2 minute read
April 10 - 13 Australian 3-Days 2009. The Royal Easter O Launceston, Tasmania www.tasorienteering.asn.au June 6 - 8 AUS MTBO Championships 2009 (Sprint; Middle; Long) Mt. Gambier, SA June 13 - 14 Jukola Relays Mikkeli, Finland www.jukola2009.net June 22 - 28 JWOC/MTB Farum, Copenhagen, Denmark July 3 - 5 Northern Territory Champs Coomalie www.topend.nt.orienteering.asn.au July 3 - 5 3 Days of Belgium Genk, Belgium www.orientatie.org July 5 - 12 JWOC 2009 Primiero, Italy www.jwoc2009.it July 7 - 12 5 Days of Dolomites Primiero, Italy www.jwoc2009.it July 12 - 17 Fin5 Hameenlinna, Finland www.fin5.fi July 16 - 26 World Games 2009 Kaohsiung, Taiwan www.worldgames2009.tw July 19 - 24 O-Ringen 2009 Eksjö-Småland, Sweden www.oringen.com/smaland2009 Aug 2 - 8 Scottish 6-Days Tayside, Scotland www.scottish6days.com Aug 2 - 8 Swiss O Week Muotathal Switzerland www.swiss-o-week.ch Aug 9 - 16 WOC/MTB 2009 Ben Shemen (20km from Tel Aviv), Israel Aug 14 - 16 3 Days of the Kempen Leopoldsburg, Belgium www.kempen-ol.be Aug 18 - 23 WOC 2009 Miskolc, Hungary http://woc2009.hu Aug 17 - 23 Hungaria Cup (6 Days) Miskolc, Hungary hungariacup.woc2009.hu Aug 23 - 30 Portugal ‘O’ Summer 2009 (6 Days) Cantanhede, Portugal www.ptosummer.com Sept 26 - AUS Champs Carnival 2009 Oct 4 Victoria www.vicorienteering.asn.au/ Oct 10 - 17 WMOC 2009 Lithgow, NSW. www.wmoc2009. orienteering.asn.au/ Dec 27 - 31 Xmas 5-Days Southern Highlands, NSW
April 2 - 5 Australian 3-Days 2010 ACT www.act.orienteering.asn.au tba AUS MTBO Championships 2010 (Sprint; Middle; Long) ACT June 19 - 20 Jukola Relays Kytäjä, Finland www.jukola2010.net June 27 - 6 Days of Tyrol 2010 July 4 Karersee, Austria / Italy www.tyrol2010.com July 4 - 11 JWOC 2010 Aalborg, Denmark www.jwoc2010.dk July 11 - 17 WOC/MTB & JWOC/MTB 2010 West Alentejo, Portugal
July 12 - 17 Fin5 Imatra, Finland www.fin5.fi July 24 - 30 O-Ringen 2010 Örebro, Sweden www.oringen.se/987.php July 24 - 31 Tour O Swiss 2010 www.tour-o-swiss.ch
July 31 - WMOC 2010 Aug 7 Neuchatel, Switzerland www.wmoc2010.org Aug 7 - 15 WOC 2010 Trondheim, Norway www.woc2010.com Sep 25 - AUS Champs Carnival 2010 – SA Oct 3 www.sa.orienteering.asn.au Dec 27 - 31 Xmas 5-Days NSW
July 24 - 29 O-Ringen 2011 Halsingland, Sweden www.oringen.se Aug 13 - 20 WOC 2011 Savoie Grand Revard, France www.woc2011.fr
IOF Publications
International Specifications for-Orienteering Maps .......... $11.00 Competition rules for IOF events ................. $11.00 Control Descriptions ............ $11.00 Simple Maps for Orienteering .... $11.00 Trail Orienteering (BOF book) ..... $30.00 Trail Orienteering (booklet) ........ $8.25 Trail O (leaflet) ................. $0.70
Australian Publications
Elementary Orienteering Instructors-Manual ............. $13.20 Level 1 Coaching Manual ........ $22.00 Level 1 Coaching Syllabus ........ $3.90 Level 2 Coaching Syllabus ........ $4.40 Level 3 Coaching Syllabus ........ $4.40 Among the Best Orienteers (video) $19.75 Sponsorship & Advertising, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . available from states Club Guide, available on disc.
Prices include GST and postage within Australia for single copies. Prices for bulk orders available on request. Orders should be addressed to Orienteering Australia, PO Box 284 Mitchell BC 2911, with cheques made payable to Orienteering Australia. Email: orienteering@netspeed.com.au