Firms iin the faith (fz carvajal)

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ferm IN THE FAITH (Fz Carvajal) The warehouse(deposit) of the faith. An exchequer that there receives every generation of hands of the church, who guards it faithfully with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and exposes it with authority. To avoid everything what commits an outrage against the virtue of the faith. - prudence in the readings. The Gentleman says to us in the Gospel that He(It) does not come to destroy the Antigua Law, but to give him(her) his(her,your) fullness; it(he,she) restores, perfects and raises to a higher order the rules of the Former Testament. Jesus' doctrine has an everlasting value for the men of all the times and there is " source(fountain) of all truth salvadora and of any policy " (Dei Verbum, 7.-3). It is an exchequer that every generation receives of hands of the Church, who guards it faithfully with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and exposes it with authority. " On having stuck fast to the faith that the Church proposes us, we put in direct communication with the Apostles (...); And by means of them, with Jesus Christ, our first and only(unique) Teacher; we come to his(her,your) school, annul the distance of the centuries that separate us from them " (Paul VI, 1967). Thanks to this alive(vivacious) Teaching, we can say - in certain way - that the entire world has received his(her,your) doctrine and has turned into Galilee: all the land is Jericho and Cafarnaún, the humanity is to the shore of Genesaret's lake (P. RODRIGUEZ, Faith and life of faith,). The faithful guard(keeper) of the truths of the faith is a requirement for the salvation of the men. What another truth can it(he,she) save if it is not true of Christ? What " new truth " can have interest - though it(she) was that of the most wise of the men - if it(he,she) moves away from the education of the Teacher? The one who will dare to interpret to his(her,your) taste, to change or accommodate the divine Word? Because of it, the Gentleman warns us today: The one that breaks the alone one of these orders, even of the smallest, and teach the men to do the same thing, it(he) will be the smallest in the kingdom of the Skies. San Paul was exhorting hereby Timoteo: He(She) guards the warehouse(deposit) to trusting you, avoiding the impious pretenses and the contradictions of the false science that some of they of them practise(teach), getting lost of the faith (1 Tim 6, 20). With this expression - warehouse(deposit) - the Church continues designating to the set of truths that it(he,she) received of the same Christ and that it(he,she) has to preserve until the end of the times.

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The truth of the faith " does not change with the time, does not get worn out across the history; it(he,she) will be able to admit, and even demand, a pedagogic and pastoral own(proper) vitality of the language, and describe this way a line of development, with such that, according to the conocidísima San Vicente's traditional judgment of Lérins " what everywhere, what always, what for all " has believed itself, it must be kept like forming a part of the

warehouse(deposit) of the faith (...). This dogmatic firmness defends the authentic heritage(holdings) of the catholic religion. The Creed does not change, does not age, does not fall apart " (Paul VI, 1976). It is the firm column in which we cannot yield, not at least(even) in the small thing, though by temperament we are inclined to transigir: " You cannot stand to hurt, to create divisions, to demonstrate intolerances ..., and you go transigiendo in positions(attitudes) and points - they are not serious, you assure me!-, that bring pernicious consequences for so many people. He(she) excuses my sincerity: with this way of acting, you fall down in the intolerance - that so much you cannot stand - more stupid and harmful: her(it) of preventing that the truth is proclaimed " (I Furrow, 600). And to announce the truth is frequently the major good that we can do to whom they us make a detour. The Christian liberated of any tyranny of the sin, feels stimulated by Christ's New Law to behave before his(her,your) Father God as his(your) son. The moral procedure are not mere warning signs at the time of the limits of the allowed or prohibited, but manifestations of the way that leads God; manifestations of love. We must know good this set of truths and of rules that constitute the warehouse(deposit) of the faith, since it is the exchequer that the Gentleman, across the Church, delivers us in order that we could reach the salvation. This wealth(richness) of truths is protected specially by the piety (prayer(sentence) and sacraments), with a serious doctrinal formation(training) adapted to the persons, and also exercising the prudence in the readings. The whole world considers to be reasonable, for example, in a chair of physics or of biology, that recommend to him(you,them) certain texts, the study is dissuaded of others and declare itself(himself,herself) useless and even harmful the reading of a publication makes concrete for the one who indeed is interested in acquiring a serious scientific information. On the other hand, there are not absent those who astonish that the Church reaffirms his(her,your) doctrine on the need to avoid those readings that are harmful for the faith or the morality, and exercise his(her,your) right and his(her,your) duty to examine, to judge and, in extreme cases, to reprove(blame) the opposite books wing religious truth (C. Canon law, Canonical, cรกn 822-832) .-). The root of this groundless amazement might think in a certain deformation of the sense of the truth, that it(he,she) would admit a teaching only into the scientific field, whereas he(she) thinks that in the area of the religious truths only it is necessary to give more or less founded opinions. On having intensified(stimulated) in our prayer(sentence) the loyalty to the warehouse(deposit) of the revelation, we remember at the same time as even the natural law, which the Gentleman has written in our hearts, stimulates us from to value inside the gifts of the Sky and, in consequence, " it(he,she) forces to avoid in the possible thing everything what commits an outrage against the virtue of the faith " (Mausbach and G. Ermaecke, Moral Catholic Theology,), since he(she) asks us, for example, to preserve the physical life; for it, " to put voluntarily in danger the faith with pernicious readings without a motive that justifies it, it would be a sin though at present one does not incur an ecclesiastic any sorrow(sentence) " After a long experience in pagan authors coexisted and to study or desconocedores of the faith, San Basilio was recommending: " You have to follow(continue), so, to the detail the example of the bees. Because these

neither stop in any flower they do not even strain for removing quite of the flowers in those who put his(her,your) flight, but as soon as they have taken the suitable thing for his(her,your) attempt, they leave the rest alone. Also we, if we are prudent, extracting from these authors what is convenient(agrees) for us and more it(he,she) looks like the truth, will leave the remaining thing. And in the same way as on having taken(caught) the flower of the rose-bush we avoid the thorns(bones), like that on having tried to extract the major possible fruit of such writings, we will have care with what it(he,she) could harm the interests of the soul " (S. Basilio, How to read pagan literature,). The prudence in the readings is a manifestation of loyalty to the educations of Jesus Christ; the faith is our major exchequer, and for nothing of the world we can expose ourselves to losing it or to spoiling it. Nothing costs(is worth) a sorrow(sentence) in comparison of the faith. We must guard over us themselves and over all, but in a particular way over those that somehow the Gentleman has entrusted us: children, pupils, brothers, friends... Happy alive irreproachable the one that walks in the will of the Gentleman; happy the fact that guarding his(her,your) rules it(he,she) looks for it of any heart (Go out 118,), Psalm intensifies(stimulates) our disposition(regulation) to follow(continue) faithfully Jesus Christ. Between(among) the particularly delicate occasions that can put in danger the integrity of the faith, the Church has indicated always the reading book that they attempt directly or indirectly against the religious truths and against the good customs, since the history testifies with evidence that, even with all the conditions of piety and of doctrine, is not rare(strange) that the Christian is left to seduce on the part or appearance indeed that exists always in all the mistakes (Pio XI,-Deus scienciarius). Show me, Gentleman, the way of your laws (...). Teach me to fulfill your will, say we to Jesus with words of the Psalm responsorial (Go out 118, 34). And He(It), across a formed(trained) conscience, will move us to be humble, to realize a prudent selection and to look for an advice with guarantees if we have to study scientific, humanistic, literary questions, etc., in that our thought could inficcionarse. Remaining together with Christ, valuing very much the faith, we will walk without false complexes, with naturalness, without the superficial zeal of " being a day ", since many intellectual Christians have behaved always: professors, teachers, investigators(researchers), etc. If we are humble and prudent, if we have "common sense", we will not be " as those who take the poison mixed with honey " (SAN BASILIO, loc. cit.)). Public inspectors to the education of the Gospel and of the Teaching of the Church, we need a formation(training) that allows us to estimate all that of valid can be in the diverse manifestations of the culture - since the Christian must be opened always everything what is really positive-, simultaneously that we detect what is opposite to a Christian vision of the life. Let's ask for this discernment the Holiest Virgin, Seat of the Wisdom, in the study, in the readings and in the whole area of the ideas and of the culture. Pidรกmosle also that it(he,she) teaches us to value and to loving always more the exchequer of our faith.

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