Origami in the Garden: Monumental Exhibition

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Origami means “folding paper” in Japanese. Origami in the Garden is a monumental, outdoor sculpture exhibition created by American artists Kevin and Jennifer Box that captures the delicate nature of this paper art form in museum quality metals. Designed for temporary installation in public gardens and museums, each sculpture tells the story of a single piece of paper transforming into a flapping bird, a flying airplane, a galloping horse, a floating boat and more. The exhibition features Box’s own compositions as well as collaborations with world renowned origami artists Te Jui Fu, Beth Johnson, Michael G. LaFosse and Robert J. Lang. The exhibition includes a gallery exhibit called “Inside Out” displaying origami paper models, crease pattern wall hangings, cast maquettes and unfolded cast wall hangings. It also includes the unveiling of a new sculpture inspired by the hosting garden, artist events and workshops, educational programming, gift shop merchandise and an audio tour for visitors to call using their own cell phones to listen to the artists speak about the work.

“Origami presents a simple metaphor; we all start with a blank page, what we do with it is up to us and the possibilities are endless.” — KEV I N B O X

35 outdoor sculptures creating up to 28 displays, an indoor exhibit with 24 artworks, unveiling of a new sculpture, artists events and workshops, educational programming, gift shop merchandise and fine art for sale, an audio tour, shipping and installation oversight.


The monumental exhibition includes: over
































BALANCINGACT This work shows off the balancing act between the pure form of the origami crane folded from a single uncut square and the kirigami horse that uses four cuts. Life is a balancing act of choices. To cut or not to cut, to be or not to be, the decisions are all up to you.

/ Balancing Act / by Kevin Box & Te Jui Fu / powder coated cast stainless steel, patinated cast bronze / 136” x 70” x 28” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 18

BASKETFULLOFSTARS This hand painted sculpture celebrates the colorful patterns found on origami paper. On one side Box wove the red and white stripes of the American flag into a basket that holds 50 stars found together on the other side.

/ Basket Full of Stars / by Kevin Box / hand painted fabricated aluminum / 146” x 149” x 60” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 8

BOTANICALPEACE This sculpture celebrates the graphic patterns found on origami paper. An ecosystem of flowering plants creating a habitat for butterflies and birds can be found on one side. The other side of the sculpture shows a tangle of vines and berries giving shelter to songbirds.

/ Botanical Peace / by Kevin Box / hand painted fabricated aluminum / 146” x 149” x 60” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 7

CONVERSATIONPEACE This artwork is meant to inspire a conversation. What different elements can you identify within this work, its materials and potential meaning? How do the elements relate? What does it mean to you? Rock Paper Scissors is a fun way to find a winner but for serious conflict, conversation and communication is the key.

/ Conversation Peace / by Kevin Box / powder coated cast stainless steel on stone / 84” x 36” x 24”, height varies / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 13

CRANEUNFOLDING This sculpture was the first origami related work by Kevin Box, the creator of Origami in the Garden. For him the crane is a symbol of what we see on the outside but when unfolded, we see the beauty on the inside. There is more to the world than meets the eye and the artist expresses this perception through this simple metaphor of origami.

/ Crane Unfolding / by Kevin Box / powder coated cast bronze / 92” x 48” x 48” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 16

DOUBLEHAPPINESS Double Happiness depicts two cranes making a nest. Kevin and Jennifer Box were inspired to create this composition while designing and building their home together. They used olive branches to symbolize the compromise necessary to make a happy home.

/ Double Happiness / by Kevin & Jennifer Box / powder coated cast stainless steel, patinated bronze on stone / 113” x 48” x 22”, height varies / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 4

DUET In Japan the origami crane is recognized as a symbol of peace and harmony. In nature cranes are known to mate for life and this sculpture represents that commitment.

/ Duet / by Kevin & Jennifer Box / painted cast stainless steel on stone / 84” x 33” x 18” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 14

EMERGINGPEACE This sculpture tells the story of a leaf dreaming of flying and the process of a caterpillar transforming from a tiny egg into a beautiful butterfly.

/ Emerging Peace / by Kevin Box & Michael G. LaFosse / painted cast aluminum and patinated cast stainless steel on steel / 156” x 79” x 31” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 32

FLIGHTOFFOLDS Origami began with the creation of paper. Creative hands folded this paper into what is now known as the traditional origami crane. Over time the crane inspired other forms and more complicated folding techniques as seen in modern origami. This sculpture represents the history and progression of this paper folding tradition.

/ Flight of Folds / by Kevin Box & Robert J. Lang / powder coated cast, fabricated stainless steel / 98” x 96” x 91” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 19

FLYINGFOLDS This cast aluminum sculpture captures the details of one of the most complicated origami cranes ever folded from a single, uncut paper square.

/ Flying Folds / by Kevin Box & Robert J. Lang / powder coated cast aluminum on stone / 156” x 84” x 24” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 9

FOLDINGCHAIRS These sculptures function as furniture in a modern way. Fabricated from a single sheet of metal, any water that lands on them drains to one corner.

/ Folding Chairs / by Kevin Box / powder coated fabricated steel / 52” x 40” x 22” & 37” x 75” x 27”

FOLDINGPLANES This sculpture tells the story of a piece of paper dreaming of flying. At the base is a blank page that folds its way up to the to the top where the airplane takes flight. It takes seven decisions or folds to make a piece of paper fly. Each fold symbolizes a choice or action taken to transform dreams into reality.

/ Folding Planes / by Kevin Box / powder coated cast bronze on steel / 168” x 66” x 48” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 11

GATHERINGPEACE Watching birds gather at feeders is a favorite past time for many. This horizontal composition reflects the image of birds peacefully gathering to share food and drink.

/ Gathering Peace / by Kevin & Jennifer Box / painted cast stainless steel, patinated cast bronze / 80” x 86” x 18”, height varies / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 5

HERO’SHORSE Ancient legends tell of a winged white horse sent from above to help the hero in his journey to save the world. Upon completing the task, the mythical winged horse returns to the sky, unfolding into the stars becoming the constellation Pegasus. / Hero’s Horse / by Kevin Box & Robert J. Lang / powder coated fabricated steel / 74” x 108” x 51” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 21

LIGHTBOAT Inspired by the traditional origami design of a paper boat, this sculpture is lifted high into the air to make it look light. It balances upon olive branches that serve as oars that would normally propel it through the water.

/ Light Boat / by Kevin Box / powder coated fabricated stainless steel, patinated cast bronze / 140” x 128” x 90” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 1

MASTERPEACEMONUMENT An Asian legend tells of 1,000 paper cranes. It says if you fold all 1,000 within a single year, a wish will be granted. In Japan it is known as a “Senbazuru”. Many people make this paper folding pilgrimage as a wish for peace, long life and good health. Kevin and Jennifer Box created “Master Peace”, a sculpture of over 1,000 cast metal cranes as their wish for peace. 500 of the cranes are being scattered into the world as individual sculptures, and 500 are gathered together in this 25 foot tall monument above a reflective base. The base brings all 1,000 cranes together in the reflection.

/ Master Peace Monument / by Kevin & Jennifer Box / powder coated cast stainless steel on granite / 288” x 240” x 240” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 13

MIGRATINGPEACE Inspired by one of the most complicated origami cranes ever folded from a single, uncut square of paper, this flock of Robert J. Lang’s origami cranes have been captured in aluminum to gracefully fly through gardens. In nature, the demoiselle crane is one of the highest flying migratory birds in the world, climbing to an altitude of over 26,000 feet.

/ Migrating Peace / by Kevin Box & Robert J. Lang / painted cast aluminum and steel / 6’ x 25’ x 4’ space suggested for a 9 crane install / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 10

PAINTEDPONIES This is the first colorful collaboration between Box and an origami artist. They used a technique called kirigami, which means to cut. The Chinese symbol on the backside of the larger pony is a collaborative signature. Te Jui’s last name Fu, translates as teacher or tutor and the box that surrounds it symbolizes Kevin’s last name.

/ Painted Ponies / by Kevin Box & Te Jui Fu / powder coated cast aluminum / large pony: 66” x 77” x 24” / small pony: 40” x 48” x 13” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 2

PAPERNAVIGATORS Polynesian explorers used no nautical instruments to navigate their small boats across the vast ocean. They relied solely on their senses, using the technique of “way finding”. They studied the movement of stars, weather patterns, the habits of animals and the changing colors of the sea. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation through oral traditions, often in the form of song. The explorers brought with them plants, seeds and animals needed to thrive on new distant islands.

/ Paper Navigators / by Kevin Box / painted fabricated aluminum / 30” x 56” x 25” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 31

RISINGCRANES The origami crane has become a symbol of peace around the world and continues to be an inspiration for many. This flock lifts off in all directions to spread their peaceful message.

/ Rising Cranes / by Kevin Box / powder coated cast stainless steel on steel / 82” x 32” x 32” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 16

ROCKPAPERSCISSORS Rock Paper Scissors is a game of chance, a way of making decisions or resolving conflicts for not so serious things. This childhood game is great fun when deciding who gets to sit in the front seat or who gets the last piece of cake but serious matters take careful consideration and conversation.

/ Rock Paper Scissors / by Kevin Box / powder coated cast stainless steel, patinated cast bronze / 94” x 56” x 35” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 12

SEEDSOWER This sculpture was created by three different artists working together. Nature also works together in inspiring ways like in the relationship between a squirrel and a tree. A tree provides food and shelter for the squirrel while the squirrel helps pollinate and distribute the trees seeds.

/ Seed Sower / by Kevin Box & Michael G. LaFosse / patinated cast bronze on steel / 86” x 57” x 24” on base / Seed / by Kevin Box & Beth Johnson / patinated cast bronze / 12” x 15” x 12” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 31

SPIRITHOUSE This house is constructed entirely of olive branches that symbolize the compromise necessary to create harmony between two people. The two cranes hang suspended from a wire adding an element of motion to the sculpture. The green leaves represent a sense of life springing up in harmony with a happy home.

/ Spirit House / by Kevin & Jennifer Box / patinated cast bronze, painted cast stainless steel / 149” x 46” x 40” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 3

STARUNFOLDING This abstract self portrait represents Box’s work prior to learning about Origami. There is a relationship between this work and the star at the base of the “Crane Unfolded”. Both tell the story of what is beneath the surface of what we see.

/ Star Unfolding / by Kevin Box / painted cast bronze on steel / 73” x 24” x 12” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 24

SWAYWITHME This sculpture is a collaboration between Kevin Box and his wife Jennifer. Some say all artwork is a self portrait or expression of how an artist may see him or herself. These two seem to be swinging together in harmony.

/ Sway With Me / by Kevin & Jennifer Box / painted cast stainless steel, patinated cast bronze / 49” x 36” x 24” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 29

WHITEBISON The White Bison is a symbol of peace to many Native Americans. This Bison was the first collaboration between Kevin Box and internationally renowned origami artist Robert J. Lang. The design uses a single, uncut piece of paper that was white on one side and silver on the other. Box recently added the crane to this

/ White Bison

Bison for this exhibition.

/ by Kevin Box & Robert J. Lang / cast aluminum / 77” x 120” x 32” / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 15

WHOSAWWHO? In the relationship of predator and prey, the Raptor is looking for food and the Mouse is too. The difference is that the Mouse has to keep a look out for two things: the food he wants to eat and the predator that wants to eat him! When you look at these two, who do you think saw who first?

/ Raptor / by Kevin Box & Robert J. Lang / patinated cast bronze on stone / 55” x 14” x 6”, height varies / Armijo’s Mouse / by Kevin Box & Tim Armijo / patinated cast bronze on stone / 12” x 7” x 3”, height varies / audio tour: 1-888-495-7736 no. 6

INSIDEOUTGALLERYEXHIBIT Inside Out is an exhibition that accompanies the Origami in the Garden outdoor exhibition. Gardens with indoor gallery space can display paper originals, wall hanging sculpture and other intimate artworks. Inside Out gathers a selection of original works by national and internationally renowned origami artists presented on pedestals and walls using plexiglas cases. This exhibition further engages audiences with the intimate details of this paper folding art form. When space allows, a public folding area with table, chairs, paper and some origami how-to books can further complement this exhibit.

/ Dollar Bill Teddy Bear / by Michael G. LaFosse / folded US currency

EVENTS Origami in the Garden Events include Artist Lectures, Workshops, Tours and Film Screenings. Robert J. Lang: TED lecture series and advanced folding workshops Michael G. LaFosse: Experienced educator and lecturer offering workshops for both beginners and advanced folders

Origami USA: National organization of paper folders that’s “mission is to share the joy of

Richard L. Alexander: Paper maker offering

paper folding, preserve its history, nurture its

lectures, workshops and paper made from

growth, bring people together and encourage

plants found in any garden

community among paper folders”

Kevin and Jennifer Box: Artists available for

“Between the Folds” by Vanessa Gould:

lectures, tours and fundraising events related to

Screening of the award winning origami

the exhibition


The art of paper making

Abe’s method for trisecting an acute angle using origami

EDUCATIONALPROGRAMMING Origami in the Garden is an educational platform for Asian Culture, Mathematics, Paper Making Plants, Renewable Resources and Recycling.

/ Did You Know? / One ton of recycled paper can save: / 17 Trees / 380 gallons of oil / 3 cubic yards of landfill space / 4,000 kilowatts of energy / 7,000 gallons of water


Inspiring gardens near you: The Morton Arboretum 2017 Artis– Naples the home of the Baker Museum and the Naples Philharmonic 2016 – 2017 Naples Botanical Garden 2016 – 2017 Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens 2016 Turquoise Trail Sculpture Garden 2015 Santa Fe Botanical Garden 2014

Inspiring gardens near you: The Dow Gardens 2019 Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 2018



Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden 2018


Tucson Botanical Gardens 2017– 2018


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