have now been in use for more than six years but most units were updated to new firmware in 2016 so there should be none more than five years old. My 2016 SIAC has just gone flat! There has been a lot of people having similar issues so I hope this information will help you understand what to look for. But remember no two batteries will perform the same and these are small batteries.
Battery life.
If this happens just prior to your race you can manually punch each control as contactless punching may not work. Remember the life is about four years so it is important you take responsibility and monitor this.
Flat batteries. The battery can be replaced in your SIAC but this is done only by SPORTident in Germany. If you purchased your SIAC from Aussieogear please contact Colin to discuss the options for replacement or repair.
Button batteries in general have a life of about four years. Google it!
Any questions – please ask!
SPORTident have recently recommended replacement at about four years but you may get less. There is a warranty, so talk with me if it is new.
Colin Price (Aussieogear) Australian agent for SPORTident.
You are responsible for monitoring the battery voltage. You should check the SIAC voltage on the “Battery test unit” at the start of every race. This applies from “NEW”. If there is no “Battery test unit” with display on top then ask the organiser for one. These are now essential and if not available may compromise the event due to a protest.
What is the Orienteer looking for? The BSF8 “Battery Test unit” has a LCD display which should face up so the competitor can read it. NO, you don’t just listen for a beep. A beep only indicates OK or flat. You need to look at the display which should read OK 2.98v or OK 2.89v. It may drop to 2.80v. The display will indicate if there is a battery issue! If the beeps become short or irregular then your SIAC may be coming to its life’s end. Have you seen multiple readings of each control on your splits readout? Battery could be in need of replacement. JUNE 2021 THE AUSTRALIAN ORIENTEER 33