Rice semen analysis of chinese character

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Rice-semen metaphor analysis Compiled by Jennifer Ball © September 4, 2010

Black = rice (米 or 禾) component Blue = essence, youth 青component Green = seek 求 component Red = miscellaneous Mandarin is first pronunciation (Cantonese is in parentheses)

籽 䊘

seed, pip, pit, stone

jiu4 (zaau6)

rice + descendant = grain

胄 由

2nd char:



zi3 (zi2)

cause +

flesh = to cause flesh

= descendant (also helmet, headpiece)

roe or spawn, a fish

mi3 (mai5)

1 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

精 䊝 靝 圊 青 zing1)

essence; semen; spirit

jing1, qing2, jing4 (zeng1

exile; to banish

(in taoism) the heaven

xie4 (sit3)

tian1 (no Cant. given)

pigsty, restroom

qing1 (cing1)

green / blue / black / green grass / not ripe / young / youth / youthful / the skin of bamboo / as in 蛋 青-the white of an egg / short for Tsinghai Province or Tsingtao qing1, jing1 (ceng1 cing1)

情 婧

猜 清 睛 錆 蜻 毒毐 peaceful

guess, conjecture, suppose; feel

clear; distinct; complete; pure; clear, pure, clean; qing1, qing4 (ceng1 cing1 )

eyeball, pupil of eye

the color of a mineral

modest, supple

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qing2 (cing4)

jing1, jing3 (zing1)

qiang1 (coeng1)

dragonfly qing1, jing1 (cing1) (the emperor is the dragon)

poison, venom; poisonous

feeling, sentiment, emotion

cai1 (caai1)

(related: immoral, adulterer lines on top instead of three)

du2 dai4 (duk6)

ai3 (oi2) —note two horizontal

jing4 (zing6)

3 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

䮳 able

to give birth to, to bring and to rear (interchange-

蕃) to increase; to multiply; to propagate

数 類 糅 料 種

fan2 (faan4)

number; several, count; fate shu4, shu3, cu4, shuo4

(sou2 sou3)


liano2 (liu2 liu6)


䅦 慕 蕃 兾 糞 㔴 屎

feeble; weak of the rice plant mao2 (nau4) (It only exists because someone tends it; there is the stable field to allow a weak plant to grow.)

admire; long for, desire;

mu4 (mou6)

flourishing, to reproduce, foreign things (faan4) fan2,1, bo2, pi2, bo1 class, group, kind, category, type; similar; like; to lei4, li4 (leoi6)

blend, mix

rou3, rou2 (jau2 nau6)

consider, conjecture; materials, ingredients liao4,

manure, dung, night soil

ji4 (no Cant. given)

fen4 (fan3)

agricultural implement; farm tools, a big sacrificial vessel; a tripod of bronze with two ears; a caldron yi4 (zik6)

seed; race, breed; to plant zhong1 chong4 zhong4 (cung4

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to hope for; to wish


excrement, dung, shit

shi3, xi1 (hei1 si2)

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䐖 㞗 求 觩 渌 䚏 憐

(same as VEA3567) to laugh heartily; to roar with laughter; to groan; to moan yi2 (ngaai4 zi4)


the male organ, obscene language, vulgar expres qiu2 (gau1)

seek; demand, request; beseech

qiú (kau4)


qiu2 ( kau4)


lu4 (luk6)

to love; intimate; near to; dear; parents; relatives, to see; to look at; to observe leng4, li4, lin4 (no Cant. given)

pity, sympathize

6 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

lian2 (lin4)

僯 潾 渊 敉 侎 粲 泰

(mai5 mei3 mei5

(no Cant. given)


lin3 (no Cant. given)

clear water

lin2 (leon4)

surge up, bubble up, gush forth

pacify, smooth, stablilize, peaceful

yuan1 (jyun1


to soothe, to pacify; to settle, to establish mi3 mei3

polish; bright, radiant; smiling

can4 (caan3)

safe; peaceful; most; Thai(land); grand; great, exalt-

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ed, superior; big

眯 瞇 瞵 燐 銤 䗲 鱗

tai4 (taai3)

be blinded, blind as with dust mi2(mai5 mei1 mi1)

mi3, mi1 mi4,

粥 鬻 糜

rice gruel, congee

zhou1 yu4 zhu4 (zuk1)

(alternate form of 粥) sell; child, childish; nourish yu4, zhou1, zhu3, zhu4, ju1 (juk6)

to close (the eyes); to squint mai4 mai5 mei1 mi1)

to stare at

mi1 (

lin2 lin4 lian2 (leon4)


tie up

mi2 (mei4)

not rice, but comparison given)


mi2 (no Cant.

䊀 粘 hu2 (wu4)


lin4 (no Cant. given)

fish scales

lin2 (leon4) 8

縻 蘼

mi2, mei2 (mei4)

not rice, but comparison

lin2 (leon4)

americum mi3 (mai5 )(because of the platinum?)

17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

rice gruel, congee; mashed

paste; to paste, sticky; glutinous, to stick

viscous, mucous; glutinous

nian2, lian1, zhan1

9 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

(nim1 nim4 zim1)

a kind of grain; yellow color; not sticky, (same as 餭) fried puffy shredded, sugar-plums; sweetmeats huang2, huang3 (wong4)


food (some food as glutinouss rice tamale -- made by wrapping the rice in broad leaves of reeds and boiled for a few hours --usually with other ingredients, as dates, meat, oyster, beams, etc. ya2 ye4 (zit3)

(cou1) (synonyms:

(non-classical form of cious; cruel, sudden bao4 (bok3 bou6 keoi4)

粿 䉾 糙 粗

㫧 謎 迷 醚 氣 餼 氯

rice cake

guo3 (gwo2)

bad; poor quality of rice

mi4 (bei3 bui6 pui3)

coarse, harsh, rough, unpolished rice cao1 (cou3)

rough, thick, course; rude

觕 麤 麄) 10

17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010


riddle, conundrum; puzzle

) violent; fierce; atro-

mi2 mei4 mi4(mai4

lost, bewitch, charm, infatuate, bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused mi2 mei4 mi4 (mai4)


mi2 (mai4)

air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit

qi4, xi4 (hei3)

grain ration; sacrificial victim, gift


xi4, (hei3)

lu2 (with umlaut)

11 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

㑶 愾 㖤 㗭 嘨 㘀 㝥 sigh; to groan

(non-classical form of 愾) anger; passion; rage, to xi4 (haai4 hei3 )

anger, wrath, hatred, enmity



kai4 (koi3)

wrath, anger

han2 (haam4)

a sound; an echo

roar, howl, scream; whistle

(Cant. only: hei1)

xiao4, chi4 (no Cant.

to sound, a sound, the cry of a bird or animal zuo4

have a nightmare, sound sleep

12 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

懊 冞 罙 匊 㽤 㥌 趜

vexed, worried, nervous; regret

far, deep


mi2 (mei4)


mi2 shen1 (no Cant. given)


ju2 (guk1)

small plot of land

ju2 (guk1)

prudent, cautious

ju2 (guk1)

(Cant.) to suffocate

ju2 (guk1)

mi3 (maai5)

13 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

窸 麋 脒 㔄 㓼 䍘 䋛

faint sound, whisper

xi1 (sik1)


mi2 (mei4)

open; throw away

mi3 (no Cant. given)

thin, small cut

su4 (suk1)

an incised wound; cuts

chi4, chong4 (no Cant. given)

缕 㥪 偻 㜩 䉛 䐿 㔂 (leoi5)

(simplied form of 縷) thread; detailed, precise lü3

(simplied form of 慺 ) diligent; industrious; sedulous, to encourage; to make efforts lou2 (lau4)

humpback; surname

jealous; to envy; jealously

lü3, lou2 (lau4)

ao4 bie2 (ou3)

bamboo basket for washing rice, implements used to move the silkworm yu4 (zuk1) a general term for nets

mi2 (nei4)

gizzard, to store up meat, the five lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column ao2, ao4, bi4 (ou3)

the clustered embroidery patterns (as tiny and fine rice) mi2, mi3 (mai5)

14 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

to pare; to pare away; to scrape; to sharpen to a 15 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

point; to shave; to brush away

鄰 㬥

lin2 (leon4)

qiu2 (kau4) neighbor; neighborhood

lin2, lin4 (leon4)

ball, anything round, sphere

ball, sphere, globe; round

(an ancient form of 曝) to sun to air; to expose to sunlight, to expose or be exposed; exposure, a tree with scatter or dispersed leaves pu4 (buk6)


(ancient form of 齋) to abstain from meat, wine, etc., to fast; penance (Cant. only: zaai1)

墦 㢻 毩

毬 球 鞠 掬 踘

bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish

to grasp or hold with both hands

tomb, grave

fan2( faan4)


to draw a bow, bent

a leather ball for kicking

16 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

wei3 (waai2)

qiu2 (kau4)

jū jú qū qiōng

jú jū (guk1)

jú jū(guk1 guk6)

Sources: http://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=en http://www.mandarintools.com/ http://www.cojak.org http://www.internationalscientific.org http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki

ju2 (no Cant. given)

17 17 December 2011 11:01 PM © Jennifer Ball, Sept. 3, 2010

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