THE SMALL VIRTUES OF THE HOME Georges Chevrot PRESENTATION Born in Paris on January 8, 1879 and he(she) died in Paris in February, 1958 was a bishop and preacher, tidy priest in 1903 in the missionary diocese of Paris was a priest of the Parish of San Francisco Javier from 1930 to 1958. Emeritus Canon was named in 1933 and prelate of his( holiness in 1939. He was a preacher of the Lent in Notre Dame of Paris in 1938, 1939 and 1940. During the occupation I enlist in the national front for the independence of France. He was elected a member of the Academy of Moral Sciences and Policies of France in 1947. His book: The Small virtues of the Home, it is a concentrate of 14 chats that the author I them prepare to comment in a program of weekly radio of Radio(Radius) On Luxembourg and that as the author says: "... These virtues do not cause a noisy admiration, but when they do not appear, the mutual relations among the men are suspenders, difficult, and even squally, up to the point of ending sometimes, disastrously. " And in another part he says: ".. It is necessary to exercise in the small virtues, without which the big ones are often false and deceitful.. " The author like priest who is, re-dresses every virtue in the touch of his relation in God and his Son Jesus inside the catholic doctrine, all this in the personal thing I support it, but for this occasion hare my review basing only on the virtues from the human point of view and of person to report to my readers that though the exercise of the virtues makes us better Christian and he allows us to be better children of God, also he allows us as persons to grow in the knowledge of us themselves and to improve the relation with the others independently of the of integration philosophy. He will begin then for summarize each of these virtues extracting what I consider to be he gives us more clarity to understand- that it is the virtue and since ithe) develops and hare in every virtue a connection with the area in which I get out of a jam myself laborally. COMITY The first virtue in which Chevrot explains to us in an agreeable way the importance of the forms in the familiar conviviality " the Whole world, be which will be his condition has right to our consideration ..... With your vocabulary and your attitudes smooth the roughnesses that prevent you from expressing the deep feelings of affection that you experience some of others. " This virtue has a very specific application principally in my average and intermediate controls since it refers in much to the "Forms" in the treatment to the others.
� � HUMILITY The humility does not consist of hiding not to do anything, since ih could seem, but in not being proud or to be admired when it has been done very much and very well, virtue most important but difficult to continue thanks to our egoismo and self-esteem that does not subject itself so easily to this way of being. " The good harmony in the home will be surer when each one tries to take pleasure to the others. " This virtue inside my personnel especially in the coordinators and chiefs is not very common for a precedent of lack of leadership, nevertheless I think that it is a very important virtue that it generates in whom the practice a fort felt of acceptance on the part of the persons. GRATITUDE The gratefulness does not go back to the shaded regions of the instinct, but bud of a conscience that the education has illuminated. THANK YOU it is the happy word that ends with a crystalline sonority, is the magic word that introduces in the home the comity, the good order and the serenity. This virtue is most used but little valued by the majority of the persons for my way of work, I think that I must be employed at that takes again such an enormous meaning of the word thank you and not merely as one more greeting. SINCERITY In the antiquity(antique) the sculptors when his(her,your) works had some fault you were refilling with wax the damaged parts and to they were retouching in order that one did not see the difference with the original material, They say that the patrons who were supporting sculptural works were asking for his works them Without Wax, or of an alone piece, this is and Chevron us simplifies it, To say IF when it is IF and Not when it is NOT. Very important virtue in the labor Mede in whom I get out of a jam myself, but that must be worn out together with the virtue of the benevolence on the part of another person, since sometimes the principal reason of the lack of sincerity is the reaction that he causes in another person on having practised it. DISCRETION Not it must be said all the truth, especially if it is a question of the good of the person to whom one speaks, or that it is never necessary to speak without discernment, and the art of discerning that it must be said in every case, as well as the way of expressing it, constitutes the object of the virtue of the discretion. Also it is directed not to want to find out about everything if ihe is not necessary, not only he, is in to speak, but also in to be able to listen only to that one that is for our good and nothing more. Small virtue but that contributes(pays) powerfully to the Peace in the home. Analyzing this virtue I discover sadly that at present the word discretion is synonymous of complicity, especially in terms as infidelity, evil I use of the sex, corruption, etc. It is important to take again that the discretion is to keep silent
about a truth in altars of a better good and not to keep silent about a lie or a dishonest actions. CHRISTMAS (THE HAPPINESS IN THE HOME) This chat that for his content gives us to understand that it was in time of Christmas, allows us to think about the importance of a small but important virtue, THE HAPPINESS OF THE HOME, and refers basically and to celebrate the navidad so that the members of the family we are full of Jesus' happiness and it does healthy and happy homes in the middle of a world that already he began to think about Father Christmas and to promote the consumerism. This virtue will be the one that generates the conversation on virtues with the members of my equipment of work since it is a goal of the human being to know the truth and to do the good with the unique purpose of BEING HAPPY and the happiness in the home and in the work it being a sample of what will be the life once come his fullness. HOPE Waiting is alone to have safety in the tomorrow; it is to have confidence in today; not confidence in the unforeseen events, but in God who directs them and who loves us. Virtue through that it invites us to live with intensity the Today, bastee to every day his own( zeal, on having cultivated the virtue of the hope we will be liberated of all the dreads. Virtue of general application and that leads us to improving substantially the labor climate THE GOOD HUMOR The good humor appears of a pure conscience and of a generous heart. Lack to develop it with the aid of a continuous exercise. Chevron invites us to look at the good side of the things and the beautiful aspects of the persons. Now then, one must not confuse the good humor with the obsession to joke to every step. It is demonstrated better withh a smile than with bulging guffaws often by force. The smile is always graceful and it is what makes it so agreeable and beneficial. The good humor is the singing in the way, which makes forget the weariness; it breaks the monotony and wakes the animation up. This virtue is a complement of that of the happiness but from the point of view of what corresponds to me in individuality for the achievement of the happiness. BENEVOLENCE Little known virtue but of the most beautiful for his meaning, it consists of judging first the neighbor with feelings impregnated with quality, of not wanting to diminish his merits, of being glad sincerely for his virtues and his successes, stil in his btained victories where we had failed. The benevolence makes us be ready to grant to the others our favorable prejudice. The benevolent one is not an intruder, this one simpleto the service of which he needs from him. DILIGENCIA This virtue I think it(she) must be practised primeramente for whom it(he,she) holds a position of leadership on other persons to generate a climate of confidence and opening that allows the easy development of other virtues as the sincerity,
humility, etc. ECONOMY This virtue consists according to Chevron in: to try that nothing gets lost and in extracting in every thing the best possible game, this virtue, as the same Chevrรณn explains it neither is fought the virtue of the Generosity nor counter comes, so inclusive to be generous, one has to develop the virtue of the economy first. For what must get confused neither with stinginess nor with greed. Virtue of application in the area where I work since they handle the majority of the material resources of the institution that are to the service of those who less have and that must be used of the better possible way for his better impact. PUNCTUALITY The exactitudes the comity of the kings, the word exact is the translation of a Latin participle that it means ended, or better still executed. And this is applied to the punctual man, since he is punctual the one who fulfils exactly what has to. The lack of punctuality supposes a lack of charity and of justice towards our neighbor. The lack of punctuality supposes a great DILIGENCE Diligence is synonymous of rapidity, nevertheless, this curious word makes other senses: not only express readiness, but also attention, happy activity: it stems from the Latin, of a verb that It means To love. Of everything which proves that, the virtue of the diligence consists of estimating the work, of executing it with spirit, happy and the possible better thing. In conclusion of this value we can say that: Happy those who can go to the eternal rest with the tranquility of having expired, and fulfilled good, the work of his life. Virtue little understood among the personnel of base and control of my direction since now the work is marked by the salary and a set of regulations and not by his sense of growth and personal valuation. This virtue is of priority promotion for his development PATIENCE The virtue of the patience is the one that allows us to support the diseases, to confront the obstacles, to take to term a difficult work and therefore to need long and costly efforts, patient being is to preserve the domain on yes same, mas nevertheless it does not mean to keep silent before an injustice so(then,since) about serious cowardice and apathy and it nothing has to see with the patience. This virtue is what in modern times we know for pro activity, this is, to give a space of reflection always among the action and the reaction of any situation.
PERSEVERANCE With this virtue Chevron finishes his( chats with this virtue that his own name is a witness that in common language is named a perseverance, this virtue is the one that makes possible the development of all the previous ones. When the tenacity is exercised about the mistake or the evil, it is called an obstinacy only can be called a perseverance from the moment in which his object
is the good. The perseverance and the patience generally go together if the success wants to be obtained in the works that are realized or for the development of the exposed virtues previously. The man you must not yield to the weariness that any world experiences to progress in the virtue. And to finish this review, I would like to do it with the same Chevron's words when he writes: God can do with us infinitely more for than we ask him(her) and of what we themselves can imagine, begin again every day with the look put in Jesus, our model and our aid. It(he,she) was rewarding the one that has persevered until the end. CONCLUSION These Chevrot's wireless Chats have caused many worry firstly because the language of the explanation is very simple and of direct application to the families and because of it it looks like to me an excellent text of personal application, but, thinking in how to be able to apply the learned on the virtues in my work and especially how to educate in the virtues being these forms of life, habits, actions that are obtained by the effort of every day, since it is more a challenge still. Thinking about it I think that not only a course of values is important as the one that already exists in the institution in which I get out of a jam myself, and that every month assembles the workers to chat on a virtue especially, believe rather that will begin for detecting in my subordinates which are the virtues that more have developed and to ask them to analyze to his personnel from this perspective, it was generating another way of evaluating the labor and personal situations Nowadays I have to my post 130 persons, the majority of they of low economic resources and of low professional preparation in studies, but worker of many years and support of his family in most cases, for what seems to me to be important to speak and especially with the example to communicate the importance of educating ourselves in virtues to be able to develop the potential that as human beings we have. Philip Cabral
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