiring water to be provided every 25 minutes for courses longer than 30mins (these times are the estimated speed of the winner). Moreover, OA rules require the water to be at a control or a compulsory crossing point. (The IOF has similar rules, except that they do not require the water to be at a control or compulsory crossing point.) People often ask me why we can’t relax the rules on provision of water. My answer is always the same -- it is because provision of water is designed to ensure competitors do not become dehydrated. Thus, it’s a safety issue, and is a greater concern in a warm climate, such as Australia, than it is in most countries. We had a close shave several years ago when a competitor became seriously ill following dehydration; I’m determined to protect event organisers from similar occurrences in the future, which is why I have never considered compromising on the provision of water.
State of Origin I read with interest Kay Haarsma’s letter in the June edition proposing that the National Orienteering League be run on a State of Origin basis. Such a bold and, in many ways, controversial move could not happen unless someone was prepared to stand up and show the real leadership that is a fundamental part of any major reform in any field of endeavour. Such reformist leaders have, throughout history, shown they are prepared to sacrifice their own selfish needs for the greater good. Clearly Kay and, by inference, OASA have put their hand up to be in the vanguard of this change and should be applauded for this. Their offer to have Simon Uppill run for Queensland in all future National Orienteering League events in order to demonstrate the value of this reform is gratefully accepted and we look forward to this brave new world. Richard Robinson (Queensland)
Orienteering Australia – National Training Centre
The rules above apply at all national events -- badge events and above. State or club level events are governed by different rules, but I recommend in the strongest possible terms that guidelines for these events should include similar provisions for water on courses to those in the OA rules. Andy Hogg Orienteering Australia Director, Technical
Australian Publications
International Specifications for‑Orienteering Maps . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 Competition rules for IOF events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 Control Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . $11.00 Simple Maps for Orienteering . . . . $11.00 Trail Orienteering (BOF book). . . . . $30.00 Trail Orienteering (booklet). . . . . . . . $8.25 Trail O (leaflet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.70
Elementary Orienteering Instructors‑Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.20 Level 1 Coaching Manual. . . . . . . . $22.00 Level 1 Coaching Syllabus . . . . . . . . $3.90 Level 2 Coaching Syllabus . . . . . . . . $4.40 Level 3 Coaching Syllabus . . . . . . . . $4.40 Among the Best Orienteers (video).$19.75 Sponsorship & Advertising, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . available from states Club Guide, available on disc.
Prices include GST and postage within Australia for single copies. Prices for bulk orders available on request. Orders should be addressed to Orienteering Australia, PO Box 284 Mitchell BC 2911, with cheques made payable to Orienteering Australia. Email: orienteering@netspeed.com.au
VICTORINOX AWARD The Victorinox Award goes to Kathryn Ewels for her excellent performances at this year’s World Championships. Kathryn will receive a Victorinox Voyager with 20 tools and features including a watch/ alarm/timer; retail value $109.95.