An ideal project for the whole life (Cr Canals) 3pgs

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An IDEAL for the whole LIFE If you may, I would continue to reflect with you on the same subject. I think the time has come to humbly thank God we, the ties are untied and we are free at last, in the words of the Psalmist. Have loosed the bonds of prejudice, false ideas, we are now convinced that the idea of holiness must break through in our mind and all Christians minds. We started the way: the precious pearl shone before our eyes, the wealth of hidden treasures have gladdened our hearts. However, I have known souls, many souls, who arrived to this point, for one reason or another (the "reasons" and excuses never missing) were unable to go further. A painful experience, is it not true? But fruitful. Souls that they had seen, but closed his eyes and fell asleep: souls that had begun and not are continued, they could to do a lot and did nothing. We need, as you see, go from the idea to the conviction, and the conviction decision. We deeply convinced that holiness is for us that holiness is what the Lord asks us before anything else.: “Only one thing is necessary.” That you never lacks- most solid faith in these divine words: the only loss you can conceive a Christian life-in your life- is the delay in the path that leads to holiness, to withdraw the point the goal. Life and the world is meaningless if it were not for God and for souls. This is not our life's worth living if it was not lit at all times by a lively and loving search for God. Listen: “That serves man to gain the whole world, then if you lose your soul? Why have so many things to think about if you forget the following unique features? Did matters solve our many problems and others, then if we do not resolve the problem more important? What role do our triumphs, our success -our "up" - in life, in society, in the profession, then if shipwrecked on the path of holiness, eternal life? What earnings are and what your business, if you do not win Paradise Business and lose your holiness? ¿A're watching with your study and your science, then if you ignore the meaning of life and are you not known the science of God? What are your pleasure, whether you forever deprive the pleasure of God? If you look real and ardently,

holiness, anything you own; searching for holiness owns everything:!”Look first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the rest will be given in addition” After many specific considerations and present to your life now, for your present condition and the dangers that threaten your soul; considerations reinforce the deep conviction that you have to have respect for the sanctity because it is the only way of temporal and eternal happiness. My Lord and my God! Every decision and firmness of these words of the Apostle Thomas we put it in our stubbornness to seek holiness about anything else. You must be firmly determined to become a saint and go forward at all costs. What a luminous as the example of St. Teresa of Avila! Go your way forward, defying fatigue and distrust and weakness and death "... but I get tired, but you can not, although bursts, although I die." And do not forget that we delay in our way are the difficulties and obstacles they really are: the delay that we bear our lack of decision. “Not that we dare because things are impossible, but things are impossible because they dare”. The lack of choice is the only real obstacle: once up, there is no other or, better overcome with ease. Our "yes" to God is a "yes" and decided with his grace, is increasingly audacious total and undisputed. Lacordaire said that "eloquence is the daughter of passion Give me a man with a passion and will--Add a speaker." Give me a man decided Could it tell me-up, a man who feels the passion of holiness and I will give you a saint. We wish that nobody exceeds holiness. Learn with the help of God, to be men of great desire, to desire holiness with all the strength of our conviction and with every fiber of our heart: sicut cervus Desideri ad fontes aquarum as deer anxiety waters of fresh springs. If you who read these lines, you're young, think of your youth, this youth is the time for generosity: what you use it for? Do you know to be generous? Do you know must bear fruit in an effective and fruitful pursuit of holiness? You know inflamed

yourself with these great ideas ... and convince yourself ... and you decide? But if you have left behind and you have already entered the youth in life, do not worry, because this is the time of God to you; for him all the hours are good, and all calls us (in the third, in a sixth and the Nona) for us would convence, for us to decide and to wish holiness, as the Jesus himself taught us in the parable of the workers in the vineyard. All ages are good, and I repeat that whatever your condition, your current situation and your environment you have to convince yourself and decide what you wish for holiness. Very well know that holiness is extraordinary because of prayer, mortification or penance and unsustainable, and that is not even exclusive to the solitude, distant world. Holiness consists in fulfilling loving and faithful to their own duties in the joy of the humble acceptance of the will of God, in union with the at work every day, knowing fuse religion and life in harmonious fruitful unity, and many other small and ordinary things you know. . This way it seems ... The way is simple and clear. ยกConvince you decide, you want! Explain your effort and your struggle and persevere in love and faith. The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of all Saints, if you ask light and protection, we will support and consolation in the struggle.

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