Siamo certificati FSC e il legno proviene da boschi europei gestiti responsabilmente. Siamo l'azienda italiana che utilizza la maggiore quantità di prodotti a base d'acqua nella verniciatura di sedie. Oltre il 70% degli imballaggi utilizzati è costituita da materiali riciclati, il 100% è riciclabile.
We are FSC certified, with wood from responsibily managed European forests. We are the Italian chair maker that uses the largest amount of water-based finishes. More than 70% of the packaging used consists of recycled material and is 100% recyclable.
Nous sommes certifiés FSC, le bois provient de forêts européennes gérées de manière responsable. Nous sommes le producteur italien de chaises qui utilise le plus de produits de vernissage à base d’eau. Outre le 70% des emballages utilisés est fabriqué avec des matériaux recyclés, le 100% est recyclable.
Wir sind FSC-zertifiziert und unser Holz stammt aus verantwortungsvoll bewirtschafteten Wäldern. Wir sind die italienische Firma, die bei der Lackierung von Stühlen die meisten wasserbasierten Produkte verwendet. Über 70 % unserer Verpackungen enthalten wiederverwertete Rohstoffe und sind zu 100% recyclebar.



Generiamo più energia solare di quanta ne serva per produrre gli articoli dei nostri brand Palma e Origins1971. Gli spazi sono riscaldati grazie ai residui di lavorazione del legno. L’acqua immessa nel ciclo produttivo è gestita come una risorsa preziosa. Oltre l’80% dei rifiuti viene recuperato e riciclato.
We generate more solar power than required for the production of our Palma and Origins1971 brands. The workplaces are heated thanks to wood leftover from the production process. Water used in the production process is treated as a precious resource. Over 80% of the waste produced is recovered and recycled.
Nous produisons plus d'énergie solaire de ce qui sert pour la production des articles de nos collections Palma et Origins1971. Les différents locaux sont réchauffés avec les résidus de la transformation du bois. L'eau utilisée dans le cycle de production est géré comme une ressource précieuse. Plus du 80% des déchets est récupéré et recyclé.
Wir erzeugen mehr Solarstrom, als für die Herstellung der Artikel unserer Marken Palma und Origins 1971 benötigt wird. Arbeitsräume werden durch die Reste aus der Holzverarbeitung geheizt. Das im Herstellungsprozess verbrauchte Wasser behandeln wir als kostbare Ressource. Über 80 % der Abfälle werden recycelt.

I nostri dipendenti lavorano in modo sicuro e hanno tutele superiori a quelle previste dai contratti di lavoro italiani. Il rispetto reciproco nelle relazioni fra i dipendenti e con fornitori e clienti, assieme al rifiuto e alla denuncia di ogni forma di discriminazione o molestia, è il principio cardine del nostro codice etico.
Our employees work in a safe way and have more rights than those set out in Italian work contracts.The key principle of our Ethical Code is mutual respect between employees, suppliers and customers, together with rejecting and reporting all forms of discrimination or harassment.

Nos salariés œuvrent en protection totale et reçoivent des garanties supérieures à celles prévues par les contrats italiens du travail. Le respect réciproque dans les relations entre employés, fournisseurs et clients, ainsi que le refus et la dénonciation de toute forme de discrimination ou de harcèlement, sont les principes fondamentaux de notre code éthique.
Unsere Beschäftigten arbeiten in einer sicheren Umgebung und profitieren von überdurchschnittlichem Arbeitsschutz. Unser Verhaltenskodex beruht auf gegenseitigem Respekt in den Beziehungen zwischen Mitarbeitern, zur Kundschaft und zu den Lieferanten. Wir lehnen jede Form von Diskriminierung und Belästigung ab.
Progettiamo e costruiamo i nostri prodotti per un uso intensivo ed una lunga vita. Abbiamo certificato ISO 28000 il nostro sistema di gestione della sicurezza della catena di fornitura.
Our products are designed and built for intensive use and to have a long life. Our supply chain safety management system is ISO 28000 certified.
Nous projetons et construisons nos produits pour un usage intensif et de longue durée. Nous sommes certifié ISO 28000 pour notre système de gestion de la sécurité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement.

Wir entwerfen und realisieren unsere Produkte für eine intensive Nutzung und eine lange Lebensdauer. Unser Verwaltungssystem zur Sicherheit in der Lieferkette ist ISO-2800-zertifiziert.

Opera Boheme, Opera Aida, Opera Casta, Miss, Silla, Soko, Soul, Soul Soft, Suri, Suri Soft, Moma, Moma Soft, Lady New, Lady, Capua, Carmen, Clara, Corinne, Dea, Woody, Dafne, Italia, Mini, Retrò, Milano, Cremona, Marì
Venezia, Baby, Savoy, Atena, Roma,
Arte Povera, Silvana, America, York New, York, Andrea, Rustica, Roby, Robert





NOTA: le dimensioni riportate nelle pagine successive si riferiscono agli articoli fotografati prima del fissaggio dei piedini. Informazioni valide salvo errori tipografici.
NOTE: dimensions in the following pages refer to these photographed versions of our products without glides. All the information is valid except for typographical errors.

NOTE: les dimensions indiquées dans les pages suivantes font référence aux articles photographiés avant la pose des patins. Les infos sont fiables sauf erreurs de typographie.
ANMERKUNG: Die auf den folgenden Seiten angegebenen Maßen beziehen sich spezifisch auf die fotografierten Varianten unserer Artikel (ohne Gleiter). Infos gültig außer Tippfehler.
Colour: LRM Fabric: Limonta Tresigallo 13

Total Height: 86 Seat Height: 49.5
Width: 47.5
Depth: 57.5

Colour: LBE Fabric: Limonta Blackwood 8

Total Height: 90 Seat Height: 49.5
Width: 47.5
Depth: 58.5
OPERA CASTA - 49g.i6
Colour: MCC Fabric: Camira Syn. Bracket HLDS23
Total Height 87 Seat Height 49.5 Width 47.5 Depth 57

OPERA BOHEME - 49ef.i6
Colour: MNY Fabric: Camira MLF Archway HMLF02

Total Height: 86 Seat Height: 49.5
Width: 47.5
Depth: 57.5
Colour: ATS Fabric: Limonta Perseide 23
Total Height: 86 Seat Height: 48.5 Armrest Height: 67 Width: 58.5 Depth: 58.5

Colour: MNS Fabric: Camira MLF Upminster HMLF20
Total Height: 86 Seat Height: 48.5 Armrest Height: 67 Width: 57 Depth: 58.5

OPERA BOHEME - 49er.i8
Colour: MTS Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 16
Total Height: 86 Seat Height: 48.5 Armrest Height: 67 Width: 59.5 Depth: 58.5

OPERA BOHEME - 49ei.i6
Colour: LSA Fabric: Vescom Acton 706229
Total Height: 107.5 Seat Height: 81 Width: 47 Depth: 56.5

Colour: LBE Fabric: Vescom Wolin 705021
Total Height: 81.5 Seat Height: 40.5 Armrest Height: 65 Width: 73 Depth: 78

Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Fuli 17
Total Height: 81.5 Seat Height: 40.5 Armrest Height: 65 Width: 142 Depth: 78

MISS - 49 s i 4
Colour: M77 Fabric: Camira Sumi Narita HSUR13
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 49.5 Width: 46.5 Depth: 58

MISS - 49sf.i4
Colour: LVM Fabric: Camira MLF Archway HMLF02
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 49.5 Width: 46.5 Depth: 58

MISS - 49sr.i4

Colour: MNS Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 2 Total Height: 87
Colour: ABE Fabric: Camira Yor. Walden HUDA13
Total Height: 107.5 Seat Height: 81 Width: 47 Depth: 56.5

Colour: LTS Fabric: Camira Sumo Chiba HSUR08
Total Height: 83 Seat Height: 40.5 Armrest Height: 66 Width: 73 Depth: 78

MISS - 49sn.i4
Colour: LAM Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 12
Total Height: 83 Seat Height: 40.5
Armrest Height: 66 Width: 142 Depth: 78

Colour: M77 Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 14
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

SILLA - 472a.m2
Colour: ATS Total

SOKO - 472d.m2
Colour: AVU
Total Height: 90.5
Seat Height: 46.5

Width: 45.5
Depth: 53.5

SOKO - 472d.i1
Colour: LBE Fabric: Vescom Acton 706216
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

Colour: LRM Fabric: Vescom Deans 704810P

Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47 Armrest
66.5 Width: 57.5 Depth: 53.5

SILLA - 472ai.i1

Colour: ABE Fabric: Vescom Acton 706221
Total Height: 106.5 Seat Height: 79 Width: 44 Depth: 51
Total Height: 106.5
Colour: M76
Height: 78
45.5 Depth: 51.5

SOKO - 472di.m2
Colour: LRB
Total Height: 106.5
Seat Height: 78 Width: 45.5
Depth: 51.5

SOKO - 472di.i1
Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 115
Total Height: 106.5 Seat Height: 79 Width: 44 Depth: 51

Colour: ABE Fabric: Camira MLF Kensingtone HMLF07
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

SOUL SOFT - 472e.i1
Colour: LBE Fabric: Camira Quest Shrimp HQUE26
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

SOUL SOFT - 472e.i4
Colour: ARM Fabric: Camira Serenditipy HLDS08
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 48.5 Width: 45.5 Depth: 54

Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 62
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47.5
Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

Colour: ARB Fabric: Camira Sumi Yabu HSUR20
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

SURI SOFT - 472f.i4
Colour: MTS Fabric: Vescom Acton 706205
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 48.5
Width: 45.5 Depth: 54

Colour: LVP Fabric: Camira Sumi Kobe HSUR03
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47 Armrest Height: 66.5 Width: 57.5 Depth: 53.5

Height: 90.5
Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Blackwood 40
Height: 47 Armrest


SOUL SOFT - 472ep.i4
Colour: M22 Fabric: Camira Yor. Kidstone HUDA02
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 49 Armrest Height: 66.5 Width: 57.5 Depth: 55

Colour: LSA Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 11
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47 Armrest Height: 66.5 Width: 57.5 Depth: 53.5

Colour: ATS Fabric: Limonta Perseide 23
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 47 Armrest Height: 66.5 Width: 57.5 Depth: 53.5

SURI SOFT - 472fp.i4
Colour: MNS Fabric: Camira MLF Archway HMLF02
Total Height: 90.5 Seat Height: 49 Armrest Height: 66.5 Width: 57.5 Depth: 55

Colour: ATS Fabric: Limonta File 1
Total Height: 106 Seat Height: 79 Width: 44 Depth: 50.5

SURI SOFT - 472fi.i4
Colour: LBS Fabric: Vescom Acton 706218
Total Height: 106 Seat Height: 80 Width: 45.5 Depth: 51.5

Colour: ARM Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 6
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 47 Width: 44.2 Depth: 52

MOMA - 472g.i4
Colour: MNY Fabric: Camira Yor. Kidstone HUDA02

Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 48.5
Width: 45.5
Depth: 52.5
MOMA SOFT - 472h.i1

Colour: MSS Fabric: Limonta Fuli 17
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 47 Width: 44.2 Depth: 52

MOMA SOFT - 472h.i4
Colour: ARB Fabric: Camira Sumi Yabu HSUR20
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 48.5 Width: 45.5 Depth: 52.5

Colour: ABE Fabric: Limonta Perseide 23
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 49 Armrest Height: 66.5
Width: 58 Depth: 53

MOMA - 472gp.i1
Colour: LTS Fabric: Camira Sumi Mito HSUR21

Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 47 Armrest
Height: 66.5
Width: 57.5
Depth: 52.5
Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 16
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 49 Armrest Height: 66.5 Width: 58 Depth: 53

MOMA SOFT - 472hp.i1
Colour: LVM Fabric: Vescom Avon 706806 Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 47 Armrest Height: 66.5


MOMA SOFT - 472hi.i1
Colour: MCN Fabric: Camira Syn. Huddle HLDS65
Total Height: 99.5 Seat Height: 79 Width: 44 Depth: 50.5

Colour: MSS Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 15
Total Height: 99.5 Seat Height: 80 Width: 45.5 Depth: 51.5

Colour: LRM Fabric: Camira MLF Upminster HMLF20

Total Height: 99 Seat Height: 49.5
Width: 46.5
Depth: 55.5

LADY - 47og.i4
Colour: AAM Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 8

Total Height: 97.5
Seat Height: 49.5
Width: 46.5
Depth: 53
Colour: ABE Fabric: Camira Syn. Alike HLDS62
Total Height: 107 Seat Height: 82 Width: 44 Depth: 50

Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 5
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 49 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

CARMEN - 490d.i2
Colour: MNS Fabric: Limonta Fuli 17
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 49 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

CARMEN - 490d.u2
Colour: LVM
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 45 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50

CLARA - 490f.i2
Colour: ABE Fabric: Vescom Eliot 704603
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 49 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

Colour: LTS
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 45 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50

CORINNE - 490e.i2
Colour: ARM Fabric: Vescom Acton 706205
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 49 Width: 45 Depth: 52.5

CORINNE - 490e.u2
Colour: LBE
Total Height: 97 Seat Height: 45 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50

Colour: M77 Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 16
Total Height: 106 Seat Height: 81.5 Width: 45 Depth: 51

CORINNE - 490ei.u2
Colour: ASA Total Height: 106

Colour: ARM Fabric: Camira Yor. Walden HUDA13
Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 47.5
Width: 45.5 Depth: 55

DEA - 47u.m2
Colour: MNY
Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 44.5
Width: 43 Depth: 55

DEA - 47up.i2
Colour: ASA Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 10

Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 47.5
Height: 67.5
Width: 53.5
Depth: 55
WOODY - 49w.i2
Colour: M76 Fabric: Vescom Acton 706208
Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 47.5

Width: 45.5
Depth: 55

WOODY - 49w.m2
Colour: LAM
Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 44.5 Width: 43 Depth: 55

WOODY - 49wp.i2
Colour: LBS Fabric: Vescom Eliot 704610
Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 47.5

Armrest Height: 67.5
Width: 53.5
Depth: 55
Colour: ABE Fabric: Limonta Perseide 12
Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 47.5

Width: 45.5
Depth: 55

Colour: LAA Fabric: Camira Sumi Handa HSUR10

Total Height: 93 Seat Height: 47.5 Armrest Height: 67.5
Colour: ARM Fabric: Camira MLF Archway HMLF02
Total Height: 84 Seat Height: 46.5 Width: 45.5 Depth: 50

ITALIA - 439c.m2
Colour: M77
Total Height: 84
Seat Height: 45.5

Width: 45.5
Depth: 51.5
Colour: LBE Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 11
Total Height: 84 Seat Height: 46.5 Width: 45.5 Depth: 50

Colour: MNS Fabric: Flukso Gorgeous 2140
Total Height: 84 Seat Height: 48.5

Width: 45.5
Depth: 50.5
MINI - 49k.i2
Colour: AVU Fabric: Limonta Fuli 5
Total Height: 81 Seat Height: 49 Width: 48 Depth: 55

Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Clusone 8
Total Height: 80.5 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 44 Depth: 49

RETRÒ - 47k.m2
Colour: LVU
Total Height: 80.5
Seat Height: 47.5

Width: 44
Depth: 49
MILANO - 47c.i2
Colour: AAS Fabric: Camira Stockwell HMLF15 Total Height: 85 Seat Height: 49.5 Width: 45.5 Depth: 50

MILANO - 47c.u2
Colour: ABE
Total Height: 85 Seat Height: 46.5 Width: 45.5 Depth: 51

Colour: M76 Fabric: Limonta Fuli 5
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 49.5

Width: 44.5
Depth: 49

CREMONA - 47b.u2
Colour: LAA

Total Height: 83.5
Height: 46.5
Colour: MCN Fabric: Limonta Tresigallo 13
Total Height: 92 Seat Height: 48.5 Width: 46 Depth: 51

Colour: MNY Fabric: Camira Sumi Tokyo HSUR02
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 49 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50.5

VENEZIA - 42a.i1
Colour: LRF Fabric: Vescom Eliot 704610
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 48.5 Width: 42 Depth: 45.5

VENEZIA - 42a.m1
Colour: LVU
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 46 Width: 42 Depth: 46

VENEZIA - 42a.pv
Colour: LBE
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 47 Width: 42 Depth: 45

Colour: ASA
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 46 Width: 44 Depth: 49

Colour: ARM Fabric: Vescom Deans 704808P
Total Height: 100.5 Seat Height: 74.5 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50

Colour: MSS Fabric: Camira Syn. Success HLDS76
Total Height: 100.5 Seat Height: 75 Width: 40 Depth: 45

Colour: ABS
Total Height: 100.5 Seat Height: 72 Width: 44 Depth: 48.5

Colour: AAM
Total Height: 100.5 Seat Height: 73 Width: 40 Depth: 45

Colour: ATS Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 7
Total Height: 88.5 Seat Height: 63 Width: 43.5 Depth: 49.5

Total Height: 109.5
Colour: ABE Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 2
Seat Height: 81.5 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50.5

Colour: ABE Fabric: Vescom Eliot 704610 Total Height: 94.5

Colour: AAS Fabric: Camira Seafarer HOOC16
Total Height: 50 Seat Height: 30.5 Width: 31 Depth: 32.5

Colour: M77 Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 6
Total Height: 88 Seat Height: 48.5 Width: 42 Depth: 45.5

SAVOY - 42b.i2
Colour: LBE Fabric: Vescom Eliot 704613
Total Height: 88 Seat Height: 49 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50.5

SAVOY - 42b.m1
Colour: LVU
Total Height: 88 Seat Height: 46 Width: 42 Depth: 46

SAVOY - 42b.m2
Colour: ABE
Total Height: 88 Seat Height: 46 Width: 44 Depth: 49

Colour: LBS
Total Height: 88 Seat Height: 47 Width: 42 Depth: 45.5

SAVOY - 42ba.i1
Colour: LBE Fabric: Camira Syn. Cont. HLDS75
Total Height: 102 Seat Height: 75 Width: 40 Depth: 45

Colour: LVP Fabric: Vescom Wolin 705007
Total Height: 102 Seat Height: 74.5 Width: 43.5 Depth: 50

SAVOY - 42ba.m2
Colour: LVM
Total Height: 100.5 Seat Height: 72 Width: 44 Depth: 48.5

Colour: M76
Total Height: 100.5 Seat Height: 73 Width: 40.5 Depth: 44.5

Colour: LTS Fabric: Limonta Fuli 26
Total Height: 94.5 Seat Height: 50.5

Colour: MNY
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 46.5

Width: 44.5
Depth: 49

ATENA - 42q.i2
Colour: AVM Fabric: Vescom Avon 706806
Total Height: 87 Seat Height: 49 Width: 44 Depth: 49.5

ATENA - 42qj.i2
Colour: LAS Fabric: Camira MLF Waterloo HMLF21
Total Height: 109.5 Seat Height: 75 Width: 44.5 Depth: 51

Colour: MNY Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 16
Total Height: 88.5 Seat Height: 49 Width: 45.5 Depth: 52

ROMA - 42L.m2
Colour: LRM
Total Height: 88.5
Seat Height: 46.5

Width: 46
Depth: 51
Colour: ABE Fabric: Limonta Agamotto 12
Total Height: 108.5 Seat Height: 76 Width: 46 Depth: 51

ROMA - 42Lj.m2 Colour: LAM

ARTE POVERA - 40s.i1
Colour: LBE Fabric: Camira Syn. Work HLDS73
Total Height: 91 Seat Height: 49 Width: 43 Depth: 44

ARTE POVERA - 40s.m2
Colour: AVU
Total Height: 91 Seat Height: 47.5
Width: 45 Depth: 46.5

Colour: ABE Fabric: Limonta Pepe Plus 2
Total Height: 96 Seat Height: 48.5

Width: 44.5
Depth: 48

SILVANA - 42h.m2
Colour: LAA
Total Height: 96 Seat Height: 47.5 Width: 46.5 Depth: 52.5

Colour: MNY Fabric: Camira Yor. Woden HUDA24
Total Height: 87.5 Seat Height: 47.5

Width: 46.5
Depth: 50

AMERICA - 491.m2
Colour: LRB
Total Height: 87.5
Seat Height: 45 Width: 46 Depth: 48.5

AMERICA - 491a.i2
Colour: MSS Fabric: Camira MLF Hillingdon HMLF41
Total Height: 110.5
Seat Height: 79 Width: 46.5 Depth: 49.5

AMERICA - 491a.m2
Colour: LSA
Total Height: 110.5 Seat Height: 75 Width: 45 Depth: 48

YORK NEW - 446a.u1
Colour: MNY
Total Height: 83.5 Seat Height: 46.5 Width: 43 Depth: 45.5

YORK - 446b.u1
Colour: LRM
Total Height: 83.5

Height: 46.5
Width: 43
Depth: 45.5
Colour: LRM Fabric: Limonta Indianskop 5
Total Height: 75.5 Seat Height: 75.5 Width: 34 Depth: 34

ANDREA - 425c.m2

Colour: LBE
Total Height: 72.5
Colour: MNS Fabric: Vescom Acton 706219
Total Height: 77.5
Seat Height: 77.5
Width: 35 Depth: 35

Colour: LRF Fabric: Limonta Note 21
Total Height: 49 Seat Height: 49 Width: 35 Depth: 35

ROBY - 451
Colour: MNY
Total Height: 78.5
Seat Height: 45.5

Width: 42.5
Depth: 48

ROBERT - 458
Colour: AAS
Total Height: 80.5
Seat Height: 46.5
Width: 43 Depth: 46.5

Lac. metallizzati, 20 gloss, Faggio / Laq. métallisés, 20 gloss, Hêtre / Lack. Metallicfarben, 20 Gloss, Buche
tinte faggio stains beechwood teintes hêtre Beiztöne Buche

laccati faggio lacquers beechwood laqués hêtre Lackfarben Buche
laccati metallo lacquers metallo laqués métal Lackfarben Metall NCS COLOUR

I colori illustrati nel presente catalogo potrebbero non corrispondere a quelli originali. Per un riscontro del colore accurato contattare l'azienda. The colours shown in this catalogue may not correspond perfectly to the originals. Please contact the company for an accurate indication. Les couleurs pourraient ne pas correspondre aux couleurs originales. Pour contrôler de façon précise la couleur du produit, contacter la société. Die im Katalog abgebildeten Farben könnten von den Originalfarben abweichen. Für eine genaue Farbabstimmung bitten wir, sich mit die firma in Verbindung zu setzen.
Via Madonna di strada, 62
33048 San Giovanni al Natisone
Udine — Italy
P.IVA / C.F. IT01456110301
Capitale Sociale € 2.000.000 i.v.
T. +39 0432 758601
product design
Dario Delpin / Opera Boheme, Opera Aida, Opera Casta, Silla, Soko, Soul, Soul Soft, Suri, Suri Soft, Capua, Carmen, Clara, Corinne, Dea, Dafne, Italia, Milano, Cremona, Robert.
PalmaLab / Miss, Moma, Moma Soft, Lady New, Lady, Woody, Mini, Retrò, Marì, Venezia, Baby, Savoy, Atena, Roma, Arte Povera, Silvana, America, York New, York, Andrea, Rustica, Roby.
MAdeMA studio
photo Matteo Lavazza Seranto
graphic project
Ivan Moreale
Grafiche Manzanesi
February, 2023
Palma S.p.A. ©2023
thanks to Gabi, Daniel, Grup Lemn, CATAS, Ing. Mario Moretti, Edo De Sabbata, Manu
Un pensiero speciale a Nadia e Luciano
Via Madonna di strada, 62
33048 San Giovanni al Natisone
Udine — Italy
T. +39 0432 758601