1 minute read
Spot the Difference
We bring you part of a complex granite map. Scale is 1:5000 for better legibility. Map 1 is the original drawing. Map 2 contains 15 changes. CAN YOU FIND ALL 15 ??

World Trail Orienteering Championships 2023 in Czechia

There were 35 competitors in the Para Elite category in Precision Orienteering, representing 11 European countries. Michael Johansson and Ola Jansson, both Swedish, correctly identified 61 of 68 controls, but Michael was 3 s faster in decision-making at timed controls. Vladyslav Vovk from Ukraine gained 57 points and the bronze medal. The medallists in the Open category, scored 67 points each, and they were from Norway (gold), Germany (silver) and Italy (bronze). The 105 Open competitors came from 19 European countries, Japan, USA and Hong Kong.
Nea Shingler at National Sprint Championships in Sweden and Denmark
Nea Shingler placed third in W20E at Swedish National Sprint O Championships in May. A week later, her international mixed relay team with Jim Bailey (GB), Jakub Plonk (CZE) and Eliska Hajkova (CZE) came third in the senior elite class in Danish National Sprint O Championships.
Quiz answers
Quiz Answer: 1C.
Compass Points Solution: Hopefully you can see a kangaroo.
Spot the Difference solution
IOF country codes
Code Country Code Country
AUS Australia CZE Czechia
DEN Denmark FIN Finland
HUN Hungary NOR Norway
NZ New Zealand ROU Romania
SUI Switzerland SWE Sweden
Glossary of acronyms
AO The Australian Orienteer

AOC Australian Orienteering Championships
ASC Australian Sports Commission
ASOC Australian Schools Orienteering Championships
DNF Did Not Finish
DNS Did Not Start
EOC European Orienteering Championships
EOD Enter On the Day
EYOC European Youth Orienteering Championships
IOC International Olympic Committee
IOF International Orienteering Federation
JWMTBOC Junior World Mountain Bike Orienteering Championships
JWOC Junior World Orienteering Championships
MTBO Mountain Bike Orienteering
NOL National Orienteering League
O Orienteering
OA Orienteering Australia
OACT Orienteering Australian Capital Territory
Victorinox Award
This issue’s Victorinox Award goes to Francesca Taufer for providing The Australian Orienteer with her photos and articles. Francesca will receive a Victorinox Handyman which includes 24tools and features – retail value $139.